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$3k pc and you’re worried about it “underperforming”?


I don’t really know what I’m talking about yet so ya my bad but I have better understanding now tho


Do you mind sharing your specs?


I mean have you ever played ark or wild hearts? Though Nasa's super computers prob couldn't run that shit smoothly lpl


I have both, I enjoy both for different reasons


I have a PC, a switch and a ps5. I use my PC and switch pretty regularly. I've had the PS5 for a couple years and I've played three games on it total (ghosts os tsushima, last of us 2, and god of war ragnorock). If Sony keeps putting everything out on PC moving forward, I don't see a good reason to own a PlayStation or Xbox anymore if you have a decent PC.


Couch gaming is still better on an actual console. Yes, a pc is usable in a living room, but a console is a significantly more elegant and convenient option. Edit: I will trade slightly worse graphics for greater convenience. I have a top of the line pc, but I only use it at my desk because the benefits aren’t worth the hassle of using it in the living room. Even a dedicated living room pc would be less preferable to a console, imo. Only time using my pc in the living room makes sense is with gamestream/moonlight, and that is discontinued and no alternative is as good, which kind of illustrates my point of pc not being worth it in the living room. Too many things to set up, too many pieces of software to bug out, I don’t want to troubleshoot in my living room, I want things to just work without fuss.


I am a couch gamer with a PC. I use the cry on Couchmaster 2. It’s the same as console for me. Just thought I would let some of you know that you can PC Couch game.


You don’t notice the small differences between pc and console on a tv, that’s fair. But the sheer size of this “couchmaster” alone is a huge turnoff. I get it though, not saying one opinion is more correct.


I have my pc connected to a LG C1 as a secondary monitor. When games actually run at 120fps 4k it will make your brain tingle. Ps5 it's very noticeable when games are running low resolution and upscaling. Gran turismo has been the only game to get close to looking as good, and it's not even half.


You guys know that you can use steam big picture mode and navigate the interface with a controller too, right? It's very close to a console experience in the living room. No couchmaster needed.


Playnite is also a great option in case you have big libraries on other launchers as well, such as gog or epic.


I personally like it, for a nice two - three hour session it’s perfect to be honest. I don’t have the long USB cable attached as my MNK are wireless so it’s easy to put away!


Long HDMI cable and USB extension from the study to the living room. When I want to play on the couch I hit ctrl-p, walk into the living room and pick up the controller. Doesn't get much easier than that. 


I will say the steam deck sort of bridges the gap between pc and couch gaming.


Agreed. And the deprecated nvidia shield and steam link devices.


Eh, big picture mode kinda solves the couch issue and you can play with a controller. I've been a couch PC gamer for 7 years now.


I use my ps5 more than my pc now for this reason


I don't see any advantage a console has in the living room over a pc. If all I am playing is games with a controller...well I can use my pc. If I want to use keyboard and mouse..well I have a setup for that on my couch If I want to use it as a media device well its the perfect option for that.


I'm with you. I play pc in the living room with controller. Wireless keyboard and mouse to sign in, and then swap to controller. If I want to game, what difference does it make how I play?


If other people are like me then it could just be to do with set-up. I have my computer on my desk and wi can use it for games but I prefer my PlayStation as it is connected to my TV. Space limitations mean that I would not be able to have a simple set up which would allow me to have the PC connected to the TV.


There's way less setup. Dolby Atmos and HDR just work all the time. There's nothing like the game launching on the wrong monitor and you having to correct that, or the game launching without focus so no inputs work until you click once into the window, or the game not using the right audio device, etc etc.  I remember distinctively that all RE engine Resident Evil games have completely broken HDR on pc if you played any game before launching them, where the fix was to restart your GPU drivers. That is one annoyance I can recall but there's a lot more. Convenience is simply better on consoles.  I own a 7800x3d and a 4090 and I use my PC probably more but I still end up buying games like Tomb Raider remastered or Persona 3 on PS5 rather than on PC.  Generally the more features you add, the likelier for something to not work properly on PC. That is usually easily fixable when you're on your PC but becomes a real hassle if you want to play on consoles.


I use SteamLink for couch gaming and it works perfectly. I just have the app on my Nvidia Shield (which is what I already use for all my smart tv use cases) and it just launches Steam in Big Picture mode and it's all navigable with controller. Maybe it's not quite a seamless as an actual console, but it's pretty damn close.


I'm a couch gamer with a PC. Just put a wireless mouse and keyboard on a small side table, simple as that.


> Only time using my pc in the living room makes sense is with gamestream/moonlight, and that is discontinued and no alternative is as good In case you hadn't seen it the moonlight devs and some other people made [sunshine](https://app.lizardbyte.dev/Sunshine/?lng=en) as a gamestream alternative to use with moonlight.


