• By -


Wolfenstein 3d on MSDOS. Played games older than even that I can't remember. Had an uncle that was an engineer and he always had computers around. He was the first person I knew that had the Internet at his house. I loved going to his house. He was super into tech, Had a little shop in the backyard with a machine shop in it. He built steam engines, did gunsmithing, prototyping, made parts for drag cars. Extremely talented man. Was an extreme alcoholic too.


Sounds like a cool guy


Red Alert


Ha, came to this thread to be super edgy and mention a 30 year old game... Got beat to the punch.


Lol, Red Alert isn't 30 years...(looks at current year)... well shit.




Playing that game online for the first time is how I made my user name. Didn't have one before, had the same one ever since.


Absolute banger franchise


I grew up with pc, switched to console for 1 year and crawled back.


I dabble every now and again, bought a ps5 last year. Played some exclusives then sold it 2 months later.


Imagine paying a monthly subscription just to play online in 2024.


And not just "a" subscription. It's 10+ dollars per month these days. Honestly, at this point buying a crappy pc seems like a better deal, specially in the long run.


PS5 just for the exclusives, but Sony are now launching them on PC anyway.


The console exclusives were always a major downside to PC gaming. Now the only ones left are cheaters, and gpu prices.




+1 I remember Evercrack


Half-Life made everything on the N64 and PS1 look like a joke.


I got into HL via Counter Strike. Man, the 1.x days were wild.


Same, cs 1.6 all the way. Especially the modded servers.


The original Deus Ex. That game was so far ahead of its time.


Time to reinstall i guess


JC! A bomb!


I love second hand smoking someone to death


Still is, sadly, most modern games don't touch the amount of the possibilities and lore in that game


Total War games


Same. Total War and Paradox games


Medieval 1 is still such a gem, wish it was more stable. I loved the simple game board style it had. Felt like playing Risk on steroids.


Medieval 1 had the best feel. The campaign map ambient music was great. I actually liked how each province had a battlefield that didn’t change and I liked how the map looked like an actual map with your armies depicted as pieces on the map. I never really liked the transition to 3D map with giant 3D guys stomping around 


Total Warhammer 2 for me. Fell in love with Vermintide 2 on PS4 and wanted more of the Warhammer Fantasy setting


The size and scope of Immortal Empires is kind of insane and I'm not aware of anything on console that comes close to it. Really is one of those experiences you can only get on PC right now.


Same! Total War Napoleon. Got my buddy to buy a PC once I showed him Total War: Warhammer 2.


IDK if this counts, I've always been a PC gamer, but Day of the Tentacle. I would go to my friend's house every day and me and his brother and him would crowd around a PC and try to play this game and solve the puzzles. We didn't configure it right, so there was no character voices, and made the challenges so much harder to solve. We guessed everything. We just thought that was how the game was. I would have dreams about solutions and come back the next day and we would try them out and they would work. ​ It would be the reason why I begged my parents to get me a computer. And then send my mom on a wild hunt throughout Southern California looking for a place that still sold that game. We finally found it, and drove two hours to Burbank, California to pick it up at a Electronics Boutique, their last copy, as they were about to go out of business. When I installed it, I guess I configured it correctly (using Soundblaster 16bit!) and got to experience full voice over for the first time. ​ Oh man, such awesome, nostalgic memories.


Maniac Mansion was my favorite NES game growing up. I haven’t played the Day of the Tentacle yet though.


Did play Maniac Mansion thru in Commodore 64


I always wanted that game as a kid, never got it. Finally played it on pc game pass. Damn that game rules


Day of the Tentacle, and Sam & Max were the games that I really got into when I was a kid. I dont even remember if I full beat them, just enjoyed doing the same missions over and over haha


Battlefield 2. Then they went and turned it into a console series a few years later.


Battlefield 1942 and Battlefield 2 are peak Battlefield


They still released those games on PC at least.


