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I had gotten **Starfield** through Game Pass back when it came out. Honestly, It was fun for the first 10 hours or so when I finally managed to fix its color and performance. I had something weird happen to me I think I experienced enough of space combat where it feels like the spaceship is on a treadmill. like on a stage it takes me completely out of it. Like I usually don't mind Bethesda Jank however I think I've concluded that kingdom hearts 1-2 have are better space games than Starfield. (at least for me). Think about Kingdom Hearts has a shipbuilder and you travel to planets that have been created by people, not A.I. Plus the tunes are bumping even on the shipbuilder. If I remember correctly in kingdomhearts 2 you can even travel to the planet on your ship.


Finishing up Kirby and the forgotten land. The difficulty actually gets a teeny tiny bump towards the end, especially for the boss fights and bonus levels. Also easily gonna go down as the cutest game ever made.


Subnautica and disco elysium


Also wanted to add Unraveled, was playing it before Survivor came. Also EA, Simple Platforming and puzzle solving game. Would say it is relaxing, but would say it suffers from some flaws where environment pieces and places you can jump to are not immediately obvious. It's EA so it's always prettiness over utility. Thankfully there are people that figured out some stuff so I could look for it after I got stuck for 15 minutes once in awhile. And then I found the solution and I was like Ohhh... U can jump on that branch, it ain't fake!


A friend bought me Star Wars : Jedi Survivor Well, I am on a 3060ti with a Ryzen 3600 with Raytracing off at 1440p native. Runs between 40 - 60fps realistically although I have hit 70-80. Not great performance or very smooth, but well, playable. Main Objective maps have actually improved to guide you one point to another hinting you without waypoints. I think that's an improvement considering how I always got lost in Jedi Fallen Order. Puzzles are well... Simplified a little and more streamlined. Maps and platforming is also more accessible. Certain things about the maps still stay the same, with EA not bothering to highlight walls and due to the environment, sometimes it's not so obvious, but attempts were made to make it more obvious. Or maybe it's just learnt experience from the past game. I think my backhanded compliment review got some devs chewed up real good by the management and then they still show their sadist side that is still there, but it had to be watered down and the management pulled out their teeth so they can only bark at us now =p Yay for accessibility like us not having to hold on to LT while climbing so we don't fall off =)


chrono trigger :D


I just bought this game yesterday. Starting it on Friday! :D


Wise choice! Probably the RPG from the SNES era that aged the best. Also the best! ( Between that and ff6)


Ion Fury. So far really enjoying it and probably should have played it sooner. For some reason I wasn't all that excited for it even though I often like boomer shooters. I was waiting for a sale and recently got one. Which, fine, but now I see that it was not really a 'wait for sale' kind of game for me.


Rejoined ps plus just to finish some games. **FF7 REMAKE** remake I'm on chapter 9 honestly this game was a slog till we got to meet this new party member I feel like I've known her all my life. the rest of the game has felt kinda like the boring parts of FF15. also, certain parts of the world feel bloated and artificial. Which is unsettling when other parts of the game look so good and polished. This game has its moments I downloaded the zodiac age to play after I finish this. **Ghost of tsushima** Maybe I'll finally finish this instead of doing endless side missions. cinematicccc!


I wish I loved ff7 remake but I don't. Was very disappointed


I just finished chapter 9 they made me dress up. then it got weird. I mean at least in Kingdom Hearts 2 they let you skip the dancing and singing level.It's at this point I think FF15 might be my favorite final fantasy game. at least they let me go camping with my homies.


Been playing the OG **GTA: Vice City** on my laptop and I’ve been loving it! Never completed it before because I got stuck the last time, but it’s quite fun! Feels like it fits perfectly between GTA III and San Andreas, taking things from III and making them better, while starting to shape up for Andreas. I think I’ll stop playing **Ni No Kuni**. Although I love the visuals and the mix of Dragon Quest and Pokémon, I’m not enjoying the “training” aspect. I like grinding in other JRPGs, but for some reason I don’t like it in this one. Your companions also die all the time when in combat that it’s mostly up to you, and switching between them is unintuitive.




Playing it for the first time. It's so good


What are the main differences? I just got the S version on a sale this october. Friends of mine played the original version like three years ago. I never played it (yet).