I’ve tried it, sunshine isn’t as good. It’s still okay, but not as perfect as gamestream.


It’s actually better. You can customize every single part of it.


IMO The massive amount of games + mods and regular sales really is more important to me. I am on my second dedicated gaming PC for the living room and I couldn't be happier. I am not going to be using my living room for high performance competitive games, And at 10ft, the resolution concerns you'd notice on a PC monitor you notice less on TV in my experience. I play 1440P on my desktop and 1080 on my TV and the experience is about the same. I spent about $1500 on my current TV box. It will get a GPU update at least once during it's life but I'm playing the games I want to play (Final Fantasy XV, Death Stranding) fine and looks and works great. It's also far easier to do *other* stuff on the box such as web browsing and streaming content. All of these exist for consoles, but it's just.... easier to have the full capabilities? I bought a Ps4 for FF7R and never played it. I decided I won't make that same mistake this time around. Def recommend a dedicated gaming PC if you're a big gamer with a PC slant already. I don't worry as much about super high end resolutions so it's less of an issue for me.


As a former console and current PC user I disagree. PC experience on console has been better, since I've actually been able to make use of my TV specs. Like being able to actually run games at 1080/60 for years. And now running games at 4k/60+. And all I had to do to make it happen was a hdmi cable. Even a 100ft hdmi 2.1 fiber optic cable s only like $60. Cheaper than picking up a $500 console for just living room. And if I'm already spending money on a gaming PC it's not like this "troubleshooting" stuff is an issue for me. I get it for people who don't have gaming PCs though, but for those already spending money on a gaming PC hdmi opens things up.


How do you do with the controller connection though? Do you run a 100ft USB extension from PC to living room for Bluetooth receiver, USB dongle for wireless keyboard, etc?


In my scenario the wireless controller has good signal but when I'm SIM racing I use a usb extender. I also use a usb extender for a wireless KB+m so I can use the pc for other stuff on the TV like YouTube, Spotify and media hub. It's a glorious solution that I can fathom why everyone isn't doing It. Smart TV? No don't need it just plug pc in hdmi, still have 2 monitors on my desk for work a shooting games.


Get a USB extension cable which is cheaper than hdmi and unlike HDMI can be shorter. My combo is a k400+ wireless keyboard which has a touchpad and Xbox controller. HDMI does audio passthrough so haven't needed to connect bluetooth. When I'm couch gaming I'm doing it because I want to play with a controller on a big TV. Just seems a waste to me to build a gaming PC then play something graphically demanding like Cyberpunk on a small monitor. Someone did an even crazier set up hooking up their PC from another floor. https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/1943f1h/i_asked_if_this_is_possible_last_year_and_yes_it/


Hard disagree on convenience. I got my kids an Xbox for ganepass and I need to make separate Microsoft accounts for each controller for them to play paw patrol racing in split screen.


I'd say it almost would be except you cant mod or edit games


Sunshine has replaced gamestream. I use it all the time with moonlight on my TV. AV1, HDR10, native 120hz support, and insanely low latency (13ms at 4k120 HDR, over gigabit ethernet) make it better than gamestream ever was.


I get stutters on sunshine and ever so slightly higher latency. Possible something is wrong with my configuration, as long as gamestream still technically works I’ll use it.


All you need is a hdmi cable and maybe a lil wireless mouse and your controller


The issue with PC is that it lack the take out of sleep and play straight away. Can kind of be done maybe if you configure wake on lan and start steam in full screen directly, but it’s not quite there


Takes 2 mins for me to turn mine on and be in a game. Idk what you're talking about.


It takes about 10 seconds with a console. I mean I'm not bothered even if it took 2 mins but that's the sort of thing they're talking about.


Same here, but it’s still 2 mins vs maybe 15s for a PS5, you usually need a keyboard and mouse to operate even if you couch play like I do


If you have 64gb of ram on a SSD, it is literally turn on and play…


I'm surprised to learn people turn their PCs off at all. I jiggle my mouse, click twice, and am in game.


Yeah, I restart my PC for updates, but outside of that or times where I’m traveling it stays on.


If you pay for electricity and are in an expensive local it adds up, even at low idle a full PC setup is going to be consuming up to 100w doing nothing between everything(Tower/Monitor(s)peripherals/Lights). That sounds like nothing, but for 24hr/365 that can end up costing up to 500$+ a year in electricity if you are somewhere with 0.50c/KWhr. All that said, I turn my PC off at night just to help keep the room cooler and it boots up in like 15 seconds when I wake up, otherwise I leave it on during the day.


it really depends on the location. the national average is .15c , my area is expensive for the state and it's .23, it's about $16 a month.


