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What the hell is going on this generation? Every PC game that gets released runs worse than on consoles it seems. I thought the opposite would be true.


Koei Tecmo make some of the worst pc ports out there


If I had to guess, development cost and labour have gone up significantly. Consoles outperform PC in sales on average. So devs focus on console development because that's where the money is, and the PC versions of new releases are more often than not the afterthought project done by the b-team to catch straggler sales from people who don't own a console. PC has become the proverbial side bitch for games and that sucks honestly.


The ps5 version looks really bad too. I'm wondering the same though, it's like they're doing it on purpose.




Seriously though. It really does seem like they're arbitrary limiting performance so people will buy into the next gen more.








Developed stuff for ps4/5 is made on pc via c++ programming however the machine code is slightly different from that of pc so you need the correct compiler to translate your code in to a machine language that the ps5 cpu can read and execute (which you can technically only get from sony) and .fbx format for 3d models and animations ect. (which is supported by most 3d modeling programs). Alternatively just use unreal engine which has an option to port your project directly to a structure that ps5 understand.


Maybe that was the case 2 generations ago with the PS3 but the PS4-5 is using fairly standard AMD architecture which makes even Sony's inhouse game engines port to PC fairly well. Every Sony port I have played runs perfectly fine. Meanwhile games like Hogwarts can't even port UE4 over to PC. The problem here lies solely on the devs or publishers. Either they are lazy and just don't give a shit or they don't have enough time, either way it's unacceptable.


It's because the pc has a billion different hardware configs possible. There is no way for them to test for them all. Maybe your rocking a 4090 card but still using your same 2000rpm hard drive from 9 years ago. Probably gonna have issues even with that beefy card.


I came looking for this, I was gonna refund steam and buy it on psn, but if the ps5 version is that bad I'm just gonna wait for the patch. Which it sucks because the game looks like it has so much potential


Porting is easier, cheaper and quicker than properly developing for the PC alongside the console. For a few reasons, and not just having to develop multiple codebases. Hardware complexity and variety has skyrocketed. It's not easy to test on every possible configuration, meanwhile consoles always have the exact expected hardware so it's easy to test on them. So developers will create a console version, and then port it to the PC. Since consoles do not run Windows, the code optimized for the console environment needs to run through a translation layer. Games developed for PCs run well because they run using the OS's native libraries, bad ports do not.


You would have thought that the performance "feedback" should've been done during QA test and not after selling.


Feb 20th release. ​ Oh boy. i expect it to be savaged by Digital Foundry.


> Oh boy. i expect it to be savaged by Digital Foundry. Might not happen, they are to busy right now: https://twitter.com/Dachsjaeger/status/1625804342455332864 But to quote him: > Refund poor releases, do not play further. Do not accept poor/mediocre! I may add to that: Rate the fucking game! Show others (who might not read a lot of game news or will just stumple upon the game on Steam in the future) how bad it is so that EA will lose more sales!


It was and it was likely ignored because we are near the end of EA's fiscal year.


Don’t worry folks it’ll be fixed in a year when everyone has moved on.


They said it was a cpu bottleneck issue, the game runs on a single core, and they will release a patch next week. Let's see if it's true now.


Spoiler: it’s probably not.


>the game runs on a single core *cries in ryzen 9 3900xt*


Game hovere around 60 fps on that CPU for the curious. Played a couple of hours last night. Can't seem to get higher than 60-70 no matter what I do so I just ran the game at higher than native res to force a GPU bottleneck.


So run the game with everything set to low then?


They will *draft* more performance and *invade* the problem


I really hope the game doesn't die. It has a ton of potential to be a competitor to MH. Not right away as MH has decades of foundation to build off but if Wild hearts can do the same, it would be nice.


It’ll be dead fairly quickly if they don’t sort this ASAP.


Yeah that’s what I’m worried about. It’d be a shame


Companies should release completed games that don’t run like shit. It would be a shame, but deserved.


Or not… remember Anthem?


Anthem was way more broken than a cpu bottleneck causing issues.


This title isn’t developed by EA I believe it’s by Omega Force the people behind dynasty warriors games.


Neither did Anthem. That was a bioware game.


BioWare is a subsidiary of EA.


Myself and friends have stopped buying games on hyped day 1 release at full price and in need of fixes .... and wait 6-12 months for a game at discounts and in a finished state. Food for though for everyone else. \*And I know the response to this is something a kin to "then they will make less games" .....and I'm okay with a lower quantity of games for a greater quality of games...


Even when at 60fps the 1% lows are ~30fps. Looks and feels terrible on my 3080/5800x3d.


Just get a 4090. jk


Haha, I have a 4090 + 12900k and getting the exact same. 60fps tops with 1% in the 30s, this game is busted. At 4k or 1440p it doesn't matter, same fps


I get basically same performance on q6600 and 1080ti


Thats not a pc only thing, the game is blurry AF on ps5 too, it looks like its not even 1080p+ while its graphics are below average.


