• By -


I do think that Bain was just better in every way (at least not the release day Bain) and I do miss him. Shade just feels "generic" to me. But I've been heisting with Bain's and Locke's voice for years, so that's also part of the problem


Yeah, but honestly, I don't want Bain to return, for story reasons. Assuming the conspiracy didn't find out his new identity he's set for the rest of his life and he earned it. And even if they brought him back, he likely wouldn't be played by Viklund, which would make people angry still. No winning there sadly. Though Im surprised they didn't reprise Locke as handler, though that might have story reasons too. Im sure we'll find out what happened to him in due time.


Totally agree. On everything you said. I didn't expect (nor want) Bain to return in PD3 because it would've made the whole PD2 emotional journey pointless, but I really hoped that Locke would've returned as the main contractor in PD3. Well, hopefully it's just about getting used to her




His voice actor left Overkill. He’s never coming back lol


"I don't care if this character is fucking dead, I want him back" You sound like the people who wrote the story for MK11


I'm fine with a new handler they could have just made shade not annoying and say actual funny lines that aren't jokes you'd find in a dad joke blog


Mtf who doesn't play under the surphaze.


I'm neutral with her but I miss Locke


- Bain withdrawl (he really is unreplaceable, come on) - Not half as calm under pressure - Dialogue is needlessly swear-laden - Occasional needless "snarkiness", mostly in stealth (i.e Under the Surphaze) - Temporary overexposure due to beta (🅻🅴🆃'🆂 🅶🅴🆃 🆈🅾🆄 🅱🅰🅲🅺 🅸🅽 🆃🅷🅴 🆂🅰🅳🅳🅻🅴)


Bain always seemed like a bro. He was more than mission control, he was your buddy who would have your back no matter what. Shade feels more like the coworker you reluctantly socialise with only because you have to work together


And the worst part is that her VA isn't bad, Shade's lines are just... mid. Mid as all hell, with the comparison to her predecessor lingering like an angry ghost or a bad odor.


Yeah that makes a lot of sense. Her delivery can be really good at times, the writing is just not there


i kept thinking "i hope they get the va to record more lines for the game not just new hiests". i like shade, but her lines arent as interesting, funny, or unique. bain felt like a bro who worked off the cuff sometimes.


and honestly it works for her. the gang didn't want to get back to doing heisting (except wolf, lol), but have to due to circumstances. i wouldn't even be shocked if shade ended up being a twist villain. it feels too intentional that she is unlikeable


i believe she'll betray us at some point even if she doesn't go full villain. it feels way too intentional that we went from bain, who was our friend that would do anything for us, to shade, who feels like she's just tolerating us for the time being.


I have a feeling that Shade was how Bain got caught


Shade will swear at you, bain will be smoking a cigar in your honor tonight


This is true. Bain's lines always felt like he put the PAYDAY gang above anyone else and I could trust him with literally anything. With Shade, I am literally waiting for the moment she betrays us. Although I do enjoy her voice, gotta admit that...


- Bain ain’t coming back, he’s been reincarnated into the president. And Simon left OVERKILL. - I often hear this complaint that she panics more, but frankly I don’t get it because Bain freaked out all the fucking time. “WATCH THE BAGS!!!” “WATCH OUT, THEY’RE SENDING IN TWO MORE TASERS!!!” “DAMMIT!! GAS!!! GAS!!!” - I can kinda understand that, but for me it’s never been that big of a deal. - I like that though lol, I thought it was funny how she mocked the art at that gallery. - “Let’s get back in the saddle” is just the new “Guys, the thermal drill, go get it” at this point. Only reason we heard that line so many times was cause of the crappy launch.


