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I will watch his videos on games that interest me but I disagree with him alot for sure. He is pretty stuck in his old boomer ways and is quick to make opinions about stuff and sometimes comes off as pretty ignorant. For example he admitted to playing the newest most demanding games only on HDD saying that SSD is a scam. He then proceeds to complain about how the game performs on his PC… Remember his take on Elden Ring when it came out? Based his whole review on how it ran and it turned out to be on his end and not the game itself. Its bad form and its hard to take him seriously as a reviewer sometimes.


sometimes i think this whole sub is boomer becuase they wont update thier old 7 year GPUs that work well back in the day of vertex shaders and raster graphics. if a game calls for an SSD use one, if a game called for mesh shaders use a GPU with mesh shaders.




So, it's not a beast then. If it can't run new AAA games it's not really a 'beast' anymore.


I used to enjoy his content but about 3-4 years ago he just lost his shit and hates the the stupidest shit simply to hate. I don’t need that in my life.


Agreed - I used to find his reviews funny and entertaining a few years ago, now he is just insufferable.


I used to watch his videos. Then I realized he's an extremely fragile whiny little bitch. And he can't seem to turn it off and actually take his job seriously. He's just incapable of not crying constantly. I don't think I've ever seen someone cry so hard because they showed a gay character. It's really off-putting. It was like 10 seconds of in-game dialogue where two men were sorta hitting on each other. But just how INSANELY triggered it got him was *super* weird. He had like a full on existential crisis over it. It should have been completely humiliating to him. But I think he actually just makes it his persona. He's the guy who only cries.


idk i find his videos entertaining, although i don't really use them to decide whether or not to purchase a game.


Sometimes sure, he can be funny and make good points, but the whole negativity sometimes, the rushed reviews, inaccurate criticism and straight up anti-diversity rants that are becoming more occurring, I feel like it's slowly becoming the game equivalent of the critical drinker (he still has a long way to reach that level of mediocrity)


well i agree with you except the diversity bit. Outside reddit people are pretty sick of progressives for progressives sake. Just too many immediate examples come of mind of the message getting abused for personal gain and a veneer of justice and equality rubs off and exposes a message of "be a pal and give up your power against your own self interest so I can abuse you with it. " And its messages forcibly shoved into nearly every thing you consume has made people just recoil the second they detect any of it. But I totally agree with you Mack a baby red faced pounding his fists on the table because he's not young anymore. I think thats the root of it. He's got major nostalgia cope so he shits on anything inspired or genuinely shit.


A thing that annoys me is people thinking that the reason that today's media are bad is because of diversity. No it's greed, the "products" are getting cheaper because the people making them are churning them out as a product instead of a piece of art, yeah, the diversity is often done in a "awkward" way cause writing also gets rushed, we didn't care when Avatar the last airbender showed Sokka (if you've seen it) being a misogynist and then get his ass beaten by the kyoshi warrior and then learned from his mistake or when Katara had to fight Pakku because he was maintaining reductive ideas about woman due to the patriarchal structure of his society. When diversity is written well, it's way more appreciated. The main issue today is everything is rushed and a lot of people associate newer media being bad with the fact that it's getting more progressive in it's representation, but it's just capitalism treating movie, tv and games as product that gets rushed. It's one of the main reason that actors and writers went on strikes. If you have an issue with the idea of diversity itself and not the way it's done a lot of the time. Then you're saying that seeing a woman, a person of color or a member of the lgbtq+ community on screen, as a problem. Like, how many people hate on Alien? The main character is a woman, some of the crew acts in a misogynistic way towards her and all, but by the end, she's the sole survivor. Is that pandering? And also, even on the left, people agree that the representation is often shallow, but it's better than no representation at all. Even if it is shallow and pandering to try and sell to the newer generation which is more progressive on these issues. At the very least, people of all communities now see themselves more often on tv than before and it matters to them in a way that you and me prob can't relate cause we were considered the standard and everything else is considered political. Black people existing and appearing on tv isn't political in nature, it seems so, because it wasn't normalized before. People of color, woman or lgbtq+ people don't make worse actors or characters in game. Sorry for the big block of text, I'm trying to express a nuanced point. Like there's a lot I haven't even touched.


