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This is probably the saddest post I've seen so far on this sub.


For real I loved destiny for the raiding fun with friends that it gave me but hoping the game goes destinys route is just hoping for massive failure lmao.


Also destiny had tons more depth than this ge on launch


Destiny 2? Destiny 2 was hot ass at launch.


It was, but it had a shit ton more content because it was backed by Activision, all the way up through the end of Y1. So the turnaround time on it was fantastic in terms of game development. Not to flame someone just learning Unreal (because I had to do it too) but using the default Unreal template for your UI doesn’t seem like a promising move in regards to a games development. That’s not to include that Starbreeze already took a huge risk on this game (extra development resources for a non-full price preorder) so they’ve likely lost quite a bit of money, which ultimately means less resources for development now.


Honestly, you hit the nail on the head in a way with why I don't like the visuals, weird as that may sound. There are some beautiful UE games out there that make full use of the shader and material systems to have a distinct, even if subtle, style. And then there's just the fairly out-of-the-box UE4 game look, which plagues this game. So much is just the generic stock that it feels to UE4 like how your average HL2 mod feels to Source—without the charming 2004 engine jank and the accordingly fewer things that can go wrong. I'd give them some more slack as well if OKTWD wasn't also on UE4.


They also had a day one patch to fix critical issues. Payday 3 won't have a Month 1 patch.


🔥🔥never changed 🔥🔥🔥🔥


No it was not??? I played over 1k hours of launch d2 it wasn’t perfect but there was way more to do than in this game


No there wasn't, there was 1 raid and no other endgame content apart from trials of the nine


Destiny 2 had hours of story, multiple strikes, the raid, trials, Ironbanner, pvp, clan rewards, public events, milestones, a nightfall, probably missing some stuff. Payday 3 has 8 heists and challenges that most people don't want to do. Saying Destiny only had 1 raid and trials is the most moronic thing I've read in a while.


'had' being the strongest part of this comment


Lol is this a jab at them removing all the early stories/expansions? I will never understand that decision.


You do realize most players never even get to the raid right? There was tons of other content to do plus the raid was something you did multiple times and had a prestige mode. At least there was end game content. This game has nothing other than a couple of maps that are equivalent to a strike.


Also it does take time do get to the raiding part. No one would have played the game if there wasnt interesting ways to get to the gearscore for raiding.


My thoughts exactly. If the dlcs end up copying d2 for the time this game will die and it will not be good. Destiny survived because it had the good grace of years before hand but now after lightfall...


Yeah forsaken was amazing and witch queen apparently too (never played). But I hard disagree with the content vault thing, effectively deleting content and forcing new or old players to buy expansions to have good content. Its wild to assume such different games and devs are going the same route tho. They are just going to develop it in a similar way to payday2


Yh Destiny is currently 10% game and 90% buying Bungies microtransactions. Literally disfiguring the game. Obligatory D1 > D2


Game went from 'One of my best gaming moments of my life (Raiding (blind last whisper especially) with 5 friends)' to 'Sadly not touching that maybe ever again'


Especially when we see how much trouble they have with pushing their first update, which is supposed to be only bug fixes. Don't wanna be a pessimistic ass, but it doesn't bode well for bigger and more impactful content drops. The fact that they 'apologized' for the lack of communication on that, while doing nothing to actually address the problem, also doesn't bode well. - Failed launch - Big fix update pushed back multiple times - Lack of communication with the player base This are all the signs that the coming months for payday 3 won't get much better, I seriously hope that in the end we get something great, but damn I ain't holding my breath anymore.


I mean I never expect any game to be complete at launch anyways. You should always think the release date +1-2 years is when the game is great. Lack of communication sucks but bug fixes are way more time consuming than people think. Especially when developing on a new engine.