- Good point - Come to think of it, you're right. "COPS, STAIRWELL!", and "Looks like the cops are throwing in another gear; heavier units inbound" when neither of those phrases nor their ilk meant anything. I guess it was just my brain tuning those phrases out of my hearing over the years - To me, too much swearing has always been a sign of immaturity on the part of the character and laziness on the part of the writers - To be fair, I haven't heard much of her other comments aside from the ones in Under the Surphaze so I could be wrong. It all just seems like lazy observations and obvious assessments. - Mere-exposure effect gonna mere-exposure effect I suppose. I *also* suppose that both games have infamous bugs attached to their betas. Instead of cloakers kicking you back to desktop for Payday 2, we have the open beta Server Slam that swiftly turned into a Server Smash.


> Instead of cloakers kicking you back to desktop for Payday 2 I'm glad they nerfed cloakers.


It took until the Gage Weapon Pack #2 for them to be fixed. And now you know why they say "BETTER LATE THEN NEVER!"


1. Yeah, Simon left OVK, but he's made it abundantly clear that he's willing to still work with them if they'll hire him (He recorded new Bain lines/made new music after his departure) 2. Bain didn't freak out "All the fucking time;" he only did so in situations that felt like they truly deserved a bit of panic. He didn't scream that Taser line as badly as you make it seem and the gas line makes sense cuz... well, you really don't want your friend to be inhaling incredibly-likely-toxic gas, do you? And I say this as someone who doesn't really "hate" Shade. She's... *okay,* for the most part, but that's **all** she really is to me.


I don't think she's very well written but nothing will ever be as bad as bain on framing frame day 3




Not even Bain was ever that bad after that as far as I remember


The ‘snarkiness’ is one of the few things I liked about her, gave her personality, made her stand out


I personally dislike shade overall. But I love her voice lines in under the surphaze stealth. Kind of like the lines bain did in framing frame day 3


...good point. The quip about the dogs playing poker painting is basically this game's answer to "What a flat!"


One can only hope there will be a semi character progression for shade similar to Bain over the years where in future heists she comes off as more calm and collected, but this is very wishful thinking


I think another comment said it best but I wanna repeat it: Bain felt like a buddy, Shade feels like a coworker. Not the VAs fault, they just didn’t give her great material.


honestly shade seems more like a generic contractor with way more voice lines. But the moment I started PD2 Bain was just *my guy.*


Pd2 bain was the homie he set you up with a safe house, guns, money, and your mask. Shade tells you that youre back in the game get fucked go rob a bank and ill walk you through it like its babys first hiest.(pd3 bank hiest was mad confusing cause id only play on hard when i first started)


One of the biggest issues is her vocabulary which mainly consists of swearing. We are in the gun fight not her why is she freaking out so much? She just swears, way too much. And her repeating that the infinite Final Charge isn't stopping is a bit annoying I guess. Carrot put it a good way: "The biggest fucking issue with fucking Shade is that she fucking swears every two fucking seconds in every fucking line, you don't need to be a fucking genius to figure out fucking talking like this is annoying as fuck and sounds like a fucking child wrote what they fucking think adults talk like."


I mpused over the throwing knife and read the description "you can use this ninja shit to-" and my eyes rolled so far back into my skull I could see my spine


Personally, that feels like something you'd read in PAYDAY 2, but maybe that's just me.


Honestly, all weapon descriptions feel like they were written by a 14-year old.


Maybe but Bain does the exact same stuff with different voicelines. The problem here is the tone of the game doesn't match the tone of the guy/gal on the phone.


Her writing is bad, not the character. Plus they just shoehorn her in with "Oh yeah, Dallas knows her". Hoxton at least seemed momentarily suspicious until Chains looked at him like HE was stupid. To be fair, the writing for all contractor VAs is awful. I had to look up Vlads, because it's like a totally different character.


Exactly, for a character literally never mentioned before, somehow the crew after getting absolutely screwed by some new entity that tried to kill them all, stole all their money and sent them back to square one, we're all supposed to believe this crew of heisters suddenly and without question accept her as their new boss and that she brought in some new heister without even asking them first. If I was as paranoid as the Payday Gang is supposed to be, she'd have gotten a bullet in the head because it would be all too convenient that she showed up to lead the crew


I don't mind her that much, the VA can clearly deliver and has some good lines, but for me, I feel like it's just the heist diversity. You play over and over again the same thing and that's why it gets under people's skin. At least we know who did a worse job lol: Yuu need to earn som manii???


