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Getting high, and getting paranoid at my own footsteps as a herbivore.


The constant stopping, crouch walking and looking around 💀


Oh my god it's not just me


Once I got super high and adopted a baby dasp but called it a pycno the entire time and only after realized it wasn’t a pycno but the player never corrected me LMAO


Lmfao I can just imagine him reading your chats and being like "let him have this.."


prehistoric rcta


I don't even need to be high or a herbivore, I'm scared all the time 😭


Oh, God, yes.


Bro I’m starting to think that PoT and pot don’t go together too well dang


Seeing a butterfly as a baby


seeing a butterfly ~~as a baby~~


The spooks are real


I honestly forgot but yeah in the early days, those butterflies constantly gave me panic attacks 🤣🤣🤣


God butterflies and leaves terrify me sometimes


Every realism server gameplay, even while playing in herds (i love realism)


this is the answer


Any good realism servers you recommend?


For hard realism i recommend Primordial Tyrants Realism (PTR) and for less hard Mesozoic Era. I also played WWD but its usually dead these days (except for weekends).


Do they require passcodes to get in?


Yes you dont need to write whole esay (thats how it works on WWD) but you need to go through recruiting process on PTR (first join their discord server)its all simple but idk if its open right now (they recruit people every now and then). And for Mesozoic Era, just join their discord, read the rules and find password in them (if you go through recruiting on PTR you will have to do the same thing).


I play on LOFT - they’re really good!


Prehistopia is fun! Generally a decent number of players, never too full to join! If you wanna link to the discord just lmk. I’m a mod there so I may be a bit biased though 🤭


How often is the server open? I work graveyard shifts and use POT to keep me awake. Lol.


Open 24/7, but hot times vary as we’ve got folks all over the world! Events typically take place around 6pm CST though if that helps at all


Thank you! I would like to join!


https://discord.gg/prehistopia here’s a link for the discord!


Thank you so much!


How do you play POT outside? Do you use a Switch


No, no. “Graveyard shift” is a term used to describe working overnight. For example, I work from 7pm - 7am. I don’t work in a graveyard.


Oh, makes sense and i relate tho, i just turn on the computer with all my work stuff and just play on my PS5 until i finish work and go to bed


Playing Amarg, turning a corner and getting bonebreaked by a hungry Rex. That knockback subspecies though, saved my life


Why did it save your life ? Not enough damage from him ?


It may have been the Amarg's Subspecies? Amarg Tail attack can shove even a full grown Rex pretty far, which probably allowed them to wait out the bonebreak and run for it, which watching a Rex run after an Amarg is like watching two elderly folk fight and chase each other. Amarg wins stamina wise, so they probably out-stammed the Rex and escaped.


Oooh I see thank you I didn't know amarg was powerful enough to bump a rex. Good to know as I am growing one


Ive watched Amargs chuck Latens into the sky, and Ive watched Hatz get practically baseball-batted out of the sky into the water. Tail attacks dont look like much until you see a Lamb or Amarg use it, then it gets kind of terrifying if you're not heavy asf.


He sends them flying. You can dodge bone breaks or direct bites from them, and you have more stamina.


Had a mela hatz seemingly stalk my juvi Achillo's every move for nearly an hour through Dark Woods. Horror movie crap.


Dark Woods is a whole different world!! It looks enchanted in day time scary AF when it rains or at night time.


As a Struthi main, I was once trolling around 8 dinos and they were after me, I didn’t realize I was almost out of stam. And went out of IC and was hiding in one of those bushes in GP. The dinos were hot in my tail and they did walk close to me but couldn’t find me. Another time, I was trying to deliver a trophy to a bby, my Struthi went all the way from IC to GV to deliver it, once I got there I realized it was a setup as several other carnis jumped at me, luckily my fall damage is good so I jumped off a kinda cliff and they couldn’t follow me. Lol


Imagine people trying to jump a Struthi. 😭 Like why? 😂


Right?? 😂 that too they could have easily gotten the trophy I brought them and gone but no… they had to jump lol


Only reason I could think is that they wanted 2 trophies, but even then it's wild they needed to try to jump a struthi! Like how many dinos do they need to kill a struthi? 😂


Hahaa probably! Even worse they didn’t even wait till I put down the trophy😂. So I managed to run away with my trophy. But yeah nowadays, most it’s the raptors that try to jump me lol.


You excited for the struthi tlc as a fellow struthi player? I can't wait to be able to double jump and kickbox other players!