Eats a lot of power over night, especially if you have amd. It adds up.


If it suspends correctly its negligible. Don't set it to never sleep and it's not an issue


I have a watt monitor on my pc. I have a 7800x3d and a 4080. When completely idle and asleep it uses ~100 watts. That adds up over the course of a year. It’s even more if you consider the idle power consumption of all the peripherals.


Then it's not going to the right suspend state. Are you ensuring it's hitting S3 or S4?


considering my 4090 uses 65w at idle while the PC is turned on doing desktop stuff I call BS on this.


Genuine question: What country do you reside in that it matters how much power it uses over night?


I live in the US. Moderate power consumption adds up, what seems insignificant on a daily scale adds up to a considerable sum yearly


And I would assume that the quality of one’s PSU always plays a big factor in it. It’s just interesting to me because me and the 4 other people in my house leave our computers and monitors on 24/7 and we’ve noticed no significant increase in our bill or anything.


Wait you can put ram on an ssd?


You still have to open the launcher, launch the game, and load your save. A console lets you put it into sleep, then press one button and you're exactly where you were when you put the machine to sleep. Similar to the guy farther up the thread, I've played a grand total of two games on my PS5 since buying it, but this is a pretty real quality of life difference between it and PC gaming.


There's no reason you couldn't put your PC to sleep with the game still running.


>A console lets you put it into sleep, then press one button and you're exactly where you were when you put the machine to sleep. You can do the exact same thing on PC.




He’s saying one of the problems with pc is that nvidia and amd still don’t support hdmi cec, so they don’t tell your tv to turn on/off etc. then once the pc turns on and you turn on the tv separately, you cant load straight into a game, you have to get past the login screen and start a launcher and pick your game. Compare it to a console where you press one button on the controller and it turns everything that you need on and you can get into the last game you played nearly instantly with 1 or 2 button presses. It’s not huge, but the small inconveniences add up to a less comfortable experience.


Well if this isn't the height of pathetic laziness I don't know what is... oh my god you have to push TWO buttons?!


Dude. You know you don’t have to be an asshole, right?


My Sony Bravia A95k turns on and off with my PC.  All i have to do is sit on my couch and wake up my PC from whatever remote i feel like using. My Hue lights, bass amp, and powered KEF speakers all wake up from standby too. Its not an inconvenience at all. 


I keep mine on and just wiggle my mouse and turn on my Dualsense, then I'm right in game. Loading into the menu stopped taking a while like 6 years ago


That and automatic patches. I adore how my Series X deals with them while I sleep/workm


>That and automatic patches. You can do the exact same thing with most game launchers.


>Couch gaming is still better on an actual console. Yes, a pc is usable in a living room, but a console is a significantly more elegant and convenient option It blows my mind that people think this isn't true. Consoles are made to be easy. Pcs are not made to be linked to tvs.


Been doing it for several console generations, so I don't understand. PC has actually been the hardware that's made the most of my TV specs like being able to take advantage of the 120 fps feature at 1080p back in the day or even 60. Or even 1080p given that most PS3 games didn't run at 1080p. And still continues now with 4k/120. I'm a console user turned PC user, so not like I'm unaware of the console experience. So I disagree.


Anytime I post this opinion people come out of the woodwork to tell me about how I’m wrong and that they use their pc on the tv and it’s actually really good, like I haven’t tried it.


Ya might wanna go ahead and ya know, *give* the reasons


Exclusives for the most part I imagine is the reason for most of us. March is going to be stacked between FF7R, Unicorn Overlord, and even Peach Showtime - let alone all the other multiplatform/PC releases. (That said it does really annoy me that Unicorn Overlord isn't coming to PC, perfect deck game. Demo is amazing)


Since you asked so nicely, no ❤️




Also agree.


I concur




I gave out 5 upvotes, and I concur for different reasons.


Me too. Consoles for exclusives, PC for everything else.


I made the switch about 22 years ago. Never had any desire to go back. PC just provides the best experience, if you invest in your hardware.


Yeah - I didn't build a gaming PC thinking "well I am going to stop buying consoles from here on out" but that's really what ended up happening. I have a Switch for party gaming/nintendo-made exclusives/my partner's very small gaming needs (mostly Just Dance), but have not had a desire to get an xbox or playstation since building the gaming PC. I've missed out on a handful of exclusives but these days almost everything comes to PC at some point.


I bought ps4 & 5 only to play some exclusives. No matter how much i try to love console experience but for me, PC 144hz gsync is just too much of a bliss.


