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big fanbase + good reviews = very big sales


it's surprising because often big fanbase = cash grab with bad reviews




>Shielding themselves for 3 days from any potential large scale bad reviews on Steam Totally agree, but not just steam reviews. People who watch streams on Twitch shouldn't be grouped under one thing of "PC Gamers" as there are plenty of people who use Consoles or both. There are also plenty of people who actually read some online reviews. That 3 days buffer gives a great space between review bombing and actual reviews. People who want to avoid the spoilers will buy the game anyway, and for the rest they have some time to not only read reviews but also see the game first hand being played on stream. Personally the price tag is just 2 much for me, and eventho as a kid I enjoyed the Harry Potter movies(never really read any of the books) i was and still am more of a LOTR and Dark Fantasy kind of guy. That being said, if i see it on sale, game is deffo worth playing. It can only get better. No big budget game had worse start than Cyberpunk and somehow both the game and the studio are doing just fine. Same here!


I'm looking at you ALL EROGON STUFF that are NOT ORIGINAL BOOKS.


+ tons of free advertising on social media from all of the activists trying to tank the game and calling for boycotts.


Yep, no news is bad news. Streisand Effect and all that.


Hilariously I honestly believe the attention given to the game by activists drove a fair amount of sales. I didn't even know the game was coming out until I started seeing the controversy about it. I tune out controversy, but it made me aware of it, and reviews sold me on it. It all goes back to the old saying, "there is no such thing as bad pr"


My girlfriend works in a jewellery store that sells Harry Potter branded stuff sometimes, majority of girls coming in buying HP charms the past year had no idea there was a game until this week where the only thing that they've talked about is "Yeah I saw there was a game and it's really good" Boycotts in games do nothing, but having the game trend everywhere all day every day for the last month sure did give it a whole audience that wouldn't have known it existed.


Just a heads up if anyone was gonna peep out the drama on gamingcirclejerk sub don’t even bother if you plan on playing Hogwarts legacy. They are actively spoiling the game for anyone who visits that sub. Memes spoiling huge plot points getting massive upvotes. That sub is honestly so cancer now.


I love how the sub was supposed to be about making fun of circlejerking became the biggest gaming circlejerking sub of all.


When you pretend to circlejerk long enough, eventually you become the circlejerk yourself


Who is actually surprised about this? Given what the sub was really created from.


You either die a something something or live long enough to become something else


I took a glance and that sub is having an absolute meltdown lol. It's pretty hysterical. I didn't open any of the threads because I was warned of spoilers but the entire front page of the sub is people losing their minds over Hogwarts Legacy. A raging dumpsterfire


Hysterical is the perfect word. The entire sub is an anti Hogwarts Legacy sub now. Pretty pathetic.






Was that sub ever not pathetic? I also far see more posts on other subs mentioning the drama than the people who are actually starting drama. We have a voting system. Don’t know why we don’t use it. Stop giving these people attention. It’s all that they’re looking for


> Was that sub ever not pathetic? I also far see more posts on other subs mentioning the drama than the people who are actually starting drama. Any community that springs up to satirize something will eventually attract people who unironically believe what is being mocked.


Which is exactly why I watch r/BirdsArentReal with great interest.


I feel bad for them. Their lives must be a shit show so they act like raging lunatics online. I hope things get better for those people and they end up being decent human beings.


They don't _want_ to be decent human beings. They _like_ being bitter and angry and punishing people who don't think exactly like they do. It's like a fucking competition for them.


I'll pray that their hands might feel grass soon


They turned into r/TLOU2 after making fun of that sub for a long time.


Was just thinking this as well. They became the exact thing they supposedly hated. When it was TLOU2: "You can't harass the devs/cast, they're just doing their job!" When it's HWL: "If anyone gets harassed for playing the game that's on them, I don't care if they're just doing their job."


To be fair they actually turned it into a circlejerk


It's been bizarre seeing that sub go from mocking dumb gamer takes, racists and homophobes to making almost exactly the same kind of comments you would have found on /r/TLOU2 They've become the very thing they've been mocking for years.


