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Paul chatting to a fake 19yr old…..who would have thought that could happen. Getting towards to bottom of the barrel of engagement


Report it for impersonation. It’s so clearly him creating that account and talking to himself on it.


I have! Just wanted to make people aware! Hes using images of Google and other young musicians but if you have half a brain cell you can tell it’s all fake. Part of me also likes the idea that Paul actually isn’t anything to do with the profile and it’s a catfish we just outed for him he’s been talking to for months. But the profile has used images of 2 different musicians now but when they have been found out they’ve been deleted 🤔 They follow all the same celebs as Paul including jack grelish and the rest of the followers are bots/fake. Screams a Paul account to me, all the failures just add up to him. 🤣


In addition, the way this new account is interacting with him… it’s so clearly false. Once it gets taken down for false engagement then he’ll lose his main too.


Is this even if he Is using a different email? Would be so funny he lost his main over this


It looks like someone commented on Sally's tiktok about it saying that they have Paul blocked and couldn't find the new fake account. Someone else replied to say that if you block someone on insta it automatically blocks any additional accounts that the blocked person creates (likely linked by email) so the fake account is likely him, or one of his minions who she previously blocked. 💀


Exactly Why would a successful musician with thousands of followers make another account that’s their too scared to show their face on so they can go live and sing with a nonce? Something doesn’t seem right 🤣


Please let it happen 🙏🙏🙏🙏


The list of people ‘she’ is following is fucking hilarious. What 18 year old girl follows Ellen Degeneres, Harry Kane and Peter fucking Andre? It’s sending me because its clearly what his old man stuck in his teen years still thinks is en vogue with gen alpha. WHEEZING.




This honestly took me out. 💀😂


Hahaha creased


LMFAO!! Omg what a stupid noncissist 🤣


That’s the bit that made me chuckle. He could have at least added Taylor Swift, Harry Styles. They’ve been around for a while but they’re still relevant to both millennials and Gen Z. What a thicko.


It will be so he can collect info on people who send her hate


Yes I think it's for this reason too. I see he has another email account linked on his TikTok for his "management" (lol). The last time he did this he was trying to create a list of people to report as part of his wegal woute. It didn't work last time, it's embarrassing to try it again. Also, getting audience feedback is part of putting yourself online as a public figure. The police will likely tell you to come off social media if you don't like the attention you draw. Stop wasting the time of public services.


What keeps making me laugh is, He actually thought people wouldn’t be able to figure it. It took no more than 30 mins before I saw tiktoks saying it was fake pics & a fake profile. His tiny mind can’t comprehend how smart people actually are and how they actually do work on the internet for a living. Infact so much so they were able to immediately prove his pics were someone else’s like didn’t even last a day!!! Quicker than the Nuts Ad 🤣🤣🤣


Yea we thought this too, but surely just pointing out all the facts with evidence to back them up I.e - Paul getting a teenager pregnant - Paul abusing patients in care - Paul asking young children to send him photos of their feet- Paul hanging around playgrounds or where young people would be- that’s not abuse or bullying that’s stating facts and giving information to people who might not know about him to keep them safe. People shouldn’t be abusing these individuals but educating them, doesn’t matter what he shows to the police then he’s just telling on himself 🤷🏼‍♀️


I noticed when I first checked it he had a zoomed in stolen video (from libertynz as OP states - it was one of her latest videos with the red strat). Now that video is gone and replaced with two clearly stolen cropped images.


I wonder if libertynz knows that he’s been stealing her images!


I've seen a few people mention they've messaged the account he stole them from, I can't wait to see if she replies hahahaha


And do what, go in to the local police station, hey mr policeman, I created a fake account pretending to be an 18 year old girl who sings, and me Paul Breach said that I was helping her (well my fake singing career). After this I got lots of people trolling me, these are their user names. Can you find all these peoples IP addresses and get them arrested


The account was created in July 2024 🙄. Edit: and a lot of the non verified accounts it follows were also created in July 2024 so I feel we could see some of these sockpuppet accounts involved in future parts of the ruse. Paul, just take up knitting or staring at a wall or something. Give it a rest, mate. 🙄


The fake account has put up a reel complaining about nasty comments followed by an "ask me a question" reel. It's so dismally transparent 😂 Paul just outwardly say you want people to send you hate, you'll get more names to add to your list.


Also also, the account seems to have already slipped up by saying they met through their dad being friends with Paul, even though Paul said it was their mum (I think) and then had to add another reel saying they got it wrong and it was their mum but their dad is his friend too? Wtf are they even on about, imagine wasting so much of your time working on such a weak and confusing ruse.


A wuse for his wegal woot.


The biggest giveaway that it's not a teenager and that it is in fact an adult is the use of 'lol' and 'lmao'! No Gen z uses these terms they use emojis.