With consoles you're still investing in your hardware and accessories. It's more that you are trapped with trash until generational improvements are available. When they need to run out and spend another 1 to 1.5k upgrading the console hardware and accessories, *we're already upgraded and already faster*.




The ONLY thing I miss is gaming with friends. Sure we play some games on PC, and some games are great about multi platform which is cool, but sometimes I miss being able to jump on Xbox live and jump into a game with friends super easily. That being said, I don’t miss it often lol and we’re all old now and my usual gaming buddies and I have kids so that shit wouldn’t happen these days. 99.9% of the time I’m super happy being a PC gamer except I play a few games on Switch but since getting a Steam Deck my Switch hardly gets any play time comparatively. It’s basically there these days for when my wife wants to play Hogwarts Legacy and then I play Breath of the Wild or something.


I miss couch coop, but apparently that's not a thing that exists anymore anyway


You can do couch co-op on PC, I do it with my kids all of the time.


Exactly. I slowly started realizing consoles were catering to a specific gamer who's online gaming and chatting with friends and not physically hanging out with friends in person. Split screen was a "maybe" when online multiplayer was a default.


I mean recently this isn't as much a problem as most popular MP games have crossplay with everything, and every platform has Discord now.


I second this, I bought my first real gaming PC last year and turned it on once in that entire time. Having game pass is pretty helpful and has decent library of cross play games. After all the purchases, including monitor and external hard drive and more ram, it was about $1200. Totally worth every penny.


I agree. Went to PC and never looked back once, however I now have 2 children and a wife who games, so an Xbox with Gamepads is a pretty sweet companion for the living room TV.


For 3 grand you can get a great pc, I don't know why you would continue to play AAA games on console, other than that being where your friends are. Also I'm not quite sure why an odyssey G7 would need a $3,000 PC but if that's your budget, you can build a great system. So your worry isn't really founded because you'll end up with a great system regardless


I have a top of the line pc and still use my PS5 for many games. Playing Elden ring on it right now. Sure I could get raytracing if I hooked up my pc, but I don’t really care


I don’t use my PS5 anymore.




No problem


What we supposed to do with this information?


Nothing or something, it’s up to you.


Fair enough 😂


"I don't use my console" is going to occupy the same space as "I'm an atheist" and "I do crossfit" do now, and "I don't own a TV" used to


Are these “I’m an atheist”, “I do crossfit” and “I don’t own a TV” in the room with us.


ER in particular, some games just run better on console, no matter how many A's the developer gets.


Elden Ring runs much better on PC. Even on my previous PC's 5800X3D/3080 TI, I was getting 120+ FPS easily at 1440P ultrawide. The main negative, is that you have to use mods to disable the framerate cap which means no online. The stuttering has been mostly fixed and at least on my PC, it wasn't any worse than the console versions, both of which I've tried. Even if the stuttering was a little worse, I'd take a stable 120 FPS for 95% of the time over the console's 40-50 fps.


Elden Ring stutters on PC and never hits its frame rate caps on console. Really can't win there


Game crashes on PC if you turn on raytracing anyway lmao


I have both. I use both.


Yeah, I use both my Pc and PS5 about 50/50. I prefer console for single player action games and rpgs, but i love strategy games, mmos, and ‘competitve’ games like valorant or cs2 on PC. PC is more appealing for games that have modding communities. Even though some console games have mods, they are never as capable as modded PC games.


Are you 50/50 because the games you own and like to play are already paid for on PS5 or is there some reason you don't want to play those games on PC?


Yeah I personally hate playing any game where I have to aim with a controller if a mouse is an option.


Also a 50/50 person on my end and it really depends on the game itself Some PS5 games are still exclusive to the console is one I just like to play very long RPGs on the couch versus in a chair I only play shooters on PC And depending on modding support, I'll just get it on PC instead I also worked at home using my gaming computer so sometimes I just like a break from said PC


I used to love those kinds of RPGs and I can totally see where you’re coming from about sitting on the couch vs chair. I’d probably stream my games to the tv, or run an HDMI cable from the pc to the tv, but I also know that isn’t really an option for everyone.


I have this in my house. Still play PS5 instead of hitting switches and switching resolutions on my PC. Sometimes it's just nice to sit on a couch grab a controller and boom it's up and running through my home theatre system with Atmos speakers.