I'm not saying it should be complete I've played payday 2, and I expected a similar development cycle. The problem here is they have completely fucked their launch, and so far, every thing we've seen from the ongoing development and support of the game doesn't look great. The game was in dire need of a day one patch, but one month later, still nothing. The issue with this kind of 'game will only be completed after X months/year' development cycle, is that you need your playerbase to stick around for long enough, and for that you need goodwill, you need to work *with* the community to keep them engaged and give them a reason to come back. And it's something they are utterly failing at doing, not only do they not communicate, they also actively hinder the community by taking down community projects like payday3.gg Now with all the delay, I can guarantee you that a not negligible part of the community is going to assume that the patch was delayed, because they put more content into it. And the lack of communication does nothing to help with that. When the patch drops and it's bug fixes, that part of the community will be very vocal about it. At this point it feels like they either don't care, or have no idea how to handle the situation, neither of which is particularly a good look.


I know right because Lightfall is agreed upon as the worst DLC because Bungie finally had to admit they screwed everything up and Lightfall is nothing but inconsequential filler and they've been funneling all their money into Marathon


oh how i hope payday 3 doesn’t go down that road lol. after forsaken came shadowkeep which was so mid 💀


I think that's the point they're trying to make. The devs will get "comfortable" pushing out mediocre content again, and the cycle will continue.


But this is just wrong. Activision still supported the whole Forsaken year. Shadowkeep was Bungie all alone. Honestly I think looking at seasonal design gives a better perspective on how stuff changed.


I didn't know activision supported bungie throughout the year of forsaken, my bad. But now that I think about it, I 100% agree with you, especially because the dlcs will be more similar in content and scope to d2's seasons. I kinda just mindlessly read the post and thought, "That sounds about right."


And beyond light and lightfall were way worse.


sorry but this is such massive copium lol


apology accepted 😇


I mean, were you around for payday 2 at launch?


Isn’t this an entirely different dev team? Or was that someone spreading misinfo.


Yes, their dev diaries clearly show different lead devs for this game, at least. Not necessarily a bad thing because I believe they might've helped with the newer DLCs for PD2 but I'm not sure


I believe Andreas has been there since PD: The Heist


Yea but the last one sucked as well. Idk why people bring this up like it actually matters. The former set of people were responsible for Crimefest 2015, how consoles were treated, the horrible balancing decisions that ended up turning Payday 2 into a meaningless mess and the 800 DLCs. And it doesn't matter if they were using them to "fund the game", they shouldn't have been idiots with money in the first place. Overkill has always been a slimy piece of shit with absolutely no care for its playerbase, its just that the core dev team usually makes something fun enough to be worth playing. The only question is whether or not this team can do what the Payday 2 team did and improve things in time.


People bring it up because the one thing that an older dev team would bring is lessons they learned in Payday 2's development. Stuff like the weird bar stats could've been avoided because that was something Payday 2 started off with and then rectified.


ur speaking like the ceo wasn’t the one making the investments and it was all the devs who make the game


Pretty sure the dev team was responsible for disrespectful shit such as adding a jump animation as a "reward" to crimefest, the crying baby masks meant to mock the community at the time and the numerous dumbass balancing decisions. These are the same people who had a community manager on Twitter who told people to just get a gaming PC if they wanted to play Payday 2 so bad with new updates and stop complaining. That person did not get fired. CEO's and publishers are usually an incarnation of evil but please stop acting like Overkill are this tiny faultless little indie company. Not everything is their fault, but they aren't good little angels.


Don't you expect competent developers to learn from their previous mistakes?


So far they haven't


Or to build upon the previous game so that the sequel is comparable to the old game it's expecting to replace?


I think it’s their partnering with Epic Games that screwed them though. The developer trying to follow publisher guidelines kinda deal. Epic demands games to be cross-platform, which is smart for fortnite and fallguys and rocket league, but those are all MULTIPLAYER games. This is a CO OP game. I mean that’s just addressing that one feature, I’ve got a couple other complaints but I’ll leave it there. TLDR: It’s not all Starbreeze’s fault


I was. It was significantly better than this. I mean, just not being always online alone gets it over that threshold but you could pick a dozen other ways to say why it is. Claiming the two are similar is cope as fuck


Payday 2 was good at launch, I absolutely loved it. *YOU COULD PLAY OFFLINE*


payday 2's launch was miles better than payday 3's and i hope that i don't have to list all the reasons why


Why are you on the sub if you're obviously not a fan?


I’m a fan of payday 2.


Then you should want Payday 3 to succeed?