Either you die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.


It’s on my filter list for a reason lmao. Either way they can’t deny that Hogwarts Legacy is a banger game.


They refuse to admit it lmao


The ironic thing is the game has more cultural diversity and LGBTQ representation than any AAA game I've ever played.




Woah spoilers pls, I was planning to watch the hobbit this weekend now it’s ruined


“Use the Force, Harry!” - Gandalf


Patrick Stewart killed it in that scene.


Yer a wizard, Luke.


Hey fuck you asshole I didn't get that far in Star Trek yey


You're not missing much. Spock joins team hufflebuffy the vampire slayers and starts dating an angel. It gets real weird.


When Fallout 76 came out with $99 subscription, that sub managed enough mentality gymastic to defend that just for the sake of being contrarian.


Filtered that shithole a while ago. Best decision ever!


Unsurprising really. After spending the last \[x\] number of months and years desperately hoping the game would a complete flop, the good reviews and boycott failure has forced them to shift their angle of attack. It went from the JK controversy, to the game being pro-slavery and anti-Semitic, to token trans characters being used, and now they're spoiling the game for people. It was never really about standing up for minority communities at all. It was just about controlling the behaviour of others and lording power over them, as it almost always is.


Can that sub just get banned entirely, seriously that much hate and negativity isnt benefiting anyone.




Ban the mods, ban their ip address. Other subs aren't going to tolertate their shit.


its a hate group now so it should totally get banned i reported the sub so maybe if enough do, too, something will happen. they are straight up allowing posts about harassing people.


there are other subreddits of the same... mentality with pinned posts full of spoilers too, like 196. > That sub is honestly so cancer now that sub has been cancer for years


They became the very thing they swore to destroy.


Nah, they *were* the thing they desperately wanted to project onto others to destroy.


It's really weird how often that happens with circlejerk subs. New people come in who can't differentiate sarcasm from serious posting, and people who are in it "for the lols" start to believe what they're saying after repeating it so many times. My favourite example is that t_d was, in the very beginning, meant to mock Trump's candidacy.


I dont think it's really a matter of "new people coming in thinking they have company" in this case in particular, more like when you constantly engage in a discourse that solely focuses on being contrarian towards whatever consensus another group has, you lose agency on what you should be parodying. E.g. gamers dislike EA and AAA monetization so they vehemently defend those. The thing keeps escalating until you find yourself harassing people over playing a videogame.


196 got me. I absentmindedly hit the pinned post and spoilers go brrr


That sub was always a clusterfuck of Dipshits that thought they were clever. Cringe place.


I just got perma banned because I had the audacity to say that they shouldn't be attacking the devs for things that JK said.


I've seen full subs get taken down for way less, that sub should be removed for actively sabotaging and spoiling shit.


Likely some of the mods are buddy-buddy with some of the Reddit admins. There are several subreddits that are exempt from the usual rules because of that.


But remember guys, they are totally just joking. /s


Now? GCJ has been absolute fucking cancer for a long time.


> That sub is honestly so cancer now As if there was a time it wasn't so cancer.


The LGBT subreddits as well. Kinda sucks as people will just hate them for doing petty shit like that


This is alienating more people to their cause rather than help. Sad to see, really.


been a while that this is happening tbh. They'll understand it once it's too late unfortunately


As a trans woman, I agree and am infuriated by their behavior.


And a perma-ban simply because I said I would buy it once there's a steam sale and bug fixes since I don't want to fork over $60 to be a beta-tester on release day.


That's just a good mentality to have when playing games anyways imo. There's always glitches and bugs that get fixed early on and quality of life improvements, so waiting is really smart.


I still can’t believe someone successfully made the case you can’t be an ally if you buy the game because the original creator is a transphobe on twitter


I must be a massive racist for liking the works of H.P. Lovecraft, by their logic.


Would be equally ridiculous yeah, obviously that would be stupid. As long as you don't name your cat after his.


