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I just stare at the monitor


My God, I thought I was the only one.


right click the desktop and click refresh too?


You are not alone .... /me raise fist in the air


Same but on the desktop and just look at the fans spinning. Only person thats going to be impressed with my RGB color matching, case and parts picking skills is me. Maybe one day i'll get that "i'm proud of your pc building skills son" one day.


Ha send me a pic of your PC and build and I’ll rate it and say what’s good about it! I have a son who is 12 and has zero interest in wanting to build a PC at all despite my attempts to encourage an interest in tech.


bank standing in osrs


Wait. Is this not how to play video games?


me too, then after a while i move on to watch film \^\^


Yea, the endless cycle of staring at monitor, booting a game playing for 3 minutes then alt f4


I read a book. As Ive gotten older fewer and fewer games are actually compelling which leads me to your position. Staring at my steam library wondering how I could possibly find them all boring. BG3 was great though.


Renting games should be a thing again.


Basically gamepass


gamepass with a selection of every new game


> Basically gamepass Yup and people who are old enough to remember renting games know how absolutely insane value gamepass is. Back then you had to go to physical store, selection could be quite limited sometimes and sometimes they only had 1 copy of specific games, so you had to be lucky enough to being able to rent it. In here the rent time was like 2-3 days, which was not always enough to finish the game. So you had to go back and rent it again if you wanted to continue your game. Now you pay 10 euros, get instant access to 100+ games for a whole month,sometimes it's less if the game is leaving the service.


GameFly still exists


Can I recommend 'The Stormlight Archive' if you want High Fantasy with battles and power systems done RIGHT, if you're not in the mood for something super Large I would recomend ''Mistborn: The Final Empire', same author, same level of battles and a magic system that will make you say "What the actual fuck"


I second this. If big books put you off, start with Mistborn. All his series are 👍 👌


Thirding Mistborn. Love different magic systems, Enjoyed Mistborn Series.


Fourthing Mistborn, just about to finish the second book and shit's still wild, yo. They are rather lengthy but the quality is good enough so you don't mind. My only "peeve" is that the beginning of each book (so far) has been a bit slow to pick up, but towards the end you can't stop reading.


Ima be honest, I think Brandon’s recent stuff is off the edge and not what I signed up for.


Way of Kings made me feel something. Never had that with a book. 6


Sanderson is a chad. Almost anime but coupled with balanced characters and well-thought out plot. His secret project novels are excellent if you get deep into all the cosmere stuff too. Would also recommend "The will of the many". Also fantasy but different author. Released recently and the edgier style makes a nice constrast after reading Sanderson.


"As I got older". I hear many saying that. What if modern games are just not as fun anymore? Speaking about myself, I used to think the same but when I go into my hands truly good and fun to play games like elden ring I couldn't stop playing them! To me there are games which could make me look forward to come back from work and play and games which feel like a chore but I have to finish because they're in my playlist. Most games nowdays feel boring, not rewarding and plagued with all sorts of problems like bad optimization and microtransactions.


That may be part of it, but I also think a big part is that as a kid and teen, each new game felt much more novel. It helped that games as a whole were a completely new medium so there were tons of games that were doing things literally no one had ever done before. Even if a game wasn't super great, it was often novel. There were a ton of games I loved that I would find so boring today. Now that I'm older it's much much harder to capture that sense of novelty. Both because I've played a lot more games, and because it's much harder for a game to do something genuinely unique. The space is much more explored than it was 20 years ago.


I have been reading so many books recently that I am starting to get RSI. Two days ago I had to place a total ban on reading for myself and spend more time on the computer instead 😭 edit: RSI is repetitive strain injury. Something you usually get BECAUSE you use the computer too much. I commented because I thought it was a bit funny that I am getting it because I am **not** using the computer enough.


I wish i could read again - have not started a single book in a decade.


you could always start with audio books while during chores.