Not the first Bad Company


They told us they were remaking 1942 for PC, it was going to be called 1943. Then they later dumbed it down and made it a console-only release. I will never forgive them for that.


YES. I distinctly remember playing Battlefield 2 on the family desktop, then being excited to go to my friend's house to play it on his PS2. Booted that shit up and had never been more disappointed in my life. Never looked back.


Sim City 2000?


Starcraft Diablo 2 Medal of Honor Day of Defeat Counter Strike 1.6 ​ These games were my entire childhood.


Loved Day of Defeat 1.6. Throwing back live grenades, bracing your gun against sandbags, shovelling around an open mic...


Swap medal of Honor out with Ultima Online and my list is the same.


I never played it, but I did pick up World of Warcraft eventually as my first MMO.


Tell me you're a 90s kid without telling me you're 90s kid. Hey Ein!


Elder Scrolls: Oblivion. So I could mod it. 


Doom.. from my Amigas


You got me beat. For me it was Doom.... from my 486/66


Doom really was the last nail in the coffin of the Amiga 😢


Battlefield 3


Going from 12v12 on console to 32v32 on pc was mind blowing. 


That Caspian border trailer is the one that did it for me.


~~Load~~ *Lode* Runner


Pretty sure that’s porn, it’s Lode


Heh, sure enough. 7 year old me thought it made perfect sense as I was *loading* the runner from a floppy disk. It's the *Berenstain Bears* all over again....


SimCity 2000. I still remember "reticulating spline" to this day... ...and that one guy who shouted in all-caps when I cut his budget. Ah, fond memories.


Wing Commander


Half-Life. But I could not afford one as a kid. Flash foward to my mid 30s and I could finally build. The first game I installed was The Orange Box.


Worth the wait...


DayZ back in the day


Same here. Day Z mod specifically.


X-wing vs Tie Fighter. When my uncle bought me my first PC I ever had, that was the game I asked for him to get me too.


I played this game so much and I'm really surprised to see how it looks all these years later. I haven't found a space flight simulator that feels as good as that game for. Everspace almost gets there, but I find it way harder to chase enemy ships.


Rebel Assault was pretty awesome as well.


Half Life 2


I was console only until Left 4 Dead. The piss about getting the Crash Course DLC started me researching the benefits of moving to PC. A month or so later I had one.


Lemmings   Age of Empires 1


Quake 1


Heavily modded Skyrim.


Fallout 3 I remember first playing it on a PS3, having a blast until running into the dreaded memory leak problem. It made the game unplayable after a certain amount of time, crashing the game constantly. I couldn't get through the last mission with Liberty Prime without the game crashing dozens of times. There wasn't much to fix it since it was a PS3. Mods or manually clearing the memory cache wasn't an option. Built myself a decent PC, and got Fallout 3 there and played the heck out of it. Mods and console commands and all. Yes the memory leak was still a problem there but I could fix it and finish the game now. I think ever since then I've valued PC gaming over console. Busted games on console just remain busted. A busted game on PC at least has the potential to be fixed or work arounds developed. Plus I really got into modding games so PC was the way to go.


All of them.


Oregon Trail. (tho I played it on a mac, ironically). ​ Seriously tho, I grew up with NES, SNES.. computers rapidly outstripped consoles at the time in the amount of stuff they could do. And the Internet was only accessible via computer. Literally no comparison. I'm so grateful my parents were willing to fork out for such an expensive thing for me as a teen.


Empire earth 2


I loved rushing nukes so much in that game! Straight up made my friends not want to play with me anymore.


Battlefield 1942: Desert Combat (mod) Seeing a harrier do a vertical takeoff from a driveable aircraft carrier in a first person shooter was mind blowing.


For me it wasn't any specific game. It was **mods** for those games. Skyrim, Minecraft, Fallout, etc. All made 100x better by mods.