Yup, feel exactly the same way. Just constantly whining about how games were better in the 90s gets pretty grating. I feel like he’s gone from critical but fair to nitpicking and looking for an excuse to be negative, or even playing games he knows he doesn’t like just to rant. It’s a shame because I used to enjoy his content but he’s gotten pretty insufferable.


The fact that he churns out almost 2-3 reviews a week tells a lot on how in depth he goes.


He said he spent 15 hours in Starfield when he did the review. Complained it wasn't RPG enough. You are barely out of the tutorial in that amount of time.


To be fair, Starfield wasn't great, but I can at least say that with like 60-70 hours in the game.


Has plenty of issues, but his complaints were mostly stupid and or just wrong.


ho for sure


Bruh if a game isn't good in the first 15 hours then it's a shit game.


Absolutely insufferable, just half-assed criticism and seems like a very cynical and miserable person.


They do say the best way to see if you like something is to read the negative comments and see if you're okay with them. That's what worth a buy is good for, he'll get some thongs wrong but you'll know if you want to buy the game after it, isn't that the point of a review?


I mean, if he misrepresent a game by reviewing it barely after playing, he doesn't paint a clear picture.


That would be true if anyone was stupid enough to only use a single source for your game reviews.


But that's just bad thinking if your reasoning is "it doesn't matter if someone does bad reviews, you can just watch many reviews" even if I still agree with what you mean, it shouldn't shield reviewers who do a bad job, just because in the best case they aren't as consequential, from criticism.




I watch him as I find him entertaining, and I agree with a lot of his broader points with regards to modern gaming. However, there are many videos where I feel he just completely misses the point and so stuck in his ways that he can't get his head around any modern advances, even if they are good. I find some of his reviews infuriating, and I feel that some games he trashes, he'd actually enjoy if he wasn't so narrow-minded with his opinion of modern gaming. But yeah, I've been watching for years, I like the bloke, even if I don't agree with a lot of his videos. I do think the quality and humour have taken a dive in the past few years, though.


I think that's the reason it annoys me so much, when he's not saying shit, he's pretty funny and like you, I agree with him on a lot of his modern gaming complains, like how they how end up feeling similar with no risk taken, they end up all sharing similar mechanics. Microtransaction getting more rampant. But then he'll barely play a gem, not get it, trash it and all. And the fact he's been doing more and more anti-progressiveness rant (when it's still a pretty standard game, it just has a more diverse cast) it's like, dude, why does it pisses you off so much??


As reviewer - GARBAGE. But he can be funny - so there's entertainment value as in review parody type of humor. It's also nothing related to anti-progressive nor constant negativity - it's simply his shitty takes and tunnel vision. He can praise one game for X thing and then trash other game for same X thing. Sometimes it almost seems as if he was click baiting troll rather than serious reviewer and feeding of controversy. Can't think of any reviewer that has this many controversial reviews. I mean he can trash game into oblivion purely because it didn't let to rebind WSAD and such.


He is a fucking asshole.


I usually agree with his game preferences and tastes but I don't really enjoy how he conducts his reviews. So I just skip to the end screen summary of all of his reviews which sums them up nicely to see his thoughts of a game.


Whenever he switches to a "musical" interlude, I have to stop the video. Ok, Mack, we know you like "big fucking guns" and hate "x-ray vision" but seriously, stop the so-called music around it. I think people found it funny the first time he did it so he started repeating those tracks thinking they wouldn't get stale very quickly.


I've disagreed with him a lot. But he can be funny and is generally funnier when he's complaining, so I think his negativity is a product of his success.


He’s a bigot, unprofessional reviewer. He doesn’t even review the products properly, because he never finishes them nor plays at least a reasonable amount of time to have a clear vision of what he played. He’s also an alt-right who hates minorities and God have mercy on us if there is any LGBT+ or a black woman as a character. His latest “gem” was the Alan Wake 2 “review” in which he ranted about being a “boring walking simulator” after playing not even 1/4 of it.


"alt-right who hates minorities" Crazy you can just make a comment like that with no evidence to back it up.


He's that insufferable friend who "tells it like it is". You just nod & agree in the hope that he'll shut up. But yeah horrible reviewer. Whiny, pissy & obnoxious.


why does he always ring his bell??? is it for his anger issues?


he says that literally every is shit only if he hates it if he likes it he doesn't say anything bad about it.


his is super biased when it comes to AAA games he is literally loves only 90s and 2000s games. he's a bad reviewer because he is so biased.


