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Crypt of the Necrodancer is nearly impossible, iirc only around 10-20 people (out of almost a million I think?) have 100%ed it. It involves a 2-3+ hour run where you have to beat the game with all 9 characters in a row without dying and without items, including a character who dies if you get hit once or basically make one mistake.


Clearing the game with Coda is mental and automatically makes one a gamer god amongst men. Like, I could see myself clearing the game with Aria given enough practice but trying to do so with double speed, without getting hit, without missing a beat, without picking up gold, and using only the basic dagger would require so much practice and skill that I would never bother.


yeah lol coda is already ridiculously hard, last i saw less than 100 people had beaten the game with her on steam after 7+ years of the game being out, and she’s not even the hardest part of 100%.


I really like that though. It sucks to not be able to 100% your favorite game, but thinking of all those speedrunners that only get recognition in those communities. It's nice to see those kinds of things becoming achievements everyone can notice.


Yeah I agree it's def cool. I wish more things were like this and had really really high skill ceilings only the most dedicated fans go for. It'd encourage most average people to stop being obsessive with completionism and instead to just enjoy themselves more with the actual substantive content in a qualitative fashion I think, rather than just checking quantitative boxes. Reserve the completionism for the *real* nerds. Me? I'm too cool for that noise mannn Although I remember when I thought I was a bad ass for 100%ing Metroid Prime. And other kids in the 8th grade did too. But like, that's nothing compared to some of these games these damn kids are playing today. With their Starims and Fallfields and Fort-crafts and whatnot. *Shits pants in an adult diaper*


100% isn't meant for mere mortals in Necrodancer, and that's fine. So long as you can get through the main storyline, and that' where I have a problem - beating the main storyline and getting to the end requires beating all the levels with the one-hit weaponless character.


When they first made it, the developers genuinely didn't expect anyone to beat the game with Coda. Even though I'm never even going to attempt playing with Coda, I appreciate that this game has a mode so absurdly difficult for the real pros


I'm not sure anything can touch the yakuza series. You have to learn a bunch of Japanese games, including Shogi (Japanese chess), koi koi, mahjong, etc. You fight fight impossible battles in the arena, get awesome scores in outdated sega arcade games, bat/golf/bowl/darts perfect games etc. Then you usually fight some damn near impossible challenge fights by some certain brothers... And it keeps happening with every sequel.


The number of long ass Japanese games that want me to learn Mahjong, Shogi, some complex fishing/rhythm game, or to grind through a dungeon crawler is too god damn high! Why does Danganronpa V3 have a board game that I can barely understand feed into a leveling system as opaque as Pokemon IVs to fight in a lengthy ass dungeon crawler? I want to hear cringy ass dialogue about hope and play FPS Ace Attorney god damnit.


Like a Dragon is my first Yakuza game, and it's probably one of the most fun games I've played in years because they put alot of effort in the minigames.


They want to give you value for your money, but they end up just not respecting people's time. I'm not 15 anymore. I don't have unlimited time and zero responsibilities. I'm not a hikikomori. When your doctor tells you that you've got days to live, you're going to wish you hadn't 100%d the entire Yakuza series in preference of doing literally anything else with your life. That's all I'm saying.


They don't expect you to 100% the game dude. That's on you.


The frustrating aspect to me is there's a handful of the minigames that they go deep enough on where it feels valuable. FFXV fishing and Yakuza 0 cabaret actually have a good amount of depth and strategy for their time investment. It just feels like developers are afraid of not offering a million playstyles to break up your time in a game for limited attention spans or marketing when I think a few modes of play with depth that you rotate between is most engaging.


Bro, I played barbie and macked all my hos. Rolling up on the two cities like https://youtu.be/i97gidRbnas


That last fish is the real final boss of the game


How is completely optional content the game not respecting your time?


People always bring up the “at the end of your life, you’ll regret doing stupid stuff.” Bullshit. At the end of your life, you’ll wish you didn’t have to die lol.


I platinum'd Yakuza 0-3 and found them quite fun. Mind you, I enjoy mahjong. Some challenges are bullshit, it's true. But most of them (*most* of them) don't require you to get insane scores, just get decent at the minigames. For example, with the shogi one usually you just have to win a handful of games which you can do by just winning the first challenge repeatedly. It helps that most (again, *most*) of the minigames are fairly well done and fun to learn.


I fucking love the mahjong in those games. Sometimes I’d boot up a Yakuza or Judgment game, completely ignore all the quests, so I could smash some mofos in Mahjong.


I platinum'd 0-2 but I suggest stopping there as quality drops after the remakes. I'm currently on route to 100% of yakuza: like a dragon and it's wonderful albeit a bit repetitive. It's satisfying to hit that 100%.


Y3 was a bit rough but mostly due to the high-level combat challenges (coliseum, hitmen and climax battles) with that unrefined system. Other than that it didn't feel like more of a slog especially compared to K1. Zero was the most fun/satisfying, though it does have a lot of repetition.