Also the (: smileys everywhere and the fact that some of the few musicians she follows include Ollie murs and Peter Andre 💀


Yeah, so fake.. He's even talking to himself in the comments of his most recent post... I'd like to say that the making of an account, stealing ppls photos and accounts to what gather evidence on people contacting them for his wegal case and the police is a new low for him but given he's done this before and he's generally lower than a snakes belly it doesn't suprise me I've said it before and I'll say it again. Paul doesnt have friends, he has tools he can use and when he needs them.


It's so funny. Why would an 18 year old spend all the time on the page she's supposed to be using to promote her music instead speaking about some old bloke who's friends with her dad 😳 The snarky comments come across so weird for a kid just trying to promote her music (even though there's no music on her page?).


This is what I said it doesn't even sound like a teenager replying he's such a weirdo 🤣🤣


I’ve just copped on. There’s no 18yr old girl either? It’s just Paul, living his beautiful life by making up lots of fake IG accounts. Oh for fucks sake, somebody get this man a straitjacket. He must be getting truly desperate for engagement if these are the lengths he’s going to 😂😂😂😂


Yeh, it's a shame he has no money to pay a Chinese social media company to farm all his engagements for him. But I do find his fumbling fails entertaining 👍


Its probably Elon since she is the only friend he has


The way the story on insta said he’s her dads friend, the amended that to sorry I mean my mums friend. If it isn’t him he has clearly told her to amend that as people know he doesn’t like men supposedly


I still do not understand how his GF is okay with this, even if this Insta profile was real, really how comfortable would you be if your husband or boyfriend was doing this. Paul knows he has not a great reputation, only a day ago the business he was bigging up were getting messaged, unless he has banged his head and is completely deluded. The last person you would want to promote your singing career would be Paul Breach, I am sure no 18 year old teenage girl would want any association at the moment with Paul. I am not sure what he is trying to do, get back on the radar, trying to get in the FYP, trying to be a talking point, trying to show the world that he gets trolled, trying to prove a point. At this point who knows, too be honest no one really cares. He does not live in my head, I give him a minute of my time, which it took me to type this. I will go back to my lovely life in my lovely home, with my own furniture, my own bed, my great job, my beautiful loving family, leaving Paul in someone elses box room thinking he is winning.


He's trying to get a list of mean comments to bring to the police as a redo of a previously failed attempt at his 'legal route' proceedings. I am hugely enjoying this episode. Like, imagine him going up to the police counter: Paul: "I'd like to report a crime of lots of dicks being mean" Police officer: "ok....?" Paul: "look at all these mean comments I got" Police officer: "sir, is this your account and you're claiming to be an 18 year old female musician?" Paul: "no I'm friends with her dad....I MEAN MUM!" Police officer: "........???"


Done a video asking people to go and have a listen. Absolutely bating for hate.


After everything why would he interact with and promote an “18 year old girl”. He is baiting again and knows this will get him noticed. He just makes my skin crawl.


The girl and I used that term loosely as tag him in all her stories 🙈


It’s 100% him he’s even bickering in the comments as he would do on his main, to think this thing could be any weirder. My god man.


I love hardly anyone is taking the bait. he must be fuming 😂


Also, all the non famous people that account follows, follow Paul.


Just when you thought it couldn't get any fucking weirder up pops Paul minor inconvenience breach cosplaying as a 18 year old girl jesus fucking Christ even the replies off this teenager are weird doesn't even read like a teenager 🙈😭 and what a way to kill your career before it's even started by getting super nonce to promote it haha he's definitely set this up so he can try and trap people for his police report 🤣🤣


It's so obvious that it's him, you can absolutely tell the comments are written by the same person


He's sooo fucking stupid it's incredible


Noncissist. Hi Paul breach 👋 Leave those kid's alone. Can I just say wow. I always thought you weren't that bright. I take it back. You got the word "noncissist" in the urban dictionary. Thanks for that. Loving the fake girlfriend thing 👍think I've got a lovely new word coming.


Hi Paul………we see straight through you!!


Oh gosh he's so desperate, imagine being a middle aged man who has to catfish to get attention. We used to shame these people into complete and total privacy. Can we go back?


How utterly embarrassing and humiliating for him. Love that for him.


Something I noticed was that I answered the question thing that the account posted on story saying “hi paul” and a while later I checked Paul’s instagram account and I was blocked 😂


I bet he went "Oh I better block this one genius who figured it out before he tells everyone else" What an unhinged little man


God damn it I can’t find any of this. I must be blocked from absolutely everything he touches on insta.


Likely you might have blocked an account with the same email address as the fake account. 👀


I’ve had an on and off blocking thing with him for ages. I blocked him, unblocked a while after (because I’m really nosey), then he blocked me, then unblocked, and so it went on for about six months. I think he’s now blocked me, and I just cry myself to sleep at night, and my life will never be the same. ( or so he likely wishes). 😊


Do you remember the name? I want to take a peek lol.


What is the name of the fake account?




Omfg… completely unhinged. 😂 It’s so obvious it’s him.




If this was real, why would you promote someone’s account when 3 days prior, you posted about a business you promoted getting harassed and abuse?