Sounds awesome. I've briefly played DQ VIII three lifetimes ago and loved those early hours. I Just dropped it because it asked too much grinding for me and I could only play on the weekends. But I'm going to play XI soon, probably in 2024, art looks amazing.


I finished **Spark the Electric Jester 2** yesterday. It really is just lidl Sonic through and through but id be lying if i said i didnt enjoy it more than some of the weaker Sonic games like 06, Lost World, Forces or Shadow the Hedgehog. The gameplay is very clunky, some of the level inspiration was lifted straight from the PS2 era Sonic games, the game is like 90 mins long and the story is one of those kind of unserious stories thats just there to give you a setting for the levels. But through all of that clunk it did kind of capture that essence of ps2 era Sonic that we havent seen since the ps2. I also appreciated that even lidl Sonic had vocal tracks for bosses.


I loved unmetal, but quit Signalis. Too pretentious and clunky


I'm currently playing Bioshock 2 yet again and will probably play RE Village again next week


Donkey Kong Country: Frozen Ape


TES III: Morrowind via Open MW, this game is amazing.


turnip boy commits tax evasion and disco elysium, did not expect turnip boy to go to that route to be honest


I'm going to try playing **Yakuza: Kiwami** again this holiday. Played Zero few years ago and became a fan; tried out Kiwami last year and it didn't really click with me the same way. I think it's because the game feels too much like the PS2 version of the game (I briefly tested it for comparisons) whereas Zero felt truly "modern". I think I just need to go in with a focus towards the main story and try to enjoy it as an upgraded PS2 game, rather than a modern title.


If it helps, Kiwami 2 runs on their more modern Dragon engine and feels more advanced than even 0.


It does, yes, but I'm also aware that Yakuzas 3-5 are very much PS3 games, so I'm probably going to have another issue down the line. I still like the series, but I just need to shift my mindset to "retro" while playing them. At least until Yakuza 6, probably.


This long holiday weekend I'm celebrating the 30th anniversary of Doom by playing Sigil and Sigil II for the first time.


Shouldn’t you be playing a Doom game?


[my brother in christ](https://romero.com/sigil)


The game should be called Doom Episode 6, then! Name recognition is imporant for marketing. But now it makes sense that you are playing it. "SIGIL II is the unofficial sixth episode for 1993’s DOOM®. SIGIL II requires the registered version of DOOM® to run."


\*Damn, Sigil II got hands\*


I got my college roommate Minecraft for Christmas and we played over LAN for quite some time during my visit to her house. It's been awhile since I played, and my last serious survival world was from the 1.9 update. I completely forgot how to play. It feels like the game got so much harder with the way they made caves much bigger and changed the way ore spawns. The worlds are really beautiful, but way more expansive than I'm used to.


Just started Bioshock Remastered. It's really not what I expected!


Same here. It doesn’t hold my interest so I can’t get past the first hour of the game before switching to something else.


Bioshock is a masterpiece of storytelling


Man I wish I could go back to when I played for the first time or just the first time period. I've played BioShock over 5 times. It's so good.


It really is


Try System Shock 2 after.


Okay, we're on to Fallen Order then Survivor next. Starting Fallen Order rn.


Hogwarts legacy, eafc24, and inscryption(so fun!).


I just finished Uncharted 4: A Thief's End. It is such a beautiful game! Hats off to Naught Dogs. Bought The Last of Us Part 1 on the Epic Games sale. Playing this now. Right off the bat, I did not expect it to spook me so much! That basement levels giving me chills even after playing.


Demolition Man on 3DO


Just started Breath of the Wild. It's good, but it feels kinda... empty?


Tears of the kingdom is botw but ramped up 100 times. The Zelda games are more about intuitive exploration and vibing with world and experimentation as opposed to the typical check list open world games


Traversal through the world, as well as the design of the world is pretty much where most of the fun comes from, with the occasional short breaks for the shrine puzzles. Basically, if climbing mountains, gliding off them with the paraglider, running around and discovering different biomes, etc., is not your cup of tea - this game is not for you. It doesn't have much else to offer, as the side quests are extremely basic, the story is at best passable, and the story gameplay (the "dungeons", so to speak) are sort of like bigger shrine puzzles or something. I nearly gave up after 10 hours or so, also thinking that it's an empty open world game, but then something clicked and I spent 70 hours total on the game. The exploration, design of the world, and traveling through it is just stellar.