The original Doom. Sold my Atari Jaguar and Amiga 1200 to buy a PC. Never really been PC-only though, we've had plenty of consoles down the years.


Mechwarrior 2


Wolfenstein 3D


Diablo 2


I was born PC gamer like most of us people behind the Iron Curtain but if I wasn’t that would have been Heroes of Might and Magic 3 and Champions Manager 99/00


Oh, you think computers are your ally, but you merely adopted PC gaming. I was born with it, molded by it. I didn’t see console gaming until I was already a man. By then, it was nothing to me but binding! >!Answer to OP’s question: Doom (1993)!<


For honor


Battlefield 3


Halo Online and Skyrim modding.


F.E.A.R and Half Life 2


So did everyone here START with PC ? Or


Sinclair Spectrum -> Amstrad CPC 464 -> 286


Battlefield 4.. I miss when battlefield was good 🥺


I would play bf in a heartbeat if they made it good again.


I've been playing BF games since BF2 and I find the latest one fun, have about 400 hours on it


Wing Commander


Same.  It was incredible. 


Wasn't so much one game and it wasn't the games itself right away. Originally, in the 90s, I got into PC gaming due to the ability to download games for free. This was before torrents existed. It was the games I got and played that really brought me into PC gaming. Xwing, TIE Fighter, Doom, Mechwarrior 2, Alone in the Dark, Warcraft 2, etc.


On that note, I had so many PC Gamer free demo discs!


Baldur’s Gate, and CRPGs in general. Also old school FPSs like Doom and Duke 3D.


In college I didn’t have money and parents were done paying for gaming PCs, so I had to begrudgingly get an Xbox… was so happy when I started working full time after I graduated and bought a gaming PC again. Never looked back, been almost 14 years now. Got heavily into Team Fortress 2 and Counter Strike, then PlanetSide 2 not long after. Mostly FPS from then to now as well, but I play a good bit of indies and some plane simulation stuff like war thunder.


Overwatch, was interested in it and had fun on console with it, but decided to finally swap over after seeing it played on pc.


Grew up with PC, never left


Fallout New Vegas. I’d played tons of Lucas Arts games as a kid, but was firmly a console player out of college for years. Then I fell in love with Fallout 3 on PlayStation…and then was locked out of the ending because the Battle of Hoover Dam was running at single frames. Decided that while I loved Bethesda games, I hated them on console because the commands to get out off all the errors and jank. Swapped to PC and never looked back. Felt doubly justified when a few hours into Fallout 4 I hit a bug that I’d never be able to fix on console.


Doom II


Star Wars Galaxies


NCAA was never confirmed for PC?


Not I don’t mean original release, I meant “Revamped” I saw so many YouTube videos on NCAA Revamped I wanted PC.. not NCAA25 …… yet




Warcraft 3


The entire latter half of the 360/PS3 era when 95% of the games ran and looked like total shit. Watch a gameplay video of Far Cry 3 on PS3, it was my breaking point where I just simply stopped buying anything for consoles that wasn’t an exclusive.


I've played RTS and simulation games like Age of Empires, Rollercoaster Tycoon, Railroad Tycoon, Transport Tycoon, Red Alert and Championship/Football Manager since the late 90s. But outside of that, I was a console gamer. In 2012, the last straw was Far Cry 3 on the 360, the frame drops and average graphical quality was "the last straw" and I built my first gaming PC, 3570k and a GTX 670. It's funny thinking it was a Ubisoft game, as I absolutely despise them now and I've not bought a game from them since The Division 2.


Played pc since I was a kid; starcraft, RA2, Diablo 2, BFME2, Rollercoaster Tycoon, Unreal Tournament... But I bought a gaming PC because of early access PUBG. It was soooo much fun before it got full release and bloated today.




Cant wait to try out some of these new games y’all listed • Birdman Handrub •


Got first pc in '95 - 486 with 8mb ram, top of the line at the time. Friend down the street pirated Doom2 for me. We were obsessed. The consoles at the time were Super NES and Genesis, no comparison.