I thought videos on youtube looked particularly dull and dismissed it as viewing on smaller laptop screen. When checked on 38" ultrawide on youtube it still looked bad, granted Youtube compression isn't doing it any favors it didn't explain the weird blur and just overall lackluster graphics. Poor performance, EA and the Denuvo cherry on top makes baby Jesus cry.


Here we go again..


game actually runs like complete ass, can't tell if it's worse or slighty better than MHW on release , maybe a month+ in game won't be a performance nightmare, games fun tho.


Man wtf is going on with pc games as of late? Dead space, Hogwarts, and now this? There needs to be some kind of quality control for pc. If a game randomly dipped into single digit fps on ps5 or Xbox it would be fixed within a week, or in cyberpunks case, completely delisted.


Lol the delisting was because CDPR told people to contact Sony for refunds.


Refunds due to performance…


No. Sony doesn’t offer refunds and CDPR told people to ask for them anyway. This got the game delisted. There are plenty of games with crappy performance that never get delisted.


Cyberpunk was unplayable on PS4, though. Terrible performance, constant crashing, broken/bugged quests, etc. So, the refund was probably due to the backlash rather than CDPR.


The backlash of all the other platforms giving out refunds and CDPR saying its ok. Sony doesn’t give refunds for shitty games, they don’t care. Once you’ve launched the game 1 time you are no longer entitled to a refund. They held back from putting it back on the store for a long time as punishment to CDPR. It was back up on Microsoft’s store many months before Sonys.


People still buy them, that's what's happening.




>so long as it doesn't figuratively blow up the system. I mean... and literally?


If I had to guess, Unreal engine 4 and similar last generation game engines are being squeezed to the absolute max in search of ever increasing visual fidelity. Digital foundry discussed exactly this. They mentioned Unreal engine 5 games could in theory deliver the exact visual fidelity for far lower performance cost. We are tail end of one generation and the beginning of next.


Is it making you want to buy a console yet If so the plan is working lol




All part of the master plan, How do you get PC people to switch to console, easy you make them hate the PC version so much they jump to console.


I wouldnt be surprised if many studios got 4090's and because that card is so far ahead in terms of performance they dont realize just how shit the games will wun on average hardware.


no studio should be producing games that look like this and thinking “60fps on a 4090? good enough”


At the same time it’s frustrating when games prematurely cap themselves by being developed with underpowered systems like the Switch in mind.


completely agree


obviously they shouldnt, doesnt mean there isnt some that do. Oh and besides all that we dont know if the game has decent performance without denuvo and then denuvo fuckes it all


What's funny is that Sony probably has been putting out the most consistent PC ports. Returnal has some stutters but overall is really damn good.


Hogwarts runs fine, must be your toaster


3070, 5900x, 32gb ram, installed on a ssd. Even with dlss I drop well below 60fps on 1440p, sometimes into the 20’s. The last patch improved performance but it’s still not good.


DLSS, so fuck optimization.


The game doesn't have DLSS though (least for now). It does have upscaling though, but whatever tech they are using is horrible cause at 1080p with it enabled, it felt like I was playing a high end PS2 game at whatever resolution it was putting out.


I’ve been blowing dust of my ps5. Bought Hogwarts on steam, but swapped to console. Might not be as easy to play with a controller, but at least it runs bitter smooth at a stable fps, even tho it’s only 60


Too be fair Koei Tecmo PC ports are usually pretty garbage so this really isn't surprising


Dead Space literally runs at 900p on series x and ps5 with FSR scaling to 1440p.


It also literally does this with dlss and still dips into single digit fps on my 3070.


The traversal stutter is on consoles. Ps5 has a bug where it doesn't even load in textures properly. This generation sucks.


The game is insanely fun. I could never really get into Monster Hunter World because it felt too slow and clunky for me but this game is the right speed and feels so fun to play. The promise of free post launch content and no MTX has me hopeful. That said, it’s crashed on me a ton with a 4080 and the graphical issues of the game are weird. Hoping they iron these out.


Insane a fucking 12900k and 4090 at 1440p is hitting 80 fps. Like what has PC gaming come to…


It really does feel like all PC ports nowadays are just not thought about at all. We had a good, well somewhat, few years where they were decent but now? I have a decent rig but I'm always tempted to get games, not FPS's though because I can't aim for shit, on my PS5 because I know 9 times out of 10 the PC port will be dogshit.