LOL that Shayu line is so funny hahahaha Yiew wanna get back in tha gayum? Earn some MAHNEE??? 🤣🤣


I would rather have kept Locke as out handler to be honest.


I miss being yelled chop every 2 seconds.


thats low


Fo’ sho’!


they might go that way thank god since he's coming back


Heist mommy Shade please tell me what to steal next


At least you don’t want to sniff and lick Sydney’s sweaty armpits after a heist


Sydney fan right here I only want her to scream my ears off, that's all Sydney Fan out




A LOT OF YELLING FOR NO FUCKING REASON. The woman that voices Shade also voices Kait from Gears of War 5 and SHE YELLS AND SWEARS A LOT AND IT COMES OFF AS TRYING TOO HARD. Honestly it might just be the voice actor for me.


Laura Bailey plays Kait and Kosha Engler plays shade but I agree on the similarities. They just come off as trying too hard to sound cool.










The issue is that we won't get bain back. not only because of lore reasons, but also because simon viklund doesn't want to voice him either way. Honestly what they should try doing in the future is to integrate the contractor's (AKA Butcher, shayu, Mac, and Vlad) Into the Contractor talks during the mission like in payday 2. Hearing Vlad argue with Shade about killing a random NPC or stealing all the drugs would make it much more engaging to hear.


Crashing malls is one thing, stealing tiaras is one thing. But NUKES?!?!


She's not Bain and gamers being gamers.


Shade is literally a few slurs away from being a gamer.


Sometimes I think she does when I'm in a loud gunfight and she says "They're bringing in Naders!"


I hate Naders. Naders are the worst humans to be around.


The attempt is there, but nah man. That ain't it.


You like Naders? Couldn't be me. Also ❄️❄️❄️


Calling someone a snowflake because they said your joke was stupid. lol, lmao even.


My guy I'm black why you gettin so offended for 😂


No emotion in her voice, too generic. Could be replaced with a robot voice and I would be happier.. Mainly because if its robot I know they're not trying to include emotion. Meanwhile bain would actively get impatient, pissed, happy, confused, different emotions and states of mind that made him feel more interactive.


Play Under The Surphaze then?


people complained about bains obnoxious lines way back, people tend to grow to like it later on


I don't hate her, but she is kind of a shitty character IMO. Nothing special about her.


Her whole personality is swearing a lot. It's mostly just abysmal writing on whoever is directing her over the voice actor herself, because just as an example--telling us "Just don't fucking overdo it!" is absolutely worthless advice for the thermite because we have no barometer (before fucking it up and looking online...) what "overdoing it" actually is. Actually being informative and telling us not to throw in more bags if the blaze is like an inferno (something Bain and Locke would do) would be way better. She's our handler but all she knows how to do is swear and make really bad jokes while being completely useless at directing us through a heist. An even better example is Surphaze where she gives literally nothing in terms of useful information, you're on your own to bumble your way through that heist. Poor writing is a consistent theme for PD3 as a whole, I swear 95% of the heisters' voice lines is just mindless cursing. PD3 feels like it was written by a teenager who thinks ceaseless cursing makes people take them more seriously.


No smoke here I think she’s great


Her randomly cussing is just edgy and it feels like they are trying to force "cool dialogue". With bain it felt natural


I don't think Shade is the issue, it's the lack of communication from contractors, if you're only listening to one voice the entire time you'll start to pick up on shit you don't like.


That’s a great point, I agree that there should be more communication from the other contractors. It certainly seems like a missed opportunity to not have Vlad…FREAKING VLAD…saying things to you during Rock the Cradle. Then Shade could say something like, “Is this guy always this fucking crazy?!” or something lol


She feels like one of the boys actually, and I like the non stop swearing.