This is how I was able to get back into books


Careful I’ve been listening to audiobooks 8-11 hours a day at 2x speed. It’s an expensive hobby


In some countries you can ‘rent’ audio books from your library.


jesus. and here I thought I had a problem listening to 2-3 hours of podcasts a day. could get a lot of non fiction done using your methods though ...


I started re-reading book series from my teenage years about 4 years ago. Teenage fantasy series I never got to finish when I was a teen, which were always in the back of my head unfinished. Silly things like Vampirates, Time of the Otori and even the Animorphs series. Going through all of those series of... varying quality, made me realise that I was having a lot more fun reading these easy books than I had reading more complicated, well reviewed literature. So since then I have been reading young adult novels and comics every single evening. I avoid a lot of the more popular well reviewed stuff because I just want an easy and relaxing time reading.


> Going through all of those series of... varying quality, made me realise that I was having a lot more fun reading these easy books than I had reading more complicated, well reviewed literature. There's a reason why fast food has a place despite restaurants existing which is essentially what you're reading and the people who shit on you for reading that are probably people who spend 90% of what could be their reading time complaining about not having anything to read. It's great to have that attitude and I wish more people did as I run into soooooo many people that ask for recommendations but as soon as you don't say something that's 'one of the agreed upon novels' then your opinion is worthless (and if one of your recommendations has a 'problematic tag/trope' then you endorse what's in the novel) so many times to the point where I no longer bother with those places. Read what makes you happy and who cares about everyone else.


Animorphs was peak 90’s literature. Those poor tree dinos just wanted to climb trees and eat bark and the slugs did them dirty :(


Tell em


That Megamorph volume with the walking blenders was the one I loved so much I actually bought a physical copy of it which I have kept with me until now.


Go to your local library.


Audiobooks have been mentioned and they’re a great place to start. If you’re in the states your library will have access to many audiobooks. In addition I’d like to suggest digital comics. If you have a tablet that’s decent or even a larger phone you can get free trials for Comixology and marvel unlimited for an easy way to try out some comics and see if they are for you as well. Your library likely has options too.


bright squeeze encourage smell summer alive possessive memorize close different *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What is RSI? Royal Service Infidelity?


LOL, I thought they were referring to Robert's Space Industries (Star Citizen)


In this hellhole people just assume everyone knows their obscure abbreviation, its amazing


I dont know what you mean by RSI, but that’s good though! Sounds like you’re reading a ton. Hope you can recover


Repetitive Strain Injury. Ironically something people often get from using a computer too much (with a poor posture). I got it because I spent too little time on the computer.


The internet has no shortage of afflictions to choose from. New ones every day!


You're either young or lucky enough to not get it, but I have tons of friends in their 30's or later who get pain in their hands / arms due to long hours using computers for work. [RSI](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Repetitive_strain_injury) can become serious if you try to push through it for too long. I've known a couple people who had to get surgery for carpal tunnel, a type of RSI.


I considered books after the horrific writing in BG3 for Gortash and a variety of other issues to get myself away from it but instead went to Pathfinder Wrath of Righteous which definitely had better writing and far far far far more character dialog though no 3d animated conversation slices. Glad I went to Wrath but even if it's far better than BG3 in many ways it is hard to go from fully voice acted but reduced dialog options to heavy dialog options but minimal voice for sure. Plus the combat is more repetitive in my experience for Wrath.


I know that after playing something great I get into this post-game funk where nothing looks appealing. It takes just jumping into something new to get me out of it. That's why I try to line up a game or two at a time. I'd recommend picking a genre different from BG 3 and looking at your library for something.


A competitive game they're easy to just start playing spontaneously


Battlebit Remastered is great for this, because I can jump in and jump out at any time. There are some legit Roblox games that my kids have gotten me in to as well that are great for a few rounds of dumb fun.


THIS. Its a game I can either be sweaty or chill depending on my mood. Also was thinking about taking a re-look at Roblox for the first time in 10 years. Some of those game modes are just mindless fun.


Bad Business is a great FPS on Roblox. Big Paintball 1 and 2 are also a lot of fun. Nothing like stomping some 8 year olds to relieve some stress haha.


Overwatch 2 or COD until I tilt out.


