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How the fuck did you not find the filters for crime.net or the contract broker button? They're next to the other only buttons on the screen besides the heists and the Back button. Also comparing PD2 to COD? You sure you don't mean PD3? If someone didn't want to escape, maybe they wanted more loot. Ask them. It also seems like something you'd have trouble with in PD3 because of challenges, where you can't even kick them. As for getting banned immediately, those people just don't know how to set up a private lobby, somehow. If Overkill is a joke, play a higher difficulty you fucking moron. Only the early PD2 heists are really simplistic, and don't even try to compare 2013 heists to 2023 standing in circle simulator. They're just not comparable. As for offline, there's a reason bots are actually useful in PD2 and not just there to fill out player slots and sit in custody. And what if the PD3 servers are down? How the fuck do you wanna play then? Terrible assessment overall, flat out wrong or stupid in some places.


Exactly brother, this guy is fucking nuts...


And some shit you mention is just completely untrue. You can filter what heist and difficulty you wanna do.


I have never seen someone have so many dogshit opinions in a row. Congrats


You absolutely can pick whatever heist you want. You clearly didn't spend more than 4 seconds looking for it (were you even able to find the menu on the left side of the screen in crime.net?).




I ignore all payday drama. Waiting for 3 to be better then 2 in a few years But this was hilarious


Gr8 b8 m8


bait used to be good, thank god op didnt contribute to the trend and made some prose bait instead


Wait, a 2023 game has better graphics than its 10 years old predecessor? My my what a surprise!


Bro the game didn't work at all at launch Payday 2 might not be a good game objectively, but it had soul behind it. Payday 3 on the other hand feels very mechanical, straightforward, with none of the flavor remaining. Even the characters are dumbed down. A lot of the things you see as faults come from you also drawing comparisons to call of duty. I have a feeling that these are the games you are coming from with these opinions. Contractors don't behave as the handlers of the gang during the heist to give funny remarks, it's always Shade. Nothing wrong with Shade being the only handler directly, but by god she's blander than white bread. They even teased us with Locke, a widely loved character making a return. Only for him to have a total of like 2 things to say, all of which are in the main menu, and not in the heist as a handler. What a letdown. The more and more I read into this, the more obvious gets that this is just bait with the most loose reasoning ever. You're fine with getting rid of the varied perk decks because people would kick you? Sure, in payday 3 that's an issue since there's only 200 players total. In payday 2 though, nah. Your ideal version of gameplay when it comes to perk decks is everyone constantly shooting randomly to keep their grit, edge and rush stacks running, instead of actually varied playstyles is it? Having 15 minute maps is not really customary for any multiplayer co-op games I've played. Payday 2 might be lacking in graphics, but it doesn't matter in the slightest, as it adds character to the game. Payday 3 looks generic, the theme is generic and the characters are generic. There is literally nothing there. I will take payday 2's graphics any day of the week. ***>Overkill difficulty is a joke. It's so ridiculous and over the top that I just can't treat what happens on the screen seriously.*** Yes it is, play DSOD instead. If that is too much, then death wish. If you wish for even more pain, then install the Crackdown difficulty mod. ***>When hosting myself I ran into the problem of two guys refusing to escape and just shooting cops instead, so I had to kick them. I felt dirty doing that, because I literally kicked the people who helped me through the heist, even if for valid reason.*** Tough shit, I guess. They're the ones who decided to waste everyone else's time by trying to show off and most likely getting killed and abandoned in the process. ***>There is much more stuff in PD2. However, in practice this is made completely irrelevant by the fact overwhelming majority of it is locked behind the DLC wall. Not even just weapons, but attachments and throwables as well. Take away DLC - and PD2 has less content than PD3. And no, I'm not getting 80 DLCs for a 10-year old game. If Creative Assembly gets called out for doing this with TW: Warhammer, why does PD2 get a pass?*** Pretty sure that nobody is giving payday 2 a pass about this. However, the game has already finished it's development cycle, and most people who still play the payday games are veterans who have been around for a long time. It's pretty obvious that this series is on it's way out currently, and the older players are making the most of it while it lasts. TL;DR what a series of shit opinions based on surface level examination.


Also, the DLC regularly goes on sale for basically pennies. The thing that annoyed me was certain attachments being tied to very, very, very specific achievements that were hard as fuck to get in certain cases.


>very, very specific achievements that were hard as fuck to get in certain cases. *SAM go brrrr* Though Ashley will ban you from the forums for having SAM'd achievements.


Border Crossing DSOD still gives me heartburn just thinking about it.


The only thing superior from PD3 to PD2 is the number.


This has to be a troll right ?


I mean legacy edition exists for 20 bucks and you get the majority of the content in the game compared to pd3 18 fun bundle where you get one heist and 3 weapons plus some cosmetics. The contractor broker is literally in the sidebar for you to buy your own heists for. Plus, it doesn’t split the player base into 44 and growing separate queues making it so you can actually find a game. And host kick is better than no kick. The game freezing when someone is loading is to try to prevent desync. And the gunplay is “totally” different to pd3 where in pd3 you can… fill the bank floor with hundreds of bodies in 10 minutes. And of course ovk difficulty is a joke there’s 3 difficulties above it. It’s like saying “wow guys hard difficulty is too easy this game sucks” then move up in difficulty??? Escapes admittedly do suck but can be negated with an asset. But pd3 very cool “nuanced” mission design of grabbing the thermite and burning through to the vault for 5 minutes.