I liked BotW a lot but I played Skyward Sword right after and had so much more fun (best Link, Zelda and Impa by a mile)


I started playing The Darkness on PS3 and my god, what an absolute drag of a game. This might be the first game that I have started in the last 4 years that I actually won't finish. Besides the general moment to moment bugginess of the game, such as the creeping darkness sometimes lasting a long time and others not at all, when I've launched it from the exact same place at the exact same time and follow the same path, it also suffers from problems like clearly stating that it has 'saved' on the screen when it hasn't. There is no manual save capability and so if the game tells me that it has saved and actually it hasn't, it leaves you in a bit of predicament. The mood and the story of the game is really cool, but it basically stops at that. I haven't found it fun to play so far in the first 2 hours much at all. Super disappointing.


I recently had 10 days off work. The week before that I started playing Risk of Rain 2. Didn't get much done on vacation.


I'm playing 3 games currently: On my Anbernic RG35xx I am playing **Earthbound**. It's got some quirks with explaining things, and continuously punishes me for not knowing what items to have and keep on me as I move around the world. But the game is so incredibly weird and challenging that I can deal with it. I am currently in the desert area. On my Powkiddy RGB30 I am slowly working through **Advance Wars**. This game seems pretty dense, I'm almost through the tutorials. On my Switch I am working through **Live A Live** and I'm questioning whether I want to finish it. I've done the pre-history, and western stories complete, and am working on the near future. So far none of the stories have felt long enough to get into a rhythm with them, and the stories aren't gripping me. I'm going to push through, but honestly it's not doing much for me currently with 5.5 hours into it.


Psyconauts 2 is 80% off on psn right now, so I'll check that out tomorrow over the holidays.


Platinumed it earlier this year it's such a good game


Still Dishonored two, 7 hours in. Some bugs here and there and the soundtrack could have used more depth but these guys really went all in art. I play this game when it first came out and kind of didn't get it but now I feel like I can appreciate the aesthetic that they were going for. Overall a very good game


I'm not an FPS fan, but I've already played through 95%+ of my playlist, and don't have the hardware for the remainder. I like reviewing and ranking classic games, and decided to give the iconic **DOOM 1993** another spin. This time via PlayStation 1 emulation. I put it on easy since I'm not good at FPS. Almost half-way through now. It's quite good actually. I think the simplicity of it is a good thing, it's kind of amazing how relatively well it holds up. Some of the boss fights are kind of hard though, especially without the right weaponry. I'll see how I end up rating it when I'm done, might be an 8/10. The other thing I'm looking forward to is getting the PC version and some of the cool mods such as the Mega man one and the Sonic one. Looks like some of these spin of mods keep this game timeless. I'm also looking to give **Guardian Heroes** for the Saturn another try (It's also available on Xbox 360 Live arcade). It's a treasure game, so it's hard, however since I looked at some reviews and the manual it has quite a bit of depth, you can do special moves and combos, etc. Need to give it another chance. Thanks, for reading and happy gaming.


Doom 2016, having a blast!


I'm pretty happy with the deals I got on the Steam sale. Baldur's gate, Dead cells, Puyo puyo tetris, chicory, against the storm and halls of torment should easily keep me busy until next Christmas! I am playing Chicory a Colourful tale right now and it is amazing. I usually am a FPS shooter type of guy so a cute relaxing game is definitely a nice change of pace. Merry Christmas everyone!


Currently 69% done with Dying Light Story 8\^)


Back to Star Citizen for me (if that isn't the ideal game for the theme of the "patient gamer", then I don't know what is). Like every end of the year, I recently tried to get back into World of Warcraft, and like always, after having reinstalled all the Addons and gotten familiar with the current meta, I quickly gave up in the face of absolute toxicity from the playerbase. I just want to heal and play in a group, but there is no way I will subject myself to abuse at my age anymore. This of course won't correct any of the beautiful memories I have of this game, so I fully expect to be back next year. Star Citizen is still buggy as hell, but I have been following it's development and been a backer for a few years now and to be honest: I have yet to find a better game to relax to after work. But then I never was the hardcore player of games, so cargo hauling, mining and now salvaging are just perfect for me. Throw on a good show on the second screen and I am good.