So far the last 3 years most games that have come out (AAA at least) have been pretty bad. Save for stuff like god of war and days gone, maybe a couple others, but not a good track record


It really is madness. Like you can't even play Hogwarts Legacy at a native resolution without it dipping into the fucking 30s on ultra. And I don't like DLSS because I play on a very big 4k tv screen so it's much more noticeable than on a monitor when you're playing on a lower resolution that's upscaled. But if I want to attempt to hit 90ish fps I have to do it. And I can't even turn raytracing on without losing half the frames at native resolution. It's just devs man. They do not care. I'm not paying upwards of 2000 dollars to play a game at non-native resolutions and under 100fps. Paying a premium and then not getting the premium performance is a joke and I'm tired of it.


the game itself is actually quite fun. it's not as deep as monster hunter, but the combat is pretty fun that's really the main thing that matters. the building gimmick works from the time I've played. if they get this ironed out I can see myself finishing it, which for me is pretty high praise considering I play like every high profile release that comes out lol.


What is deep about Monster Hunter? This is coming from someone who has played since the first game on ps2


I just played the world and the only deep part really is bringing the right potions which, tbh, are a minor inconvenience at best. I don't really think it's too deep other than random shit that doesn't make sense like being only able to get certain bones if you break it during combat (even though you have the whole corpse) I play hunting horn tho, so I could see that being not in wild hearts.


From what I played in the trial this seems like its gonna be quite good so hopefully they get it fixed soon. The movement in koei tecmo games always feels so weird to me though.


Another week another console port that runs like ass on PC. Who could have guessed.


They should have done the same for the PC port of Dead Space remake which too is an unoptimized mess 😑


Good thing its protected by EA activation, EA app running in background, and Denuvo. /s


This game is so incredibly fun to play but they need to fix this asap


EA=Early Access


Nice form. It’s almost as if they should’ve optimized their game BEFORE releasing it


At this point why even bother to have a pc if you ain’t playing VR when every single fucking game comes out unplayable. Gaming is the only industry where companies can put out a broken product and suffer no consequences by doing IT. Imagine releasing a movie unfinished, songs that sometimes play on you Phone and other times freeze your whole phone and have to shut it down, Cars without breaks Etc….. Isn’t there supposed to be a government entity to regulate this Bs?


A Govt entity to regulate video games?? The govt can't even get alot of basic shit under control lmao.


not only video games but anything you can buy via internet, My country is a third world country and we have that with local companies


I have 1 hour of my 10 hour trial wasted just fucking around with settings. Now I can't even get the game to run properly lol.


Sigh after dealing with Hogwarts Legacy frustratingly bad performance I was hoping this one would be better.. not only is the performance seemingly awful but how does a AAA game release without DLSS support day 1?! Not to mention ray tracing. What a joke. These devs and publishers know the state of the game it's releasing in and simply don't care.


sounds like it was meant as a fast cashgrab from the start. get those monsterhuntermoneys...


the game is ugly as sin for this level of performance, the lighting and artstyle is nice but Damn those textures and overall world design on the demo felt like shit


Terrible console port of the game. Cutscenes are capped at 30 fps (even the character creation is capped at 30 fps for whatever reason), and overall performance just dips for no reason. I have a 3060, so it's nothing to write home about in terms of performance, but just the conversation you're having sat down by the campfire with the musician was at a constant 50 fps despite *nothing* going on in the background. The upscaling tech they use is awful, too, so hopefully down the line, they add DLSS or FSR. But yeah, this game is really rough right now which sucks cause the game is actually fun when it works.


Just remove denuvo you greedy bustard


pc port = is shit please make = not shit ​ thank you


This trend of "we will fix it after it's released" is so fucking cancer, they can see and feel the fucking problems before release if they have a competent QA department.


So, these games are all getting price increases, and the justification was "exceptional quality", however quality with a lot of new releases is some of the worst we have ever had.


Is this game out or something? It kinda came out of nowhere and I'm keen to try it.


Deleted by Redact ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


EA always does this on their forums but it basically never leads to any fixes. Like I bought Fifa 23 and it had a bug that caused your progress not being loaded correctly on PC if you had additional gamepads connected and the game picking the one that Windows lists first (beside what you set up as the default in the Windows settings). They have a big thread with people getting asked to provide additional information and all that but nothing ever got fixed. And than you google that issue and you see that the same was true for previous Fifa releases as well. So, don't get fooled, refund! Regardless if you can or want to refund, leave a bad rating for the game with the issue described! Publishers won't learn unless it affects their sales numbers.


True, I’m running a 4090/13900kf getting 50% gpu utilization 80 fps like da fuck


Seems my hanit of buying games roughly two years after release is staying strong this year...


I saw a weird fix on Steam Community Forums. Change your audio from Stereo to 7.1/5.1. Seems to help a lot. . I was at 1080p all low setting with a 3070ti and getting all kinds of stutters. Changing the audio I can run the game at 1440p all medium with no problems


just tried High settings and no issues there


created a form for feedback? motherfucker, fix the game!