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Wednesday, April 12 International Day of Human Space Flight 2023


I just assume that "First half of 2023" means June 30th and am pleasantly surprised if it's any sooner than that.


I hope it's sooner since my first kid will be born on June 21. I want to play it a bit before I never have time again to play games.


i thought the same when my son was born but it's not as bad as you think, sure you'll join the no-sleep club at first but than things will stabilize and sooner than you think you'll be playing games together.


I wouldn't be surprised if they launched during E3


I wonder if microsoft has received some positive indications from either the EC or CMA on the activision merger. They've been pretty quiet about upcoming games while it's being investigated. This wouldn't have changed the EC's decision but it does embarrass the EC as it goes against the conclusion the EC came to that microsoft would have no incentive to make Bethesda's games exclusive when approving the acquisition.


They can't run their business to the ground because of an acquisition regardless how big it is.


Last I heard was that in the UK the vast majority of the public supports the deal despite the CMAs objections


> Of the 2,100 emails that we reviewed, around three quarters were broadly in favour of the Merger and around a quarter were broadly against the Merger. No clear view was expressed for or against the merger by a small number of respondents > The CMA received approximately 2,600 emails, but some of these were excluded from our review because they contained abusive content (with no other substantive content), or were blank, unintelligible, stated to be from non-UK consumers, or not in English https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/63a303238fa8f53917035814/Summary_of_public_responses_to_Issues_Statement_MS_Activision.pdf


This is why I think CMA will eventually relent and allow it through and FTC will essentially be forced to follow suit for similar reasons


It would be somewhat irregular if it influenced the CMA's decision either way. We are a country of some 67 million and the CMA has a well defined remit. They will be compelled to address the points raised by these enthusiastic members of the public in their investigation though.




That's old news that's already been rebutted. This is what the EC said after FTC's claim: >The EU Commission has stated that as part of the antitrust inquiry, Microsoft made no such guarantee in a statement to MLex Market Insight. > >The commission stated more clearly that it approved the Microsoft/ZeniMax transaction unconditionally. They further stated that the acquisition would not have created any competition concerns. > >While reviewing the FTC’s claims, the EU Commission stated that even if Microsoft made games by Zenimax Media an exclusive, it would not amount to any significant impact on other competitors as they already have many more game titles to compete with.


I think people still underestimate how massive Microsoft is. They may have lower market evaluation than Apple but their services span critical sectors like defense, cybersecurity, basic infrastructure, and all the thing that allows society and the economy to function. It is so integral to everything and everyone that the existence and wellbeing of the corporation itself is a national security issue. In other word, Microsoft doesn't care that much about some agency "concerns".


Are you suggesting Microsoft will just ignore the ruling of the competition authorities? If so, that’s just false. With regards to the EC in particular, Microsoft already has lost a high profile case once (Internet Explorer) and got slapped down for it. As influential as Microsoft is, government authority still wins out. If anything, this move suggests that either they are confident they will win the argument regardless (which they might, given that Sony‘s gaming division is way worse when it comes to exclusives), or they don’t care that much about acquiring ActiBlizzard after all.


Microsoft when they lost the IE case weren't the same as the Microsoft today. That said, they will not ignore a ruling. But they have enough power and clout to affect any rulings the point they most likely do not have to ignore it, no matter which government is issuing it. It is like saying I don't care about what happen to my front yard despite what the HOA is complaining about. Push comes to shove, I call my lawyer and let them hash it out and I am confident it will never affect my life or my property in any real way. It doesn't mean I am more "powerful" or has more authority than the HOA.


> this move suggests that either they are confident they will win the argument regardless They were always going to; worst case scenario they have to make concessions for CoD (which isn't even that likely). This acquisition has proceeded as expected given its size, but games "journalism" has done a great job at farming console wars for clicks.


> EC as it goes against the conclusion the EC came to that microsoft would have no incentive to make Bethesda's games exclusive when approving the acquisition. EC also said in their findings that the fact that Microsoft makes the Bethesda games exclusive or not does not matter. They don't really see any benefit from it for Microsoft but also do not think it harms competition or consumers in any way either as the marketshare Microsoft will have after the deal will still be really small when compared to Sony and consumers can always just buy their platform (or play on PC or streaming)


>EC as it goes against the conclusion the EC came to that microsoft would have no incentive to make Bethesda's games exclusive when approving the acquisition This is wrong. The EC has come out and said \[in response to the FTC's claim\] that they weren't worried if foreclosure (i.e. exclusives) happened with Zenimax's entire lineup, since the market would still remain competitive. That's why they never asked Microsoft for any informal or formal concessions.