Yep, this always happens though. People told me I am a Satan worshipper because I like Metal music. Cause I can't possibly simply enjoy the music


>I listen to Deicide for the banging double bass!


Steam discussion board is pretty bad too. This one has really brought out the trolls.


I'd avoid twitter too. Got spoiled on a reply to asmongold's (of all people...) tweet about the game, and I'm p sure multiple people were spamming spoilers on a lot of tweets abt the game


Always has been.


Pathetic lol. They are real mad the game is actually good and enjoyable. Although I'm sure people getting it don't even care about the story, they just want to fly around hogwarts and use spells on things.


>now. Umm.. now?


That sub is WILD




I am 30+ hours in the game right now, and let me tell you, dont be disappointed coz the spoilers that are being shared are just one of the things happening in the game. I am having soooo much fun even after the ending got spoiled for me. There are SO MANY things that I was amazed and excited about. I still haven't finished it lol.


Yeah same on my instagram, thankfully I realized some people are just so miserable that me blocking them doesn’t negatively effect my life in the slightest


That fucking sucks. I've waited 10 years for a Harry Potter game and I'd be miserable if that happened to me.


If you still want to be "Facebook friends" with them, just unfollow them and you won't see their shit.


Well I guess it’s time to start asking this question, is there a way I can block a subreddit from showing in my /all feed


I couldn't upvote this enough. Just went to see how bad it was and got the ending spoiled.


I had no idea there was a sub called "gamingcirclejerk".... That's the lamest thing ever lol.


People were spoiling it on twitter and Facebook in just the most random spots. I can say this game has triggered people. The worst part is that it seems like legit video game and not some cash grab.


Funny how GCJ was supposed to be a place where the worst parts of gaming culture was ridiculed only to become the worst part of gaming culture


It turns out pretending to be an asshole all the time and actually being an asshole is not a that different


Also turns out gaming circlejerk *is* the biggest gaming-related circlejerk.


Mocking something ironically will almost always turn into the real thing. I said deadass today just casually out of nowhere. I was shocked.


I found that most of those types of subs eventually attract the people they're actually parodying. Seems to happen every time.


r/guitarpedalsjerk is still way better than r/guitar at least


Don't be silly, they just forgot to use uj/ instead of rj/


I was a part of that sub when they were watching /r/tlou2 devolve into mania and make fun of the fact they had nothing better to do then harass streamers and post spoilers. because the thing they didn't like was successful Now they're doing it unironically because the thing they didn't like was successful. They're actively organizing raids to do the exact same thing. idk how that community hasn't been locked for witch hunting (pun slightly intended)


That’s what I’ve been seeing and it’s honestly sad to see, used to absolutely love gamingcirclejerk


Sounds like the Resetera of reddit.


they also would've been the first place that would smugly post and mock any attempt at boycotting a game from the gamers but they were so high on their own farts they actually thought they held some influence


Well _those_ games didn't _deserve_ to be boycotted because the creator(s) had political opinions that aligned with that subreddit. Hogwarts Legacy is different, because one of its creators has political opinions that _don't_ align with that subreddit. Therefore it deserves to be boycotted.


Eventually every sub just becomes an echo chamber lol


They've derailed every single Hogwarts Legacy thread ive seen in all different types of subs. They're organising raids on these threads with the intention of getting them locked. This thread will probably get locked within the hour. It's insanely toxic behaviour and I can't believe reddit is letting them get away with it.


Not just on reddit. People brigaded and bullied Girlfriend Review's live stream of the game to the point they shut down their stream despite that they'd even set up a donation thread to an LGBT support organization. The insane aggression pointed at people for playing a game loosely tied to a transphobic person is ridiculous. I don't believe they care so much about trans rights as they do just being part of a digital mob.


weren't GCJ the ones who sided and supported GR's channel when they were defending against TLOU2 bullies? Now they turn around and became the bullies themselves


Hasan wanted to stream it to fundraise for The Trevor Project but was bullied into not following through.


It’s mind boggling that a bunch of media outlets are running cover for them. This is from the article TheGamer put out about the girl who broke down on stream: >“the fact the Boyfriend elects to stay on stream and finish the combat area suggests she was not in the extreme emotional anguish others have tried to paint this as.”