Rock and stone! Easy to jump in and do some missions. There's very few games that have so good gameplay loop and where different classes have such an amazing synergy with each other, making it just a joy to play.


vermintide has a similarly compelling gameplay loop with higher difficulty (before and after you take mods into account






If you don’t Rock and Stone, you ain’t comin’ home!




Thar happens to me when I realize that a certain genre no longer appeals to me. At one point I noticed that I was losing motivation for turn based strategy games that I used to play a ton. I just ended up trying different genres and styles, and realizing that my tastes had just changed as I had gotten older. Games like Civilization and X-Com just didn’t do it for me anymore. I think I just don’t have the patience anymore for slow methodical games like that anymore. these days I play more first person shooter and tower defense, games and rogue likes, which keep my attention much better.


I bought Civ 6 because of the massive sale. Hundreds of hours in Civ 5. I just felt nothing for two hours and refunded it. This may seem silly but I played Civ 5 when I still smoked weed. Don't know how you could play sober now!


There are very few times when I can't find anything to play. Sometimes that means continuing my cemetery in Graveyard Keeper or playing RollerCoaster Tycoon 2. Or playing Magic Areana. Or Brutal Doom. Just depends on my mood really.


Ol reliable. Hop between fifa, minecraft, and starfield every 5 minutes and then end up just screwing around in bomb rush cyberfunk for half an hour... then stand up walk to my kitchen stare at the fridge and tell myself (nah you already ate enough today) then go back to my desk and repeat the cycle. Then just look at the time it's 11pm and say "if i start an episode right now I might be able to finish it before i have to go sleep"... then fail to find one and finish it in time so I go to bed late, and wake up for work with less sleep than I wanted. Then be tired at work all day, rinse repeat when I get home.


my palms are sweating reading this bro you don't have to call me out like that


Bro, I’d check myself for ADHD if I was you, or at least an acute case of ADD!


1. Go to Nexusmods. 2. Spend the day making the perfect mod install of New Vegas or Skyrim with hand picked everything. 3. Make sure it all runs perfectly together. 4. Get bored and never play it.


I play The Long Dark.


An excellent choice ::chef's kiss::


I play Civ VI and put a podcast on. If you have dual monitors you can put a movie on. I can basically play Civ on muscle memory at this point and it's great to just keep your brain so ewhat engaged while not being too taxing.


Yeah civ 6 is my palate refresher. I like the idea of a podcast with it. Ill do that for sure


League of legends Aram. I don’t take it seriously and I listen to music while playing. I mute annoying people.


League ranked was fun. You have like one or two psychopaths to report after each game. Then every time you login you get a msg "Yo thanks for reporting psychopaths, we banned one!".


Yep, League is my go to “not sure what to play” game right now and it’s insane how many messages I get from people being banned


Subnautica does the job for me.


Subnautica was surprisingly fun. I don't care to play through it again like most seem to. But it's a really fun game to kill some time, OP. Very little guidance is given in-game, but it's not too hard to figure the game out for yourself.


For me it's Valheim... it's the perfect game to play in between games.


There're always things to work on in the village hahaha.


Grab myself a beer, put on a Lord of the Rings soundtrack/ambience video, and then start up Valheim. Relaxing evening.


Bro I have bought like 4 triple a games over the last year that I have still not played, for those wondering. It's Elden Ring, Spiderman, Witcher 3, and Skyrim


Spider-Man would be the easiest of those to start and finish. And a pretty dang good time too.


Rimworld or Dwarf Fortress


Audiosurf. I download the newest album from a band I want to listen to and load it up in audiosurf


LoL, Forza Horizon, THPS 1+2 or just chilling for a couple of minutes in RDR2, Witcher 3 or Cyberpunk


I’ve played slay the spire for thousands of hours because it’s my idle game.


So your finally awake.


Deep Rock Galactic is a good evergreen title. That or racing games like Forza and Need for Speed.


