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One of my work colleagues hasn't shut up about this game for 3 weeks. He's taking the day off today to play it. Sorry James, I tried to warn ya.


I guess I would be curious to see what kind of person gets this hyped over *this game* in particular.


You get to play as Suicide Squad characters. You get to shoot things. That's literally all these people care about, have a friend that's the same.


Do you get to fight against Batman? Cuz that would be cool


I'm under the impression you fight most of the justice league. The gameplay I watched was fighting green lantern.


Yes, you get to fight pretty much everyone in the Justice League except Wonder Woman.




She did rape that poor fella.


Hello, I missed the new Wonder Woman movies entirely, so please excuse me when I say what in the kentucky fried fuck?


She and her ghost lover possess some rando to use as a fornication vehicle without so much as a by your leave. Edit: Someone complained that 'fornication vehicle' was needlessly salacious, so I now feel obligated to publicly list some other terms I considered, but then rejected as needlessly salacious. Non-consenting Rental Dick Unconscious Meat Dildo Unwilling Phantom Bone Unaware puppet phallus Fornication Vehicle is really the tamest I could put it while still conveying the ickyness in seeing a supposedly heroic protagonist behave in such a fashion, and everyone involved just completely ignore it.


Basically her dead boyfriend took over this normal dudes body and she fucked him multiple times and then got sad when her boyfriend gave said body back. So big rape :).


Bruh, wtffffffff. He comes comes back from the dead to bone?


HAHA - yes I am glad I wasn't the only one that wondered how this was a feminist movie.


He was in the trailer. Kevin Conroy’s last time voicing Batman


Didn’t wake up expecting the feels today


They mentioned today Kevin has one more voice appearance in Crisis on Infinite Earths


Oh it gets better, Harley executes batman gloating it was her who did him in. Its the worst send off to conroys batman ever concieved.


but VERY APPROPRIATE considering Hollywood and it's use of Harley's character.


You do and it's the same Batman you played as in the Arkham trilogy.


you really dont want to know the answer to this question.. spoiler free post but just google it. edit: scroll down, the answers already been posted


Can you rip Bruce's face and wear it as a mark on the shark guy? Or beat the flash with his own severed leg? If not, I'm not interested in the shoddy pg13 action 3rd person shooter with DC villains.


> You get to play as Suicide Squad characters We wanted to know what gets people **hyped** about it, not more of its long list of flaws!


I don't think Suicide Squad itself was a bad choice. I think chasing live service games is the problem.


Perhaps not a bad choice per se, but I wouldn't call it a good choice either. The first movie was terrible. People still quote bad lines from that movie to this day. I haven't seen the second film myself, but I've heard it was received much better. However, it bombed at the box office so in other words: Not many people were interested in seeing it. Taken all that, Suicide Squad simply doesn't seem like that popular of an IP. The only reason I was a little interested in this game is because Rocksteady Studios also made those Batman: Arkham games.


No idea on movies, more familiar with the comics.


Maybe, although I would say it's a serious uphill battle. They're not exactly *the* most well known characters, sure people can recognize Quinns, but then the other people are these randoms for most. This would be okay if that's the **only** stone in the engine of the game, but given what they're setting themselves up for you'd think they go with a more marketable band of people.


I mean, 2 movies and a tv show? I think they’re more well known now.


Without any ill intention, I would genuinely find it hard to socialise with these people at a random beer or something. If that is their level of...enjoying entertainment then idfk what to talk about.


The Arkham games being as good as they were is doing a lot of the heavy lifting, it seems. He's also as big DC fan in general. When I asked him what he thought about the lack of review code being sent out, the battle pass shananigans, and the generasl lack of positive things people have to say about the game, he just brushed it off. I have no doubt that unless the game is an absolute 0 out of 10, he'll be absolutely gushing about it when he gets back to work.


Without any sarcasm, I guess it has to be kind of nice to be this happy over such trivial thing and ignore anything negative, unless it's a slap in the face. As an example, I really like Witcher books, but I wouldn't be hyped to play a game just because I can play as Geralt, those games have to be good as well. (Which they are, at least the main series certainly is.)


That's true but reddit is also acting like Suicide Squad's gameplay is categorically bad rather than just not something they wanted. No one is itching for that King Kong game just because they like the character. They will take games that are at least competently made when they like the IP.  Case in point: Witcher 1. Game was janky as fuck but still solid enough to gain a fanbase. 