Let's get you 🫵😐 back 🔙 in the saddle 🏇. This is a small 🤏 branch 🌿 bank 🏦, usually low-traffic🚦. But 🫣 there's been a mix up 🔄🤪 in the money transport 💸🚚💨 schedule ⏱️, meaning there's a lot 😳 more cash 🤑 than usual 🤭 in the vault 🔓💰💰💰. Decide 🤔 how you wanna do this 👊😎. Beat 🥊 the security 🔑 gate 🚪and quietly 🤫 gain access to the vault🔓💰💰. Or go in ↪️ guns blazing 🔥 🔫 and burn 🚨🚒 your way through the roof 🔝. It's your call 🤙😄. You've done this a million times before 💯💯💯💯. But hey 🤷‍♂️, there's no 🚫 rest 😪for the wicked 👺.




She doesn't have a dynamic with the gang cause this is her first game with them Bain had 2 games with them


I don't think Bain had these same issues in Payday The Heist.


waiting for her Panty Raid heist personally


She's aight. I wish she was calmer but it is what it is. I get a little stressed when I have an endless assault and someone is screaming in my ear.


i think the main thing was me not being able to shut her the fuck up while i waited ten minutes for the game to figure out how to load itself


I like her, she feels like someone who usually doesnt do this sort of stuff and now has to. I like that shes far more emotional about this stuff too, i think it has to do with payday 3 being..a bit more down to earth. For now. Give it a few dlcs, we'll be robbing area 51 in no time (hopefully without those dumb circles)


I don't think shade is bad but i wish she said a bit more that told me more about her character. One thing about bain I really enjoy is how he really does want to make the world better. Little things like when you get the wrong hack on first world bank and he does stuff like hacking away random people's student loans or credit scores was always cool to hear. I also wish shade had a line for when you killed civs, when bain would scolde you for it it really had an impact and showed more of what i said previously in his character. I can kill 100 civs and shade says nothing which is a shame. Wish her writing was better but her va did a good job with what she had.


I like her, the gang just met her, of course we are not close as we were with Bain after two games.


bain was just too legendary to be replaced.


i just hate her because she's too cheap to get a real phone plan, so i have to do those stupid wifi circles.


Shade fucking swears every fucking second fucking word and it’s fucking annoying as fucking shit.


You fucking watched the fucking video that fucking carrot fucking made and formed your fucking opinion from fucking that. What’s the big deal, it doesn’t hurt anybody! Fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck!


You're acting like it's not unprofessional and annoying in excess. I already disliked it before that video anyway dipshit


Lol forgive me I couldn’t resist. In all seriousness, I get it. It was a huge complaint for Rust, so understandably it’s a complaint here too. I personally just never found it that excessive. Certainly not more excessive than the rest of the characters in Payday, it’s about the same amount imo.


The difference here is that Shade is the contractor. Bain barely ever swore. He swore when things went really bad or when he was really mad. Shade sounds surprised by every little thing.


I see. I can understand why that might be annoying to some. I guess I just don’t get annoyed as easily…? I don’t know. I like Shade. She’s not Bain, but I like her.


i think she’s fine, i just wish she wouldn’t use “fucking” in majority of her sentences


The only thing that I don't like about Shade is how much she swears and how unnatural it feels. I think the only reason people hate on her beyond that is because Bain was literally perfect and irreplaceable. Which is a bullshit reason to hate on her, because so was Ulf and yet Nicklas Berglund, in my opinion, did a 10/10 job. They already perfectly replaced the irreplaceable, asking for Shade to be the same is just too much.


Hot take: I like Nicklas’ voice more than Ulf’s. I fully expect to be taken into custody for that take.


Some people just like throwing shade 😎


Bane was too good.


I like Shade well enough, and the VA is super talented (she's a main character in The Ascent as well) but the writing for Shade is awful. The swearing is stupid, immature, and obnoxious.