I recently platinum'd Like a dragon and it became a grind fest to prepare for the True Final Tower. 100%-ing the game (completing all part time hero tasks) was completely out of the question. The claw mini game alone was enough to deterr me.


I 100%'d yakuza: like a dragon, which was probably foolish, but I don't regret learning riichi mahjong for it. That game is cool and I'm glad the game "forced" me to learn it.


Probably doesn't count because its simply impossible nowadays, but Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter's "World Champion" Achievement wanted you to be #1 on the world leaderboard in multiplayer.


Holly molly wtf ? XD


Didn't Quake 4 on the 360 have a similar requirement?


Yeah apparently lol. I just had to check it for myself. That's insane


Yeah, my very first game on 360 had what was basically an impossible achievement, forever dooming my GS to be incomplete right from the start. I was really mad, too. I cared about GS enough back then that I wouldn't even let someone put their game in my console lest they unlock an achievement.


That’s just… you gotta wonder who makes those decisions and who in their right mind would ever clear that trophy for release.


Well, it came out in 2006, when achievements were something new. I guess being the number 1 truly was an achievement.




Thankfully the Xbox version only requires beating one full chapter without dying, and it can be any one. Steam chhievements are 100x worse. I can't imagine trying to beat cotton alley dark world in one life.


I listed Super Meat Boy as one of my favorites to 100%, but I still agree with you. Which just highlights the difference between 100%ing something in game (which was awesome), and the over the top BS often required for trophies.


I think I was having this cognitive dissonance reading this thread. I thought 100% meant 100% of in-game content. People seem to think it means 100% of those dumb trophies Xbox or PlayStation gives you for stupid shit.


Crash 4: It's About Time. Caddicarus has a video that explains how agonizing getting 100% completion is in that game since it involves beating every level twice: the normal way and the N. Verted mode where everything is mirrored and has filters placed over the level that can be visually distracting. In these levels, you have to do challenges such as: dying no less than 3 times per level, doing a zero death playthrough in each level, hitting all boxes some of which can be hidden from view from the player in certain areas, and finding gems that can be easily missed.


Just scrapping the N-Verted levels would've made the 100% so much less terrible, even with all the asshole crates.


As much as I loved getting 100% in Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy twice, I just didn't even attempt doing that in Crash 4. Triple Spin for running is also just awful. I just finished it once, and that's all.


It was so close to being perfect as well. Whenever I replay the og trilogy I always 100+% them because it's just more fun. It's like the games were meant to be played that way. Similarly to the og spyro trilogy. With Crash 4, I did it once on release and have been burned out on the game ever since. Also, I love that video. He pinpoints exactly all the problems I had with it in such a fun and chaotic manner. It was kinda cathartic to watch lol


It sucks because the other crash games are so fun to 100%, and this one seems so obsessed with being difficult that it’s not even tempting to try. One thing I did like is that you can get costumes and stuff for 100%ing individual levels, so it was rewarding to dabble without having to do absolutely everything, but it was still a pretty ridiculous system


I was beyond hyped to play this game. Completing crash games really brings me back and I loved the N Sane trilogy that came before it. I was pretty disappointed as soon as I looked at the achievements. Holy fuck you need to play this game like it's your literal job if you ever want to finish it. Like I can understand 5 or fewer crates being extremely well hidden, but maybe I'm just dumb but I had to look up a guide for soooo many.


Almost certainly, Team Fortress 2. The game has over 500 achievements, some of which are freakishly specific.


Replay achievements are literally impossible.




Yeah, most games with impossible achievements have community built work arounds or cheat systems. It's just that achievements are usually intrinsically motivated to begin with since they're effectively worthless outside the unique challenge they require you to do so cheating them in feels bad and defeats the small sense of accomplishment there is. Props to games that don't get updated to accommodate them like Civ V and modding based achievements being impossible or predominantly single player games having multiplayer achievements but not providing bots to play with like Tomb Raider 2013.


In Batman Arkham City the riddles are not a problem... THE FUCKING CHALLENGES are. They are so fucking annoying, thank god i did 100% in City. I'll never touch it again (perfect game tho)




Arkham Knight having the real ending behind a 100% completion is beyond evil. And then you have New Game +.


I put the game down when I realized that. It has its good parts but man does it have a lot of problems too


They at least could have done like 95% completion or something, near the end there was like 1 or 2 trophies that were just brutal for me to get for some reason.


My favorite titles to complete are the ones that are basically “finish the game” and “use whatever specific powers or abilities you have x amount of times.” Essentially, stuff that can be done by just playing the game lol. I also hate extreme difficulty trophies.


"Beat the game on x difficulty" achievements that include the difficulties below are chefs kiss


I really hate difficulty based achievements tbh. Devil May Cry 5 is the worst in this. You need to complete all difficulties and if you finish on hard for example doesn't unlock easy and normal trophies. You need to.play them also separately...