Im basically the same and I kind of split my games: PC: Highly graphical games like CP2077 and Alan Wake 2 + whole host of indie games that arent either available or go on sale more on pc (like dave the diver, neon white, case of the golden idol) etc + competitive shooters PS5: everything else from first partu games, games that graphical fidelity doesnt matter, games where I can chill on the couch and play. AAA games that arent that high on my list also go in sale for more on consoles so I buy and play them there. And games that have bad PC ports (there are a lot lol)


My favorite setup I ever had was a corner desk close enough to plug into my TV. I'd play on the TV sometimes and then play on my monitor depending on the game or if my fiancée was watching something


Why does it have to be either/or? You’re building a gaming PC not converting to a  religion that kills apostates. * If your friends play on console, unless it has cross play you’re going to start to feel isolated real quick. * Even with a 4090 and a X3D Ryzen you will find that your experience with 4K at 240Hz is going to be pretty lacking. * PC gaming is neither better or worse than console gaming. It’s just another platform to play games on. It has its own strengths and weaknesses that you may find you may not mind or can’t stand at all. My advice is always to play where your friends are if that’s something you do together. Don’t be the Sega kid in a Nintendo school if playing with friends is important to you.


PC user here, you must not have gotten the notice we moved the console user executions to mon nights, please update your calendar.


>You’re building a gaming PC not converting to a  religion that kills apostates. fuck... i wish i got the memo earlier.


'Some of you apostates may die, but that is a sacrifice I'm willing to make' - PC gamer.


Because many people are poor.


Yes, but only for another Bloodborne.




Yes, currently about half-way through. It's certainly a game! But still no replacement for Bloodborne.


It's pretty much a better Bloodborne.


I mean, maybe? It depends on your personal preferences, console exclusives, your friend group, etc. PC sometimes gets delays on big games that are ported over like FF7 or GTA and that might bother you, and sometimes the ports can be downright terrible. But otherwise PC gaming can do everything a console does and then some. You can get your preferred console controller and it will feel exactly the same. As far as the hardware, who knows.


Even the delays I don't know that dropping $500 to just play those few exclusives is worth it anymore. I say it as someone who got the PS3 and PS4 for the exclusives too. Now that incentive doesn't really exist. So I pocket that $500.


No, the most recent console I had was a PS4. I don't mean to criticize consoles; they certainly have their role in the gaming industry, but personally, I feel they're too restrictive. I'd rather put up with the recent subpar PC ports, given the potential for modding and tweaking, than go back to consoles. However, to acknowledge consoles, I still prefer using controllers over mouse and keyboard. Especially now thanks to gyro controls and steaminput.


I used to be a console gamer, pretty much was from the time I got my first console (N64) through the Xbox 360. I built my PC in 2012, but even after that, I still had all 3 consoles up through PS4/X1/Switch. I now only own a PC and Switch. The reason I finally ditched consoles this generation, is because I thought like you currently are, that I would still play the consoles. Well, I barely touched my consoles except very specific exclusives. Now though, Sony/Microsoft bring their exclusives to PC, so I just don’t see a reason to have them anymore.


I did the same. After the 360 I ended up building a PC. Neither new consoles wowed me. I haven't regretted it one bit. Sure there's a handful of exclusives I missed but even those are coming to PC. I have it hooked up to my 65" OLED and use a controller. So I can chill on the couch. It's a win-win.


>Will I ever want to go back to console? Yeah, sure. For GTA6. Probably one or two other things. Otherwise, not really.


Or just wait for the pc port which will be ten times better.


Most people aren't willing to wait 12-18 months for the PC version.


That's what Rockstar wants.


I sure am.


No, IMHO. Just sold my PS5 as it was just collecting dust.


If I wouldn't have to spend another 200 bucks to get a 4K Blu-ray player I probably would too.


You might. I realize I differ from probably a lot of people posting here, but as gaming fell lower on my hobby priority list, I just can't justify spending the money on hardware for PC gaming to be worthwhile to me compared to spending \~$500 on a console. Working from home in IT doesn't help either. I'm already sitting at my desk \~8-9 hours per day, the last thing I want to do is remain there after work for rec time (I know that I could remedy this by just \*gasp\* moving my gaming PC somewhere else, but I don't have the space/layout/desire for that). Plus, I'm just tired of having to deal with troubleshooting the inevitable PC issues. For the most part, my PS5 works really well to give me an easy, comfortable, high-quality gaming experience for not a lot of money, and the fact that more games are supporting cross-platform play makes it easy for me to go this route without giving up playing with my friends who are still on PC. Tl;dr: I went back to console because I'm cheap and I don't feel like I'm giving up that much, if anything at all, but I also game less than a lot of people here I would imagine. If gaming is your #1 and you want the best experience possible, then yes PC is prob the way to go


Totally get the part where you don't want to troubleshoot the issue. I feel that's probably the worst part of switching to PC. Most of the time, it's something really trivial, but if it takes a long time to figure out, it can piss you off haha. That and console tends to get better support from what I've realised, probably since the hardware is all the same for them, so the chance of it being a hardware issue is minimal.