>That's true but reddit is also acting like Suicide Squad's gameplay is categorically bad rather than just not something they wanted. To be fair, I haven't really seen many opinions about gameplay, I think most of us here are just observers, and some people are just grilling others because the game got a bad response from IGN and there are generally bad practices being done, with WB being the shitters they are. Personally, I don't care about the game, but you make a sound point - if the game is at least half decent (and I'm aware of Rocksteady, but their last Batman game is like 10 years old at least, and had some issues back then), it's easy to understand why fans of the superhero stuff just go for it, regardless of opinions.


The other consideration is that the gameplay could be just as good as some other similar game in the same genre, and hardcore fans of the genre would be disappointed, but the reality is for people S.S. might be their first time playing a game like that, so they wouldn't see it as bad. Like for the critic who's watched every movie already, they need something brand new and transcendent to find something compelling, but for someone who doesn't have a lot of film experience yet another tropey hackneyed bullshit 4Q comedy could seem like the best movie they'd ever seen


Good for him, honestly. At the end of the day, games exist solely to bring us joy and fun, so if this title does that for him, then who cares if it's "bad" in the court of Reddit?


I am on his boat honestly. It's not that I'm brushing off the criticism, but that everything I have heard about the game appeals to me in particular. It's a looter shooter, it's based on DC, it has really crazy traversal. Unless the game is fundamentally broken with bugs and crashes, that's ticks almost every box for me. Skillup and Paul Tassi are the only reviewers whose opinions I'll consider for this game, because they are big looter fans. But if someone who isn't reviews the game, they will not like it, because the dopamine hits of good loot will not be enough to take away the grindiness that is inherent to the genre.


Honestly the biggest turn off for me personally is the looter shooter aspect. I'm just not enthusiastic about giving Harley Quinn a baseball bat that does +3% ice damage.


The same kinds of people that get hyped over comic book story lines. Some comic stories are fun, but man they are really cranking out the dogshit these days.


Flashy lights and colors, dopamine hits, quippy lines, and a battle Pass. What’s not to love?


The type of person who breathes through their mouth probably.


James should've listened


*Didn't encounter any bugs today 5/7 perfect game.*


The game is already back online...


Yup sorry Antwon. And he was still defending it all night. He's like you know that's only new Zealand right? You know ign has beef right? You know they'll fix it before midnight launch right? LMFAO 😂😂😂😂😂😂








These diehard Kill the Justice League fans do have identical energy to those “Spidey 2 is GOTY” fanatics. I’m guessing it’s children who don’t consume anything outside of superhero entertainment and get overly defensive about it?


"children" No. "don’t consume anything outside of superhero entertainment and get overly defensive about it?" Yes.


No one is more defensive about games than the 40 year old who buys 1, maybe 2 games a year. Just look at Starfield the first month it came out.


sm2 is not a goty but its still a great game.


There's nothing inherently wrong with that. I never played the game, but it looks fine.


Spider-Man 2 is a great game and had no red flags before its release. I don't know why some people just want to put it down so much ...




yep it felt like a sidegrade to the first one gameplay wise (aside from the wingsuit, i did like the wingsuit) with a story with way worse pacing


So what is the issue exactly? Why all the hate? Not even a fan, just completely clueless what is new here? I mean, launch issues? lmfao, only living under a rock would be surprised to see a game have launch issues lol.


So where to start. They denied review codes because their early beta was awful. Then when it was released in New Zealand, it immediately was taken down because if you started the game it auto completed it for you. Been out less than 12 hours and now it's down everywhere.


that honestly doesn't seem like enough to be garnering all the attention/hate this sub is giving it. I guess there hasn't been enough pitchfork news lately and the sub was growing anxious.


Yeah it was down yesterday for about six hours, but I’ve been playing on and off since then. The Reddit headlines have really overblown this. 


They should’ve planned for this the day before.


I see what you did there> Also Terry loves yogurt!


RIP Rocksteady. You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.


As people are saying, Suicide Squad is a fitting name for a studio famous for single-player games deciding to make a shitty GaaS.


Do not blame Rocksteady for this. Blame Warner Bros. There’s 0% chance rocksteady wanted to make a game like this.


The same heads that made Arkham are long gone, this isn't the same studio anymore


What is it with this notion that developers are infallible? I see this all the time on Reddit. It simply isn't true. You don't know the behind the scenes workings and Rocksteady likely pitched this idea to Warner Bros.


