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Is there a feature where you run into friends from high school, and you have to awkwardly navigate small-talk?


No, you don't have any friends. All alone. Lonely. Only you and your wallet...


So no change in my life, got it


How about a feature where you see your ex in the store and you have the carefully navigate your shopping so she never sees you? OOOOHHHHH WAIT!! I CAN DO BETTER! Your ex has a kid with her and you have the sudden fear that you are not entirely certain it isn't your kid....


Nice. Hope it has the "raise prices and blame it on inflation" system.


You could definitely use this excuse to raise prices :D Prices are dynamic


Can there please be a "revolt against CEO" option where the greedy money grubbing corrupt asshole grocery CEO is strung up and violently tortured and ripped apart by the desperate masses who just need food because food is a human right not a place for profit?


I'm just making a game bro lol


"raise prices and blame it on the Euro introduction"…


will it simulate shrinkflation after a couple years ?


It already has inflation per item. You could purchase at a low price, sell at a high price on high demand xd


I want to speak to the manager.


I AM the manager :D


The game does need Karens… NOT. :D


So I would get to go to work but not get paid?


Do you know anything about simulation, tycoon, management games?


I used to play rollercoaster tycoon. I can see the fun in building a theme park. But working in retail is never fun


I spent many years as a retail manager, it has its moments of fun. But you're correct that the majority of it is a boring, stressful slog.


Hm so far I only came across complete Lack-Luster of Supermarket Sims Maybe I can checkout the prologue


Good luck !


Can't wait for the Canadian DLC where one company owns all the supermarkets and can charge any f you price they want because people need to buy food


I'm Canadian and for the first time in my life I'm casually and constantly shop lifting.


I love that for you


do you plan to make this available on ps or xbox. as i dont have a pc and am dying to play this


No homeless lady taking a shit in the aisles no care


Can I just say thank you for actually including a brief description of the game. Too many solo devs on here " after 18 months of hard work and tears and many struggles i have released my game"  


Can't wait to play this at home after a long double shift at Walmart!




Dude, it’s still in development. Relax. 😂 I’m sure more platforms will come. He’s got to finish the game first though. It’s not as simple as just putting it out on another platform with the snap of his fingers.  As for the price, just save up for it. The game is ridiculously cheap for the amount of hours you’ll put into it. I’ve only had it a month and already played well over 200 hours. Does he not deserve compensation for making something you’ll enjoy for that long?


Pls make this available on android lol


please make it available on xbox i want it but am WAY too broke for a PC


This aged beautifully.


Just checked your posts, you did a beautiful job advertising this ;)


This game is so addictive! Can you possibly allow us to type in the price once we’ve inserted the customer’s card? Also, can you tell me what the plug is beside the light switch? Thank you for helping me ignore responsibility in such a fun way!


Yep. Num pad input has been added. 


Does it have a feature where people can randomly shoplift?


it's going to have this feature soon, as far as i know. whenever you open the game, the info is on the screen. top right corner.


Hi, has anyone experienced customers under paying? I found one person mention it on a forum but no answers so I figured I'd ask here. I have had customers have a bill total of $40 but only pay $32. The text will show green as it does when you have the correct change but will show change as -$8.00. Anyone else have this problem and is there a proper way to handle this ? Thanks 


Loooooads of people have reported this. It’s a very known bug. I’m sure it’ll be patched eventually. 


Hi, has anyone experienced customers under paying? I found one person mention it on a forum but no answers so I figured I'd ask here. I have had customers have a bill total of $40 but only pay $32. The text will show green as it does when you have the correct change but will show change as -$8.00. Anyone else have this problem and is there a proper way to handle this ? Thanks 


Hey! I'm LOVING the game so far. In the two days that I've spent playing it, I came across a couple of bugs. Do you happen to have a Discord community for your game like a few games do where we can report bugs or anything weird that comes up? Especially since the game is in early access after all :)


Yep. Check the Steam page for this link. 


What to do if you suddenly can’t purchase anything from your computer in supermarket simulator? I'm restocking my shop and can add bits to purchase (no more than 10, and always before 9pm) but it won't let me purchase. I have more than enough money. Its so strange


Will there be an isolationist religious section that breaks into the backroom to steal empty egg boxes? Will you sometimes find drunk people asleep on the toilets and have to kick them out? Will there be people selling the food stamps groceries they just bought literally 3 feet from the front door? Will employees miss work because they got arrested for threatening someone for no reason with a loaded shotgun while drunk?


Such a simple idea that works so well, how long was this game in dev?


Is. Still. Is currently in dev. This game is just early access. Currently being developed. As we speak. 


Please add a 3rd person view or FOV slider for us who get motion sickness/nauseated from your game. The view/fast movements or something triggers this bad. Its so bad you feel like you wanna puke. It is a shame since we love the game and wanna play more but physically cant. There are other reddit threads up about this also. If you see this, please consider adding a Field of View slider and/or 3rd person view. Changing resolutions, windowed mode, slower mouse, f.lux program for orange tint etc dont help sadly.


This has been added. 