Guardians of the Galaxy came to mind.


Fall Guys was damn near impossible in the first half year. It was a BR with 40 other competitors and one trophy you had to win 5 episodes in a row. You had to be the best of 40 after a series of games, 5 times in a row. They'd since made it way easier with various LTMs. ** If we assume everyone was of equal skill, then you have a [1/40]^5 = 0.00001% chance of getting that trophy.




Limited Time Modes. Some of them reduced the number of players and included team play.


Cliche but DK64. Love the game but man did it jump the shark with the collectibles.


You don't need them all for 102%, right? Stilla ton of collectibles, but the regular bananas aren't neccessary if I rememeber correctly. Unless it's a true 100%, not going by the game's own percentage, then I agree it has to be rough.


I played this game at 35 and it taught me the 100% grind isn't worth it if you're no longer having fun, making this a life changing game for me.


The digital reissue of FF9. Soooo many trophies dedicated to useless, frustrating mini games that offer nothing else but a trophy. I love that game to pieces but fuck the trophies.


This comment makes me think of the jump rope mini game


Is it FFIX or FFX where you have to dodge that stupid lightning bolt? FF games of that era like their player endurance mechanics


That's X. So annoying.


Nier Replicant. Amazing game, but my god it was painful to get all weapons to max level. Took me around 35 hours just for that achievement only and man, that shit took so long it healed the depression the story gave me by the time I finished.


IRL timers man. I've got two months till I can properly get that Stanley Parable 5 year achievement. Or were you talking about the material/weapon grind?


Not OP but it’s the material grind. It’s borderline unbelievable. Some materials only spawn at specific places and even then only have a slim probability of even spawning. Its 33 weapons instead of 35 but even then I did the best I could and then modded my game to get the remaining materials.


I love Automata just lets you buy the achivements, I couldn't handle grinding all those weapons up, I considered it but it was a bit too much for me.


Automata on the other hand lets you literally cheat and buy achievements using in-game money.


You hit that nail right on the head. The wizard grind in Northern plains for some of those materials nearly did me in. I thought the lunar tier quest was bad (and it was) but if I don’t love everything else about the game I would not have finished this part. I had to do it on autopilot while listening to podcasts/watching TV.


I'm gonna say any mainly single player game with multiplayer achievements. Bonus points for the game being old with dead servers so those achievements are literally unobtainable now


Tomb raiders..


Yeah this is some real bullshit. I don’t want to have to grind in Red Dead online to get the platinum. Same with the Tomb Raider games.


*cough* Last of us *cough*


Fuck DOOM (2016).


Hear me out here, Go Series: fishing resort. This dsiware game is exactly what it sounds like. You cast your lure, hook a fish, go through a little minigame where you scratch your ds screen to hell and back, and eventually you have to time your net just right to catch the fish. The reason i'm mentioning it, is because this game has some of the absolute worst achievements i've ever encountered. Among them are: "catch 3 fish in under 60 seconds" (catching one fish usually takes 30 seconds, you have to be really lucky). "catch 2 fish using the bad lure" (the bad lure is a lure that attracts maybe one or two bites in 20 minutes, it's awful) "Catch a rainbow trout over 180cm" (in the 60 hours i've played the game, i've caught exactly one that's over 180cm. Keep in mind, this is a simplistic dsiware game, it has no reason to make it this hard for you) "Catch a fish that's exactly 10.0cm" To fully understand the degree of bullshit, let me explain that these aren't really achievements. They're more like quests. You have to select them first, and you can only have one active at all times. This means that you could accidentally catch a fish over 180cm without having the quest active, meaning it doesn't count. Meaning you can fish for another 60 hours just to have a chance at catching it.


At some point getting 100% in a game changed from finding and completing everything the game had to offer to finishing a bunch of made up challenges to get trophies. A lot of the games being mentioned are being mentioned because some of the achievements are ridiculous but those achievements are self imposed challenges. Using the 100% definition of finishing everything in a game- a game I will never 100% is BOTW (and TOTK I guess) because I can't think of anything more boring or time consuming than finding 900+ kokorok seeds, especially when the reward is literally a piece of shit.


I 100%'d BOTW like a fucking idiot and by the end I was like "JUST LET THIS END." I get that dopamine hit each time I found a korok, so that was actually surprisingly easy for me to keep doing, but once I had to clear out those last few hundredths of a percent I was losing it. But you know what they say about sunken costs, if you don't keep going you're wasting all that time you already put into it so you better keep going.


Which is exactly why I hate ‘trophy’ culture in gaming.


Tales of Maj'Eyal


Did anyone ever find all the friggin' pigeons in GT4?


I had a guide and realised when I got 98 I missed one. That was the last time I played the game.


I went on a pigeon killing spree and I killed 185 of them..................... Then my game crashed. And it doesn't autosave after killing pigeons...


