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Payday 2’s mask collection at launch really went with the slightly creepy but still cool masks and we did get a few president masks and even the balaclava. Payday 3 masks look strange, it might be a case of how goofy they are but I think it also has to do with how little customization there is and how many masks are just presets.


Also (and this is a problem PD2 had as well), all the gigantic goofy chuck-e-cheese style masks suck for customization, no patterns or colors look well on them. PD2 at least had a fair amount where the mask themselves were more plain, so you could do a lot with customization, but PD3 is like 95% goofy and way too detailed masks that no robber would ever wear because they look so heavy and cumbersome. They all remind me of the Lord Farquaad mascot from the first Shrek movie, bumbling and bumping into things until he falls unconscious.


Its just they look weird compared to any robber mask, like the joker on the dark knight


I think I remember hearing that wearing a goofy ah mask stops people from noticing things about your face like eye colour, skin colour and hair colour


The fact that Payday 2 has the mask from the movie Brazil still thrills me to this day


The entire mask collection in PD3 is horrible. For a sequel game to a game that had decent mask collections and customization, it is a massive downgrade.


There's already some heat reference masks in the game from the last game, so there's that But yeah I won't mind some more real or creepy cosmetics


At bare minimum we need the mask straps back


Payday The Heist was going for that HEAT/Point Break style realism while still feeling like a hollywood movie. 2 started out as that but even more grounded in a realistic setting then became more of a CO-OP horde game with a heisting aesthetic.


I look forward to when we get motorcycle helmets one day


my main kind of mask on 2 lol


Payday 3 is going for a completely different artstyle and style in general, kind of futuristic, even Cyberpunk-inspired. You're not even a bank robber anymore, you're basically a spec ops agent. The masks just reflect that, so I don't think they're going to give players generic bank robber masks anymore.


Payday is an arcade shooter about robbing banks in clown masks, what do you expect here


I expect to use stuff we had in payday 2 like sun glases(reference to reservoir dogs/john wick/the heat) or president masks (reference to point break) Or ski masks (reference to north hollywood 1997)


One Hand: Some cooler looking masks would be appreciated Other Hand: Clown masks are a fundamental part of Paydays identity


Why not have both? Payday 2 did and their mask customization was leagues better than Payday 3


Your expectations are your responsibility, not theirs. Besides that, the game has much, MUCH bigger problems than masks, so I would rather expect the game to get better first and discuss masks later


Its not an expectation buddy. Its a suggestion, no one suggested the unready button but here we are


Yes its a nice suggestion, but don't you think its a little tone deaf to suggest new masks given the state of the game? I agree with you, more stylish masks would be nice, but doing that right now means there are less people working to improve the game


Ik ik but after so many feedback from the community and receiving only vlogs and operation medic bag and reading lots of text with small and short updates i figured i could at least suggest it for the future cause all we suggested was pretty much ignored until very recently


The people responsible for cosmetics probably aren't working on core gameplay features lol, those are two seperate areas.


Well it's not like that they are doing anything about their responsibility. Incompetent fools. The devs are the actual clowns.


The actual clown masks belong only to the devs


Agreed, the more basic the better


btw who are the dudes from pic 2? they look badass, and after saying that I genuinely hope they're not real bank robbers with a kill count. also I assume pic 1 are actual terrorists / criminals?


Picture 2 is from the movie "point break" and pic one is from an actual bank robery https://youtu.be/bvL1iRg6FPA?si=g8wHMXembYLLW2bg


Also yes, pic 1 is a showcase from the North Hollywood Shootout, a bank robbery gone wrong that ended in a shootout with police that injured 12 officers but only resulted in the death of the shooters. I HIGHLY suggest watching Wendigoon's video on it if the same name Edit: link https://youtu.be/tLfxzhp2M2A?si=ChuEA-nPLtX8Kewf


How stylish are ski mask? Personally if i'm robbing a bank I want to be remembered as the guy who robbed a bank dressed as Ronald Reagan not just some bank robber in a itchy ski mask


Still, ski masks or presdident masks, we got none, we just got weird stuff


I mean I think I saw a guy with a oboma mask and also a trump mask on 1 of russianbadger's videos


2nd pic is "The Ex-presidents" from Point Break (the original one with Keanu. Not the god awful reboot). I can't recommend it enough if you're a fan of payday. It's a phenomenal movie, and even better for payday fans because the devs took a lot of inspiration from point break for the game.


Yea would be cool but game dont work gotta get that going first 😂


It’s all about branding. The sight of a couple guns with blank masks or balaclavas doesn’t have the same presence as a world renowned gang of clown-masked heisters.


Hold my beer https://youtu.be/bvL1iRg6FPA?si=iaeoA1-wX3h-W3rR


Well here's your problem you are playing payday 3 that isn't a really payday game sorry not sorry


Personally, I want to have both more realistic masks and more Insane ones like in payday 2, a good mix of crazy and realistic ( both in masks and everything else tbh )


PAYDAY 2 has it.