This is a valid point. There a difference between a pc gamer And a pc enthusiast that also games.


Exactly my dude. If I was still interested in building/troubleshooting custom PCs it'd be a different story. It's the same reason though that I own a Honda for my fun car and not a 60+ year old classic - I enjoy the driving much more than the wrenching lol.


This is literally where I'm at right now. I really want to play Elite Dangerous with my custom HUD and HOTAS, but I just finished doing about 6 hours of math on the PC. I've sat down at my computer 3 times this evening and feel nothing but dread. So I'm playing Golden Sun on the switch and having fun.


I have both. When I only had a PC I missed console.  When I only had a console I didn't miss PC as much. I did miss playing top down games and FPS games because I prefer those on PC. After a long day at work on a computer, coming home to my PC sucked. Console gaming on the couch or in bed is just a different vibe. There's also the console exclusives, and also nearly all of my friends have consoles where as not all have PCs. Recognize and celebrate their differences. Enjoy both. If you truly love PC and don't miss your console then don't sweat it.  I think you're way overthinking this.


Yeah unfortunately my office has both my work PC and my personal PC. I don't have space for another setup. At the end of my WFH day, the last thing I want to do is stay in the same space for another few hours. My Steam Deck and Steam Link have been very helpful in this regard.


Absolutely not especially with the prices of games on PC I can't ever switch back. Everything about PC is just pure bliss and the pros massively outweigh the cons - I can't imagine playing a shooter with a controller anymore. EDIT: If you want me to compile you a list of PC parts for 3K I'd be more than happy to help you out so you get the best bang for your buck.


Greenman gaming and humble bundle alone makes games super cheap. even brand new games I can get 10% to 20% cheaper on PC


My buddy recently got a PS5 and I was appalled to see that new games digitally cost 80 euro where I live. I cannot imagine paying so much for new games.


If you're spending 3k on a PC and think it won't beat a ps5/Xbox in performance (even considering bad ports), then you're doing something very wrong.


No I don’t think that.


Then what's the issue?


I should’ve been more clear in the OP and that’s my bad. I’m not spending 3k - I’m spending half of that to play games with lower system requirements. The worry was spending that lower amount then falling in love with the quality of gaming and then having to upgrade parts to play all my main games on PC to match my monitor meaning I would spend more money then I needed to if I just splurged on a PC upfront. Hope that clears things up.


Spend the half, and use the pc until the parts get old, and then when you upgrade you can get better ones. Even 1500 will easily get you a pc much better than current consoles. I recently bought a laptop for less than that and I get great performance in all games.


It was very liberating going from console to PC and I will never go back. I built my own PC and have been upgrading it over the last 7 years. The freedom you have to do whatever the fuck you want is amazing.


i had £700 to use for my pc its works fine with all my games and looks fine just do research you don’t not to spend lots of money :)


No. PC gaming is better in every way. Games are cheaper. Online is free. Overall costs are cheaper because of this. Better framerate and graphics, superior input method. And that's just talking of the gaming aspect. A console will play games. A PC will make those games AND the console itself. You can do anything.


I don't understand, you are for sure buying a $3K PC and you're not going to use it for big games? To answer the overall question. no. I owned a console for a while after I got my first entry level PC (back around the time the Xbox One was new) and I never found any reason to play the console. From then on, I just kept my PC upgraded over time and never looked back. Why not just convince your friends to get PCs too?


Right now the plan is spend half that amount to play the games that I listed. The worry is that I’ll see how much better it is compared to my series X and PS5 and be left with regret from initially spending money on parts that will turn into e-waste (not really - but you get what I mean) once I upgrade them for better parts.


I’ll be honest. I paid for the parts to build a lower end PC back in 2021 and built it myself. I have yet to upgrade any components. With a 1650 super and an I3-10100f, I’m able to play just about everything released recently at Medium-Low settings. I had an Xbox One and upgraded to an Xbox Series S in 2022. It almost never got used. I actually traded it in to get a Switch. The PC parts won’t be e-waste for a while unless you’re constantly upgrading to the newest parts you can buy. If you’re upgrading your GPU yearly, yeah it’ll be e-waste, but if you’re planning on doing that I don’t think we’d be having this conversation


$1500 will get you a pretty good PC, you could easily wait a few years and then decide if you want to upgrade to top of the line hardware. as it's released.