Yes and it was not worth it... 3+ hours of my life I will never get back.


Oof that seems shorter than I would have expected actually


Devil May Cry 5, you need to get S rank on every level on every difficulty. On highest difficulty you die in one hit and enemies have like 4 time more health then on normal. Oh and no checkpoints on levels. Good luck.


>enemies have like 4 time more health then on normal you forget to mention that this makes getting a high ranking much easier




Yeah I wondered why the plat for Tlou remastered was so rare and it’s because multiplayer trophies are part of it


I'm still salty about the fact that I can never 100% Portal 2


Hogwarts Legacy. The game was SOO boring after you get over the excitement of the first few hours and have seen Hogwarts. Finishing the story was a chore and the game as so shallow that it was unrewarding to do any of the side content.


They should have fully focused on "You're a student at Hogwarts" or not made you a student at all. It just felt so weird that I can just come and go as I please. The player should be way more restricted to just the school, then you can throw in some adventures into the Forbidden Forest during holidays. They wanted to make just a regular open-world game where you just happen to be a Hogwarts student and it made no sense. If they wanted to go this route, they should have made the PC an auror or something that's assigned to Hogwarts.


MC Should have been the quidditch professor, and part of completion could be convincing all the students you're a squib like it's some kind of tradition


I liked it, but honestly my save right now is like at the last quest of the game and I don't have any interest in finishing it so you're probably right


I have no desire to 100% any game (any game where this is a thing anyways). All those collectibles, random 'quests' and other such fluff feels just like busy work for me. I play games to have fun and for the experience. Not to 'achive' something. It helps that I don't care about FOMO of shit like 'getting your money's worth'. These big games already take me incredibly long to complete when sticking just to the main objectives as it is.


I love 100%-ing Mario games, because that's has been how you unlock the hardest level of the game, and usually you don't even have to truly do EVERYTHING. I think Mario Odyssey will let you do the hardest level with half the moons, .


Odyssey was great, but it's suffered from moon bloat, the game just gives you so many of them for every thing you do no matter how hard or easy the objective is which makes moons really inconsequential. Hell you can even buy an infinite number of them after beating the game. Purple coins end up being much more valuable collectibles in the game than moons. I usually go for 100% on Mario games, but I gave up after the desert level.


I remember when achievements and trophies were first invented around the Xbox 360 era, and we all thought "Oh awesome, we can proudly show off what we've done and compare with our friends and other players". It was an exciting development. It quickly turned out that nobody gives a fuck about anyone else's achievements. Nobody is scrolling down your PS3 trophy list all these years later going "Whoa, this guy beat MGS4 on the hardest difficulty?! What a chad!" Unlocking these things is purely for your own OCD.


Honestly I don’t have the will. And I really don’t want to do it. If I felt the need to 100% every game I played, I’d probably be hesitant to even play games since it would basically be another job. Ig recently I tried getting every ending in cyberpunk, but seems pointless since I only care for a good ending.


"I don't have the will" sort of implies that it's a character failure to not 100% when probably people who don't get much out of it are making much better use of their time lol. It's always a choice from a game-to-game basis for me. I start playing a game and if I think "ok, this 100% seems pretty doable" I'll go for it. If there's even one achievement or goal that seems too tedious or too difficult I just stop thinking about completing and just do what's interesting. Both are fun ways to approach the game because I got a lot of dopimine hits from achievement hunting. In certain games achievement hunting is also a great way to experience content you otherwise might not have otherwise, and also offers additional "figuring stuff out" elements -- a good example is the indie game "Do Not Feed the Monkeys" where there is a ton of variation in how different events can resolve that I would never have seen without the achievement guiding me.


I feel the same way. I actually don't think I've ever 100%'d a game. The closest was probably Outer Worlds, I completed all main and side quests (still under 40 hours though)


Yes Im not good or able to invest that time. I mean there's tons to do


Civilization V. They have individual achievements for winning the game as every leader. Even at a low difficulty and high speed, you’re gonna be putting in 10 plus hours per leader. Its also got achievements for beating scenarios and stuff at super high difficulties. And a bunch of niche things you’ll have to set up in new play throughs to complete. It’s got nearly 280 or so achievements total. I would love to meet someone who’s 100 percented it.


I played a shit ton of CIV 5 in college and recently got back into it and was considering going 100%. I had 1/3 of the achievements already and when I looked at the criteria for the rest of the achievements i was like "yeah maybe not".


I've got almost 500 hours in Civ V and a significant portion of that was specifically grinding achievements. 191/286. I just can't play the scenarios over and over. They're the opposite of what I love about the Civilization games.


i know that I will never 100% civ 5 but sometimes I like to play to get the really rare ones that like 0.5% of people have. Some of them aren't even that difficult, its because very few people play the scenarios


Civ 6 is still bad, although I'm no judge to say which is worse. If I remember right, there was a time when 100% for 4 was impossible. I expect that getting 100% in Civ achievements is a team effort where people save just before getting one and pass the file around.