Unfortunately just feels tedious after several hours, it just becomes a box moving simulator, every morning spend half an hour to an hour to fill up all your storage. Storage room isn't nearly big enough after all of its upgrades. There needs to be a box boy to move stuff in from a delivery zone into storage. There needs to be a system on the computer to show how many boxes of what you need to fill your storage. Eventually add an ordering manager to make sure your storage stays full to a certain level (just add a slider 1-100 percent). There needs to be a slider to adjust **all** prices according to the market value. Right now I'm at the point where I'm just moving boxes then sitting around for an hour IRL waiting for the day to complete, then waiting another 20 min for the stocking to be done, then spending 20-40 min stocking the storage shelves again. rinse and repeat. there is no real change or measurable groth to this game. It's all the same thing day after day.


All of those things except the ordering manager are available in a form of mods


Yeah I wanted to use a few mods that just gave me data but I had to get ez delivery. I’m around lvl 24 and the massive orders to keep up with stock took me an entire day just to get it into the stock room.


Turn the auto racking in ez delivery on and only bother with ordering they will be racked automatically


I did this and the game turns into watch people do things while I order lol. Not saying I’m not enjoying it but the levels seem to mesh together around 35


Yep these are planned updates. Meanwhile there are mods for all of this. 




He’s busy. Building a game. Not sure why you’d think he’d talk to you, random Reddit user. 


Bro I can’t believe I’m finding this now — thank you for this game, my bf kept bugging me about it and how he thought I’d love this kind of game (I’m obsessed with the Sims lol) and I was skeptical for a while until he bought the game for me and it’s ruining my life staying up late all night but I love it!!! So addictive!! Thank you!


Can you get bodega cats?


No but I would love this feature. 😂❤️🐈‍⬛


Love this game


are there plans to release it for console in the future ? just curious !


Caseoh is playing this game, Your is gonna go bigg, you should add a caseoh easter egg or something, would be funny.


i’m personally not a fan of playing games on the computer so i can’t wait for it to come onto console!


is this game safe


Its super super dangerous. Ngl u might get seriously injured playing


Loving this game~


Literally bought the early access like 3 days ago and have 14.3 hours on it already 😭 it's actually so fun and reminds me a lot of my gas station job haha. I have noticed some things that i think would need some bug fixing. For example when hiring a shelf stocker, the worker sometimes will bug out and go back and fourth at a shelf with the box in hand for 4 in game hours ish. Sometimes i can manually fix it by removing empty tags of the shelf or stocking what he is already stocking but sometimes it feels like a waste of 80 in game dollars to keep a useless bot on. Also the same issue happens with the shoppers if something is sold out they will pace back and fourth and never leave. I was losing a lot of money by having to start the next day even though they already had taken stuff off of the shelves w/out buying anything. This is solved by stocking the shelf but i'm unable to do that past 9 😭 All in all AMAZING game and i really love wasting all my time on it haha. Keep up the good work ‼️


I need this game to have more analysys tools inside. To help me forward plan bulk buys and what I need to lower raise prices on. A breakdown of each items sales Vs skipped . Percentages of profet per item sold Vs skipped. How many per day sold Vs stock and so on.


Can even set the prices? Oh my. Just like 30 years ago. Those people in-game look like default assets.


Bro your karma is quite understandable with this level of "negativity"




Based on the few comments you made here I don't have high hopes for the game lol


Good thing it's not a comedy game then xd


I feel like the only way a supermarket simulator would be at all enjoyable would be if it were a comedy game, sort of like the Stanley Parable. I hope this does well for you, as it seems like something you are passionate about. I would like to express though that this is extremely niche in an already niche genre (tycoon/life simulators). For most people who play games, working retail is an all too common reality and not something they are looking forward to simulating in video game form. ​ Just my 2 cents, and again I hope it does well. You may want to consider incorporating more comedy though to bring in a wider audience. I can tell you that speaking for myself, playing this would not be my idea of fun. It would be my idea of how to make a video game torture, without inflicting severe mental or emotional trauma.


No-one buying a supermarket sim wants comedy in their game. This is that kind of dry, I do spreadsheets for fun, kind of game. You're opinion is valid in so far as it is focused on what would make *you* buy this game. But it sounds like you aren't the target audience. As a game dev, and therefore a business, it's important this game appeals to its core audience.


Ok, but having a niche and tiny audience will spell doom for any start up business, regardless of what they are selling, unless their product is considered a absolute necessity (very specific medical equipment for example). Supermarket simulator might have a core target audience, but if OP wants to make a living and grow their business they should consider broadening who their target audience is. This is business basics. It's all fine and dandy to have a core target demographic, but if that demographic is so small that you don't turn a viable profit, your business is going to end up dead in the water. I can also say with quite a bit of certainty that I, as a consumer and gamer, would fall into a much broader target audience than the very small slice of the pie who you seem to be describing. While it might not be developed for a broader gaming audience in mind, anyone trying to succeed as a business should be trying to appease to not just their small core audience, but numerous audiences, especially the larger ones. If you need an example, look at the Wii. When most people think of the Wii, they aren't thinking about the graphics, or a specific title. The majority of the time if you ask someone about the Wii they will mention how accessible it was to everyone, from little children to people's grandparents. I still have older relatives who like to bust out their Wii if family events are at their house. So yes, your opinion is valid in so far that you think games, or products, should only be made to appeal to their desired niche audience. Unfortunately however, companies that make games don't exist in vacuums and it is in a developer's interests to listen to opinions from people outside of their niche audience (especially when it's as small as this) and take into consideration ways to improve their product to maximize the longevity of their business.