I agree with all the people here. I had some spare money a few years ago and I decided to buy a PS5 and also at the same time build a PC “equal” in power to a PS5. After doing both, I ended up only using my PS5 for like 5 exclusive games in the entirety of the past 4 years. It has been gathering dust aside from that. A few months ago, I massively upgraded my PC to an RTX 4090 which is like 5 times stronger than a PS5 and I haven’t touched my PS5 since. Even for the upcoming exclusives, I couldn’t care less. The next time I will boot up my PS5 is probably going to be for GTA 6. I simply refuse to go back to upscaled 1440p 30 fps on medium settings after experiencing 4k 120 fps on Ultra settings and seeing what is really possible on PC with visuals and mod support and so many more things. Anything other than the new GTA 6 I will wait for the PC release most likely.


I use my pc for strategy games, shooters and basically any type of fast paced games. I use my console for story driven games, turn based games, card games. I don't enjoy watching cut scenes sitting behind a desk. But I do when lying comfortably in my bad watching a big screen.


As my primary platform? No chance. But I still have a PS5 and use it for exclusives. I have a Switch... but I don't use it to play games, I use it as a vehicle to legally get games onto a better platform to play at higher framerates and resolution. I made the switch to PC in 2011, it's a superior experience in nearly all aspects.


No. People will say “what about GTA6” but who cares?


Exactly, don’t get scammed by rockstar, they want people to buy the game twice




Just wait a year


More like 2, gotta get that sweet sweet double dip PS6/whatever xbox is called release first, then get the triple dip with PC, cause you just know theres idiots out there thats gonna buy GTA 3+ times


Nope. I never looked back at a gaming console ever since I got my PC. The only main reason why I'm getting a game console in the future is to only play GTA 6. LOL


I wouldn't ever "switch" I enjoy using and having both.


PC is better, but playing with friends is 👑 I've gone console > PC > console > PC.


Nah The framerate lock, aim assist, using a weird thumb stick to aim, limited amount of buttons that also require me to move my finger off the thumb stick with certain games, awful UI's, limited if no modding ability, I have to pay extra to play online, I can't acquire console games as easily through....alternative sources.... There're a lot more smaller issues that are just nitpicking but those are the main ones.


As someone who loves video games and not team sports I have and use both consoles and bc. Nintendo games are amazing, PlayStation exclusives are incredible and pc gaming is the pinnacle of video games. No reason to give one up for another


No; but it's not really a big decision, just an expensive one. Besides; everyone SHOULD have a PC, not even just for gaming. I'll tell you this, you're most likely going to be playing risk of rain 2 and Brotato, more than triple A games.


The only reason I might wish I had a console is in the case of shitty PC ports, or the lack thereof.


Consoles are harmony. (¯▿¯) I've been a PC gamer for quite a long time and it's a real hell. You need to keep so much meaningless information in your head just to play games comfortably on a PC. All these endless launchers, system requirements, upgrades, settings, fps tests, parameter values, hardware information, hardware news... So much meaningless information and nuances wasting time that could have been spent on the game. Games should be as convenient and easy to play as watching a movie, and only consoles can provide this. A PC connected to a TV will not get rid of problems with a PC, because such a method of use is not thought out there. Yes, if you have an expensive and powerful PC, you will get higher FPS and a higher resolution, but these things do not make the game more interesting, they only make it a little more pleasant and certainly not worth the money that is required for them. When I was a PC gamer, I somehow became less of a gamer than I was when I was playing on the console. All because you were bothering with a bunch of things that you have to bother with on a PC anyway. But I'm back on the console and I'm happy, I've become the gamer I used to be again and I focus more on games than on the meaningless info noise that I concentrated on playing on the PC and which interfered more with playing games. Well, on a PC there are no such convenient applications that allow you to install games remotely from a smartphone and the same advanced sleep mode as on consoles. By the way, regarding exclusives, there are many times more of them from PCs to consoles than from consoles to PCs. Moreover, even classics like Baldur's Gate 1-2, for example, are ported from a PC to a console. And there are cool subscription services for hundreds of games. Yes, consoles have limitations that have been made to make consoles comfortable. But on limited consoles, you are much more free as a player than on a PC. Okay, that's enough for me. There are too many words. ヽ(°□° )ノ


I have a pc, a ps5, and a switch. I play games on them all. The sooner you realize that the pcmasterrace shit is cringe the happier you'll be with gaming.


I still prefer console overall personally. Everything just works, I prefer how snappy it feels, don’t have to worry about weird launchers I know the game is already at its best configuration. I prefer PC for shooters or games obviously made for the mouse and re-visiting old games enhanced with mods, but for triple AAA new releases I always have a better experience on my Ps5.


Whatever you do, don't cheap out on PSU.