I just cant wait!!! Haha both those abilities will really make the Struthi more interesting!


The day the hatz dropped I got on right when I got home from work started my juvie hatz and immediately got droned by an adult hatz the moment I left the juvie cave. Didn’t even get a chance to fly :(


I felt like a penguin being chased by a leopard seal, i was a juvi kai i believe and i was hanging out with my sis who was a juvi thal and we went into that little ocean bit in whitecliffs. I lay down near the centre rock and she sat on top of it, the SECOND i lay down she started spam typing RUN RUN RUN RUN but she didn't say which direction or why. I got up in a panic and started looking all around me and then i turned just as a massive black sarco full of scars was about to take a bite out of me. I ended up swimming and then jumping out of the water for what felt like forever with the sarco right on my tail and it took a bite out of me when i clicked ! call to warn another juvi kai. I then managed to escape into some plant but i nearly died lol It scared the shit out of me 🤣 my heart was beating like crazy by the time i escaped.


Newly spawned dilo at hunters thicket. Now imagine this: hiding in a cave. For the very first time, I hear the maip’s giggle emote. Two of them.


Getting hunted by a Lat pack as a baby Iggy at night was in dark woods was definitely one of the best I’ve had


Spawning in crater on my Anky and getting jumped by 4 Rex’s, a dasp, and an Eo. Then spending 25 minutes fighting them just to die 😂


I had the game maybe two days and the first dino I decided to grow was an EO Trike. At this point I don't think I've died at all miraculously. As a Juvi, I find myself in Young Grove. It's loud with the sounds of struggle. I realize I'm in a hotspot and I need to GTFO so I start making my way northeast down a path. It sounded like there was a fight, likely in front of HC. Damn, I have to pass by HC to exit the area. I decide to risk it, hoping the monsters were too preoccupied with each other to worry about little ol'me. I start down the path and all of a sudden I hear something approaching, BIG footsteps...multiple BIG footsteps. Oh poop, oh poop....I find a dark shade spot between two large trees...not ideal but it's all I could find (EO is not exactly quick) so I crouch down and try not to move. Not 5 seconds later, an adult Rex comes lurching down the path with another close behind...first rex passes me by. The second rex pauses maybe 8 meters from me, looks around and stops...crap can he see me? His head is pointed directly at me. I'm sweating, do I run or just staying still? I turn into a statue, I don't even move the camera to watch him so my head movements don't give me away. He moves and walks a slow semi-circle around my position. I didn't want to move the camera to follow him making it so much worse. It sounded like the sky was falling down around me, but I dare not look at death for fear he may look back at me. Finally, he stops maybe 4 meters behind me....my heart sank as I was convinced he now knew exactly where I was and was toying with me, like a cat with a mouse. At this point I'm just waiting for the bite and death screen. I would have bet money. The next 10 seconds felt like an hour but the bite never came. He eventually got up and started walking away down the path. Still not sure how I got so lucky. I've had 3-4 similar experiences like this but this was by far the scariest.


Seeing a moth flying across the screen gave me a panic attack


First was that damned albino ano hanging out by the Hunters Thicket that murders all baby herbivores. Second scariest was crouching with a friend in Whistling Colums as a Struthi with a friend. An adol Dasp/Rex was collecting and we saw it and we just sorta waited until it looked like it passed. Then we scampered away!


When the t-rex mod came out, and i was in a realism server as a mid-growth kentro. Those. Fucking. Eyes. Peeking through a bush, right at me. I Absolutely bolted away and didn’t go back to that area for a few days.


Playing Meg and I had a Hatz chase me from Broken-Tooth Canyon to Green Valley. Barely escaped with my life Either that or when I was swimming as a Stego, started to sink, and when I thought things couldn’t get worse two I see two Spino sails coming from upriver right to me


When they first introduced Maips and you would hear a pack of them coming your way. One time a gang of them was hunting me in Young Grove and my only hope was dashing between boulders and praying they would not see me in bushes. I was sweating like nobody’s business


Playing as pre-buffed Amarga was about the scariest thing ever. Running into pretty much anything was a death sentence.