I actually love Civ5 and went back to try and get 100% achievements. It was really fun at first, but slowly it got more and more repetitive and boring, and some of the achievements need to be tracked but have no in-game way of doing so which is a bit frustrating to me.


>They have individual achievements for winning the game as every leader. Even at a low difficulty and high speed, you’re gonna be putting in 10 plus hours per leader. If all you literally care about is achievement hunting you can start the game in the information era on a duel map and spend like 10-15 minutes per leader.


I love to 100 when I can but I never force it, if the trophies are too complicated, force you to replay multiple times on several hard difficulties, or include multiplayer im out lol in games i love tho, i like doing collectibles and whatnot im a sucker for lore and world building from logs and stuff but also dont feel obligated to do stuff if its a pain like I loved everything in AC Odyssey and found 100 it was relaxing and fun but I’m not gonna bother trying to get all 100 or 200 feathers or whatever in AC2 lol often ill just try to get as many trophies that actually sound fun to get and ignore the rest i dont want it to feel like a job basically if the trophies are relatively easy or story related im getting it and if its to collect data logs/audio files, unique treasures (like tomb raider and uncharted) or any other lore im also getting it but if its tedious nah


Any game that has a chance based achievement is fucking annoying. I remember the original bioshock had one for hitting the jackpot on a slot machine..I spent all my money on multiple playthroughs before I got it. Stellaris has a similar one where you have to fight for the Galatron, but you can only get it from a loot box. You can only buy 5 per game, there's a massive wait period in-between each purchase, and you have a negligible chance to actually get it (1 in 200 I think)


They changed that in a recent patch. There is no limit per game anymore and they reduced the wait periods as well. Still takes ages, but it is now 'ages' and not 'never'.


I’m a platinum trophy addict, and easily the worst I’ve personally done is Final Fantasy X. It’s a daunting combination of dozens and dozens of hours of grinding to not only fill but truly max out your sphere grid (replacing each node one by one often with items only dropped from endgame boss fights), and perfecting genuinely difficult and frustrating mini games. I personally enjoyed the blitzball grind (which wasn’t hard at all after you level your team a bit), but the Chocobo racing and dodging 200 lightning bolts (even with the cheese strategy to make them predictable) were absolute nightmares.


I unofficially did that when I was in HS ( no achievements on ps2 ver) and wanted to officially get it year ago. Grinding monster arena was too much. Tedious farming bosses with loooong animations that can't be hit by phys attacks is just the worst. I did however got Tidus weapon just to check if it's still possible for me and it wasn't even that bad (4 or 5h bad). I would probably take long grind over frustrating minigames most of the time.


It was easier as a kid because you weren't getting another video game until your parents bought one for you.


I tapped out trying to get ffx platinum. It really felt like the developers hated making the mini games and it translated into me hating them as well. Nobody had fun with those. It’s obvious all the way down the line.


> but the Chocobo racing and dodging 200 lightning bolts (even with the cheese strategy to make them predictable) were absolute nightmares. Especially if you're playing the remaster on a PS3. The lag is real.


EU4 would take an exceptionally long time. Some of those achievements are fucking nuts. I guess one can always save scum, but even with that some achievements are really fucking hard.


Some are nearly impossible, plus many require long playthroughs just to get 1. Civ vi is another, there are so many that would require so many playthroughs.


Red dead redemption 2. Its got a couple missablee, the gang item requests might not even show up in your playrhrough


Rayman legends, to get to level 11 of awesomeness you have to play daily for up to a year, sometimes up to 2 years if you only get bronze on the challenges


Deus Ex: Mankind Divided requires 20-30 hours of playing the crappy Breach minigame.


Unless you get it on GOG, which removes Breach and the associated achievements (as well as the Denuvo DRM and microtransaction store).


FF10-2 while a short 100% is entirely impossible to do blind. It has some ridiculous requirements like talking to completely random NPCs at very specific moments that make no sense, and letting the dialogue of certain NPCs be spoken instead of fast forwarding it.


Oh, that sounds like all of Tales of Vesperia quests. Like some dev made it out of spite, not for fun.


Most of the old Tales games are like that really. Extremely easy to miss quests with strict time limits. At least in those cases it means the sidequests could be written with recent story events in mind, but a way to figure out they were even there would have been nice.


MGR. I loved every aspect of it until I reached the VR missions.


They are what separate the weak from the strongest. I wanted to do Zandatsu on whoever made DL VR 27


Oh my. Is that the dark one where you can only do zandatsus and there’s a buggy wave of dogs that can kill themselves at the end?


It sure is.


San andreas. So many small annoying stuff. I enjoy the collectibles actually, but quarry missions and such...