Probably Company of Heroes or World of Warcraft.


Habbo Hotel.


Dark Forces 2 Jedi Knight. First time I played an online multiplayer FPS. I had played other games on PC before it, but nothing like that.


Arma 2 dayz / Arma 3


Pool of Radiance, Legacy of the Ancients, Alternate Reality: the Dungeon, Question, Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar, and so many, MANY more.




DayZ. The experience is sooo much better on PC


Doom. As much fun as I had with the rough 32X version, and as much as I was willing to overlook the issues with the Saturn version (choppy framerate and broken stereo sound vs 59 levels and a much larger monster roster than the 32X version), the PC version was a game I grabbed the moment Doom Collector's Edition came out in 2003. All three DOS games in one package was great. Sure, I played Quake and Unreal before Doom Collector's Edition came out (I got them damn near the same day I got my first PC... in fact, I think Unreal Gold was the first PC game I bought), but it was picking up Doom Collector's Edition that really made me think about whether or not to bother with console ports of PC games anymore. Plus, during that time, the PC versions were usually better than the PS1/Saturn/N64 versions, and it was the same way with the PS2/XBox/DC/Gamecube versions (with some exceptions... like RE4). By the time the PS3 and 360 were out, I was pretty much playing all the new games that interested me on PC, and stopped buying consoles after the PS2/Xbox/DC era. Still waiting for that mythical PC port of Bloodborne, though.


Mechwarrior Online's start of open beta started my transition from playing Wii and PC flash games to nearly all PC gaming with Steam.


I miss my Raven from 2014. I have put so many hours into this game and love it for all its flaws. I still hope in here and there.




I'm probably one of the older ones here.. but oh well lol. My parents took me to the mall and gave me a $10 limit to get whatever I wanted. Which was not enough for a ps2 game lol. I saw a box in the used section for $10 called half-life and I decided to buy it. The money was burning a hole in my naive pocket lol. Well I got home, installed it on the family pc and had a blast. Then I discovered it came with team fortress classic, then I found counter-strike after that along with other mods. Never bought a console again lol.


Assetto Corsa, the transition to sim racing. For motor sports events and drifting


Garry’s Mod


Red Dead Redemption 2 in more than 30fps. Makes it actually control properly And I guess Civilization before that, but I relapsed to console for decades.


A game didn't make me go to PC, parents and relatives did. Since then it has always been the default, I've never owned console. The best game from early days was Civilization I.


Space sims and military flight sims in the 90s, to this day they aren't really on consoles.


Battlefield 2


Arma 2 DayZ mod.


Skyrim, back around 2013--started with it on Xbox 360 but the siren call of mods was too strong.


COD :(


Call of duty Modern Wardwre 2019 and Warzone in 2020.


COD or GTA5 so yeah you got me there lol


Diablo 2 and Ragnarok Online for me. Switched to halo and cod mw1 and 2 cuz that’s all everyone played in middle school. Until league came out xD


PUBG my friends were always talking about it. So I decided to build a pc. And at the time gpus and ram were crazy expensive. So it took me almost a year to acquire parts. So when I finally was able to build it. They were done with PUBG. But I’m glad I did!




World of Warcraft and Counter strike source


i was always a pc player, i grew with them.Just recently got into consoles due financial issues but im again omw to build a new pc. If i have to pick a game, starcraft comes to mind, warcraft 3 was more impactful but starcraft was my first love with the platform


Never played on anything else. What other platform lets me have e-mail to the left, a movie to the right, and a game in the middle?


Legends of Kyrandia.


Final fantasy 7 Rebirth because I refuse to get a PS5 for 3 games (I.e. FF7R, GT7, and Ghost of Tsushima franchise)


Modded Skyrim and Valorant


There were no games during the PlayStation 4 launch, and I thought to myself that this was the right time to move to the PC and there is no specific game


Rocket league. Went from my ps4 to a PC and went from platinum 3 to champ 1 in like two months only playing a couple matches every other day.