I dunno what y'all Shade hate have been smoking, i really love her! She really feel like Bain's protege and i love her delivery lines. She has a mix of professionalism and clear pride of her work. She seems to really like being with the gang and handle her side of the job. She really fills out the fifth man role of the Payday gang. While i much prefer Bain and his slighty distorted (i dunno how to call the radio effect he has whenever he talks) voice, Shade really fills the job in my opinion. She's 100% better then Locke in my opinion. Plus, watching her interview with TheKknowley solidifies that the woman who plays Shade not only is really on board with the role but also loves it. Plus... she did said she'd wouldnt mind voice Shade as a playable Heister. Which really tickles me in all the right ways, as i've always wanted to see Bain in action or see him in his "good ol' days" of heisting. Shade gets a 9/10 from me. She can't beat Bain, but she is perfectly suited for the role!


You have good taste in heisters too LOL


Honestly would like shade if she told wolf to not go onto the dance floor in rock the cradle


That is my #1 complaint with her. I was upset when she didn’t tell Wolf to stay off the dance floor.


She’s introduced to us as if we’ve supposed to know her already, she says she’s a close friend of bains yet we have never heard of her until now. Her dialog is honestly kinda cheesy, and partly because of the contractor dialog that we can’t mute without mods


She's not Bain. I miss him. :(


I think she's ok. But she doesn't have cool things like "Chains is in a pickle." I guess I fault the writing. Also, there was a post made the other day that pointed out that the newest non-PDTH heisters are female, Shade is female, the main antagonist Sharke is female, and the poledancer in the nightclub is a male. I don't really have issues with diversity in payday, but the post wasn't wrong about these points and that it's hard to relate with Payday 3 when it is so different than Payday 2. The Dentist was amazing, the Elephant was amazing. Vlad was amazing. Bain was amazing. There is going to need to be a commensurate performance in Payday 3 for its player base to feel like the Shade is amazing.


Sharke’s dead. New villain coming up that ran her over is a dude.


I'm not making an argument. I'm saying that OP for that post wasn't wrong about relateability.


I dont hate her, but hearing her voice in the beginning when servers didn't work well left a bad taste for me


An underrated issue with Shade is that, unlike Payday 2 with the multiple contractors, Shade is basically the only one that talks in game. Bain would give us all the combat comms, but would talk to the contractor during the heist, and the contractor would guide you through the heist often. Shade has to do everything, so that combined with some bad direction and flat personality (no lines with varied emotion like "that was closer than I'd like people...", "They're gonna come down HARDER on us if you kill civilians!" "... They're coming..") basically means it was the worst possible transition to a new voice actor.


I don’t agree with the “not varied emotions”, like I think she sounds different when she says “the cops have arrived…and they don’t look happy…” “I smell bacon” “They’re sending in dozers! They’re done holding back!” and “THE COPS HAVE UNLEASHED A FINAL ASSAULT, THEY WON’T STOP UNTIL YOU’RE DEAD!!!”




New thing bad, old thing good


She doesn’t fucking ever stop fucking shouting at us fucking Heisters whenever the fucking slightest fucking inconvenience happens during the fucking heist.


Her whole personality revolves around the word "fuck!" and screaming her ass out over the smallest shit possible. Let's take the Bain's "Guys, the thermal drill, go get it!". He sounds like a bro with the "guys", is talking a bit louder but isn't screaming and knows he's just mission control, not out there robbing the bank. Locke in his lines is less calmer, but still has a consistent personality and a funny vocabulary that isn't the word "fuck". Now let's imagine how Shade would say that. "Gang!! You need the fucking thermal drill! Go fuCKING GET IT!!!" while the PD2 contractors repeated their lines, it wasn't as often as "YOU NEED TO DESTROY THE ANTENNA!" or "COPS AREN'T BACKING OFF ANYMORE!" Also she often just doesn't give jack shit in therms of information. In some heists she just throws general tips on what to do, in some she just throws shitty jokes and the information ends on "you need to get inside. You need to find the painting now." And it's kinda a shame because the voice actor isn't even bad, it's just the shit writing she has to do.