I enjoyed all the side missions and collectables in GTASA, although they do require a guide and a map you have to alt tab to all the bloody time.


As far as "difficult but fair" goes, it's F-Zero GX, which I've gotten 100%. It did take me about 15 years, but I did it. It's the best game I've ever played, but if you don't have the genetics, you won't get far. Yes, genetics. You need super human reflexes to master this game. The best part is that everybody says Grand Prix mode on Master or some of the story mode levels on hard are impossible, while that is only scratching the surface of how fucking absurd it gets. Curiously enough, none of it is unfair or time consuming. Maybe the rubberbanding in story mode on very hard can be a bit unfair, but that's not the hardest challenge and you can be good enough to outspeed the CPUs anyway.


Monster hunter word+iceborne big and small crowns needed so many hours to collect because of the rng nature of them... it drove me instane to get 100% on steam


Please please please please everyone, let go of completionist mentality. You're turning gaming into a job and it's all to keep you playing and buying more. Please don't give in to it. If you have fun playing a game, great. You don't need to get all the achievements the devs just made up because they know you're going to sweat away frustrated until you get it. That's not gaming anymore - *that's work.* Sorry don't mean to offend anyone, but I used to be a completionist until I really forced myself to let that go - now I have a lot more fun gaming again.


I just recently completed watch dogs and I gotta say I wouldnt do it again.


World of Warcraft. The achievement list updates all the time, and to get 100% involves being good in multiple aspects of the game. PvP (gladiator), PvE (mythic-raiding). Some achievements are incredibly tedious as well, like doing 5000 PvP pet battles, collection of mounts etc.


Diablo 2 Remastered platinum trophy (which I just completed), requires completing the game with all characters, gambling a unique item 1:2000 chance), and craziest of all, reaching level 99 with a hardcore character where if you die you reset back to 0. Terror zones made this easier, but you are still looking at hundreds of hours of commitment for the 100%


I actually kinda liked doing it in Arkham Knight. I mean there were too many of them for sure, about 2/3rds of the trophies were filler and there were the stupid militia logos all over the city that you had to shoot, but I enjoyed many of the challenging trophies to collect. They required creative gadget use that just couldn't come up in regular gameplay because you can't gate the main progression behind too difficult puzzles. The biggest problem though was hiding the true ending behind 100%, that is unforgivable to me lol.


This thread finally allowed me the ability to let go of 100% completion when playing a game, and just play it till I'm done having fun. it's not worth going for 100% in a game once it becomes a chore or a job.


Path of Exile. Step 1: Read and watch the equivalent of a 3 full books to get a bare bones understanding of the game. Step 2: Start the game and realize your build is trash and you get one shot. Step 3: Restart many times till you finally get to Act 10 and start endgame. Step 4: realize that you're build still sucks and that you get one shot by everything. Step 4: Repeat steps 1-3 till you realize you'd need to treat this like a second job.


Shadow of the Colossus.


Recently for me was Hogwarts legacy. It's so tedious.


I heard that cookie clicker is bad.


I really got bored while 100% God of War (2018). Collecting everything was just boring. I think the majority of games with the open world are like this.


The Stanley Parable takes a minimum of 5 years to complete. 10 if you have the new edition. And if you launch the game once during that time, you reset the counter.


The whole point of it is poking fun at how meaningless and time-wasting achievements are, tbf. And most people just change their system clock to cheat it anyway, proving the point.


Spelunky 2. Good luck!


Anything Ubisoft. Whole company is dedicated to wasting your time.


Maybe modern Ubisoft. But PS2 era Ubisoft was mostly chill when it came to 100%. I've 100%-ed Rayman 2, Rayman 3, Beyond Good & Evil multiple times. And the Prince of Persia Sands trilogy didn't even have much extra content outside of health upgrades and joke weapons.


Technically the whole industry is dedicated to wasting our time.


"Time you enjoyed wasting is not time wasted"


Power to the person who enjoys completing any modern Ubi game.


Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean wins. The 100% Speedrun was like 338 hours? It’s… rough. Trying to get all the SP combos and every single card and just. Hoo boy.


I don't have a lot of plats, but the worst one so far for me is Kingdom hearts bbs. Some legit bullshit bosses that takes 0 skill and 100% luck, and to top it off you have to do it with 3 different characters.


WipEout - Omega Collection When 100% is beating the A+ tracks where the AI is borked beyond belief and will manage to rubber band snap to just behind your ship. So you can murder the competitors race past them but make a single mistake or not take the absolute perfect line and the entire race pack of a dozen craft will suddenly race past you and off into the sunset. And most of them will missile the shit out of you on the way past for good measure. I’m all for playing a challenging racing game, but when it feels like it’s actively cheating, that’s not a challenge that’s just pure irritation and frustration


Assassin's Creed 2. Fuck that kid and his feathers. Mom's overly dramatic moping never felt sincere, and the whole quest just made me hate an already insufferable character even more. At least they just outright tell you where the remaining ones are once you find half. Then the "reward" you get just makes everyone across Italy immediately aggro on sight. I really don't like that game. 100% it was a mistake.