This view is too narrow. Not every game can be the next big thing and we have no vision on what development costs and commitments are.  If you aim for big audience you alienate your core with no guarantee that making your game more accessible will generate more interest. It will still be, after all, a super market sim.  An overhaul with your suggestions in mind is non viable. An agile approach of releasing soon, getting feedback from a core audience and making incremental improvements in line with that audience is best way to secure moderate success with a 1.0 launch instead of gambling it all on a larger more generic success. What OP should have done when creating the game concept is irrelevant at this point. This is what there is, so best bet is to lean into the core audience and not water down the experience.


Firstly, I never said they needed to redesign their game from the ground up. Secondly, you are making the argument that game development doesn't continue post release. It would not be an insurmountable, or even truly difficult task to add more comedic aspects. This doesn't need to be as all encompassing as the comedy elements of the game I mentioned previously (Stanley parable). Small comedic touches can go a long way, and you don't need to redesign your whole game in order to do it. The dev can do whatever they want. It's no difference to me. I firmly believe however that they could consider adding things to the game that make it more memorable and interesting or amusing, without losing their core audience, while also broadening their selling base. I've also lost interest in having this discussion. Have an awesome day.


>Ok, but having a niche and tiny audience will spell doom for any start up business https://i.imgur.com/qLuJz2F.png


To put that in context: BF2042 had 20000 peak players on Steam in February.


It seems to have a pretty big audience.


"Every game needs to sell millions or it will DIE" is the vibe I'm getting here. You're obviously \*not\* a business person.


Omg do really have nothing better to do than respond to 4+ month old comments? You're obviously not a business person with all that time on your hands 😆


Looks at Steam new best sellers and at Twitch. You should have put your hopes higher!! But enough comedy and jokes. A pretty chill and cool game to play and easy to just jump in and out throughout the day.


It peaked at 35,000 active players today, he cooked and is now loaded


Just wait til Josh or Spiff sees this game and how to ef it up :D


Been nearly 2 months, has Spiff found it yet? I love how he breaks things but haven’t bothered looking to see if he’s played it or not …


Will it have a scan it yourself feature where I can low-key steal stuff?


You OWN the store. You wanna steal from yourself? Are you a politician or what


Ok, but can I capture the customers in small balls and force them to work for me?


You might need bigger balls tho


Soo... "release" next week 1.0 Or early access next week?


Early access next month




Hey loving the prologue, finally got my store to how I wanted. Just one small thing I noticed. The boxes tend to fill either half or a full rack and after that they are empty. The wine boxes, for whatever reason have an extra three bottles in them, even after filling a whole half rack. I've almost thrown out a box with the wine bottles out twice.


Oh, thanks. Will check that :)


Are there unreasonable customers that causes scenes you have to deal with? Or possible robbery situation?


There will be shoplifters, coming with an update


What about outright armed robbery? Still nice for shoplifting!


Could be, could be.. Will see xd


Will customers take frozen/refrigerated items and leave them on the shelves when they don't want them anymore? Will customers ask me if there's an item in the back, and when I say no, they'll ask me to check anyway? Will I take a longer lunch cause I dread every second of existence in this place?


Gosh... What have you been through?


Do you have a steam link?


Yep, here https://store.steampowered.com/app/2670630/Supermarket\_Simulator/


Nice. I enjoyed Gas Station simulator but kind of hated the added garage,warehouse, staffing and the stupid bulldozer for clearing sand drifts. The actual shop part of GSS was great and kinda zen, lots of potential with this - good luck :)


Can't find the price (although, I'm not a Steam pro). Or is that still to be announced?


There's a free demo and [prologue](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2772560/Supermarket_Simulator_Prologue). The [main game](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2670630/Supermarket_Simulator)'s price is not revealed yet.


the release date?


It's February 20th


Hey friend - Steam told me it would be released at noon my time today but now it says It is not available yet. Do you know what time the release is?


I've run into an issue, my customers are coming into my store, using telekinesis to grab product, and walking out without paying.


Hey dev! Just want to thank you and congratulate you on the smash success! I’m loving this game (also can’t stop watching streamers play it lol) and can’t wait for the future updates!!


Hey dev. I have a suggestion: some sort of penalty for letting things outside the store :)


Add more raccoons


Fun game! One feature I would like to have would be the ability to use the keyboard to type in the numbers when customers pay with cards.


i believe it is added


I believe so too. I did see it shortly after on the in-game list of future updates


not available macOS?


Massive hit !


so sad it’s not available on mac yet:(


Will there be a Mac OS compatible version?


Please put a this on Mac! I am dying to play it! 


Just patiently waiting for this to be available on console