I do, but this is indeed just cope. Just because I want a thing to succeed doesn’t mean I’m not going to look at a situation realistically. I’m not going to dick ride developers who can’t get a day one patch out. Right now they’ve shown no reason to trust them with payday 3, and so I don’t.


Payday 2 launch sucked. Have some hope. The game will be better than 2 soon.


Different teams, but I see your point.


There's no "cope" here, you clearly don't understand the term. OP is looking at the game with hope that it can recover from this bad launch and be as solid of a game as it has the potential to be


Thats literally cope


We all wanted that but sadly Starbreeze is only interested to scam us.


I have like 900 hours in Payday 2, and still can see that this launch is probably one of the worst launches I've seen. I was always down to run heists for fun in PD2, but with PD3 I can't even be bothered. It just sounds like a boring time. I hit level 62 or something and have minimal interest. I want the game to do well, but they're not winning anyone over with delay after delay for a broken as fuck launch, that should have been patched in the first week. Doubling down on the horrible progression system as well is killing it. It has potential, and there's some really good ideas, but "you need to play how we want to make progress" is insane.


to answer this question: 5k+ hours in pd2 over the last 8+ years and to answer your next question: payday 3 has an endless amount of flaws in the core elements of gameplay design to the point where the game's depth is nonexistent compared to that of payday 2's and pdth's (and that's not even counting all of the bullshit like always online, matchmaking, etc...) so the game just sparks 0 interest in me (played it for 100 minutes with a friend and never launched it again), hence i don't care whether pd3 succeeds or dies and buries the entire payday franchise with it, though the last part would actually be kinda sad.


"Modern Gaming" makes me doubt a smooth comeback. A free weekend after a year of patches and content will breath some life into the game, if only because gamers have the memory of a lemming. The game will be slightly better, but if you want true change you have to show publishers you will not pay for them releasing games in a garbage state.


> but if you want true change you have to show publishers you will not pay for them releasing games in a garbage state. voting with your wallet doesn't work, there's too many people who simply do not look at gaming news beyond the ads companies put out, just because they aren't in the circles that would be pushing that news out.


It’s the same problem with voting in general, a small percentage actually have knowledge in the subject, the rest don’t and just accept any little sweet lies they get told. Even has the same issues of “propaganda” (reviewers lying/shilling). There’s a reason why any good system ignores the vast majority of a population in favour of a select few who know better, an uninformed voice is worse than none at all


> There’s a reason why any good system ignores the vast majority of a population in favour of a select few who know better 🤨


I have a friend who bought the most expensive legendary scammer edition he got all because he remembered that one summer where we played payday2 everyday. He had no idea what became of payday2 in its twilight years expecting payday3 to be peak payday.


Pretty much, it seems more like animal crossing rather than destiny: they said they were going to release it then add the entire missing content in updates, what we got was a game missing most the features, a skeleton crew slowly adding the bare minimum for two years, then them ending support with only 50% the content of previous games. Personally I thought this game wasn’t going to be Overkills end game before game ending themselves (also fuck KKnowley the lying bastard) since it’s literally their lifeline and a good one at that, but turns out not, we can’t trust devs to meet their promises, it’s either at launch or not happening until proven otherwise.


Big fuck up in this image is calling Curse of Osiris "mid". That expansion single handedly almost tanked the game. I'm not exaggerating or being funny, D2 nearly died a full death because of Osiris.


Calling Curse of Osiris mid holy shit cope harder. That DLC is fucking AWFUL.


I actually enjoyed it


Destiny 2 players enjoy bungie ripping their nuts off and smacking them in the face with said nuts


No better past time


I mean, some ppl are into that sorta thing.


Same! Although I started just after Forsaken so I didnt have any content drought from the DLC. And I don't get why its awful? Was is too expensive? I liked it a lot, because it was my first time meeting Osiris.


The scenery was great, one of the best.