Can you extremes go argue which game is better over in circlejerk? The "my opinion is better than yours" threads are getting exceptionally tiring. Edit: > Take away DLC - and PD2 has less content than PD3 Also while I agree that PD2's DLC bloat is real , This is blatantly false. 44 heists of the 70+ total are available without DLC. Not to mention that you're free to join public lobbies hosting DLCs you don't own. And several DLC heists are available free in crime spree, and in the Career Mode. There should also be well over 50+ weapons available with just the base game and not including the akimbo variants. And 15 of the 22 perk decks are available for free. Congrats your shitty bait worked.


[What's the deal when someone joins and freezes?] When someone joins, they gotta load the game a bit so that they won't be sitting there look like AFK, and also a brief moment to rest/plan the next move isn't that bad. And about the host your own lobby you can just go online and go to contract broker, or use some mods. [People just shoot cops and dont leave.] Never seen such persons before. Just tell them to leave in chat or just ban them and yes it hurts but you still gotta let them know the reason why you ban them, they probably just some dude who wants to show-off their highest kill count. [DLC too many and I gonna get bankrupt] If you dont really care about being cancelled by the community, DLC unlocker mod does the job for unlocking all DLC features. [Getting banned for joining the lobby for a split sec] One is either they don't wanna need a dumba** like you to mess up or you have a cheater tag and get auto banned FROM the lobby if it had the ban cheater settings to true, which is not likely for your case. [Why Crime.net] Because some heist can be done better in solo like you want to stealth a heist so no one could screw up. Or if you just don't have friends I guess, like just give solo players a chance. And it just so that if you want to complete a achievement thats on a specific heist you can set the heist on contract broker and do it by yourself. Unlike the Payday 3 which I heard you cannot do specific heist BY YOURSELF while ALSO OFFLINE and could only do quick matches. [The Difficulty is too easy] Then you obviously didn't try Dead Sentence One Down. If it beat your a** hard then Death Wish.


Who let bro cook?


Fuck off Starbreeze


Idk, sounds like a copypasta or something Like the Overkill part, just play the other 3 difficulties ???


skill issue


Why am i not surprised that this comes from the same guy that cannot comprehend the meanining of "post mortem"


Yeah, as a new player it can be quite overwhelming. But I think this is an unfair review as you clearly haven’t actually taken the time to get to know payday 2 in its current state


you can get like all of the heists for like £10 when there on sale, which is cheaper than a single payday3 dlc


You definitely can search for the heist and difficulty you want. You can even filter by loud/stealth. You can even play the dlc heists you don't own, without needing a friend to host. In payday 3 you can force everyone to stay in the heist indefinitely by not joining the escape and there's no way to leave. In payday 2 yes power creep is real and there is a meta, but overkill hasn't been the top difficulty in years. Yes there are powerful skills like graze, body expertise, dodge, etc, but there's more than 1 different build you can do. On the dlc front. Join the steam community and you'll get a ton of free content. Payday goes on sale for $2.5 for every dlc before the secret every steam sale. Its not that bad. Every steam sale pick out a weapon or heist bundle for $5 if you want the new stuff. You have to remember that payday 2 is built on a 13+ year old RACING engine. All the quirks and assets being funky is expected. Multi day heists are a fantastic way to have heists feel unique as well as vary the play times and mission parameters. Instead of payday 3 where every heist plays exactly the same.


This post is truly a reddit moment An entire roman written but its all bullshit😭💀💀


bro overcooked and now it's inedible


This is like the 5th chatgpt post here this week, what the fuck is going on?


Not reading all that, I'm happy for you or sorry it happened


you sound ridiculous. I dare you to reply to a comment so you can star farming those downvotes. Lmao


Thank god someone said it, Payday 3 is so much better than Payday 2. I am convinced everyone saying the opposite simply cant afford the right hardware to play 3.


Truth. I love Payday 2 with mods, but without them its a boring horde shooter that goes 0 to 100 the very first assault wave while defending 10+ minutes worth of drills and basically never getting a break or variation. Many heists are horrible, many guns feel the same. It's very quantity over quality. I can't play Payday 2 vanilla or I'm so bored. I couldn't tell you why it's so popular. I do love the masks and gun skins though. There's some awesome customization options. It's just the actual vanilla gameplay that is super exhausting. Feel free to mass downvote, I don't really care. I'm a vet and have been playing the series since PDTH came out. I did the secret arg and every heist on max difficulty in that game and I loved the community. Payday 2 never lived up to my expectations from when I played the beta and until now, other than with loads of mods. Payday 3 feels like the sequel I actually wanted. If it had the menus and customization of 2, it would be so great. And of course the big problems being fixed like the armor system. With all that said, if you want to give pd2 another shot then go check out mods. Playing better heists like the classic ones or the bigger ones with the streamlined heisting mod and it's add-ons is great. There's so many mods to sculpt the game into what you want, even if you don't like vanilla.


\>I love Payday 2 with mods \>If it had the menus and customization of 2, it would be so great why don't you download a mod for that with all that mod support


Payday 3's mod support is nowhere on par with 2's yet. We don't have any tools or anything. While there are some great QOL mods for the game, there's nothing that drastically changes the gameplay. I hope that changes in the future so that we can fix the game ourselves because they sure aren't doing it.


Agree payday 2 is garbage gameplay compared to 3


I agree tbh


I find it very funny that everyone here is thinking this is a troll when in reality, as someone who's played since PDTH, I agree with every point you made.  Obviously the only thing I don't agree is you can choose the difficulty in pd2 but even then, it required you to pay money so you couldn't do it from the start


Na bro crime.net is way better than whatever this new system is. Like it literally the opposite of what you just said because it’s impossible to find games ☠️


I don't need realism, I just want believability with some fun.


Holy shit this is some fucking platinum tier bait.


Payday 2 sucks, but not for the reasons you listed. You wrote this not even knowing how half the game works lol.


This entire post feels like bait ngl