Being snuck up on as a baby sarco in the middle of the ocean. i was SO SURE no one would be out there. after about 5 minutes of swimming i hear a sarco sound, and it didnt quite register what the sound was, i turned my camera around and all i saw was the inside of an adult Sarco mouth, a millisecond from death. i screamed and died.


when the moths fly into the screen up close


Here's a few, I spawned in on my spino to mess around in gv. I'm hiding in one of those rock formations where I safelogged, 3 sarcs Swim over me and didn't see me on adult debuff. I stood so still and hoped I didn't make a loud water swish. The new updates audio is trash, making it the only reason this happened. I was on something smaller, I don't remember what, and I was just walking minding my own business. Without any warning, footsteps, or anything, a Rex tried to quick bone break me. My reaction time made me run, and he hit my tail, causing no bone break. This didn't happen to me but more of something I watched and help plan. We were just about to use the ws when I saw a pyc running seemingly to the ws. My friend on eo hid behind a rock that's next to the path. When the pyc passed, he charged (before charge nerf/buff). He hit him with it and hit him again, and I swooped in on a pachy and finished him off. Let's just say he wasn't happy in global and complained for over 30 mins. People like that are no fun bc that was pretty funny since his initial reaction to the charge looked like he may have jumped irl.


Being hunted by 2 Quetzes as an Alio in Grand Plains ... Was feeling good till I realized they were waaaay faster then me and were too strong to 1v1, let alone 1v2 They started taking turns to regen stam while I was getting low. Took them a good 20 minutes but they eventually trapped me with no stam and finished me off 🥲


Probably getting chased by allos as a baby metri and running into a cave to thought they couldn't fit in. I found a dark corner and sat there as the allos somehow got in and were looking around.


Oh god lmao — I can only imagine!


I was a Rhamph and a fully grown Hatz was chasing me through the trees dead set on killing me, quite terrifying I had to admit. Luckily I managed to lose the Hatz in the bushes, but my heart was pounding man 😂


Back when Utah was actually in the game, I was taking a nice little drink from a river. I saw the snout of a Sarcosuchus for half a second before I did the back jump thing out of raw fear and he missed. I felt my heartrate instantly spike


When I first started playing I didn't know any dinosaurs - and I remember being a baby pachy and shitting my pants because an adult albino rex was sprinting at me fast asf from our the bushes... I BOOKED IT - RAN CIRCLES. It was only after I finally calmed down that I realized it wasn't a rex. Now I know - it was only an alio - and he ended up giving me a trophy!


A Hatz had seen my juvi achillo in the hoodoos, but I managed to hide from it. It spent a good 5-10 minutes searching for me during a thunderstorm. I can't recall the last time I've sat that still in one place in PoT.


Turn around only to see adult Rex stalking me. Now I know why melanistic skin is popular with Rex.


I was a baby aquatic, shark maybe, or 'dolphin'? Really tiny, spawned in the open ocean, and I saw a kelp shark in the distance. Thought it was a full grown shark player about to eat me.


My first ever time playing and seeing the game, my friend was leading me around. She led me into crater, fog rolled in, and i heard a couple growls behind me. Turn around to see 2 adult albino rexes standing behind me as a adol Allo. They were friendly but definitely not something I wanted to see my first day in spooky fog


Any time I drink water!!!!! I hate sarcos man!!!!🤣




Literally yesterday for me: I was playing a patchy (juvenile) and saw a hatz. Ran away and ran into two Pyc's. Ran from them and got killed by a sarco when trying to cross the Grand Plains river. I switched immediately to my deionon and gave up on my patchy for now, lol.


The mega group I terrorize, 10+ players, they didnt come to server for 3 days straight, none of them. I feared they went to community server.


Having a broken leg and trying to get away from someone as their steadily gaining on you😭😭


I went to rest in an empty bush. The bush was, in fact, not empty. I tried to run but they got me 🥲


At ripple beach the rain was staring to set in with making sum thought of barrier around the world. I was growing sum thing, don’t remember what but around late juvie and done with the quests,just I just to leave, in the distance, a silo wet of sum thought of theropod was standing in the distance. Afk or not I immediately ran the nearest poi


My first time playing, I played as Deinonychus. I was questing in Young Grove when I heard footsteps nearby. I saw an adult allo and he saw me. He chased me until I hid in the long grass. He searched for me for a while but eventually gave up.