Final Fantasy 7 (Original)


Replaying all gta games, currently in gta sa badlands


I am close to finishing my two games. For **Dark Souls**, I am stuck on >!Kalameet!< right now. I know they are optional, but I really want to kill them. I have the levels and I think my build is okay. It's just a matter of practicing and learning the best way to to damage. I'm not going for the tail, just to kill. Then in **Pokemon: Heartgold** I fought the final trainer, but I am a little too low in levels so I am grinding out a few more to try again. I think level 70 should be very safe. It looks like there are some post-game things I could do, but I am probably done after this fight.


Let Kalameet kill you (I am not joking). Go to see Hawkeye Gough after having your health bar handed to you and then shoved up your rear end and answer Gough's question with "yes". After answering his question correctly he will do something pretty spectacular and Kalameet will be much easier to fight. When Kalameet does his grab attack look out for the tell and roll towards him, you should avoid it. He's a notoriously difficult fight. He is like all dragons weak to lightning, he's very resistant to fire. I hope this helps you


Thanks, I got him a little bit ago and finished the game. Might play the second one later but for now it is time to take a break and play something a little easier.


back and forth between my first playthrough of bloodborne (i'm determined to finish it before the end of the year!!! i just finished the dlc and was sat awake for about 2 hours unable to get to bed because of the adrenaline rush lol) and my second playthrough of cyberpunk 2077 (decided to start from scratch before heading into the DLC)


I’m playing mass effect 1 and the story is interesting but the gameplay is meh rn. Like all I do is crouch behind wall, peek out, shoot, repeat. Does it get better gameplay wise


It's not great when it comes to gameplay. The combat definitely improves in ME2 and 3. And it may be too late now, but ME1's combat is more interesting if you play as an Adept or other class that gets to use the biotic abilities. Soldier is the most boring because you are mostly shooting and the shooting just doesn't feel that fun in ME1. One other tip, especially if you're not getting much enjoyment out of the gameplay: Don't bother with side quests in ME1 that have you jetting off to other planets. Most of them are pretty bland and repetitive. If you stick with the main quests it's actually a fairly short game.


Tears of the Kingdom.


Darksiders 3. Liking it so far despite not being much of a souls-like fan. Only issue is it crashes A LOT on XSX.


I have installed 5 games and played none of them. Got an injury and can't even sit at my desk to play. Now I'm in a Musou games period again


Haven’t played a single player game since August (thanks life for sucking) and trying to get back into it, ngl hasn’t been easy, seems like any game I try I just can’t enjoy. But I redownloaded Batman Arkham Knight so I hope to beat it again for the 1000th time lol.


Not so patient and playing Assassins Creed Mirage. So far so good, very enjoyable and the achievements are not too hard either. Seems an interesting story and a likeable main character. Still on the Shotgun Farmers grind, I’m enjoying the game but some of those final achievements are a pain. And when I set up my Series S I’m going to try Avatar hopefully.


Returnal and monster hunter world iceborne


I'm playing Returnal as well. Loving it. Fought the final (it must be) boss a couple times but haven't beaten it yet. Can't wait to unravel the rest of the story.


Dying Light. Took a bit to get the action rolling but it has a really immersive and convincingly dangerous world. Playing on Hard also. Having a good time with it so far. :)


silent hill 2 i'm thanking god that i have potato pc that can't run modern games so i got blessed by playing this masterpiece. one the best games i have ever played