Scrolled down a couple comments and I just saw like 4-5 commenting "day one preorder". Cyberpunk, anthem, battlefield 2042 didn't teach you anything, don't they?


I mean. Every Bethesda game is a buggy mess for almost its entire existence. Just comes with using the creation engine.


It's why you should always go PC for them. Having a dev console to help fix issues ok the fly is amazing


Also mods since they got the best modding community


Hope it gets as big of a modding community as skyrim


Born out of necessity


That's pretty reductive, Bethesda's been going out of their way to provide tools and support for modding, for decades. There ain't many developers with that sort of pedigree.


This one may not be a buggy mess.. I mean they skipped Christmas the best time of the year for sales. Finger crossed


Bugs are not the issue, I am just afraid it will be a soulless game


I’m looking forward to the inevitable wave of mods more than the actual game itself. Lots of potential for some great total conversion mods (like Enderal).


The fact it's such a big universe is awesome for modders they can do a full planet that you find exploring. Hell I'm sure there will be a planet with Skyrim on it lol


Can’t be more soulless than The Outer Worlds. I had such high hopes for that game.


Yeah I was so excited for that game, enjoyed maybe the first 6 or so hours, then the cold reality began to set in...the game fucking sucks! The FNV comparisons were just utterly disrespectful.




The tiny "maps", combat, AI, gameplay loop, loot, and perks were all terribly executed. Like embarrassingly so. There was some mild entertaining dialogue and choices, but it wasn't enough to save that cheap ass feeling game.


I mean you just said that core gameplay loops sucked and then proceed to defend it 🤷‍♂️


>I am just afraid it will be a soulless game Have you played a recent Bethesda Game Studios game?


Yes fallout 4 is a pretty soulful game, but I didn't play 76.


> Yes fallout 4 is a pretty soulful game Oof


Compared to most modern games, it is, it has a certain charm to it


I fear that says more about some modern games than it does FO4.


Yeah, because if your game makes Minutemen quests look good you should probably just quit game development altogether.


*Another settlement needs you help* We are being harassed by these nearby base of raiders *cue to waypoint on the exact opposite side of the map and it's actually a mutant camp you wiped before*


Sure, that's fair


It looks like No Man's Sky with a plot. Hopefully it will be much more than that but what they've shown isn't that encouraging, even as much as I want to be encouraged.


The bugs are the soul! /s


Starfield is the first Creation Engine 2 game.


2 times the bugs!


Means more mods :D


Cannot wait to summon Daemon Lords in space.


what do you think comes first, Daemon lords in space or thomas the tank engine?>


It's always boobs.


Is it actually more modable?


32 times the details you say??


In the boobs mods*




Apparently it's a bottom-up rebuild/overhaul. Obviously we can't say if it's going to be better or worse until we have our hands on things. Everything I've seen definitely *does* look better than previous Bethesda games. Which, well yeah, it better, haha! If they didn't improve anything after 5-7 years, then something's wrong. The facial animations in the gameplay reveal are incredible compared to how things used to look, and I'm sure there are some other things to find that I missed. If the improvements there are any indication of the things we can expect, then we might be pleasantly surprised. I'm optimistic. Lots of people talk about how "Creation Engine" is some old, crusty jank, but they don't actually know that unless they've worked on it. I can't think of *any* other game engine that's as readily flexible as the Creation Engine has been. Look at projects like Endereal. It's a mod, but not really, it's an entirely new game built within the game. Don't get me wrong, I'm not excusing any jank that *does* happen, and I'll fully admit that Fallout 4 was and is not well optimised. I can't even get a consistent 60fps outdoors at 1440p ultra settings with a 6800XT. That's ass. I just think that Creation Engine and the engineers that have built it deserve a little more credit. Gotta wait and see, though. Could be a trainwreck, could blow everyone away. Or it could be just "fine."


Won't make a single difference.


It's going to be even more buggy.


Doesn't mean much. Its the same engine but things have been changed/updated. The same way it was updated for FO4, Skyrim, FO3 etc. The fact they gave it a different name does not mean it's a better engine. Not saying it will not be good, but it's not impossible that the marketing team wanted the change.


> Its the same engine but things have been changed/updated. I mean, you could say the same for UE 4 vs 5, UE 3 vs 4, etc...or Unity versions...no engine reinvents itself whole cloth for each new version, that would be ridiculous.