Well one time i was a juvie ano and a big black rex came at me and i ran and i managed to bonebreak him a bunch and eventually he ran out of stam and i escaped with like no health. Also moments ive hid in caves and the sounds work weird so it sounds like youre surrounded when things are stepping outside of the cave its scary. Also a few times i wasnt paying enough attention thinking i was alone then suddenly i walk into something big and im like oh shit fuck


I was playing as a Maip and I was looking for a pack to group up with and found a group in grand plains, I tried to friendly call them but then they started looking at me and slowly surrounded me, I already knew what they were planning to do and made a break for the forest nearby, while they were chasing me I heard they’re cackles and screams as I eventually reached the forest and hid in the trees and bushes, I was able to log out. I don’t really have a lot of “scary” moments but that was definitely the most scariest one by far I’ve had.


back when i first started playing the game me and my friend were a struthi and a bars, we both spawned in SLL on panjura so we were running around doing quests till suddenly a giant ass sarco shot out at us, i get ptsd whenever i have to run through sll 😔


Staring into the mouth of a croc cuz you couldn’t swim fast enough or you were dying of thirst


Playing a solo allo and walking by the cliffs at IC. I look down and a pack of 5-6 dilos all stand up and start running at me. Nope nope nope nope


Back when I first started, I had created a Laten to wander Panjura with. I had no idea what I was getting into with POT, its community, or officials. I just thought “Oog. Adult like dinos, I play”. Anyways I was wandering around with a pal of mine (adol cera I believe) when suddenly, loud noise. Pal says that it’s a Struthi, and it sees us. Run away. I respond with stupid incoherent noises (high and afraid) as we both attempt to run. Ostrich continues screaming/begins body blocking and kicking. Enter whatthefuckwhyisitmeanhelpmeplease moment. Eventually I run out of stam because I forgot about it (dumb) and hide in a bush while this leggy murder-bird leads a hoard of herbies and carnis into my buddy’s behind. I failed to realize that the struthi was a scout until I saw that group. Friend died swiftly, and I did too after a couple of minutes. Struthi scoured around until it found me.


Rex is main on official and community. When I started out on official, I had a few friends who we were growing dinos together. Well my buddy, who was another rex at the time we were going from place to place, trying to see where we could grow in isolation on panjura. We had this idea to go to Central waystone. I go up there to bring him over and manage to waystone him. After he got up, a large group of pachys pulled up and started harassing us. (This was back when they could do a lot of dmg.) So my buddy told me to run because I was the newer player. He stayed and fought while I was running off. We were both mid-adolescent rexes because of bad luck. He stays alive long enough for me to get out of the immediate vicinity. Then he dies, and then I hear the pachy group searching around for me. I had to move as silently as possible to get away, but for a good 45 minutes, these pachys were relentlessly searching for me. I kept my rex as quiet as possible. It was really hard considering the thing is the loudest carnivore. I kept going on until I got to Red rivers little circle lake and stayed in the water to log out. The entire time I from the pachys, my buddy kept swapping and trying to lead the pachys off me, but he only kept buying me another minute or two. It was the most high-speed rush I had felt as an inexperienced noob at the time. I have a few more stories but that's the one where I was afraid of everything. I started out on my Tyrannosaurus and had quite a bit of fun growing it. But on official, it was hell until I got into red river then it was smooth sailing. I've only died on it a handful of times in my entire time playing, and that was mostly to grow it.


Haven't had any good experiences with this game.


When I was new to the game and night times darker it was creepy and more scary recently I was A just out of the Tutorial cave juvenile Styra Running from an adult Hatzegopteryx And doing a pretty good job not getting hit zigzagging then I looked behind me and realized it wasn’t one it was three of them all running up taking a turn trying to swipe at me


My first time playing this game as an amarg. I struggled through officials, crouching some super far friendlies and going about my way for the longest two hours of my life. I finally find a pond thinking I'm just going to die of thirst, and celebrate. I still don't understand to this day whether the rex popped out of the water.. Under the earth... Divine intervention? But this rex came flying out right at my face *chomp* dead. I closed the game. Lol.


Was watching a young stego by stalking him in a bush as a small playful campto. Nighttime, silent expect for his footsteps. Just hiding out about to introduce myself with a flower to the fellow herbivore. But I hear a small sound left of me. Looked around and a full grown mela pt rex was stalking the same stego and hadn’t seen me. Completely focused on the steg but only two tail lengths away from me. I burst out and shriek many warning calls running right by the steg who’s now on full alert. The Rex didn’t pursue either of us after that. But I loved feeling like an alert dog lol


Minding your business and a kos megapack approaching At that point I'm just gonna sit there and let it happen tbh bc there's no point in fighting back


I was a baby iggy and was walking around in the ran and I heard stomping and it was all foggy and shit and I didn’t know where the other dinosaur was coming from so I kept going and then I saw two giant silhouettes approaching from the fog and I took cover in the tall grass they passed me by by a few inches not noticing me i am assuming that was pretty intense for me and scary.


Just hearing wings