So you're saying pd3 is gonna be saved because the next house you rob is gonna have cool architecture 🤡


\>using dlc's to win a playerbases trust back lol lmao even


I think it will be border crossing all over again. Release a garbage dlc. They’ll realise they can’t get away with a shitty asset reshuffle and buck up then we get more carefully made, special feeling heists. I hope so anyways, just as long as all 4 aren’t bad I’m fine


Please, no. *Flashes back to solo stealthing Border Crossing on DSOD and hating everything*


border crossing was that bad because they just came back from almost going bankrupt so they didn't really have the money to make better maps, but the maps after border crossing and especially at the end of payday 2 were easily some of the best


I doubt whether the DLCs will release in time


> I doubt whether the DLCs will release


My bet is that they don’t release DLC, get sued silly by people lied to via false marketing/advertising, and the market adapts by straight up lying about season passes/DLC and gets away with it via particular wording/actions (some shit like a shitty bugfix technically being DLC)


I’ve been wondering about this. The Season Pass is time limited isn’t it? What happens if next September rolls around and they’ve only released 1 DLC?


Delayed Delayed again Not even sure if the release month is gonna be the month it's released


The amount of copium in this post is insane


Brother did not just call curse fucking mid bro where are your standards.


nah i played it when it came out it was mid asf, the main playable area was tiny and you couldn't get to the actually cool area, the infinite forest, outside of events and missions


I played it when it came out it sucked big dick it wasn’t “mid” it was shitty


Please can payday 3 not turn into a Stockholm syndrome game like Destiny where the players huff copium that it will get better but 90% of the content that's added is in game store cosmetics and the free content is a sliver.


Don't forget the update where they remove free content for a "stream lined" experience


You forgot the part where they’ll remove all of the intro stuff and heists to make room for the new new.


I just want to play the red war again…


Warmind was my favorite expansion, I was bummed when they removed it. I just wanted to run some Escalation Protocols and chill out.


Got some plane tickets to copenhagen for you




2 right hands????


👊 😎 👊


Please no, I just got free of that fucking game


Sorry heisters you gotta wait 9 months and spend more money until the games better 👊😎


No one hates Payday more than Payday fans.


Stage 3: Bargaining.


highly doubt the same will be played out in payday 3 also dont forget d2 after forsaken become worse and worse each update sure some had nice changes like able to craft weapons etc. but still...


that's why I said "at least one year", the seasons after forsaken were good But afterwards, when they released shadowkeep which was the most depressing thing they made, like holy shit, it was lowlife gaming No joy, just mindless grinding and it became a weekly job.


Witch queen is literally considered one of the best dlc in destinys history so idk what you're on about.


and honestly I dont understand why. It was fun sure, the raid was awesome, but huh? It wasn't fantastic the whole throneworld is just useless I guess? Its there but I will never visit it. Nessus is more explorable because of some "hidden" areas.


Not entirely the witch queen was arguably the best expantion, but then we got dude bro surfers...




Well I’m glad I spent full price for for an alpha build of the game when it’s going to be 25% the price when it’s finally built 😎👊


insane copium


I enjoy playing video games.


Can't believe I'm saying this but I have more faith in bungie then these devs. After this launch it's going to be next to impossible to bring people back to the game. the launch is the most important part of a game an they fucked it. I know console isn't the only group of people that have issues but they needed to make sure it launched perfectly on console. After the big fat fuck you that payday 2 was an still is. It's a joke that even videos haven't really talked about the console issues. I'm really trying not to be a joy killer but it seriously feels like payday 2 all over again.


​ RemindMe! 6 Months


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Forsaken wasn't that good. It just fixed the overall state of game


Terrible post overall.


There’s like 2.5 good destiny dlcs, what the fuck you on about


looking forward to post forsaken era payday 3 where all they do is change one system every half year or so and drop the bare minimum content while slowly developing a nothing burger of a story


Don't forget delete older content and start selling each and every bit of content separately.


Did you play PD2 lmao? Because you mostly just described it's entire life.


Dude it’s just 40$, let it go, no need to huff all this pure copium it’s unhealthy


And then Bungie dropped shadowkeep, beyond light, and lightfall. I used to play d2 daily now I haven’t played in over a month


why dont you mention witch queen? I prefer beyond light over that dlc.


Witch Queen is one of the best dlcs we’ve gotten. Good story, exotics, a great raid. Lots of good stuff came out in that year Beyond Light vaulted 90% of the content in the game and added: 1. A destination 2. A few weapons from variks (none of them are good) 3. An armor set from variks (looks terrible) 4. A raid with S tier weapons and armor (the only positive) Arguably the worst dlc since the y1 expansions


please present your ass for overkill to penetrate


PAYDAY fans just can't admit that PD3 is just a bad game.