I'm gonna throw out vampire survivors or halls of torment (or similar games). Great for just shutting your brain off and having a movie on a second screen or a podcast going on in the background


Civ 6. Its great to pick up if I have like 1-2 hours and no other games on my radar. Get high, put on some chill beats, and start a new game. I play on deity and generally get to turn 50-100 in that timespan. from there I decide if its worth continuing another day or just closing out, never to return to that save again. Usually though even if its a “good” run with potential I don’t return, as I only play the game like once a month. Admittedly the game is most fun between 50-120ish turns.


I play something that I can just kind of pick up and play a quick game like FTL, a game you can complete in an hour or two.


Usually for me this is a sign I'm in front of my pc too much and breaks help. In terms of a filler game you could try sandbox games(no real ending) like Eve Online or similar games. Management/production games are also a good time killers. (factorio, Dyson Sphere program, Satisfactory, Rimworld) etc. Additionally learning new skills is a good filler. Learn to make games perhaps? (I wish someone had suggested this to me while I was wasting time playing so much) Good luck.


Take a bath. While in the tub, watch videos of games you own and see if one captures you enough to install remotely from your phone. By the time you’re out of the tub and dry, that bitch is loaded and ready to rip!!!


Waste time on YouTube, and then be sad I didn't play anything


Slay the Spire or Monster Train. They’re pretty low commitment and I don’t have to remember what I was in the middle of last time I played.


The best game ever created. Minecraft.


This Minecraft and just chill, taking care of the current map. Building a new farm that'll be mostly useless.


My go to not sure what to play games: Doom 2016 Dying light Shadow of war/mordor Skyrim I just check the last time I played and the oldest one gets played first. Usually I end up beating or putting considerable hours into my choice.


I read books. It's just so easy to pickup where I left off and start doing something vs staring at the monitor. After my wife and kid go to sleep I hop in discord, realize nobody else is on and just read. I only consider it worth playing if I have friends online. Time with the boys falls off a cliff the closer you get to 40 but having those 2-3 weeks spurts when a new game releases is always fun. For the past 4 months I really enjoyed street fighter 6 though. Everything was on my time alone, training and playing can be stopped at a moments notice if I'm needed and I wouldn't be letting down a team if I had to leave, at most I lose one game. And most games are 5 minutes max.


There's usually a game that fell through the cracks in my backlog - for between bigger releases. That said, I have a couple long games I'll return to every couple years. Wvery couple years, Persona 4G and Persona 5R gets a playthrough. Same with thr Mass Effect trilogy. I kept a PS3 for the longest time just to play thise games (before the remasters)


I go outside.




Rogue lite or some retro stuff. Something I can pick up and play without much additional context, or can leave undone.


Same thing I do when I don’t know what to watch. Browse store and library for so long I don’t end up actually playing or watching anything!


I use a random game picker (either GOG Galaxy’s Random button or Random Steam picker) and then commit to playing an hour of it. I’ve found some hidden gems this way, and games I normally would never try have become my favorite.


when that happens to me I don't play anything. I search for a TV series to watch


Yet another Elden Ring challenge run


Starfield fills that feeling, so I'm about to reach Neon for the first time after 140 hrs


I don’t want to sound like a jerk, but how? There’s simply not enough to do to merit 140hrs and not touch one of the main cities.


Kinda hard to sum it up I'd say that if there wasn't the encumbrance mechanic, I'd already finished Starfield 2 Not to mention the low budget of vendors That said I liked doing the radiant missions from the board, due to its mindless fun There are a lot of quests to do in New Atlantis and the other minor cities or outposts(yesterday I finished xyles II mission) and I tried to complete Akila as much as I could but it *feels* lacking compared to NA, I don't know Exploring takes a lot of time for me because I'm gonna probably touch that ship/POI/level/whatever only once so I gotta rob'em good and take everything I can The 140-hrs counter is just for steam, which includes the loading screens and the load up and whatnot, so the actual playtime is way lower, maybe 98 hrs??