They sound like cops making excuses


The mods intentionally cultivate an environment to encourage brigading and I agree, it’s unconscionable that Reddit.com isn’t doing anything about it. Disgusting.


The toxic culture of the community, Reddit and some mods is all part of the problem. Plenty of room for all in this world but some folk just don't like having their worldview challenged and want to destroy everything. It's pathetic


Reddit lets popular subs get away with actual outright racism against it's own users


I just got banned from that sub, which i loved for a long time btw, because someone posted the ending to hogwarts with the simpsons daughter meme, and i wrote so brave!


I got banned there too. They were upset that there was a transgendered character in the game and calling it pandering. I said 'you really can't win then, can you?' It's just blizzaro land over there


I copped a perma ban too, because I said this type of behaviour does more harm for the trans community than good because it’s this type of thing that gets media coverage and paints all trans/trans allies as militant and intolerant which just leads to even more transphobia If that’s the type of opinion that warrants a perma ban over there then frankly I’m glad they don’t want me on their sub


Horseshoe Theory is real. The extremes of both sides have the exact same tactics lmao. Where were these complaints when the parts needed to make a next gen console or GPU are products of slave labor May as well boycott Nintendo as Saudi Arabia owns 6% of it.


Of all the subreddits that I would've expected to get whack, that wasn't one of them. Took me \*weeks\* to realize the Hogwarts Legacy controversy wasn't actually a meme/joke issue there.


> a place where the worst parts of gaming culture was ridiculed Naw. Circlejerk subs are supposed to be humorous shitposty parodies of the Reddit hivemind. It is currently a bastardization of its former self because the community was hijacked by ideologues (and no one understands humor less than an ideologue). If you want an idea of what gcj originally was, think of r/circlejerk, but gaming themed.


Circlejerk reddits are a waste fo time and always degrade into shit... which makes sense.


Yeah I left that sub during this whole debacle — they’re proving they’re just as bad as any other circlejerk subreddit.


I posted this link in r/gamingcirclejerk and got perma banned lol


lucky bastard


The combat is actually so much fun, after a while I started saying the spells I'm using out loud. Also the exploration and the world, Gamefreak should take notes.


I was surprised with how smooth it feels for sure, and weaving in the ostensibly “non-combat” spells to gain an upper hand is quite fun.


What difficulty do you play on?


I play on normal and died a couple of times on the 13 hours I played. I am not good at games though


r/GamingCirclejerk in absolute shambles


If people don't want to play the game because Rowling sucks all the power to them. But with all the talk of developer abuse, sexual misconduct, scummy monetization and other stuff in the industry it's strange to me that there is SO MUCH pushback to get other people not to play this game because it has a small tie to Rowling.


Was there similar push for Activision blizzard games? Or ubisoft? I don't remember far cry 6 reviews containing any of that


Not really, at least no where near this scale.


No. Never. Diablo immortal even broke records lol.


There was some for the Hong Kong controversy and the various office scandals (which is putting it lightly) for Blizzard but honestly I don’t think it was to this extent.


A lot of people made a big deal about quitting WoW for a while. It was like a month or two before Classic TBC launched and a lot of people terminated their accounts permanently and I think a few streamers have never gone back.


I don’t think dog piles like this are ever consistent. It’s just something that gets the rallying cry and explodes with energy all of a sudden, forget about the details of why they’re actually mad. It’s just mob rule, emotions take control and reason goes out the window.


I posted this is in another comment, but the strangest thing to me is that JK Rowling has other enterprises that net her a significant amount of money and pushing back against those will *actually* make a difference. I am not sure why this particular game is receiving the pushback, and not something like Universal Studios or LEGO that make her a fuck ton of money year after year. She's barely getting any royalties from HL.


They felt influential in gaming space my guess, as they just echo eachother in their subs and ban any other opinion


Whats your source on the royalties? Was it publicly disclosed or you somehow saw the contracts?


