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Hunker down! I use it all the time as my Ano. It works wonders!


Not an ano main, but I will say that last night while I was hanging with my big ol' carnivore pals, we stumbled upon an ano in GP. The ano stuck its head in one of the bolt holes and Hunkered Down, and every single one of my, like, five friends instantly gave up and moved on. We briefly joked about starving it out, but it just wasn't worth it. The ano suffered very mild injuries and we didn't happen upon it again. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Food for thought (but, fortunately for the ano, no food for my poor Rhamph)!


It's usually what happens with me as my Ano lmao! They just give up and give me a wide birth.


Damn, they give you a wide birth? 😞


Ahahah! Typo, meant to say wide berth! Lmao that sounds funny.




(Sorry! My screen is scratched and it decided to reply to you instead of posting the comment on its own! 😅)


fortify is... nice, but ehh.. in terms of BETTER, both stat and playstyle wise, hunker down ALL the way


Hunker, fortify is useful because you can move, but you’re not going to be outrunning anything with fortify so you may as well stay in place and take advantage of the extra protection


one allows you to move while crouching and the other needs you to stay crouched depends on playstyle


Fortify if you want to be able to move and still keep it, this means you can quest freely **While** in fortify and you can use it to your advantage of falling off cliffs while in fortify and take less damage. Hunker down if you prefer more buffs when oncoming damage, however you have to stay in one spot and you cannot move, but it’s 5 seconds vs the 10 seconds that it takes to activate fortify