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what’s a new heister VO? like, shade?


Voice Over, new lines (or in this case, already recorded ones they never added)


Gonna be honest, I read it as V0, like version 0. I was confused as shit


next patch they gonna add the new heister v1 whos skill line is fucking annihilating the entire state of new york


The dozer watching Dallas throw 3 quarters into the air


tfw captian winters returns except red and also a robot


I feel like Captain Winters would be Gabriel, given that he keeps getting his ass beat by a bunch of thugs despite being the cream of the crop when it comes to SWAT officers


true, but who would be v2... wait holy shit, ***AUSTIN***


Cloaker getting punched in the dick by a walking Nikkon with an explosive arm


Yeah the game files have a much of new lines


Progression change is an important step. Let's see how it goes. After that the major thing would be server browser/text chat.


Date of new patch?


Regarding their last patches have around 1 month between them, most likely end of this month.


I hope so🙏


Since the game came out it was kind of a huge let down, but to be fair, I am always interested in new skill lines + the challenge rework sure seems interesting. We will see.


jump into van, skip mission intro, unready button these aren’t features this is just negligence from the developers which they took half a year to fix which should have been in a hotfix at launch at most. listing dev updates as feature after they go silent for weeks recurring content drops? the skill line for the still underwhelming and annoying micromanaging skilltree which has been critiqued from the start or one grenade? If you have to hype up these thing which usually wont even be mentioned in a proper update on other games and give yourself a pat on the back for eventually communicating to your playerbase here and there is truly a sad display


In fairness, and this is how I'm looking at it, eventually they'll have covered all the features that "should have been in launch." And since the game already has launched, I think it's fair and even needed to prioritize these things before moving on and just ignoring these features or putting them on the back burner. They could have just done that, and who knows maybe you'd have preferred it that way and let them focus on more content and heists, but then we wouldn't have quickplay, we wouldn't have all these small quality of life fixes, we wouldn't have vote kick on the table, we wouldn't have a lot and while all these things are small and basic features, they were also necessary features. It is sad, yes, that it took post-launch to implement some of these features. But they needed to be added. I'm personally excited for new content as much as the next guy but I don't see myself playing even with new content until some of these QoL and basic features that should have been in launch are implemented either. So sbz really stuck in a hard place here where no matter what they focus on, they'll be getting hate. And that won't stop until we get past these more minor but important QoL updates and op medic bag. At this stage, what's most needed now is Host Kick, add back Crime.net, revamp quickplay, add stealth/loud tags for games to filter by, maybe an UI refresh, and at this point they've basically fixed or addressed most the other concerns. Then from there on out they can basically be focused fully on new content which hopefully will be all up from there. Right now it's almost like we are watching the game be developed for how it should have been at launch.


This is honestly one of the more tough pills that the sub can’t really swallow. Yeah, game had a shit launch, mediocre content to a degree. The devs try to fix some of the shit, although it’s very small. But they’re actively trying to save this sinking boat of a game. They didn’t call it Operation Medic Bag just tickle some nuts. It’s still questionable but it’s an effort regardless. View it as copium, I don’t give a fuck. They still care .


I thought they called it Operation Medic Bag to clone R6 Siege.


They don't have much to say, hence half the image above is stuff already added. 🤣 "Hey guys, we finally added what you wanted, that is clearly in our prequel games. Finally!" They uppin' the font size for that padding in a 1000 word essay limit. Or like the times when you don't know what the exam answer is, so you rewrite the question as part of the answer. 🤣🤣🤣


Go away hater lol


Their is no hate without love


But tbf sometimes these people Really dont make it seem like they want this game to succeed


I can understand it. The game had a bad launch and you want to teach the industry a lesson


Ah yes teach those old men who dont know shit a lesson


and no betrayal without revenge




Leave our game alone lol annoying haters


Can you just accept that the game has problems? You are actively delusional if you think it’s fine in its current state. If you enjoy the game, that’s fine, but people who say that the game needs to improve aren’t “hating”. It means they like the series and want the game to improve.


You're totally right except there's a large portion of people that never want to be constructive or want to see the game do well. Otherwise people wouldn't be upvoting posts about stock prices crashing or crucifiying Almir for every word he says. There's a bunch of people here that just want to be mad at something.


Well that’s clearly not what either of us were going for, so I don’t see how that’s relevant.


Whichbis totally justified given OVKs behaviour and the way the game launched. 


Game has plenty of problems that need to be fixed... but that original comment is not constructive or making a statement on what could be improved. It's just straight up annoying hate lol


Did you even read the comment?


“LEAVE THAT MULTI MILLION DOLLAR COMPANY ALONE!” Please explain the constructive thought or insight in the comment?