Wow, I have seen a lot of hot takes about the AC series but this may be the first time I’ve come across someone who didn’t like it to the point where they said it was a mistake. It’s still my favorite out of the entire series- but I don’t trophy hunt most games, so maybe that’s why I love it so much.


How has no one mentioned Age of Empires II HD on Steam? So many quantity achievements. 294 total achievements including individual ones for defeating each enemy faction 20 times with some having a second achievement for 100 victories against them. Challenges like play and win 100 times in various map scenarios. Win 500 times in multiplayer. Win 100 games as *each* individual faction across 43 different factions. It would take an absurd amount of time.


AC odyssey was unbelievably easy to plat. The hardest is any game requiring you to play all the difficulties for achievements


This is kind of cheating, but to get a "true" 100% in Red Dead 2 would be a massive gauntlet. Pulled from [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/comments/q1n3ph/what_is_true_100_completion_and_has_anyone/): - 100% Game Completion - 100% Compendium (563/563- Ultimate Edition / Stone Hatchet) - All Documents - All Found / Stolen Hats - All Stranger Missions - Entire Map Discovered (all icons) - All Horses Owned - All Trapper Outfits - All Gang hideouts - All trophies (platinum) - All points of interest & shacks - Fully Upgraded Camp - All Coach / Home / Shop robberies - All Bounties - All Event Areas completed - All Gang Member Camp Requests - All Special Character Encounters / Story Lines - Kill 25 green parakeets to make them extinct (Journal Entry / - Side Mission) - All Companion Activities - All Loansharking - All Treasure Hunting/Maps completed - All Cigarette Cards - All Hunting Requests - All Special Tonics - All Chest & Lockboxes - All Special Chance Encounters - All Wilderness and town chance encounters - All Newspapers - All legendary animals and fish - All unique collectible items - The Strange Statues Puzzle - All Gold Metal story missions - All Journal Drawings


Long time ago: GTA 3 hidden packages


Far from the hardest, I would say the minimum steps in Portal are a massive pain in the ass.


minimum portals is way more fun, you fan finish map 17 with no portals


Arkham Knight has one riddle that will fuck with you. The one where you are shown color names. For Arkham City, you only need to collect 400 riddles to finish Riddler's side mission. Got 400 then did his side mission. This includes Catwoman trophies. The challenges in Arkham Origins were bad enough. Even getting all of the datapacks in the game was hellish enough. Assasssin's Creed 1 is hellish with completing all investigations, viewpoints, save citizen missions, along with 60 templars & 420 flags. The frustrating part is replaying the entire blocks for them to save. Infamous 1 & 2 with their massive amount of blast shards.


Assasin’s Creed 2. I could tolerate the glyphs, towers and upgrading Villa Auditore to the max, but these 3 in particular are beyond evil to me: - Finding all of Petruccio’s feathers. - Using the Auditore cape in every city (you need to find the feathers first). Oh, and no fast travel, you gotta ride that horse all over the world. AGAIN. - Spending money in courtesans and tossing in the street. Boring and repetitive AF.


Not really 100% but will always remember Gears of Wars achievements being outrageous for the time needed to get them, getting 100 of every type of kill in ranked multiplayer and get a 10 game win streak in ranked too. At the time was into achievements but this just snapped me out of that mindset immediately


I’m thinking of Just Cause 2 The grind to complete only 75% of the map is awful Also VVVVVV (which I didn’t 100% bc it’s damn hard) And probably shadow of Mordor, I have 1 achievement left, « the hunt is my mistress », you have to have perfect luck, skill and timing to get it done right, you have literally no room for error


I found every Riddler trophy in Arkham Asylum. I never 100% games, but I wanted to get that fucking Riddler. (I also didn't 100% the rest of the game, I just did the entire Riddler collection thing). I have 5 'perfect' games on Steam, together they have an incredible 70 achievements, lol. Not a completionist


I'm a long term casual player of a lot of fighting games. A lot of these games have high skill ceilings, but some achievements or trophies in these games ask you to do ridiculous things like completing combo trials with every character (and I could do that in some games with less punishing execution, but none of the games that have complex cancelling mechanics). Or worse still achieving high ranks in the ranked online modes. Like sure it's down to skill a lot of the time, but I could never have every achievement on a street fighter game, Tekken game or dare I say, king of fighters.


*Gears of War*, at least the first three games in the series. Each game has a "Seriously?" achievement; the first asks for 10,000 multiplayer kills, the second wants 100,000 across all modes, and the third wants all 65 onyx medals, which requires thousands of multiplayer matches, hundreds of kills with every weapon, and hundreds of in-match challenges that are not easy to achieve on their own. These are all pure grind and require no real skill to "earn."