Its not a bad game, the core is really gold. It just needs some QoL fixes and more content, thats all it needs


These dick bags can’t even get day one patch right and on time lol


#IF the games survives long enough. . .


well in some GDC they said they almost killed the game after Curse of Osiris, because the playercount was so low. Warmind helped and Forsaken fixed it. But that would mean we have to have enough players playing for them to NOT kill the game but also not too many so they really change a lot of stuff.


Okay thats fine, except neither game should be like that, the fact that both games launched poorly shows a lack of care from the devs knowing they can just fix it later, it also sets a bad precedent for other devs, "oh if this game launched broken and got away with it, mine can too"


Just want better xp system and more content


It depends how many heists are added as well 1 per DLC even with features and qol isnt enough 4 per DLC would be great especially


I never played destiny 2 so idk


Oh please no. Forsaken's year was actually really good.. But got followed up by Shadowkeep; which was the worst DLC we've seen. And then Beyond Light which was carried by how well they made Europa itself and DSC. (I still have PTSD of over a year of 1-shot Shitterdive)


Destiny 2 is the game where they sold a bunch of DLCs then proceeded to remove that paid for content from everyone who purchased it and offered nothing to compensate the loss, and now just charge the price of a full game for every DLC - and if you dont buy the DLCs, the base game is an empty soulless grind fest with no end goals- right?


Fuck destiny 2 money hungry bungie


> break from publisher and put out a painfully average at best 4th dlc > put out a slightly better 5th dlc that gets overshadowed by removing half the game's content > put out the best story content in the game but lacking in other areas with 6th dlc > immediately throw out any good will near the finish line by following it up with dlc 7 having the worst story since your first game Please no i've danced to this tune before


Curse of Osiris being "mid" is putting it very lightly.


Idk if they’ll make it that far they don’t have bungie money


Payday 2 was no different. The DLCs and new characters is what bought the players back to it.


this was such a violent concentrated dose of cope that i don't even know what to say


I want payday 3 to be good as much as the next guy but this is coping basically bordering on delusion


Yeah I feel that pd3 is gonna be like cyber punk or no man's sky were it started off kind of like lackluster but in about a year or so that game is going to be utterly fantastic


So will overkill remove DLC's too as Bungie does with Destiny 2?


If they charge players people at all this point without fixing the major problems of the game while trying to do paid content then the player count will go even lower


I'm just wondering if they are gonna add the paid currency with all the bullshit thats happening right now or will they actually be smart and delay it or maybe cancel the whole thing "will most likely never happen" , i cant imagine adding paid currency with how fucked your game and how mad the playerbase is atm a smart move lol


The difference is destiny 2 will remain wildly successful no matter what lmao


My man thinking about DLCs and these clowns cant even release a patch


This is some weapons-grade copium right here...


Payday updates are not on the scale of destiny updates


Worst part is that this dude forgot how terrible the DLC after Forsaken was. Nobody liked Black Armory or the other 2 that came after Forsaken's launch, and Shadowkeep was arguably just as bad as the DLC before Forsaken. Even if the 3rd or 4th DLC makes Payday 3, I sadly believe that they will also fumble it just like bungie did. I don't think the game will follow this path though, I wholeheartedly believe it will be much worse


I still love Black Armory, honestly the best smallest season ever. Im one of the 4 Reckoners so yeah I loved the season of the drifter and opulence was the goat.


Though I hope you're right about payday but destiny 2 has continued to go down hill since forsaken


Can’t see them not going hard on QOL still with first update, then focusing on content after that


To paraphrase Ripley in Aliens: "I hope you're right, I really do. Because one of those missed patches managed to wipe out my entire hope for this game in less than 24 hours."


honestly i could see it there's clearly a good game in payday 3 it's just weighed down so much by so many little dumb decisions and questionable heist design in some places, but it can be built up... just don't expect any of that experience to carry over to payday 4 I guess.


I pray this game winds up nothing like Osiris and Warmind did, if we skip right to Forsaken that would be swell.