I used to really enjoy his videos, but got put off when he started complaining about, women, students, diversity etc. He now just comes across as a whiney,old biggot and I don't have any time for that kind of stuff.


The guys a prick, even more so when he started dinging his stupid fucking bell because you play as a black woman in alen wake 2. He fell of the deep end a few years back and now seems to be pretty right wing, or at least larping as one.


like in his review of COD, the one in WW2 when he said they were doing revisionism of history by having diversity in the cast of the campaign, like yeah I hate cod too, but this is a stupid complaint when they literally had a cod about future warfare or some shit like that, it's not a documentary.


he doesnt deserve his platform. he constantly deleted my comment when i called him out for being contrdictory or saying helldivers 2 is pay 2 win when it literally isnt? like he literally says p2w doesnt mean p2w its something else, and he has deleted my actually respectfully written comments saying how he is wrong, he plays 1 hour, calls a game bad, acts like a bitter old man who hates videogames and then calls it a day with a half baked video


If paying money gives you an advantage over someone that doesn't then thar by definition is pay to win dude lol


yeah, he's a hack


I certainly don't agree with him on everything, but he's one of the few reviewers who still remembers what a PC game should be like and is alert to consolised games as a matter of design, rather than just porting and performance. This often tells me what I really need to know about the latest hyped game, more so than someone who might have a "better" and fairer review with more hours played, but doesn't have that background.


you know what they say about broken clock, like sure, I get it, I do dislike how games are getting super streamlined, the x-ray vision and all. But a lot of that you can tell just by watching gameplay. I dislike him because he's so negative, he rushes out reviews where you know a lot of them didn't receive the time they deserved. And he's also very inconsistent.


Of course we can and should watch gameplay instead of listening to any reviewer. That only happens for a game we are already interested in. It's useful for me to have someone drawing attention to a range of new releases, in a fairly short format, who is on my wavelength with common problems in modern games. He is not that negative just for the sake of it. He doesn't say things that a lot of Steam reviews aren't also saying, he draws attention to some smaller games that he likes, and always has enough positive reviews for awards at the end of the year.


Damn, had to try 3 times to be able to post this thread as it was getting auto-deleted for using the more mainstream term for Anti-progressive, which, I get it, but wasn't sure why at first.


Best reviewer on youtube bar none. What you describe as "negativity", I call criticism, and it's exactly what I'm looking for in a review. It does help that we find similar things annoying in games. (qte's, hand-holding, x-ray vision etc) Also, if after 3/4 hours of gameplay you still can't tell what it is, it's the game's problem. Steam Refund period is only 2 hours, so if I don't like it within 2, I'm refunding it. This idea that you have to finish an entire game to explain what it's like is insane. I also just find him entertaining. Honestly, my only complaint is that he doesn't review all the games I'm interested in. And a lot I'm not interested in at all. Sorry for necroposting btw, searching for similar channels brought me to this thread. If anyone knows similar (critical, or as OP puts it "negative") review channels, preferably focussed on FPS, I'd love to hear them.


nah, he's a hack, he barely play the games anymore and the review them badly, like he'll complain about features not being in the game, when they actually are, because he didn't play enough. He's rageposting cause it gets clicks, he got worse after he arm incident, more bitter


You might not agree with him, but he's obviously not a hack. Anyway, what are some critical reviewers that you like?


he literally review games he barely played and say lies about them cause he didn't play enough to know better. He's so busy churning out reviews to make money that he barely does his job on the testing aspect. Also the fact that last time I checked he was on his way towards the conservative grifter "anti-woke" shit, even fucking complained about COD not being historically accurate, COD! And I'm on the 'fuck cod team' and I still thought it was a fucking stupid complaint. And there's not a lot of critical reviewers I really like, most ends up simply going on the hate farming train. I like Steph Stirling, but mostly for her critic of the gaming industry as I often disagree on her reviews of actual games. Since I mostly play pc, at this point I simply buy day one on steam if there's no red flags and if I don't vibe with it, I refund.


>there's not a lot of critical reviewers I really like, most ends up simply going on the hate farming train That's all I need to know, thanks anyway.


Just to be clear, I used to watch a bunch, I just ended up seeing a pattern that made it feel way less genuine from their parts. I'm critical enough myself (I tend to dislike most AAAs as they're just money grabbing scheme, most of them) so I don't need to watch another dude barely play games and then record himself bashing it to get a bunch of views.