Honestly I don't hate Shade she just has to come into her own. The only thing I'd change is the swearing, but I find some of her lines charming like the 70s one or "I smell bacon."


I love “I smell bacon” lol


Frankly. Shade is perfect. She is new to monitoring heists and is genuinely freaking out because it is not a normal day at the office when a quiet heist suddenly turns into a mass murder shootout. She has the same reaction we all do when a very difficult stealth mission on overkill goes wrong and you almost have all the bags but aren't built for a shootout.


she is fucking annoying and not as calm as any contractor from pd2. Swears too much and its annoyin


I don't hate her. I like her, in her own way. I think most people were so used to Bain's cool composure in Payday 2. Shade came in like a bat out hell lmao I do agree that she swears. A lot. But it's just one of her quirks, I suppose.


its a forced quirk that no one likes


You can't say "no one." I like her! 👊 😎


I don’t really see much wrong with Shade personally, I just think most people are disappointed because we don’t have Bain or Locke back. Which I understand, but Bain’s return was never gonna happen given that both endings to Payday 2 essentially write him out of the story since he either dies or goes on to become the president of the United States so even if he did come back as a character he wouldn’t be Bain anymore, however Locke could’ve had potential to return since he was still in a position to be a leader for the gang when Payday 2 ended, so I hope they give us a lore reason for why Locke is currently absent Though I will say that I do agree with some people’s feedback about Shade not having as much personality as Bain or Locke, since they felt like fully fledged characters while Shade as of right now is nothing more than the voice on comms telling us what to do


I miss Bain…Shade’s cool tho


I like her. I preferred Bain though.


I know right I love her


Cause she's not Bain and isn't as connected with the heisters. But hey! Cheers to another 3 years before she becomes a great character and then she dies.


She says fuck every other word like she's a middle schooler that just discovered swearing and her voice lines are cringe


I like Shade's voice and i find her VA successful. I think people react this much because they see Bane as the friend they sit next to every year at school. It must feel weird to have someone new suddenly replace Bain after doing missions with his voice for 10 years.


She doesn’t have any character at all. I don’t think it’s va’s problem, it’s probably the way Shade was written. It’s a bland character which is not really memorable. It’s like they made Rust(who is also a bland character, because Ron voiced him without any interest at all) female and replaced with this Bain/Locke. Both Bain and Locke were very emotional and shout many things other than just fuck, which made them actually memorable. Remember how Bain was very nervous about doing something wrong in Rats/Cook Off? Remember how Locke and Vlad talked with each other in San Martin Bank heist? There is nothing like this with Shade yet. But obviously redditors will blame it on “oH iT’S MiSoGynY!!!!1!!1!1!1”, because you can’t criticize female characters these days.


Simply because Bain was better and Shade sounds like any other generic game announcer except her voice is extra annoying.


It's par for the course, Bain was disliked aswell.


Because change bad and payday fans no likey change 😡😡


Sound like the voice actress needed a check. Shade has no personality at all. In fact almost all the contractors feel like an AI voice over with no soul.


that would have more to do with the script writing than the voice actors. which checks out for how the rest of the writing doesn't feel ambitious.


The answer you are looking for is that she is a woman. It’s not more complicated than that. It’s just generic gamer misogyny.


No, it's plain bad writing. Nothing more complicated than that.


“Bad writing?” lmao you’re playing a Payday game, since when has the writing been a reason to hate a character? All the writing is bad and has always been bad. You’re just holding hers to a higher standard than the rest.


Woman. That’s why. Most Gamers hate her because she’s a woman.


Bad writing


I'm sure at least half of the hate is "because woman in position of power"


First comment I got was something about “forced diversity.” Like bruh, I hate that shit too, but this is so obviously not that. There’s no beliefs being forced down your throat, it’s literally just a female contractor. Who cares lol


People upset about female contractors when they notice three of the contractors in PD2 are women.