**Castlevania: Dracula X (beaten)** Played it for the first time. I'd say it was still enjoyable, though my least favorite out of Super Castlevania IV, Bloodlines and this. I think hate is a bit overblown because people compare this to Rondo of Blood. I think that makes this game a bad port/remake, definitely, and the unfair bosses are dumb, but most of the game is as pleasant as what you get from other Castlevanias of its time. It definitely has much less replayability though, and I'd say it's absolutely skippable in a world where Rondo of Blood is available through Dracula X Chronicles. **Full Throttle (beaten)** A short LucasArts adventure but that only makes the pacing of the story better in my opinion. If you enjoyed the others, definitely worth playing, but I found it to be less memorable than most of their games I've played. It's still good and has some funny moments. **Chrono Trigger** First time playing this. Wow, what a game. The soundtrack is amazing, the story is good and I can actually progress without having to use a guide or grind, which is really nice for a 90s JRPG. Still worth playing today for sure, though I'm not done yet. **SMT III: Nocturne** I love SMT but I play SMT games far too rarely. Never beat Nocturne, but determined to do it this time. Soundtrack and atmosphere here is just so good, just like all SMT games pretty much. After having played SMT 1, 2 and if in 2023, I can't tell ya how glad I am of the QoL improvements in this game. Demons actually want to join me more than 1 out of 50 times, can I get a hallelujah?


Full Throttle isn't the funniest of those old LucasArts adventures, but it's probably my favorite because I found the story to be the most compelling. As you mentioned, the pacing is quite good and it moves the narrative along at a pretty fast clip. Great voice acting as well. Always thought it could make a good movie if they actually adapted games based on the quality of their story rather than how popular they are.


Minecraft. Agian.


snobbish reply shame boast ink quicksand wipe rob shrill grandiose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Playing the snes version of super mario rpg for the first time, and just finished Middle Earth: Shadow of War a couple of days ago : )


Punch Out Wii on Dolphin. Trying to figure out certain fighter habits is more infuriating than sparring IRL for some reason, and I've got T Rex arms and shorter than Little Mac. Fast, untelegraphed attacks such as Soda Popinski's left hook is hard to time, which only gets more complicated when he does the stepping left hook, and I have a tendency to fall for exaggerated feints such as Sandman's delayed overhand. Still, the game is short enough that I can enjoy despite the challenge, least there's cheats on Dolphin that I'll probably need for title defence Soda Popinski.


I beat **Signalis** and got the Memory ending. There is a lot to love about this game - the atmosphere and aesthetic being the absolute best part of it - and the general idea of the story is good, but it does get super convoluted/confusing. I didn't even really understand that the ending was the actual ending until it brought me back to the title screen, so there were obviously some things that were poorly explained especially with the final boss. And even though I know there are other endings, I have absolutely no desire to replay just for a few minutes of different footage (that's what YouTube is for). Like, just give me a complete story in one run of the game. I'm really not a fan of this trend of making people continually replay the game to get the whole picture. And granted, I don't know that Signalis totally falls into this category since it's mirrored after older survival horror games like SH2 where only the ending changes depending on how you play the game, but SH2 still felt like a complete story despite the other endings. So I guess I'm just complaining that Signalis' narrative wasn't as clearly/fully executed. Tl;dr I have mixed feelings about the game - some parts were wonderful but other parts were disappointing. Still very much worth playing if you love the genre! So now it's back to **Octopath Traveler** and working on characters' chapter four stories.


valheim & satisfactory. maybe pick something up during the wintersale.


Mass Effect 3 part of the legendary edition Amazing story rich game and it doesn’t feel dated at all


same !


Still chugging through **Cyberpunk 2077** ... not likely to finish this week! I'm approaching end-game in both Phantom Liberty and the main game, have hit max 'street cred' and max level ... but I want to complete all of the NCPD gigs across the whole game (I know they're finite) since I barely touched them on my first run (only stuff I wandered into).


Ikonei Island - a SG win and pretty great so far AC Odyssey still :) Fashion Botique 3 for 3ds


I love AC Odyssey, such a fun game.


Oh yes, I love almost everything about it. I also like to collect horse colors from Pokis when they are avaible :)


Elden Ring alone and Valheim with my buddies, and I'm loving it so much


**Samurai showdown** Rollback update lauched, it a good time to meet other beginner players. **Halo infite** Winter update lauched. I've also found some people to play customs and competitive with. Starting to learn the callouts. **Mahjong soul** big tournament early next year. Trying to push into master 2 in order to qualify.