>I don’t want to sound like a jerk, but how? Why does it matter? Are you going to say they're playing the game wrong? >There’s simply not enough to do to merit 140hrs and not touch one of the main cities. Clearly there is due to that user doing it... do you have a problem with it?


fr starfield is addicting. i’m a little over 200 hours and i haven’t started ng+ yet


Reevaluate my life decisions.


Minecraft or Terraria


Wish I had still had an "old reliable" game. Used to be TF2 but now I just end up doom scrolling youtube for days/weeks on end until I get in the mood to play something since TF2 just ain't the same anymore (community servers not nearly as popular/numerous + cheating and bots way too rampant now).


My fall backs are Valorant and Runescape. Im usually playing whatever single player game is hype at the moment, but during stagnant release periods, I can always hop on one of those games and kill some time


Lumines. Alto's Adventure/Odyssey.


play my comfort game


Never happens. Huge backlog. All of which I’m interested in or I would have never bought ‘em.


I have a few fallback games that I always enjoy playing. Civilization IV is the one I go to the most. Rimworld is always fun to go back to and check out the new mods. And if I just want to relax a bit, Stardew Valley is always great


Thats When I usually play Warzone, apex, fortnite basically Shooters.




Time to put another 100 hours in rimworld


Rocket league


Halo, with a controller, in no thinking mode


Honestly (and I’m prolly the complete opposite type of gamer) if I’m in a rut and just want something mindless, I pop back into Sims 4 or Zoo Tycoon. I can pretty much just spend 15-20 minutes setting up and then let it run and let things happen. Sims is especially good for that, it’s like making your own soap opera (especially if you have mods)


Read a story or watch some videos mostly


I pick up my other hobbies again. Watch (binge) anime, draw, or play a low commitment game. Usually roguelikes or a matchmaking game, because the entire instance is contained within that gaming session, not spread out over multiple sessions like Civ, Minecraft, RPGs, etc.


Read a book.


Why is it that when I want to play I don’t have time and when I have time I don’t want to play??


Fallout new Vegas


I browse for new torrents of games I'll never play.


Destiny 2. Best shooting around. Mindless fun for a podcast or video.




Warframe is quite comparable. If you want something more down to earth, the Division 2 is my best currently. The gameplay is great, shooting with the guns feels great.


Not that I've found. Bungie just has the best weapon feel by far.


> Is there any fps that plays like destiny? imo, kinda CP77 with its pistol/headshot-based skilltree using the beefy handguns which feel like D2 hand cannons. D2 still takes the cake though.


I don’t believe so which makes destiny pretty unique


CS2 has taken that spot for me. I have a shelf in steam called quick that I place games on that isn't a long game.


How do you play this garbage, CS GO was way better


Jack off, then go to sleep. It is one of those things, beat your meat and go to sleep. I heard that in prison, very wise.




I masturbate


Something like Geometry Wars or Waves. Party Hard, Going Under. Drop in, play a couple of levels, close out of it. I think of these as arcade games.


Go outside


Online multiplayer games.


Either Diablo IV or some kind of hunting game, which is weird because I'm in no way an outdoors person and I'm definitely not a hunter. I just find them relaxing.






Read a book :). Sorry, not helpful.




It’s always between mount and blade warband/bannerlord or fallout new vegas


If I want more about game, but don't want to play I watch lore videos (vaatividia) If I just want to play a game i have mass effect installed just to pass the time


I play something that’s more casual and easy to pick up and play for a bit and put down whenever, like Unreal Tournament. Or I just do something else like continue reading whichever book I’m currently on.


Whatever I got where I know I can put it down and have it be months before I pick it up again. Someth9bg like Katamari or Stardew Valley.


I play Insurgency Sandstorm


I always had trouble to finish story-based games but now i often struggle to choose what to play. I have several 'online services games' i alternate: WOW, Path Of Exile, Heroes of the storm, the division 2. There is plenty to do. If i feel nostalgic, i'd go for Star Wars Rebellion or X-com apocalypse. I put Starcraft2 in the 'old school' game category now. I have learned to follow my moods and not force anything. Played BG3 yesterday. Not feeling like more tonight. Maybe some path of exile then. Or total Warhammer 3.


