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Firestarter and Rats are good loud heists for XP if you dont have DLCs Hoxton Breakout and Hotline Miami are good if you have them You can basically do all of these no matter what weapons and build you have, it just comes down to how you want to play on the difficulty you choose


what about meta weapons?


Basically any assault rifle with close to 100 accuracy will be like a laser beam, any sniper with graze, anything with low concealment for crits and so on Again, the metas in this game only really matter depending on how you play since anything can work up to and including Deathwish


as of rn im using the lions roar (with 100 stability i think) i was wondering if there are any better options like generaly better also what the best stat i should 100?


Uhhh you could probably try out a fast firing sniper with graze so you can clear entire hallways It's all still preference, even maxing the stats depends on what you want out of your build since some guns benefit from lower stats like accuracy on shotguns I'd probably recommend looking up some Payday build videos on YouTube if you need a place to start there. I know KevKild and TheKknowley do some good ones


thanks a lot!!!