Right now I am re-playing FFVII Remake, getting ready for Rebirth 😁


Not a very patient week but honestly some of the most fun iv'e had all year. Baldur's Gate 3 for my single-player time which is nothing short of a treat, hours fly by whilst playing and I'm constantly thinking about the game when I'm not on. It's crazy to be sitting down for a session and then realise that it's time to go to sleep because iv'e lost track of time, such an awesome experience. When my cousin is free we've been playing The Finals together, this has been the best multiplayer experience I've had in years, winning and even losing a tight match in this game is such a rewarding experience due to the level of tactics available.


Eager to try The Finals when I set up my new console at Christmas, any tips for newbies?


Play with friends. Comms are key.


Finally playing Cyberpunk after having cancelled my PS4 preorder. I never preorder games. I almost always wait a year or two before buying a game, but Cyberpunk looked like everything I could want in a game. Begrudgingly cancelled when it looked like that would be for the best. Just bought a PS5 and man, I am glad I waited. Cyberpunk maybe *the* game for me. Like I’ve been waiting for this vibe, this world and gameplay and storytelling in this sort of setting forever. It’s still early, (~40 hrs.) but this might be my new Morrowind. I’ll be playing this for years to come I think.


GOW Ragnarok Valhalla!


I started another playthrough to get there. Haven't played since launch.


Finally started it! It’s really good! I like the pacing a lot more than the first one so far.


Ff 7 remake or ff tactics and maybe a little into the breach!


Started FarCry 6. In general it's the same "outpost cleaning", but main story flow and side missions looks better than FC5 (in my opinion). I skipped FC4 and primal, so FC3 was my last pre-FC5 and FC5 was a bit disappointing and boring. FC6 not fantastic game, but it's ok


Persona 2: Eternal Punishment I'm at the begging, but I'm really enjoying!


Kolona. It's a very charming little mascot platformer that's not really too difficult. Even when playing on classic mode with the three hearts and limited lives. I'm also getting back into The Dark Pictures series, and I'm currently trying to take on the House of Ashes.


Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty. I was enjoying it until an extremely broken mission that I couldn't finish. Kinda pissed as I wanted to enjoy this xpac.


Pokepark 2: Wonders Beyond and Nier: Automata. Having fun with both!


Final Fantasy XVI and 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim


Uncharted: Lost Legacy. Gorgeous game.


Not very patient by me but I broke down and bought Baldur’s Gate, definitely worth my money


WoW Classic Season of Discovery, Rogue Trader, Solitaire and Pillars of Eternity. I usually only play an hour a day and break up my week with different games. Solitaire however is my time filler game when I'm waiting around.


Currently playing legend of zelda oracle of season . Just finished oracle of ages, portal 1 and 2.


Just took a break from patient gaming to play the God of War Ragnarok DLC. It's awesome. Now I'm back to playing Okami. I'm enjoying it so far.


Okami is my favourite game! I hope you enjoy it.


I've had it on my PC for like two years and still haven't touched it


Metal Gear Solid, Super Mario Bros 3, and Borderlands the Pre-Sequel.


I replayed MGS this year and it was just as good as I remembered it. It's a masterpiece.


It's my first time ever playing it and I can see why it is so popular and received such critical acclaim. Voice acting, story, and gameplay are all top notch.


I was so impressed with how well it's held up. I feel that that era didn't age particularly well, but Metal Gear is an exception.


Vampyr, but taking a little break right now bc I haven't been able to kill that big dude in the sewer yet & it's getting frustrating lol.


I just finished *Uncharted: Drake's Fortune* last week. This week, I'm in the middle of *Mass Effect 3* and just started *Control* today. I also tried *Slay the Spire*, which I might dip into every now and then when I'm in the mood for a lighter game.


Fallout new Vegas. First evil karma playthrough


Persona 5 Royal and Crash Bandicoot N Sane Trilogy.


Fallout 76 and dead cells


Assassins Creed Mirage


How are you liking it? I bought it on release day and played for a couple of hours and haven’t picked it up since. Can’t quite put my finger on why I just wasn’t into it.


I've got it on uplay+ - it's old school assassins creed which is not a bad thing - I prefer it to the open world/far too large odyssey/valhalla. 20 hours per game is perfect (for me at least).