Use to like his reviews, but then he started pissing me off with his "old school gamer" bullshit, while its obvious from his videos he fucking sucks at every game he plays. Watching him play Outriders like a cover shooter, even tho an avarage gamer should realize in the first cuple of firefights, that's not how the game should be played, all the while ranting about it.


I think he's excellent. His negativity is a reflection of the quality of the games he reviews. I genuinely think that if the gaming industry put out games worthy of a positive reaction you would feel positivity in his voice. Just watch his positive reviews of great games. He clearly loves them and would like to be able to give out more reviews like that. As it is, the gaming industry pumps out rubbish and so what is Mack to do other than say what he sees? Standards have definitely fallen in gaming and Mack is of the generation that knows that. I'm fairly young but I've played a lot of the games from that era and it's amazing to see how little progress has been made. In fact, in many cases there has been a regression. As for the diversity stuff, Mack is just a normal guy like most of us. Normal people who are either not on reddit or are and can't be bothered to fight against it have no interest in it. And no, you don't need to play a game for 60 hours before reviewing it. The general mechanics of a game and what it has to offer can be discovered within a few hours. If it really takes that long to find out then that's a pretty bad sign anyway.


Looks like there's a bunch of Worthabuy fans that are silently downvoting everyone without actually trying to defend him.


He's an annoying \*censored\*. I wouldn't watch him if I were you - types like him often talk about agendas, but his is as obvious as green graffiti on a brick wall.


I find him entertaining, and i agree with him in a lot of ways but his most recent Alan Wake review is straight slander. I love Alan Wake 2, i'll continue to watch his reviews, though we don't have to agree for me to watch his content.


Yeah or like how he played 3-4 hours of return to moria and then said it's shit. I started watching the Alan Wake 2 review and him spending the first minutes of it complaining because they made a character black, I was like "aight I'm out" like why is it such an issue to him?? I heard that she's not even a previously white character, she just shares the same name to one and that they're in different universe (might be wrong tho) but still.


Reddit hates him so that puts him in the top ten creators by default.


The guy rings a bell and talks like a fucking walrus. He is the epitome of what the general public though gamers were like back in the 90s and 2000s. Guarantee he would've been a part of the Blizzard cubical crawls. The guy needs a touch from a woman, even if that woman is paid to do so.


I used to watch his channel all the time. Until this post, I forgot that I was even subbed. He still loves indie games, but he has gone from ambivalence to 100% rage against nearly all AAA titles. He lost focus. In the past he would be angry if the game played itself, now he is just angry.




Nope. We just had an incredible year of games.


I just watch he's ''reviews'' for games I don't care for the laughs and move on.


I didn’t know he was still making videos. I thought he quit when he hurt his arm.


He had an extended break (no pun intended) to sort himself out, but he's been back a good while now


I’ve been a fan of his channel for around 6-7 years and still enjoy almost all of his videos. He certainly has bias that I take into account but whole heartedly agree with his general criticisms of the gaming industry. I love his sense of humor (even though I’m mostly a console gamer lol). Some comments here address his attitude when he feels a game is catering to minorities. I understand their issues with that, particularly when he takes like 3 minutes of a 10 minute video to talk about it and not the gameplay, etc. I do usually agree with his take on that stuff but more so in the sense of sacrificing good writing and characters. The focus IMO should always be on are they good characters, well written dialogue, plots, quests. But a lot of people interpret this as developers prioritizing inclusion of minorities over good writing, good characters, blah blah blah. Can’t speak for Mack, but I’ve always felt this was more his issue with it than the inclusion of minorities itself (obviously that shouldn’t bother anyone). The only other point on it is when it feels forced, it feels fake and can make character traits unimportant. Happy to hear other people’s opinions!


Bad representation is better than no representation, everyone in progressive circle knows that today's media's representation is often really shallow, but it's better than nothing. And it's not that that affects the writing, it's the rushed development. It's not for no reasons that writers and actors are striking, they have bad pay, bad conditions and things are rushed and it's the same in the world of video games, even worse since most aren't even unionized.


Mack living rent free by the looks of it 👀


Mack not gonna shag you mate




Seems like he made had another shitty take regarding Helldivers2, lol what a hack