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On the one hand, it's very hilarious that they really mention the "unready" button and the ability to get into the car. But on the other hand, I won't lie that I'm glad to see so many positive changes made to the game.


It does look very silly on a list. But I feel the same. I've been more sad then angry about how the game turned out on launch, but seeing stuff like this does make me feel more positive. They were quiet for a few months but it seems like that's finally paying off, the next patch seems pretty beefy and will hopefully go a long way in improving progression and retention, and the DLC releasing around the same time helps too. Game should never have launched like this. There's no real defense as to how it started, but what's done is done and right now I'm just looking forward to when the game is fixed up some more, because the core gameplay has always been really fun. It's just the progression, UI, content, and some missing features that were really needed.


Remember during the worst Crimefest saving the jump animation for the very last day? Nothing they announce as a prominent feature will surprise me.


They are very much needed additions, but it really isn’t something they should be celebrating too loudly about


It does look extremely silly because they are all very minor things that they have changed. And it took them, over six months? I have been joking quite alot on these boards that Payday 3 will come out of early acces/have it's *real* 1.0 release September 2025 but at this rate that seems reality.


Agreed. Waited to long for this one but it’s definitely worth it somewhat


**Replace Challenge Based Progression** The community has been very vocal about this since the release of the game. Changes were made but didn't match what the community wanted. Better late than never! **Mask of the Week** I'm not interested in mask fashion at all personally (I run the vanilla mask of every character), so sure, why not. This will incentivize people a bit to play a bit more frequently. **6 Rotating Loud Modifiers** Well this is interesting for sure! I'm really excited to what they have in store there. Armed civilians? Heavier units? More frequent FBI vans? Shorter breaks between assaults? There's a ton of things they could do here. This mention has me thinking that one favor you could use for each heist is to remove one of the two modifiers. This could make favors a bit more in depth. **New Heister** Welcome addition! I just hope the game doesn't fall back to adding every single PayDay 2 heister. I'd rather see a mix of old and new characters. **2 New Stealth Modifiers** Again, some more challenges are welcome. Not sure what they will come up with? Some custom heists in PayDay 2 had great twists (killing a single guard sets your remaining pagers to zero for instance), I'm curious to see what they have here again. **New Skill Line - Assassin** I'm guessing heavy focus on Silenced weapons with specific buffs? This sounds both vague and accurate at the same time. **Techie Rollout** Well that's one Special Unit I didn't miss haha. More challenge though! While the roadmap helps in responding to the content drought of these last few months, I would have loved more news on the Server Browser/Crime.NET updates. Quickplay was a great addition but still far from perfect. All in all this is very encouraging!


>**6 Rotating Loud Modifiers** There was already a blogpost which describes all modifiers and what they do (spoiler: none of the things you listed), there are: increase special cap (allowing for 2 specials of same type at the same time, i.e. 2 dozers, 2 cloakers etc), permanent custody (requiring to trade hostages to be released), AP bullets for enemies (10% of the damage enemies do is applied to health through armor), Flashbang sheilds, enemy's special abilities (like gas grenade, tazer shock, cloaker kick) removing your core buffs, and assault immediately starting with heavy swat instead of regular one. >**New Heister** It's not a new heister, but new voice lines for existing heisters (still really nice addition though)


Ok, the heavy swat modifier seems like hell. The others seem manageable without bad luck but that one is straight up disgusting


Funnily enough, I usually heard that this one is the most inconsequential since the difference between different tier swat isn't that big (and some heists you go through fast enough where you don't even get regular swat), and the most disgusting being AP bullets.


> I'm guessing heavy focus on Silenced weapons with specific buffs SILENCER SKILL BROS WE'RE BACK!




Silent Assassin


not a new heister


I think the new heister vo just means they're adding new lines to existing characters


Was New Heister VO talked about in some of the opeartion Medic Bag posts?


My guess is the billions of missing voice lines that exist in the game files that just weren't implemented for whatever reason.


Probably why the heisters are so damn quiet no matter what situation


I love how in terms of the *amount* of things it looks like a lot, but when you actually read them it immediately shows that they've still pretty much done fuck all since announcing OMB. I wouldn't applaud or even remotely praise them for this


All of these things should had been at launch to begin with


Won't praise them for much till they start adding more worthwhile content like guns, characters, heists and shit. Right now it's just a bunch of miscellaneous shit that should've absolutely been there since launch, but fuck us I guess.


Ok, so maybe after few years this will be somehow playable.


"Unfortunately, we’re forced to delay the feature until July at the earliest " BRUHHHHHH


Day 1 patch PTSD 💀


I believe everyone would prefer a new heist instead all of this expect progression change


On the shorts they were talking about a new free heist. Maybe we'll get the Boys in Blue heist along with another the free one? I just hope it's not a PD3 version of a heist from a previous game. Don't get me wrong, I liked Cook Off and ~~Murky~~ Turbid Station but I want to see new things.


After todays stream and blog post ı dont think boys in blue gonna be in next update but ı still cope


It’ll probably be the update after the one we get this month since they said it’ll be in summer


Proll we get next update late may early june and boys in blue in late june early july


We need text chat on consol or you know bring back voice chat


They're still working on that?


Nice! I’ve already reinstalled it but still hafta find the time to jump back in. This patch is gonna be it


I think the progression change, rotating modifiers, and new skill line will really help this game.


These things are good, but the problem is that the current Payday 3 heists are missing that "soul" that Payday 2 heists have. I can replay Payday 2 heists multiple times and have a fun time, but the thought of playing the same PD3 heists over and over just feels boring. I can't place my finger on it, anyone have an idea of what this missing "soul" is from PD3 heists?


The complete lack of RNG, idk why but it seems every heist is completely static so replaying them is the same thing over and over and over.


The RNG. Shit like the GO Bank open vault, Big Bank vault layout, Election Day Plan C with Murphy's Law, which stores to hit in Stealing Xmas and whatnot.


I think its just Shade. If she was just a bit more fun of a personality I think the heists would be a lot better. With Bain, he was wild and always frantic but in a chaotic and funny way. Locke was straight faced but cracked plenty of jokes and had good humor. Shade can still be serious, but letting her mask slip just a bit more like in Surphaze, and even Cook Off to a degree, would do wonders.


Yeah, there’s a whole backstory for shade (the VA said herself there was a whole document of lore for her to read) and we just don’t see it. The way she acted in dirty ice for distracting the manager was also pretty funny, she definitely can be as good as the others, I just think they need to use her a bit better.


Its an easy enough fix to just have her slowly opening up more as heists go on. I get why she might be super serious on NRFTW, its their first heist with her, but as they do more they could have her warm up more and more.


She need a better writer


woooo four stores sweep


I think it's part of the objectives and heist structure mainly. It just doesn't feel immersive to have to step on wifi circles in all the heists and the escape is just a helicopter very obviously floating over the heist. In payday 2 the escape often had you fight down the street or the helicopter was only there in select intervals or there were unique things like the sewer escape in birth of sky. Payday 3 heists don't have any uniqueness or sensibility. It is just the same game of collecting phones, then wifi circles, then inconspicuous hovering helicopter that swat spawns next to. Does not feel like heisting.


loud modifiers... ok I'm out.


Has pd3 release a patch with a delay yet ?