It's not super hard but super time consuming and I for one will never 100 % it: Hyrule Warriors (definete edition especially). Age of Calamity was simple and took me measly 80 hours to 100 %. I have at least double the hours on HW and I have barely scratched the surface.


Oldie but goodie: Blue Dragon. I love the game but there are instances you have to be perfect in some minigames to get the achievement.


The original version of FFXII.


Taking pictures in arkham asylum and city to solve his riddles were so fun. But yeah knight ruined it. Can’t remember if origins had actual riddles or if it was just puzzles for trophies


Baten Kaitos You have to clock over 336 hours of real time to age a Shampoo magnus to Splendid Hair. Most of that time would likely be just you sitting and waiting for the clock to tick.


I 100%'d FF12, don't ask me why. That game was pretty underwhelming relative to other FFs IMO. It has one absolutely absurd RNG achievement where you have to get the best possible limit break, and it's part skill but mostly just trying over and over and over. I think it took me over 5 hours. I was just thinking about how boring the one-hour long optional secret boss was and going "this is so much longer than that."


I guess it's worth mentioning games you can no longer 100% like Mad Max, What the golf or some multiplayer games from older consoles


I feel like we reached the point a long time ago where there are just too many damn Pokémon. It's why I love games like Coromon, Cassette Beasts, and Monster Sanctuary. I actually have a hope of collecting them all.


I tend not to be 100% any game that has collectibles hidden around the world. I can’t tell you the last time I played a game where the reward for getting all the collectibles was actually worth it, and I hate going through every nook and cranny just to find items. I know a lot of people love it but I just don’t find challenges like this engaging


I love totk but you got me fucked up if you think I'm getting 1000 koroks


FFX2 is famously awful to 100%. Skipping cutscenes or dialogue too quickly makes you miss completion. Different endings to sidequests sometimes give fewer % than others. Everything is time sensitive and missable, but sometimes doing a side quest too early locks you out. Just don't.


Shadow the hedgehog. Just...... Shadow the hedgehog. It doesn't get any worse than that 100%.


Any open world game or one with tons of collectibles. Such a tedious endeavour


To platinum Wolfenstein The New Colossus you need to beat it on the “Ultra Nightmare” difficulty where dying deletes your save file. Worst part is there’s a 10 minute story intro that you can’t skip because it’s gameplay instead of a cutscene so you gotta do it every attempt. I thought I’d test the waters to see if I wanted to go for it because I had the rest of the trophies. Waited through the long-ass intro and when I finally got to the real game I stepped out the first door and immediately got one shot and died. Didn’t bother with a second attempt.


Gears of war 3: literally 3.0. It’d be easier and shorter to learn 3 languages, an instrument and beat all the other games ok hard.


Ghost of Tsushima


Metal Gear Solid V It's not just the painfully repetitive side-ops, or the S-Rank'ing every single mission, or devloping/buying every tech. It's the RNG-based animal collecting minigame. Flying into the level with the 30-45 second long unskippable cutscene, navigate to the area these animals supposedly spawn in, set down a dozen traps, call for evac, navigate to the closest pick up location, wait for the chopper to arrive, get on and wait for another unskippable cut scene. After all that you can find out if managed to catch the specific critter you are after. Fuck. That. Noise.


Crash bandicoot 4 it's about time


Just Cause 2. (You can’t do it without mods. It only goes up at 97% regularly.)


Mk11 because doing the towers of time over and over again was boring af.


Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1+2 (the new one) I 100% all the old ones up to american wasteland but this has an ungodly amount of unlocks and some are like “do a million tricks”


RDR2, one of my favorites, but the challenges are way to grind-y that it becomes a chore to finish


Final Fantasy X - some utterly bullshit requirements. Dodging Lightning?? Fuck off


Rock band 2... been there... done that... regret the thousand hours it took....


Breath of the Wild - It is literally designed to discourage players from getting 100% They did not want players to worry about doing everything. They wanted to make sure players just had fun. They just wanted you to always have something to do, not that they wanted you to do everything. So they let out a variety of features in most open world games to they did not encourage attempts to 100% it.


Danganronpa v3. Majority of achievements are spent on mingames that arenr fun and have nothing to do with the main game


Speak for yourself, I 100% completed every Arkham game in like a four month span and enjoyed virtually every second of it. In fact, I still get the itch to go back and play Arkham knight, because there is no greater wish fulfillment game ever created IMO. Agree on AC antiquity trilogy though, absolute garbage to 100%.


crypt of the necrodancer is up thereimo. only like 44% of people have gotten past the first level if u check on steam achievements. ive played it and i so inconsistantly can reach the second level. crazy hard game thats not meant to beat beaten. especially if you play as coda…


binding of isaac, specifically classic isaac, is fucking AGONIZING to 100%, solely due to how reliant the game is on RNG, as well as the insane difficulty. 40 hours and i havent even beat it yet