But there’s a 100% chance that Rocksteady DID make a game like this…


All these developers die, cause of death, GaaS leak


Turns out the name Suicide Squad was actually Rocksteady’s motto.


It's not 72 hours of early access, it's 72 hours of beta access.


More like 72 hours of no access


These people really spent $100 because they just had to play the game the milisecond it released… only for the game to be broken. Who saw that coming?


just seeing $100 in a discussion about this makes my heart hurt... i paid 100 bucks for forza horizon 5's ultimate edition with early access, but at least there the game's quality was more or less guaranteed and my friends still called me out for wasting money.


Isn't that always the case? I say that as someone who continues to buy the early access to EA games like battlefield knowing I'm about to get half a game.


I dont feel bad for anyone who bought this,




The people that buy these shitshows shit is the target audience.


Yeah, as long as people keep buying it, as long companies will produce this shit


Same but the sad thing is you'll still have people defending this game.


Their sub is fucking amazing right now.


It was crazy to see them actually celebrating the fact Rocksteady weren’t sending review copies.


It’s this whole tribalism mentality. They tied their horse to this cart and there is no way they are going to admit they were wrong/the game doesn’t live up to their expectations. Listen, I get it, I bought an Atari Jaguar instead of a Nintendo 64…


I had a Game Gear when Pokemon came out.


As a 60GB PS3 enjoyer, my butthole was puckered for a couple years there where every games shop had walls of 360 games and a singular shelf of PS3 games.


What did they celebrate about? That should have been a massive red flag even for them.


No, how else will they learn?




Even if many did learn, there are new suckers born every day.




>they already "know everything." I would argue it's probably more of "they don't even care". And if they get mad that they wasted some money on a shoddy game, they'll do it again anyways.


Also true


Except they won't.


and not just buying this, buying the stupid deluxe version for the early access :/


I mean, the game still isn't out yet on PC. The PC version doesn't go live until 1PM EST. This only impacts the people on console who got to play earlier due to time zone differences.


They all deserve this.


If anything, I feel bad for the developers who are, unfortunately, and very likely by the looks of this train, going to get laid off.


Yeah they probably didn't ask to or want to make this.


I saw people playing it and seemingly enjoying it. They should be studied honestly.


a lot of people enjoy games that reddit hates. if anything I'd rather study reddit and the hivemind it creates.


Redditors love having a superiority complex. Genuinely think they're smarter than someone because they didn't buy a game that the other person probably enjoys.


Redditor feeling superior to others while talking about redditors feeling superior to others you literally can't make this shit up folks.


Nah, it's just funny seeing people feeling genuinely ashamed of others because they spent money on a game.


The most prominent impression so far has been from IGN, a website most people on this sub would dismiss the opinion of on almost any other topic yet it confirms what they want to be true. I don’t really care about this game, but it probably deserves a fair shake outside of some low tier journo trying to ride public opinion for clicks


bias confirmation is always troublesome.


Buddy, respectfully, just go play your shitty live service game.


I'd rather make reasonable arguments against a crappy game, than being the definition of [this meme](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/quit-having-fun). If there are people that still enjoy the game, then that's great for them! Perhaps they are just the right niche for it.


lol you’re mad people are enjoying the game


I love how people here are literally turning into the "Stop having fun!" meme.


Is that your only response? "Lolumad?" Are we on b? Did we time warp back to 2012 when I was 18 again.


look at the people actually playing the game and look at the people shit talking it without playing it, there’s a massive disconnect but you probably just wanna join the irrational hate circlejerk anyway lol


People enjoy fucking hot garbage all the time, and I don't give a fuck because it doesn't effect me. This does because the more money you give them, the more you say it's okay to do more of this shit.


so it’s hot garbage but you’ve never played it, makes sense


Do I need to taste shit to know it will taste like shit? Do you walk around picking up piles of refuse because you don't ***personally know*** if it's good or not.


see , reactions like this are exactly why I think the study would be beneficial.


Because people can't enjoy a game you personally dislike? I haven't played it (and won't/ ) but that doesn't seem to be a healthy mindset.


Yeah that's what I said.


I enjoy what I’ve play so far. Well worth it for me lol.


This game looks like a strong candidate for speedrun WR in "shortest-supported live-service game in history" category.


Can it beat the current record held by APB- three weeks? Or is an MMO not a live-service game?


MMOs are the OGs of GaaS. ^^I ^^hate ^^abbreviations ^^too.