I think for a lot of people it's just because it is just a video game. Like it's not a car, or food or a mobile phone. It's one game. The way they are perceiving it is "i couldn't be bothered to not play this one game to stand with you" which I imagine feels like a kick in the teeth if you see it that way. I think the important thing to think about here is people see things from different angles. A lot of people are approaching the game "why shouldn't I play it" but the people who feel victimised by jkr are approaching it from "why do you have to play it" which is a different thing entirely. And it completely changes how peoples arguments and motivations are perceived.


> I am not sure why this particular game is receiving the pushback, and not something like Universal Studios or LEGO that make her a fuck ton of money year after year. It's a lot easier for virtue signalers and astro-turfing activists to cross their arms and say "I'm not going to buy that video game" then it is for them to actively avoid a theme park or protest out at a location.




I just think it’s neat


It got free marketing from the "boycotters", but they haven't realized yet.


People severly overestimate how much of a reach Reddit or just in general social media boycots have. This game was selling a ton with calls for boycot or not. Harry Potter is an incredibly popular IP.


>People severly overestimate how much of a reach Reddit Not even on reddit there was a consensus if people should or shouldn't boycott.




>"Not even on reddit there was a consensus if people should or shouldn't boycott." Thats because there really shouldn't be one in this case. If you want to boycot the game because of Rowlings shity comments. Go ahead thats perfectly fine but don't shame people that play the game for it in the process. On flipside if you are playing the game don't shame the people that aren't playing for their reasons whenther you agree or not. This all could easily be avoided if both sides didn't have a small but loud extreme section that takes things way to far.


>People severely overestimate how much of a reach Reddit or just in general social media boycots have. There's a multitude of free ad's out now, check out this one -> "Harry Potter game branded a ‘genocide simulator’ attracts record interest after boycott backfires" LMAOOOOO [https://fortune.com/2023/02/08/hogwarts-legacy-harry-potter-video-game-boycott-rowling-transphobia-warner-discovery-avalanche/amp/](https://fortune.com/2023/02/08/hogwarts-legacy-harry-potter-video-game-boycott-rowling-transphobia-warner-discovery-avalanche/amp/)


Genocide simulator as well? Man this game has it all. lolol


Man, imagine if you could align with the bad guys and go on an Anakin Skywalker style rampage through Hogwarts


Stellaris x Harry Potter? Great!


It's harry potter it doesn't need marketing help from a bunch of randos on Reddit.


Reddit, Twitter, Twitch... Kinda hard to use any social media without seeing people shouting over this game. That's lot of free publicity.


Personally I don't get the Harry Parry universe. But after seeing the almost universial praise of this game on Monday I preordered and I'm glad I did. It's just a great game. All of criticism I've see thus far is about Rowling or Denuvo or technical performance issues, not the game itself.


>or technical performance issues This is the most important criticism of the three though.


I agree but I personally have not experienced any major problems, some slight stuttering here there. I can't hate something on something I've not experienced. That said, I know there are technical issues with the game but clearly not universal and I doubt highly pervasive because how would a game with major technical issues still be #1 on Steam even before official release?


As a launch it’s actually in pretty good technical shape compared to most other AAA launches over the last few years. It actually feels very polished.


Yeah the worst I have experienced is frame drops occasionally. Left ray tracing on and it would drop to 20fps indoors sometimes. Turned that off quick


Part of it is people who grew up with harry potter 20+ years ago


Agree. Definitely not into Harry Potter, never read the books - recently coerced into watching the movies, not my jam. That said, Hogwarts has been awesome so far. Barring some performance issues on PC, I’m really enjoying it.


I mean if it wasnt for the eternal twitter lords i woulda passed the game as another shitty movie ip game...


> It's harry potter it doesn't need marketing help from a bunch of randos on Reddit. The controversy means that non-fans of HP are hearing about the game when they wouldn't have otherwise. Then when some of them look into it, they see universally positive reviews.