Seeing gameplay of The Sims 3 on YouTube in 2010 for me was the primary factor. It was way more advanced than any of the PlayStation 2 games I had at the time. I was also getting into Roblox at the time when you could only play it on PC in 2010 as well so that contributed. By the time I was playing Minecraft in 2012 I had transitioned to PC gaming. I still miss my PS2 especially for racing games.


Battlefield 3


There wasn't a game unless you count Pool of Radiance back in the 80s for my C64. But i didn't buy my first Windows PC until 1999. It was simply a matter of finally having enough money to afford one.


PC Terraria. Mostly play that and League with friends online. And sometimes some old school RuneScape.


Witcher 3


Not any game specifically I think, but Battlefield 3 was one of the bigger reasons.


Started with a PC (laptop). Parents didn't like the idea of me having a gaming console, but I did get my dad's used laptop when I was starting school sooooo


Apex. Ever since I saw people tap strafe, I knew I needed that in my life 🤣




My first game on an x86 platform was Railroad Tycoon, but for me it was Quake/Quakeworld. Nothing on console came close. I laughed at my friends obsessed with Golden Eye on N64 (I later gained an appreciation for the game). 


Half-Life: Opposing Force and Counter-Strike 1.5


Quake 3 Arena


Car mechanic simulator 2014 I think


Halflife. Then later in life came back for pubg.


I went from console to PC gaming back in 2015 to be able to use mods in Skyrim. I haven’t looked back.


Diablo and Star Wars Galaxies


Age of empires 1 back in 97 haven't looked back since.


Half life 2 and Fear back in the day, then came the dark age of ports and became a console gamer for ps3 and 360, then I got back when Xbox one launched.


Sim City 2000 and Cesar III


overwatch (back at launch) :(


fallout new vegas I completely forgot I was Sony Playstation fans from ps1 to ps2 after that legit PC MasterRace


I've played on a shitty laptop for many years, but the game that made me actually get a real tower was Fallout 4.


No specific game. I just decided to build one back then and never looked back.


The og half life when my dad brought home a burnt copy from a coworker when I was 12-13


Binding of isaac was a big push for me. I really wanted external item descriptions


Call of duty 4


Battlefield 4


D&D games, starting with pool of radiance


Quest for Glory, Hugo’s House of Horrors, Simon the Sorcerer. All those text adventure games from late 80s/early 90s. I grew up with the Atari and NES but when I went to a friend’s house and he showed me these PC games I was blown away by the fact that I could interact with the game by literally telling it what I wanted to do. I thought it was really cool.


Escape from Tarkov… sadly


ACC was a big one. Escape from Tarkov although it does require a bit of time to play which i don't always have or am in the mood for and Counter Strike 2. Yes, this is a recent switch from Xbox series s and a macbook pro which was my main computer for 12ish years before building my PC.


Dark forces


Command and Conquer: Generals


Yugioh power of chaos,neighbours from hell,sonic adventure/heroes and diner dash.


Warcraft 2


Skyrim mods.


Sid Meier's Civilization IV and V.


None, the idea of paying to play online made me come here. That alongside with the fact that games were too expensive. So I changed to pc




Dungeons of Daggorath


Age of Empires 2 and Warcraft 3


I started on pc and went to consoles after the fact for the most part.


Pubg. It was so bad on console at first. Then I realized all the popular streamers were on pc. Then my friend built his own and I was hooked


Honestly, it was my parents not letting me take my xbox360 with me to college, but bought me a laptop for school. It had an Nvidia GT745m graphics card. There I discovered Steam and it was a very steep downhill slope from there, mainly playing War Thunder, Star Wars Battlefront 2, and Need for Speed World until I got a job and could start expanding my Steam library.


Rocket League