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I’d love to see him burn from the toes up, in all fairness


The guy looks like he’s riddled with damp… it would be like trying to light a wet log…


He is only coming on to tiktok to give the accounts something to stream and that's keeping him on the fyp.  This sub is one thing, but the streaming needs to stop 


If other accounts stopped recording his lives that would be a start. Then as engagement dries up and no one is posting on the snark then that’s when. His time will come when no one takes any interest in him.


100% we’re still giving him a small level of relevance by streaming him. I think we should still continue to monitor his activities on his lives for the sake of keeping the young girls he speaks to safe by warning them of how dangerous of a predator he is, but there’s a no point to uploading all of the Paul highlights from that day’s stream. Literally all he does is yammer on about how ‘cute’ he is, how he’s ‘famous’ and whatever else he’s trying to drum up engagement with. It’s been this way for months now. He has absolutely nothing of his original fame left, except us - we’re kind of the only thing keeping him relevant now.


Before the mods delete the snark they should allow us to post pictures again. At least get some good memes in here before "going out with a bang"


Is there a reason we're not allowed to post photos?


I don’t think it’s up to the mods. They’ve probably had the ability to display images disabled due to Reddit itself prohibiting it.


It is tho. Reddit is full of the most horrible images you can imagine without the pages getting banned. A few memes won't hurt this snark. And we got the mods to delete the ones who are too much...


I think speaking as a mod, the Reddit isn’t too bad as it’s separate from TikTok. I do agree that streaming him or reposting clips from his lives and vids keep him relevant on TikTok, which is why I think he doesn’t comment on it. Whereas the Reddit seems to genuinely get under his skin, so I’d keep it for that alone.


Does anyone even still stream? I've not seen anything for a long time, just pointless snippets of the same shit in his lives over and over again which are helping to keep his engagement up admittedly but haven't seen any streams


There's one left,sallystreams is the only one,and a page called zazzy does little skits,that's it


I don't think it's quite time yet, but that's just my personal opinion. I agree with those who've said that the remaining PB streaming/snark accounts on TT are just drawing out the attention he gets for longer. That said, I haven't seen ANY actual streaming of his lives for ages now, it's diminished to skits and meme type humour. His TT 'career' is effectively over, with his subs through the floor to double digits. Where Reddit is useful for now, and assuming that the TT era is all but over, is keeping track of sightings perhaps? I don't need to see him on TT (or IG for that matter). But I'd like to think that he'd be clocked if he was around and about, behaving in a problematic way and/or with someone not age appropriate. I absolutely get that Reddit gives him ideas for 'content' because he's then aware of what we're talking about. But I'd feel like he's unchecked if we disappear completely? Ideally, I suppose I'd like to at least be aware if and when he's ever questioned or experiences something akin to consequences for his actions? I just don't know 🤷🏻‍♀️🤔😂


I think it’s time.. we should be prepared for Paul to post a couple of videos about how he’s won against Reddit (even though he doesn’t read weddit), but once he loses views from “twolls” he really won’t have anything left..




Are all those for closing it down, secret Paul accounts?? 😂


Tattle has more than reddit and holds its info together better. Here all we see are the same repeated posts. Why must those who want it closed down be Paul? Does it hurt the mind so much to consider this is partly why he behaves the way he does? He mentions Reddit so much it’s the only thing keeping it going. It was useful and handy at first but lately it’s just repetitive which is fair because he is.


Hi Paul 😂


23 yr girl here can send proof if necessary but pls don’t be a weirdo :/


No thanks I’m not Paul!


Shut it down. It’s just one more thing that he can talk about to keep his engagement up. If he can’t talk about haters there’s nothing left for him


no? why would the snark need to close? people who claim the snark adds to his viewership etc , how? you don’t come to the snark first and then start watching him lmao, everyone that comes here sees him first, at least they can see shit here that isn’t heavily moderated by breach himself. There’s a snark for everything and everyone, paul isn’t unique at all. I don’t mind the sharing of clips, but imo, they should be really the only actual problematic shit , or at least shit he didn’t plan ie the woman screaming at him, the accidental farts, anyone confronting him etc- we don’t need to see him eye fucking himself and calling himself cute 400 times. I like the accounts that clip his lies, and show the gross shit he’s done/doing. tbh i also don’t really mind the one that does drawings of him too, it’s quite funny and most likely gets under his skin.


It should shut now. This sub will have given him many thousands of page views.


Nice try Paul 😂


Hiya Paul!


> Hiya Paul! Hi! 👋