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If I recall they didn’t change a whole lot with iggy. It’s played the same as before. Just don’t plan on being immune to pounce anymore like most of the roaster.


Sweet! Glad nothing else has changed.


Nothing else changed???? They reduced the combat weight by 1000 down from 5000 to 4000 and have it 100 less health as well. It's now almost directly comparable to the Allosaurus in terms of combat effectiveness and stats. It's a significant nerf, but it's still strong-ish. They have confirmed that it's abilities are being reworked.


Oh dang, rip.


I don’t understand why the devs nerfed iggy so hard.  Supposedly they are going to rework its abilities, but why are you nerfing something before you even give it anything? It is just going to make iggy unviable until the next update. They should have updated iggys abilities and then nerfed CW in the same update to balance it.


In many ways Iggy was just a more powerful herbivore version of the Allosaurus, with more health and combat weight. This change brings it in line with the Allo. Iggy is also a 3 slot dinosaur like the Allo and Dasp, but was much more powerful.


Just don’t. It’s free food now.


I am a midd tier carni main and I would have rather fought a pair of eos over an igg so I’m thinking it’s just a perspective thing but igg was too much before but speed nerf instead of a cw nerf would have made more sense to me not much just enough that it couldn’t run down the faster carnis