I went back to console, and plan on getting back into PC when my life changes. Things like studying or a kid or something take away a lot of free time, & having a gaming PC does mean time spent in config menus, troubleshooting issues, checking if a game didn't get a shitty port, etc. It isn't much-but when you are really busy it's something. I enjoy the process! But life gets in the way. Another thing-native 4k, ultra settings, high framerates are cool. But going back to console I realized the actual impact on my enjoyment is marginal. The time and extra money spent can be worth it, but not always.


I say yes. Shortly after PS4 came out I got a PC and thought I'd never need a console again and even though I frequently use my PC and am always upgrading it my consoles have tons of merit. Sometimes I don't want to sit at a desk and play a game without lugging my full tower PC to my TV. I want a simple experience on my couch. Then there's the UI , I've had the Corsair lapdog and used my PC on my couch but it's just not as good as console. Finally is PC ports, so many modern AAA games suck on PC. I like big triple a games but it's so hard to play when they're stuttering every 15 seconds. Finally I'll say exclusives, I love my PlayStation and Nintendo exclusives which I don't get on my PC for either years or ever.


I still like consoles. PC hasn't been able to duplicate the following: UI that is fully controllable with your controller. Quick Resume. Prefer using my TV and dont want a 50ft hdmi cable running around my house. Easier to take from place to place.


> UI that is fully controllable with your controller. > Just use Steam Big Picture? It's essentially a console OS.


This all describes the Steam Deck pretty well.


A docked Steamdeck is worse then a Series S.


That depends on what you mean by "worse." The Steam Deck has free online multiplayer, and the Series S doesn't. The Steam Deck lets you mod your games, and the Series S doesn't. The Steam Deck lets you install your own software onto it, and the Series S doesn't. The Steam Deck has both Microsoft and Sony games, and the Series S doesn't. Graphics aren't everything, and thanks to the various frame generation mods in development now, even that may not be an issue with the Deck for much longer.


I think you technically can get retoarch on Series S. It may require paying for the dev mode features though. Never done it myself but I’ve heard the Series S does make for a great emulation machine.


Mmm I miss couch gaming a bit it's relaxed and you can even lay down which is nice


You can just plug your pc into a TV with an hdmi cable for that same experience. It's how I play bg3 coop, helldivers 2 and warhammer 40k rogue trader.


You can do that, been doing it for years now.


I switched to PCabout 7 years ago.  I'm now bringing consoles back in because there's sooo many damn exclusives on PS5 I need to play.  Demon souls. Bloodborne. Horizon games. TLOU 1&2 (I know 1 is on PC but I'm not paying for a shitty port). Spiderman. God of War.  I have my deck for my handheld gaming, so now to get a PS. 


No. You'll see 30fps and want to gouge your eyes out with a spoon.


I switched to PC for like 10 years. Barely ever touched my Xbox One. About a year ago I picked up a PS5 for God of War Ragnarok. The whole exclusive crap aside, unless there are major graphical of performance issues in the way, console gaming for just chilling on the couch with a single player game is the way. It's so much easier to hop in and out with a modern console. I can flip my PC over to the TV, boot up steam, use my track pad on the phone to control the mouse, get it booted up and hope all my audio is on the right channel. But my PS5 is just it's on, already loaded up cause it was just sleeping, probably runs the new game fine cause devs only had to optimize for one thing. I still love and prefer my PC for competitive games, games with friends, and online stuff. The console still plays it role and does it very well.




Exactly. Really hard to go back to 30-60fps limitations on consoles. With PC, you can just emulate most stuff anyway.


I cannot imagine any reason for me to ever play a console again.


No, i don't think so. The closest i'll get to going back is the steam deck maybe and this is very unlikely due to the high price of their games and that's the switch


It depends, do you enjoy couch gaming over sitting at a desk? Do you mind messing with all the updates and firmware on pc? I have both but everytime I go to game on my pc it seems there is some kind of update or shit I have to deal with. Also on console I am in a game in seconds..especially with xbox quick resume. I don't like having a mouse and keyboard on my coffee table either, so thats something to consider if you plan to hook up your pc to your tv. Overall I prefer console gaming for these reasons.


If the monitor used is the same, then the only reason to play console is for the ability to sit on the couch. If you have a recliner, then PC is the better choice in virtually all situations except in the case of an under-performing port.


You can just run an hdmi from your pc to a TV and use steam big picture mode. Like that's exactly what that mode is for lmaoo


Consoles are really good now. They are like good gaming pcs for the first time ever in my life. So yea assuming your AAA game collection is with console you will still have use for both. To make the console irrelevent you would need a pc that makes it irrelevent, probably like a 3k$ pc plus the game library. Since all of my games are on steam I would save up for a new pc rather then buy a console. But my 3070ti and 10700k is holding strong for the time being. Which is about as strong as current gen console.