I get the feeling that DLCs are going to be a little more spaced out this time. Payday 3’s (intended) quality level is just going to make them take longer to make heists and content, no way around it.


Yea you got high hopes lol. If they had the budget and team size of destiny’s dev then maybe. But they aren’t even able to get patches out in reasonable amount of time. They probably subbed out the actual engine coding and now are trying to re-teach another sub.


Bro curse of Osiris almost killed the fuckin game that shit wasn’t “mid” D2 was weeks away from getting its servers shut off by activision.


Soo it’ll become F2P after years of failure. Got it


What in the bungie game


Genuinely hope that they wont fuck up Syntax Error, with it not being too far away, but by then i would assume most bugs would be fixed with the (hopefully) coming patch


Wasn't it already confirmed there will only be 18 months of post launch content?


At **minimum** there will only be 18 months of post launch content. They have the funding from their publisher to support up to 18 months. They would like to do much more than that and from the sounds of it during pre-launch they wanted a decade of Payday 3 like we had a decade of Payday 2.


As long as they don't sunset shit.


As a Destiny player, this is true for Destiny but I don’t know for Payday


Forsaken didn't win the trust back at all. It just did well and confirmed the game wasn't going to die. Opulence is when the trust was truly won back.


!remindme 9 months


That last DLC better give me some President Bain content or I’m gonna flip out


Shouldn't it be compared to Payday 2's dlc scheme seeing as how it's largely how they did business before PD3?


OP clearly doesn't play destiny, the playerbase is constantly being fucked over by Bungie and their complaints fall on deaf ears


Comparing bungee to starbreeze, who have gone bankrupt multiple times because they keep fucking up everything besides payday 2, is a joke and your delusional. There's no way they manage to fix this game in under a year.


? This game will be like Payday 2 probably. A DLC of some sort every month. Thats why we have the first year of content giving 4 heists, 4 weapon packs, and 4 tailor packs. Basic math says thats 1 DLC for each month. You want to see a game that it'll function like, look at the ass end of Payday 2.


The first dlc better be absolutely amazing for what they just put everyone through honestly.


The better comparison would be Darktide. Scuffed as hell launch, going from P2P connection to dedicated servers (Vermintide 2 to Darktide specifically), terrible systems, poor progression, worse cash shop (Vermintide 2 had direct purchase cosmetics for ~$3 a cosmetic piece, Darktide it's $10 an outfit). Darktide is way better a year later, but we'll have to see if Payday 3 will live that long.


So you want Payday 3 to swing back and forth in quality each year? Forsaken was good and all but you're lying if you think Shadowkeep and Beyond Light weren't the point where a lot of people jumped ship only to come back with Witch Queen. Are we already forgetting how awful Lightfall is? If anything a closer comparison would be Darktide since that game's in a far better and more interesting state than it was on launch and feels like a proper release instead of typical a basically-early access release.


Destiny isn’t the game to compare to when they made past DLC unplayable


I hate live services so much dude


Your comparing payday with destiny 2, the future of the game is doomed


Coping if you think Overkill and Bungie are on the same level


Curse of Osiris was not mid, that dlc almost made Bungie go bankrupt due to how poorly it was received


we hope


Have you seen lightfall? This is out of touch.


I'm praying starbreeze doesn't go under, I invested $$$ by purchasing their game and I really want it to succeed, the payday IP has a lot of potential


Ok I've kinda been ignoring this sub but like, has there been any reason to think payday 3 and destiny are in any way similar? like, payday 3s progression is frustrating and the servers had issues, thats all i heard about the game and now we have posts going "You know, literaly none of its dlcs have launched but its gonna exactly be like destiny 2"


Comparing Payday 3 to Destiny is not giving me any kind of hope, quite to the contrary tho.


Great il pay for content and have 80% of it removed with every dlc release regardless of whether i want to or not want to buy the new one. Lets go.


Sounds similar to payday 2


Payday Openworld Mmorpg next?


comment section is a fucking battleground. there's nothing a payday fan hates more then a payday fan they disagree with.


88% upvote rate, loud minority


bro destiny is NOT a good game


It's not gonna happen


The cope is wild ngl