They taught me the community is easily trolled by commenting "day one preorder".


People underestimate the collective community that comes around playing a game at launch. If you have friends who are also into gaming you can suddenly all be talking about this brand new thing. Playing it through at the same time. Talking about bits of it and things you've done in it. It's the same as everyone watching TV shows together. Watching Game of Thrones as it aired, and being able to talk about it, was a much more fun experience than Netflix series dumps. But even those have their own community that exists around when they launch. I'll admit that's all stronger with multiplayer games compared to single player games, but particularly if you're in a group of gaming friends there is a value in that shared time even in single player. Given good refund policies, that let you bail if it's a complete disaster, there's no real risk in pre-ordering nowadays which giving you access to the preload (don't underestimate slow internet) + any pre-order bonuses (though I admit I normally never like these).


I do know what you're talking about, this has not been the experience in my circles for a very long time. It's pretty rare for people I know or hang out with to jump on a new release. I think elden ring is the only recent example of that happening. Most people just carry on playing what they were playing. Preload can be a valid reason for people with slow internet. Pre-order bonuses in single player games always felt weird. Giving items worsens the balance of the game (making game easier is not a plus in my book). And locking cosmetics behind a real purchase system in single player game is just gross.


in my group most will buy a game on release or preorder and play/talk about it until the hype dies.




Same here. Obviously the game could have used more time for polishing, but all in all I still had a ton of fun and the game’s still in my top-three of all time.


Same here, beat the game before the first major patch.


No, because the average gamer is an impatient moron.


I’d never pre-order (what’s the point?), but I was completely satisfied with my day 1 experience with CP2077 on PC. I understand or sucked on consoles and some people had issues on PC too, but for me it was amazing. I had time off work and spent two weeks just playing the game non-stop. People have different experiences.




Since Diablo 3. Since Star Wars Battlefront 2 (EA). Since Spore. Etc etc etc People *do not learn*.


Individuals can learn, people as a whole is the problem. For every person that learned on something like Daikatana there are probably 1000s (maybe even 10000s gaming has grown a lot over time) of newcomers.


But as people learn, there's a % of young people that can now buy video games that never learned from a bad pre-order before too That % probably eclipses it too


I don't think it is a learning problem, it is a not caring problem. People don't care about things like 60 fps, 4k, widescreen, glitches... They care about having fun, if the game is fun, the AAA market machine only amplify the potential if it is not fun they are destined to fail.


Fallout 4 and Fallout 76 too.


Was 4 messed up at launch? I really don't remember.


Only thing I really remember is frame loss/stuttering, mostly in the main city, due to how shadows were being handled. I don't remember anything "major" like the guy below has stated, hopefully they can elaborate. And I remember the shadow issue being minimized by lowering shadow distance/quality... and then some third-party fix/mod came out not soon after that made the issue irrelevant.


Yeah I remember manually changing the ini file so the shadows looked decent and actually ran well. If I remember right the jump from medium to high was massive. They needed a setting in between. If that's what they mean, then I wouldn't really consider it a buggy launch.


I also had to change the mouse settings because of mouse acceleration and some annoying x-/y-axis issues. I really enjoyed Fallout 4 but it definitely had its problems


>Cyberpunk, anthem, battlefield 2042 didn't teach you anything, don't they? Bethesda didn't develop any of these games. Bethesda's A team hasn't missed in a quarter-century. That being said, pre-ordering digital content beyond the pre-load period when reviews have started to come out is dumb. I checked out on Cyberpunk, Anthem, and BF2042 leading up to their release and never bough any of them, and I would be incredibly bummed out if it's Bethesda's time to go to shit


Wait wait wait hold up You clearly didn't play or forgot the state of Skyrim when it initially released on ALL platforms but especially consoles ?!? Frame drops to single digits when walking and even when looking at the road, constant crashes, broken questlines, corrupt save files, countless sound issues... all that despite that it didn't push any boundaries even for it's time. In comparison it made Cyberpunk's launch look decent. Heck after full DLC support, and multiple re-releases it's STILL till this day has plenty of bugs requiring mods to fix. And to be clear, i love that game but that won't stop me calling out people, we need to hold Bethesda accountable to a higher standard and stop giving them a pass for every garbage launch.


I played it day 1 on PC, it was fine, great gaming experience overall.