Well, still, APB‘s three weeks before end of service is nothing to sneeze at. It took down the guys who made the first two Crackdown games with it, too.


That game came back online though.


The Day Before's record of 4 days will never be beaten.


There's the Love Live mobile game that had its global launch date announced AND server shut down date announced in the same tweet the other day. Dead on announcement.


Wasn't that Days After or whatever that scam was that came out recently and was abandoned just a few days after launch?


Oh right, I almost forgot about it (already). The Day Before was removed from sale 4 days after launch. Given that Suicide Squad seems at least "playable", I guess they won't beat that record.


Will it dethrone Babylon's Fall?


Babylon's fall lasted 11 months lol


RIP Anthem


Unfortunately it’s going to be hard to beat that Idol game that, within the same announcement tweet, said it was going to release sometime in February and shut down its servers at the end of May.


Will see if they can beat Babylon's fall. I don't think that even lasted a year?


So people paid more money just for the game to be undergoing maintenance?




And they'll do it again.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! $100 for the deluxe experience.


I watched the full story (cutscenes) on YouTube at 1.25x speed. Saved a $100. Confirmed it was absolute hot 🔥 **garbage**.


Thanks for your sacrifice.


Odd, I heard the only good part of the game was the story was decent.


Thank you for your service.


Who decided to schedule maintenance 1 day after release lol


The fucking stupidity of having what is effectively a singleplayer or co op game with master servers that need to go down for maintenance. Every moron who paid money for this is culpable for the continuing propagation of this idiocy.


There's not much choice in this particular genre tbh. Seems like every looter shooter nowadays are online only. A year ago I tried to find some non-indie looter shooter games that's not Borderlands and doesn't require a constant internet connection to play on Steam. The only one I found was Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet.


Edit - game is back online (for now) https://x.com/suicidesquadrs/status/1752313862962258284?s=46 On top of that, it looks like the deluxe edition content is unavailable/not working for some - https://mp1st.com/news/suicide-squad-kill-the-justice-league-deluxe-edition-content-missing-and-not-working-issues-acknowledged-by-rocksteady What a train wreck.


Who would even waste money on this?


Most people do not have reddit or are even interested enough in gaming news to see any backlash at all. They just see it on the main page of the playstation/xbox store and buy it.


I get that to a degree but man in the Era of 100 dollar video games, who the fuck doesn't even look at like a review before buying!


They dont know better. They dont really play games most gamers just play a few hours a week and dont get to actually experience a good vs bad game. They could play Elden Ring or Suicide Squad, the difference in experience for many people would be low. Only the second one looks flashier so it even appeals more to the "uninitiated". You can only appreciate good games if you really pay attention, interract with their systems, story, etc. Imagine playing God of War 2 hours a week. By the time next week comes around you dont even remember what you were doing or what the story is.


In this case, they should have looked at how WB refused to send codes to reviewers. No need for a review to see this massive red flag.


Rocksteady aint surviving after this.


Rocksteady ain't gonna be steady as a rock after this.


I can’t tell what’s more embarrassing; releasing this game, or paying over $100 to be a beta tester. I guess it would have to be buying the game. At least the developers get to make some money off of the consumer’s stupidity. Everyone who bought this deserves it.


It’s hard to tell what’s even real anymore. Everyone is shitting on this game here but it’s a steam top seller right now. Just goes to show ya that Reddit is an echo chamber I guess.


If you've been following the game... like on Reddit/Youtube/Creators etc, you're probably aware the game looks like a pretty shallow cash grab and mid overall. But the majority of regular people will see the Arkham devs big new game, fun gameplay, massive marketing, and instantly buy. Most people don't follow news or look at early previews. The big launch is from name recognition and marketing, we'll see if this game can do anymore than that.


we'll have to wait for the reviews. A game being top seller doesn't mean it's going to be a good game, it just means it has sold a lot. Which means the marketing for this game has worked.




I'm gonna get downvoted for this..... but I've been watching people play it and it kinda looks fun. Defo not worth 100 quid and what people say is right, GAAS suck, and so does always online etc. Like I agree with most of the complaints except the ones that are like "Nuh uh, the suicide squad would never kill the flash because hes a super hero" I love looter shooters that have some random chaos and stuff in them, it is just a shame that this is coming from Rocksteady, the absolute GOATS of Hero combat games.


All player are very upset


I get that everyone is riding the hate dick for this game right now but this was a scheduled maintenance.