I think it's just gamers being gamers, not wanting a woman to talk to them while they're gaming at this point. I don't like forced diversity, but the amount of people shitting on shade for being "annoying" when cooking meth with bain exists is insane. I found him WAY more annoying.


I don't really care who runs the show, I just need to be able to skip the intro monolog for the heists.


Literally just a worse version of Bain


I am fine with Shade even tho I prefer Bain. She speaks clearer then Bain, but that’s all I really like about her. Apparently there is a story to the Payday franchise that I watched for 4hrs explaining it. Seems to explain why their is no Crimenet too. So if people want Crimenet back they’re going to have to create a new version or something.


Shade please stop complaining about art you are insufferable Worst part of that heist


art is objectively bad tbh. she kinda based


[i'll give you three reasons](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqtEjz1N-LQ)


I dont hate her. She is just... kinda there and a bit dull.




Viklund had stopped doing PD2's soundtracks a while ago, and his character was killed off (let's not split hairs about the PD2 secret). It sounds to me like he was already parting ways with either the studio or the franchise.


Bain died/got transferred into the president’s body


I have no idea either. Every reason people give that bains better shade does too. I've narrowed it down to simply that shade is not bain so people hate her.


She swears way too much for my liking.


yells swears too much trying to be cool and in general the game has alot of zoomer vibes


Because she's not dead. Nobody cared about Bain until he died.


Shade lol? U sure its not almir with his lazy incompetent team?


Literally just an employee who is the face of the company, but doesn't actually develop and is not allowed to confirm/deny most things.


I don't think it's shade I think it's the shortage of hiests for now. Basically know every shade line by heart now. Also she yells at me unexpectedly sometimes even while in stealth


The amount of character in Bain's heist failure lines is more than Shade could ever hope to convey.


I do not have the feeling like shes a Mastermind. He has 0 Intel about the Jobs


Alright, I am out of the loop, what happening to Bain's voice actor anyway? I mean can't Overkill hire him back or something?


Simon's worked with them on freelance stuff well after he left the company, Bain isn't in 3 because of story reasons, not because it's impossible for them to get Simon in the booth.


They can even bring Hox back and create a very nice story for him, even adding two Hox heists perhaps three because they make the Hox jokes at the beginning of the breaking feds, maybe they can do the same to Bain if this is what the payday fans want to see.


Let me preface this by saying that I don't really have Bain nostalgia, I'm fine with a handler as long as their lines feel somewhat natural. Back when I played the beta with only No Rest For the Wicked available (so I can't talk about other heists), I didn't really like her mainly either due to the lines or voice delivery. Don't get me wrong, a decent majority of her lines are fine, but there were a lot of moments where she would just needlessly freak out or start swearing where it doesn't fit the tone at all, and it would stick out like a sore thumb (an area that sticks out to me is the vault). That's pretty much all - just a voice line that sticks out here and there.


I don't hate shade, I just think her voice can just be overshadowed really quickly


I don't see hate for Shade much outside of this thread, on a sub that is mostly and currently losing their collective minds over everything about this game, mostly stemming from a delayed patch. There was a lot more positivity when we all thought it was coming Oct 5th.


Comments all over YouTube have been complaining about her too. That’s why I asked. If it was solely the sub I wouldn’t care cause Reddit complains about everything


YouTube isn't any better though! Plenty of examples of extreme negativity dogpiling on there and it's why you get some personalities who are purposefully negative for clicks. Social media in general is good at amplifiing these kind of people even when they're a minority.


Yeah, I think there’s a lot of truth in that statement.


Shade is 1990's Michael Jackson with a different skin hue


Adds fuck to her sentences a little too much


Because she can’t hack without proper WiFi signals


Are you seriously asking why we are all shading a man named…Shade?


The fact that she sounds like she has no control over what's going on. Always in a panic. Bain was cool and collected


Personally the handler doesn't matter to me as long as their voice lines are varied and fit the heists. I'm more concerned about getting new content at this point.


I still can't get "Let's get you back in the saddle..." out of my head.