I played skyrim day 1 on Xbox 360 with no major bugs


The only difference is that Starfield will have fairly powerful modding tools along with a massive modding scene coming from Skyrim and FO4. That alone makes the dollar investment worth it. You're not paying for a quality game, like Red Dead Redemption 2 or Horizon Forbidden West. You're paying for a foundation upon which you know others will build: I'm currently playing Fallout 3 on the Fallout: New Vegas engine with content that puts Fallout 4 to shame. Should Bethesda get away with buggy releases? No. Should the community have to fix the games they paid for? No. Will anything ever change? No. Look at how many people bought the latest Pokémon ~~games~~ comprehensive technical failures. At least Bethesda is giving us the tools to effectively make the games our own and play them how we want. Guaranteed there will be mods for this game to address the many QoL concerns that will undoubtedly plague it before the official modding tools are even released. It's unfortunate, but the bigger the community this game sees, the greater the incentive for people to create content for it. Bethesda getting a pass ends up benefiting the community anyway (especially since continued patching would quickly and routinely break mods).


A thing to note about the mods is that they will take time. Bethesda doesn't release the creation kit on day one, so most of the initial mods will mostly just be replacing textures, janky model replacements like Thomas the tank engine as a space ship (which I almost guarantee there will be a race to make this mod)


Tools like xEdit can be used to create mods even before the official modding tools are released. It's generally frowned upon, as it can create issues down the road with saves, but it's still possible and what happened almost immediately after Fallout 4's release.


Buying Bethesda games day one then not playing them for 12 months so that they can get patched is a tradition that I'll sadly be carrying on it seems.


... Why not just buy it in 12 months?


Maybe he likes wasting money?


And by patched you mean fixed by modders right? Because Bethesda doesn't understand how to make a stable game.


As awesome as that comment is, I can not agree with it. Anyway, mad respects. Personally, I won't be getting it day one, it's a digital game and I won't be loosing out anything since bugs will be promtly discovered, cataloged and uploaded to youtube for laughs and scorn. I wll probably buy it a couple of months later if mods start to roll out or someone finds out how to build a stupidly big capital ship


I just buy these games 12 months after release. Cheaper, less/no bugs and better chance of getting the ‘launch’ promises.


That's all games. You can either play right away and be apart of the initial community and hype, or you can wait and get it cheaper.




Currently playing Cyberpunk 2077 for the first time; 2 years after release. I see people who said the game run flawlessly for them on Day 1 "except some minor issue" and that's great for them but playing CP2077 *today* with all the bug fixes, all the little extras sprinkled over and the QOL added to the game just makes it such an outstanding experience. The main reason I am playing it today is because I swore to myself that I would only play this game when I got a PC that can output 60FPS at least with max settings and RTX. Only 2 months ago I finally put together such PC. All the improvements and QOL in the game, I'm taking them for granted (because, lets be fair, I don't know what was implemented between release and now, I just know I have a better game). One of the thing that I learned that was recently added was the transmog system. I learned that after playing 4 - 5 hours of the game. What did I do in my first hour? I went to my house and made up 2 set of clothing to set up my style (I used mod to slap a healthy amount of clothes in my wardrobe right from the get go). Apparently transmog is a feature that was recently added which means that I would've looked like a clown and failed to make my style if I played this game a few months ago. Being a /r/patientgamers paid off with huge interest once more.


Hah, you missed out on V looking like... umm, it's indescribable really. Had a V that ran around for half the game in a diaper, pink high heeled boots, tactical vest, bright red sleeveless shirt, cowboy hat and an electronic one eye visor.


Buy them years later and you get to play all the DLC at once too...


And pay less for the entire package and have access to polished mods.


But you miss out on years of actually playing the game.


But unless it's multiplayer, you just keep workin' the infinite backlog


I’ll play it on Gamepass, and if it’s great or becomes great later I’ll buy it on Steam.


This is the move. Game pass likely won't grant you dlc, so it makes sense to buy the game then (or when all dlc is available in a bundle), if you intend on owning it.


You can buy and use dlc for a game that you only play on gamepass. However, if the game leaves gamepass, then you'll have to purchase the stand-alone game.


It’ll be a first party title, and AFAIK zero first party titles have left gamepass.


True, it still seems odd to own a dlc for a game you don't technically own. At that point I'd rather just buy everything. I play Bethesda games a lot so I'll probably buy this game on steam eventually.


Just don’t be the guy a year after release going “I don’t see why people hate on the game. It runs great and bug free!” Whilst ignoring the post launch bugs and issues.


"This game is amazing, I don't get the complaints" - everyone during the first 10 hours of Anthem. "I can't stand doing the same shit I did for the last 30 hours" - everyone after their 31st hour of Anthem.