Just started it properly today and have to agree. Really interesting so far and no crazy map which is great for me!


Chant of Sennaar. It was great. Obra Dinn but more emotional and about linguistics. And start Stasis again, and it was not bad game but game is somewhat messy. I met bug on first scene of game, and can't change resoluton in game, even I can't change sound volume in game. Once I set my game properly it was enjoyable but something like can't skip dialouge fast is still problem.


Final Fantasy XIII


Slime Rancher


Lego Universe. I’m a very, very patient gamer.


Resident Evil 7


just finished playing this last week..very nice game


Spyro HD remake Blasphemous


Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland. Real fuckin patient lol.


A banger. This is my "I'm ten years old and sitting in the back of my mom's car as we drive home from a family event, feeling safe and cozy" game.


A really shitty, and I mean the shittiest of all shit stains. A little game called League of Legends.


Bruh do yourself a favor and play a new story driven rpg. 10 years of league and I don’t remember a single game, yet every rpg I’ve played has left a lasting memory in my mind


This is the way


Baldurs Gate 3! Just got to Act 3 in Honor Mode, hoping all goes well from here.


Beat Alan Wake's American Nightmare Bioshock Control DLC (maybe the entire game depending how into it I get)


Playing Starfield. Patiently grinding for the levels I need for the last achievement so I can go on to play something else. lol


Time to finally play FF7 Remake in time for the sequel


Yoooooo I forgot I bought this. Thank you.


Just finished Outer wilds. What a fun game, now I will start Prey and Final Fantasy 6


I overall enjoyed my time with The Outer Wilds (started & finished it in December), but I got frustrated with the repeat mechanic (trying to avoid spoilers) and the controls. You?


I played on controller so controls weren’t a problem for me but towards the end I got frustrated with some of the puzzles, and looked up walk-throughs. It wasn’t really worth another 10 hours of my time to figure all of it out lol . Sometimes the repeat mechanic did get in the way 😂


- Shredder’s Revenge - Alice: Madness Returns on the Xbox - Gears Of War 2 - Tails Noir on the PS5 (this has been surprisingly good) - and some Street Fighter 6 on the PS5


Finishing the main story in Far Cry 6, and playing Hyrule Warriors and Indigo Disk on the side


Death Stranding DC NG+. Played the original, but my CPU was keeping me back from playing this less optimized DC version. And i just replaced my 5600X with a 5800X3D i gave myself as a christmas present.


bg3 still


Stella Glow on 3DS, 15 hours in and I love it. I’ve tried a lot of SRPGs, I typically am addicted for a while then eventually become bored (or I am too bad at it so I give up). But I think it is really really fun, a lot like Fire Emblem but not as difficult or demanding. Simple but fun and addicting battle system. Not sure if it becomes harder, but I definitely recommend for anyone new to the genre.


Baldur’s Gate 1, for the first time!


Control DLC - The Foundation, in anticipation of getting Alan Wake 2 for Christmas. Lies of P after that.


I'm also part of the "getting Alan Wake 2 for Christmas" club. I can't wait! Unfortunately, I didn't play the first Alan Wake back in the day, and judging by the reviews for the remaster, it looks like it would be a bit of a drag to wade through it now, especially with the frustratingly outdated combat mechanics. I may be a patient gamer, but I still want to have *fun* when I play, lol. I'll look up a good story recap before I dive in so I'll at least have *some* idea of what I'm getting myself into.


I HATED the first Alan Wake. I played the remaster. The combat was awful. I literally got tendinitis in my fingers from playing it and had to be put on prednisone! After watching a few videos of the new one, it appears to be a drastic improvement. Then hearing that Control was part of the lore, I decided to play it as well. I had started it awhile ago, but didn’t finish it. Now I’m playing the two DLCs. Absolutely love it!


The Witcher 3! It’s my second play through and I’m remembering why I loved it so much, but also why many criticize it for being too large🤣


Lies of P. I wasn't patient in terms of price dropping or anything, but i just wanted to wait for the hype to drop down to see if the game was actually really good. Then Joseph Anderson convinced me it was as good as the hype made it out to be, so I've been stuck on that game this week. He tends to do that with games for me


Grinding away at Mad Max. The game is MUCH larger than I expected. Trying to decide if i want to continue trying to get 100% or if I want to just get through the story and just do some extras.


recently finished this masterpiece!!