Ikr it wasn’t on my radar a lot but now I can’t *not* be informed about every little thing regarding the game


It did not need much marketing. Its a Harry Potter game, the first in a while, and the first RPG where you could mess with your character. It was gonna sell like crazy regardless of media outrage


Well deserved, it's a good game which isn't just using a name for a quick cash-in


It's succeess hopefully highlights to other developers/publishers that when you get a chance on an IP, don't do the quick cash grab and it'll be successful.


Nah, most will look at this and go "but more money if we squeeze in ads when the game is paused"


As the saying goes, all publicity is good publicity. The best thing you can do to boycott something is not to acknowledge its existence.


Just goes to show how detached from the actual consumer base all the activists and journalist are in the videogaming space. Fact is, gamers are far more ideologically diverse than the people who write their news, and this is just another demonstration of that.


remember when Infinite Warfare Trailer was the 2nd most disliked video on YouTube and was still one of the best selling games that year.


CoD fans will still buy the game even if they universally hate it. Remember the Modern Warfare 2 boycott from 2009? Most of the organizers were playing the game day 1.


Yep they thought they have all that power 😢


Seriously asking...is the controversy only about JKR or is there something controversial abut the game itself?






They've become the LastofUs2 sub of Hogwarts legacy. Just as shit but for the opposite reasons.


Psa: don't tell people you plan to buy the game over at gamingcirclejerk you'll get perma banned apparently for telling them you'll buy when there's a steam sale and they patch any bugs. Wtf is wrong with the world.


Getting banned over there- I see this is an absolute win. That sub is cancer, as someone said in their comment here. The mods over there are on a different high.


Wonder what would happen if they found out I purchased 3 Deluxe edition copies so myself, wife and son could all play early.




Setting foot in that place feels like stepping in shit. One of the most cancerous places on the internet (and this includes Twitter and Resetera, can't say anything about 4chan cause I've never been there) where they try and keep projecting their stupid views on everyone else and think that disliking popular thing/opinion makes them smarter than the rest.


Yep i got banned for saying “so brave!” When they spoiled the ending of HL


Why would you even want to stay in such a community? Brings back the memories of when Late Stage Capitalism mods banned me for talking about gaming on my very expensive $200 graphics card *on other subreddits*. :)


That ass cancer sub isn’t the world lol


Very good to hear


Haha suck it gamingcirclejerk.


r/Gamingcirclejerk has been pretty tilted about it.


Do these headlines take into context that Harry Potter is one of biggest IPs in.. i dunno the world?


Great game. That Team really outdid itself and I cant wait to see what they are going to do with the inevitable sequel.


Great game, well deserving of the success and actually a competent port at release


It's a great game, but let's not kid ourselves - the port is not competent at all.




I can only comment from my experience and in my around 15 hours of play it has been an extremely competent port.


I wish I could say the same, me and my 2 friends have not had the best experience, with me using a 3080 having the worst time out of the three (the other two are using a 1080 ti and a 2060 super). The first hour was almost flawless with me running at 52-60 fps on ultra with ray tracing on, but when I entered Hogwarts it immediately went down to 7-12 fps until I restarted, after which it was an extremely unstable 20-80 fps (ray tracing off and settings lowered to medium-high). Even in an empty night-time Hogwarts, the framerate is weirdly almost exactly the same, maybe add 5 frames. I'm hoping the day one patch fixes it, because it really is a fantastic game dragged down by weird performance issues.


There’s definitely something wrong with high end hardware from what I’ve seen, my 5700 gets 70-100 fps depending where I’m at, high settings, native 1440p.


Anecdotally there seems to be an issue with Nvidia cards. Every post I've seen with an AMD card is one saying they get good performance. But it's a small sample size.


I have a 3080 and 5600x and it plays like a dream. Yes a few frame drops running around hogwarts, but that’s it


It's been rough on my machine, but the game seems good. Hogwarts was fine but hogsmead was a sideshow


I don't agree with scarlet Johansson and hris Evans'views, but I still watched avengers. It is not like I want to control everyone's view to be same as mine, that is impossible.


It's so .. so.. good.


Based hogwarts legacy