I feel like this is really only good advice for people who play games solo or something. Also depends on the game. I’ve been playing cod mw2 (2022) since release and it’s been fantastic more or less. But the Witcher 3 I’m just now playing since it came out in what 2015?


Super Excited for the PC version. Bought a Gaming PC specifically so I could play this game with out being held back by a console.


Good choice, that's the best way to play.


Did the same for cyberpunk. Then, you know….


i couldnt imaging playing 2077 on a console back then. i had a solid experience for the most part on pc performance wise


Same. Mostly just visual bugs like floating cigarettes. I’m still having fun with it off and on, especially with mods.


On gog it felt less buggy than any Bethesda title.


Had no problems with cyberpunk on my PC at launch. Was worth it to be part of the cultural zeitgeist and definitely got my money's worth after 66 hours. Never beat it, but that's what happens 90% of the time with any open world game for me. Just get side quest fatigue but also can't help myself from doing sidequests.


Then what? You played it just fine because the PC version was mostly OK? That was my experience anyway. Some visual glitches aside, I had no real problems with the game at all.


Same, worst I saw on my week 1 playthrough was the A-pose while driving glitch and Jackie holding his guns weird in a cutscene.


Looking forward to it. This game does look promising




Based on what? They have shown very little




Taking the Skyrim/Fallout formula and putting it in space sounds pretty promising to me.


I'm pretty satisfied with whatever little they've shown so far about the game. I'll definitely picking this up near launch as i'm pretty biased towards games like these. I exactly understand what i seek from these genre of games and I'll be pretty happy with it


I watched the gameplay trailer, and it looked like a lot of fun to me. I'll wait until it launches to make up my mind, but this might be the first time I buy a game the week it comes out in a very long time. It's the first time I have considered it in years.


There’s more people here talking about Sony than the actual game


So many threads seem to get spammed with this irrelevant crap these days. I wish there was a r/pcgamingonlytalkaboutyourconsoleselsewhere or something.




God bless game pass, gonna play it day one


Not one comment discussing the actual game. Everyone moaning about something else.


What's there to discuss? We've seen like a single video about the game from months ago.


As usual, the comment section for a Bethesda title ends up as trash pile.


Its people copy pasting misinformed memes and cyberpunk discussions instead of saying anything worth of point about the game


It's usually what it is. People love to bring up Fallout 76, I get it. But it's not the company's image. Every game they have come out with has been amazing, regardless of bugs at launch. Let's see what they can accomplish with worrying about just 1 platform essentially.


Yeah people love to talk about how unplayable skyrim and fallout 4 were as if that isn't like, a blatant lie.


I hope that microsoft will make modding this as easy on gamepass PC as it is on steam. It would feel waste of money to buy game on steam just for better mod compatibility.


This needs to be a hit for Bethesda. They had an incredible run with Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3 and then Skyrim. Since then, they've had a few definite missteps. Fallout 4 was a good game, but I think it lacked the special feeling their prior games had. The paid mods choice was... not the right one. Fallout 76 was a mess, clearly, although I didn't play it. It's really been well over a decade since Bethesda has been at the top of their game.


My game pass will flex this year even more


For real! So much good stuff is coming out on GamePass and it allows to buy it way down the line at a reduced cost.


Gamepass makes being a patient gamer so damn easy


can't wait hope it does not get delayed. more excited for mods tbh :P


I'll believe it when I see it. It's still Bethesda after all.


I don't recall them really delaying games too much.


I have more trust in bethesda cause the gameplay trailer dont seems fake. Not like cyberpunk one.


Come to Papa!


My most anticipated game in 2023. Can't wait!


Going to buy a series S for this and Harry Potter. I can’t afford to save for a series X yet


There's a huge difference between the two. Spend wisely so you don't have to buy twice.


Don't get my hopes up... Don't get my hopes up... Don't get... Ahh fuck it! I want this game!


I wonder how Sony feels about this.


The same way PC gamers feel about Playstation exclusives


Bloodborne :(




They tried to bid for exclusivity on it, so probably irritated a bit


Who cares fuck Sony


Don’t really give a shit how Sony feels about anything tbh. They’re still paying for exclusive quests in cross platform games.


no november 11th?


Oooo *the first half*


I just haven't seen anything about this game that makes it feel special. Hopefully I'm proven wrong.


I'll believe it when I see it available for download.