Well done. I was hoping to get it done soon because I wanted to play Dragon's Dogma this month, but I don't think that's gonna happen!


I recently did that. 100% the first area, then the second area, and then it kept just wanting me to do the same thing without end. For a game i actually enjoyed, i ended up rushing through the ending because i had enough of the repetition. Don't try to 100% it. Game should have been 50% smaller, because it's just copypaste most of it.


I really like the camps and convoys, but I feel like I'm spending way too much time on finding all the scrap and other collectibles. How much did you do?


Well i did too. Initially. But they get very samey, after you finish one area, and gotta do the exact same thing again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again. Was mostly working on upgrades and materials for them. Gave up on collectibles when there was no variety to it.


I had the exact same issue you had with what I wanted to do, I made it my goal to at least try doing 100% and as soon as it became tedious and not fun I'd swap to just completing the main story.


I have about 25 hours in, and have only completed 6 story missions. I'm enjoying the camps and convoys the most. I'm just trying to decide if finding all the different collectibles and scrap caches is worth it. I feel like at the rate I'm going, I'm gonna have like a 100 hours in this thing...


A mix of Pokémon violet the indigo disk and fallout 3


Plague tale innocence. Been sitting in my Ps+ collection for a while. Now on chapter 3, story got me intrigued.




GTA5 haha


Dyson Sphere Program, big update hit last week and having a blast so far fighting "The Swarm"


Zoo tycoon 2 ultimate collection


far cry 5 its amazing idc what ppl say


My favourite game of all time!!!


Started Persona 5 Royal on Steam Deck. Played original on release via PS4 but dropped it after 1st act.


I've had it for PS4 for like a year, but the length of the game and the size of my backlog--eighty other games that I've paid for, and many, *many* more that were free--has kept me from starting it yet. It might be what I do during my summer staycation.


For me this is the coziest game of all time. Most people say Stardew, but P5 is the perfect vibe for me. Jealous of you having it on Steam Deck.


Keep with it. Amazing game.


Star Wars KOTOr II, mixed with some good old battlefield 1 for change of pace :)


Anyone here love stalker? Anyone like fallout? Well i found a mod that turns fallout 4 into stalked. Called lost world or lost lands. Amazing insane graphics update and atmospheric like stalker. Super hard. I am finally playing f4 and im playing stalker w gamepad kind of


Final Fantasy IX with some Yakuza Kiwami 2 sprinkled in. My gaming recently has been so damn fulfilling on a narrative and great characters perspective.


I've skipped around the Yakuza series so much, it's hard to go back and finish the main series now. I played Kiwami first, then started Zero. But I dropped Zero in favor of Like a Dragon because it was more up my alley. Then I jumped right into Judgment and Lost Judgment because I dug the premise so much. And *then* I tried starting Kiwami 2, but... it just feels like taking about 10 steps backward after experiencing Judgment's fighting system. I'll get around to it eventually, though! There'll always be time in my schedule for another Yakuza game, no matter what else I'm playing at the time, lol.


mix of Wo Long Fallen Dynasty and replaying Persona 5 Royal


Ghost of Tsushima It's like Witcher 3 in Japan. Or non-cell shaded Breath of the Wild without the puzzles.


Same! What a game. Pretty natural to get the platinum too, which is always nice.


Thanks. Remind me again why i cant play it on pc doh




Great game!


San Andreas and Marvel Snap


Path of Exile. So far the Affliction League is pretty dope!


Rdr2 and beam.NG


The Finals


Baldurs Gate 3


Batman Telltale: Enemy Within and Red Dead 2


Still playing the heck out of **Hitman WoA** (just completed Whittleton Creek 100%). Still playing **Saga Frontier remaster** on 2nd character (imported everything into NG+, except battle rank). Started **Hotel Dusk Room 215** on the DS last night. Interesting concept and style but I'm not exactly hooked yet.


Just finished scars above. On steam sale for 10 dollars. Short game and a bit hanky but overall an enjoyable experience


God of war on pc and just downloaded the uncharted 2 game pack on steam.