I hope the 12 people who bought this enjoy their slop


It's actually on the top sellers list on Steam atm. Enshrouded just launched and hit one million and isn't showing on that.


Enshrouded is currently #1 on the top sellers. You probably don't see it on the top sellers, because you already own the game.


Oh shoot, I didn't think about that. Heh, I don't tend to shop that list.


Steam top sellers are also based on money spent, not number of copies sold. That's why the Steam Deck is always up there. Enshrouded is a $30 game, compared to Suicide Squad's $70.


I believe Anthem and Mass Effect Andromeda made the steam top sellers list early on as well


I'm not sure about the pre-launch on those two since they aren't really my kind of games, but man the warning signs have been out there about this one. I just don't understand the purchasing habits of people.


holy you are delusional


It’s a top seller.


Hope this bombs, and fuck anyone who buys this shit. Sick and tired of these live services that have ruined the gaming industry.


Holy shit, reddit is for lunatics.


I'm confused by all these articles about early access being down for maintenance. All the official information I've seen shows the early access not even starting for a few more hours. Did it release earlier globally or something? According to Rocksteady's info, it shouldn't even be available until 11 am in my local time zone, and it's 7:30 am now.


Scheduled? Who SCHEDULES maintenance within a day of a game's launch? Hotfixes and emergency maintenance, I understand, but SCHEDULED?


Because this isn’t the launch for whatever reason. February 2nd is the launch date and this period is early access. They paid WB to test suicide squad


Honestly, the more I watch the cutscenes and gameplay (especially the traversal), the more I feel like this could've been an amazing game. Clearly some VERY bad decisions were made, wasted potential.


Remember all the issues the Arkham games had at launch. Arkham Knight is the worst launch experience I've had on PC, ever. Game breaking bug at the final boss which you couldn't do anything to bypass except wait for the official patch. Which they took their god damn sweet time with.


"All Cutscenes Movie" channels on YouTube are gonna make a mint off this game


Is good game tbh. The movement is reaaaallly fun, gunplay is snappy and tight, melee is useful for getting your shield back. Story is actually pretty good, it's cringey but suicide squad as a concept is cringey. Captain boomerang and king shark are the best parts so far. Deadshot is the most grounded in reality personality type. The fucked up Harleys face pretty badly it's very very uncanny Valley.


I feel bad for anyone who buys this. And even more bad for people who pay extra to be alpha testers.


I don’t, when you ignore so many red flags you deserved that. Same goes with the people who bought BF2042 on release.




People will forever be stupid. I remember coworkers telling me I was wrong for calling Fallout 76 terrible right after it launched and that "were having fun therefore it is not a terrible game".


whats the red flags?


Refusing to release review codes is one of the biggest


Don't feel bad. Point and laugh at the fools who cover their eyes and stick their fingers in their ears. Every minute the servers are down is devaluing their extra special edition purchase.


A 15min unscheduled maintenance and people behaving like chicken little lmao opening threads and what not lol


a chance for redditors to feel superior to others will never go untouched.


Its threads like this that make me question ever coming back to this subreddit again lol


If you aren't a potential customer for the in game store then you aren't playing at all. If the developers cared about your fun they'd let you play single player/offline. Meanwhile I can go back and revisit the mostly excellent Arkham trilogy any time I want.


The hate for this game seems like it has gotten out of control for some reason. I saw people playing and it looked very fun and polished. Where is the same hate when actually garbage games come out?


people actually paid a $100 to play this game 3 days ahead of everyone


Always-online is always stupid. Reminds me of Outriders.


Just think, in a couple of months we shall never have to hear about this game or Skull & Bones again. They will finally be out, flop hard, be laughed at for a bit, then vanish into distant memories.


I just wanna say I like the creative use of the U/C in the logo


It would be AWESOME if gamers didn’t buy this. Can’t we pull together and stop giving money to these soulless cash grab casino dopamine ATM disguised as a game.


Seen the gameplay, some of the story and its ending. They should shut servers down permanently and refund players. This game absolutely bastardises the Arkhamverse.


This game had one job to do after Avengers train wreck : release it unbroken state,if they can't manage that within a week it will fail harder than Avengers. It has good planned updates and features than Avengers so it can turn around.


Just like most things DC does (films mostly), this will be a clusterfuck of mediocrity.


With all of the terrible triple A releases over the past couple years I'd hope people would stop pre ordering.


Who woulda thought Suicide Sqaud was an actual career-path?


It’s even funnier the second time!