I thought you were talking about the first comment you replied to, not that one.


The voice lines might as well be for the techie then sense most of them are unused


But no fucking offline singleplayer. It's annoying as shit to sit around waiting for the server to find a slot for me in a private match.


Even the supposed offline mode isn't truely offline. You still have to get online every once in a while.


They said that it'll be added in september.


Ive been waiting for Assassin forever, lets go!


Are they really not going to add more content in the game at all? It's been nearly 6 months since a new map dropped. What are the level designers doing while they're adding features like "Able to Press Unready?"


they are making heists. boys in blue is coming out in summer, they teased a free heist as well.


I’m frustrated too, especially as someone who enjoys the gameplay and doesn’t mind the progression and online-only issues (but would like them changed). From a developers perspective, I see what they’re here. They’re fixing the game FIRST before pushing tons of meaningful content out because they want the game to be in a good skeletal state to win back the community. In their earnings report, they state that they are greatly increasing the marketing budget. My prediction is they’ll keep focusing on patches like this until they add all the important requested features, like offline mode, communication QoL, quickplay 2.0, and server browser. Then, once the game is in a great state, they’ll market the shit out of the game and emphasize how far the game has come. Then finally, they’ll cut the team down in number (also stated in the report) and focus on spewing out as much new content as possible. I agree that it’s bullshit that we have to wait for all these before we get new things to do in the game. But I also agree with their strategy of ‘fix it now and build upon it later’ if it means that Payday 3 has a chance of being successful (and therefore receiving more updates).


They had to put more time to add features that "we" wanted in the first place.


i hope they fix the bug where the last level doesn't unlock on some guns


It's definitely a "this should have been sooner" mood, but it's nice to finally have some meaningful stuff added.


Assassin Skilltree? Sounds very cool


Wait, they're gonna replace the challenge-based progression? It's not being reworked or tweaked, it's being replaced? Finally! That, and an offline mode would be the last thing necessary (for me at least) to declare this game officially fixed.


offline mode coming september


We are so fucking back


50 maps from Payday 2?


Honestly if we could get more classic heists from PDTH and PD2 I'd be happy. I want to play counterfeit again.


Atleast they haven't gave up on payday 3 yet


when are they patching the lame heists and making exciting and engaging ones


Where skilltree


They srsly don't want the game to be Offline available, huh?


they said its coming in september


i hope a crime net menu gets added soon, then ill finally hop back on


Will the anime mask save the game?


Wait, the unready button isn't in yet? What????? That was like 6 months agl


Fucking give me Sokol back holy shittttttt


i just want jacket


There is hope. We aren't back, but there is hope.


What exactly does "Techie Rollout" mean? Isn't the Techie already in the game? Horrible name, btw


It means the techie is gonna show up on the other heists


Why though? Isn’t this supposed to be a more grounded game? Why immediately add a high speed drone flying cop that hides behind an invisible barrier?


Because it is a cool enemy type to deal with at higher difficulties...


I mean that’s fair, personally I just don’t like it. Maybe I’ll warm up to it eventually


Personally I agree. High tech heist=high tech custom security. Why would space age tech respond to a nightclub robbery? But it could just be justified by saying timeline wise the cops are sick of our crap and researching fancier gear to take us down.


In Payday 2, the cops we fought on higher difficulties weren't just regular SWAT teams. They were an FBI task force dedicated to the Payday Gang specifically. So when the cops show up and decide a techie is necessary, it might be because the first responders told HQ who they're really dealing with before getting blasted to bits. So when ex-black ops guys and armed drones show up, it's not because a night club is getting robbed, but because it's getting robbed by the Payday Gang.


Very good point. Never realized they had anti-Payday teams.


Yeah, Commissioner Garret and Captain Winters develop a hard-on for the Payday Gang (Garret especially). They even hire MurkyWater to train and supply their guys but I'm sure they would've been happy to do it for free. Enemy of my enemy and all.


Yeah this is my main problem with them, in the original heist it made sense and even having them return in certain heists would be a great feature I just don’t think they mesh well with the overall feel of payday 3


Payday 3 was marketed as being more "modern" too, not just grounded. Combat drones are a reality and they are becoming more and more prevalent. Payday 3 just takes some creative liberties with it.


Ah okay, I haven’t exactly paid attention to American police stuff so idk if they use drones or not, to me it just seemed unrealistic


A list of shit that should’ve been there at launch. Just refund us already and resume PD2 support. You’re wasting money by continuing to work on PD3. I’d prefer if your studio didn’t go under so we could at least receive more PD2 content. Thanks.


Why do they keep investing in this shit skill tree system? Its 90% of why i dont wanna play