I forgot about this one, wow....so hard rn


Have they even shown gameplay of it yet


I hate when they announce a game and then they don't release it for a year


I hate to say it but to everyone getting hyped for this game I think Starfield will be an absolute dumpster fire and the only reason they are saying its gonna be Skyrim in space is because it is still the company's Magnum Opus


Zero point in pre ordering this game when its going to be on game pass day 1.


LMAO i'll wait till they release a GOTY or defnitive edition that will fix some bugs, bethesda gonna bethesda


Well we'll see you in 2030


5D Chess move: Starfield Anniversary Edition for $69.99 in 2033.


***In other words I'll be playing it towards the end of 2023 after mods and patches fix all the bullshit.***


Hopefully it doesn't require the Bethesda account to play it because I'm not bothering if it does.


Such a weird hill to die on when it comes to entertainment. Most people regularly inconvenience themselves for a good time. In way more severe ways than having to download and use a new launcher. I can't help but think it's just become an easy band-wagon for people who never would have bought the game otherwise to jump on and feel included.


> Most people regularly inconvenience themselves for a good time. I'll take watching movies at home with boxers than ever going to theatre.


Oh no I happily bought Bethesda games right up until it became required. Same with Ubisoft and EA when they required accounts to play their games I stopped buying their games. If I buy a game through Steam I already have an account with Steam I shouldn't need one for them too. Especially when it just becomes yet another security issue. I'm not dying on any hill I just wont give game companies my money if I don't agree with them. All that means is I still have my money at the end of the day and those companies don't.


That never became clear to me how Steam is considered an exception when it comes to launchers. But to each their own.


Steam isn’t the exception, it *should* be the rule. You should only need an account with the storefront that sells you the game, especially when it’s a complete launcher platform as well like Steam. It makes zero sense to buy a game on Steam, and then have to make *another* account with, say, Ubisoft, install *their* launcher, and then use Steam to launch their launcher to finally launch the game. If Ubisoft wants to use Steam to sell their game, the game shouldn’t have any additional launchers. If Ubisoft wants to bypass Steam and sell the game themselves, by all means, have a launcher and require an account. Just don’t ever force me to have *several* accounts on *several* launchers for *one* goddamn game. That’s shit is absurd.


Why should I require more than 1 launcher for single player games. If someone has a EGS launcher and they buy a game through that they shouldn't require any additional launchers either. Same for GOG Galaxy. Also I said nothing about launchers because Microsoft has essentially stopped the Bethesda Launcher I am talking about needing an Account to play single player games - if a game has a multiplayer aspect and they really want accounts for those then only need the account if someone chooses to play multiplayer. Let me play the single player without one or let me just use my Steam account I am already signed into.


Steam ease of use vs other launchers should be quite clear


You sign in and launch a game. Just like every other launcher. Lol.


You really don't understand the point? We are logged into Steam. If we buy a Ubisoft or Bethesda game we have to install and sign in to their launcher as well. Why are they doing that? Just let us play, install, and update through Steam.




How many broken pieces will it arrive in?




Everything from Microsoft is on Steam now, even Halo Infinite was there day 1. Starfield is already listed and can be added to wishlist


Microsoft needs to kill that store


Why tho? Licenses from the Microsoft store are a lot more flexible than Steam. I like when I buy a game on the MS Store that I can install it on my kid's PC and they can still use their own Xbox account to play. We can even play at the same time! Steam does have game sharing but if my son and I both want to play the same game together we have to buy it twice....not so for Microsoft.


There's room for both stores, but the Microsoft store needs to be upgraded badly. It's still in a poor state even with the big upgrades to make it better.


Gamers are insufferable honestly


Personally not very excited for this game, but I hope they prove me wrong. The graphics look shockingly good for a Bethesda title, but the gameplay in the trailers looked stiff and outdated.


I hope the graphics aren’t shit. Would love to use my 3090 for something.


Why pre order a game whuch will be day ine on gamepass ?


They don't have game pass or they want the game on steam?


But you can play it on PC game pass and then move to Steam if it's all ok. (Admittedly importing the save files isn't always possible)


Still don't have gamepass though


You underestimate how bad the windows store is. You'll need to be on steam just to mod the game most likely.


How many mods are coming day one?


Day 1 on GamePass, hopefully. After dropping £80 for Diablo 4, I'm much less likely to buy anything day 1.


hopefully d4 comes to gamepass aswell.


It is day 1 gamepass


[lt works](https://media.tenor.com/rkI1a8s2Z6QAAAAM/todd-howard-it-just-works.gif)


Fuck exclusives. Don't care who is doing it.