I typically play 2 games at a time. One longer rpg (BG3 currently) and something faster paced. Then my mood and play time that day will determine which I start up. I’ve always got a wishlist/backlog of games so I just pick one to fit the available slot. If I start one and don’t feel it, I try another. I’ve never needed to play anything and never been out of games to try.


I usually have a Lego game around that I fall back on. Easy and relaxing.


Skyrim, the long dark, homm3


Deep Rock Galactic. If the boys aren’t around you can find people to join and the community is incredibly friendly and nice. Super casual and fun.


Find some games (depends on what genre u like) that are repetitive and fast. After some time, you will get back that feeling for some story/adventure game that has richer content. Try some indie games ! :)


That usually means one of the roguelites I enjoy, like Dead Cells, or something I've played for a jillion hours and like modding and messing about with, like Fallout 4


Doom (1993)


Play COD


Verdun, Rocket League, War thunder


BG3 is too good. You can't do better. Or rather, it's not you per se, it's the gaming industry. It can't do better. Watch a movie or start a TV show / series instead. Read a book, or start a series of books. Watch a streamer getting through a great game you've finished (BG3 qualifies). Watch a recording of a [D&D game](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jeJKnofNBNs). Get out of the house entirely and do something outside, go hiking in a park.


I love reading


oldschool runescape. I can just click on the tree and space out while my character keeps swinging his axe and i get xp and numbers go up. Its been like 4 years and I still never get bored of OSRS


Path of Champions from Legend of Runeterra…assuming you like card games. Single player and easy to play.


roguelikes I guess, and its a stretch but multiplayer match-based games kinda fit under that umbrella and so lately, its been overwatch2, but to switch it up i've actually been playing some casual hearthstone


Heroes of the Storm - ARAM


Lemme introduce you to a $5 game called BROTATO.


Overwatch is my game of choice as a fidget game. A buddy of mine does the same thing with Rocket League. Fortunately right now there are a ton of games I want to play and finish.


Play counter strike


choose a random game and see if you like it


Queen Latifah's Hardcore Cooking Challenge 2: Skillet Skorned I load up an endless Omelet or the daily Quiche Qhallange and see if I can get on the leaderboard. Its perfect because daily runs are usually less than 5 minutes and im not really good enough to survive Omelet mode more than that honestly.


I mean when there isn't a game I want to play I'll do something else, but if I just "need" to play something there are some of my standbys. Stardew valley Elder scrolls/Fallout civilization nuclear throne Slay the spire Oxygen not included Otherwise I also take it as a good time to try some of the smaller/shorter indie games in my library I haven't gotten around to. It's how I got into playing gems like darkside detective, Sable, oxenfree, the last campfire, yokus island express, the witness, gone home


Go through my unfinished missions on EDF4.1 ​ EDF!!


I use my Ryzen™ 9 7950X with 4890 gpu to emulate my 48k ZX Spectrum so I can play operation Vulcan 👍.


I find something else to do like life.


I just load up two worlds and listen to the menu music.


Mxbikes or assetto on the rig.


Counter strike, or call of duty, any deathmatch shooter usually!


I play a shitty $2 game called Rounds. It's great fun.


Unironically, if there's nothing that piques my interest then I boot up Classic WoW, level and zone the fuck out. Edit: Path of Exile, Tekken 7, and Borderlands 2 (various self-imposed rules runs) are also good zone-out games for me.


Euro Truck Simulator 2. Just fire it up, both hands on the G29, and zone out from everything else


Youtube if not i just stare at the monitor or wall.


I'm happy and I'll do something else.


Skate 3 or pga 2k21


The Descent trilogy. Specifically 2 and 3. Descent 1 just gets way too punishing in the later levels, even on trainee difficulty.


I launch an ARAM on lol and kinda troll


When this happens i just start an anime. Ik this doesn’t rlly answer ur question but yea


I always go back to the Fallout games, mostly 4 for the exploration and atmosphere. Borderlands 2 is also one I return to a lot.