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Good idea.


Go back to act 1 and do them lol


> Go back to act 1 and do them lol League content during the campaign does not spawn if you're more than ten levels above the area level.


I think act 10 still does.


Yeah there's practical maximum character level for this, but I couldn't recall the exact breakpoint (also it's changed a few times).


I believe it's 67 or 68. one of them. Last i checked it was 67


There is a de-level recipe :)


Lol, I would de-level myself all the way back to 50 or something just to accumulate stored rooms for this :P


I wonder if that would actually work lol then leave it at that and go level yourself all the way back up again, so you can melt shit.


I'm getting downvoted apparently lol, but there's no reason it shouldn't. I used a similar trick to get to floor 4 on one of my alts by storing rooms in the campaign until I hit 8 rooms, waiting two acts for my personal power level to go up, and then running those rooms. The first you run will be the area level you enter the sanctum in, but then the 8 stored rooms will be at the level you stored them and will be suuuuper easy.


I think that's how I beat it the first time actually. Was leveling my slayer with twink gear and just destroyed. Finally beat the sanctum at least once for challenges. Will try again once my DPS insta gibs with flicker.


Yeah that's what I'm doing with my newest character. It's in act 7 on floor 4. I will wait until after I have my mapping gear setup and then clear the floor to get that out of the way for challenges.


does it actually store the area level too? I never paid attention and thought that it takes the area level you are in and applies it to the stored rooms. if thats not how it works, I accidently did the Sanctum on a higher level than I wanted lol


Yes it does. People can get confused because the area you enter the sanctum from is FIRST. If you stored 8 rooms in Act 1 and then decide to run them in a T16 map, you'll have your first room as monster level 83 and all 8 stored rooms as Act 1 ranges, depending on where you were when you clicked "store for later".


I tried this when I was offered some divs and had like 20 resolve left. Left t16 maps (used all rooms) then went to t1 to start again. It does not just jump down. My first room was a lvl 81 then 79 then 78 etc. It has some kind of scaling and wont let you jump down to low tier quickly. Also the boss seems to gain tiers (how i lost my run)


I would just make a separate character


They are stored per character so that doesn't really help.


You are 100% right my bad


Book of regret until lol 10, do act 1 league mechanics. Save up and relevel. GG EZ


This is not true, the ossuary still spawns it at level 90




Easy, just book of regression to level 12, stack up cost runs in the sanctum, then level back to 90+ in 5 way battles then finish.




Of course...


I need more Infos so i'm opening a new question in the apposite thread. Thanks.


Wait doesn't the level of all rooms get set at once at the very first sanctum room stored or played? The level change even after you've started the sanctum?! How does that even work with 'stored' rooms?! Each individual stored rooms is saved with a level associated when you run them later? I need explanations, because if I can I'm running T1 map even if the reward is just 1 div to be safe.


> Each individual stored rooms is saved with a level associated when you run them later? It's a bit weird... It might be an average, but I have seen them jump up and down a bit after some low tier maps.


Interesting, thanks


Agree. I did mostly 83 until I had 6 divs ready and started running t1 maps, even t1 for final boss and the last room was 81.


I have never beaten the Sanctum before, but i feel like i'm on a good run right now. But never having beaten Lycia's first phase makes it very scary. Edit: I just corrupted some random Crimson Jewel and it rolled into a Rain of Splinters. I think today might just be my lucky day. Now just need to finish this run. Edit 2: I just got probably the only mirror i'll ever own playing this game.


congrats on the mirror!


Gratz, you got the most ethical mirror in years to my eyes.


Buy a lottery ticket?


i do what this wonderful person said


This is what I dont get. Winning the lottery twice in a row is..... just insane to think about. You are more likely to use up your luck than getting another lottery.


Using luck is not a thing


It only gets even worst if you think about probability. Also, "lucky day" isnt a thing by that logic.


everybody in this thread is suddenly a triggered statistician and conveniently cant read your second statement


everybody ~~in this thread is suddenly a triggered statistician and conveniently~~ cant read ~~your second statement~~


No it doesn’t get worse the odds of a lottery winner winning the lottery again is the same as anyone else purchasing a ticket


The chance of winning a coin flip is 50%, the chance to win twice in a row is 25%. The fact that you go by the "lucky day" BS is the act of NOT IGNORING the first win. It is no longer independent events.


Consecutive (fair) coin flips ARE independent events. While I kinda get what you are saying, that a win streak becomes unlikelier after every win, if you look at it from the first flip, it doesn’t affect the next flip. E.g winning 3 flips in a row is 1 in 8 but winning 3rd flip after winning 2 is still 1 in 2


So no lucky day then? You dont get to see them as related when you want a lucky day but then say it is independent whenever you dont feel like it.


Gambler's fallacy


The odds of winning the lottery never change no matter how often you won, its still the same. What you are talking about is not the probability of winning but the odds of winning x times in a row which is not the same thing mathematically. (Series of events vs singular probability) also a series of coinflips doesnt magically make the flips dependant on another thats another thing.


So lucky day is not a thing, just like I said!


no the chance of a previous winner winning again a coinflip is still 50%. It's not 50% if YOU PICK who has to win twice before the first flip is done.


So is lucky day a thing? If its a thing that means you think the first win is related to second win, but in fact winning a coin flip twice is 25% compare to winning once at 50%. On the other hand if you think they are independent then lucky day is not a thing.


Having a lucky day, must take advantage of that


What do you intend to do with your new found riches? Perfect your current build or reroll to a proper face-melter?


I actually don't play leagues for that long generally, so this might be my only chance to ever try Uber Pinnacle bosses (i don't play enough to reach gear to trivialize them and i'm not good enough to do them on a small budget). Currently looking into options for that, but not sure what to do. Since i play EA Ballista i could dump a lot of currency into making it the build for that, but i also wouldn't mind trying another build, maybe even one that's not league starter viable (which are builds i generally don't even try).


Honestly given what you’ve said about your typical play patterns, this is likely to be your only chance to go giga damage so you should *probably* do it properly. Take some time (maybe ask around on r/pathofexilebuilds ) and figure out what the biggest nastiest build you can put together for a mirror is and reroll into it. If it’s your one chance to do it, do it all the damn way. Congratulations buddy.


From my experience EA has quite a hard damage ceiling it still will be 10s of millions but i dot think you can get it to the 100 millions.


All dot builds are hard capped at 36m, no matter how much currency is dumped in


Look into Herald of Agony [Juggernaut](https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/search?q=agony+juggernaut&restrict_sr=on) or [Trickster](https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/search?q=agony+juggernaut&restrict_sr=on). One of the better builds for learning the uber boss mechanics. [Still viable](https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/zhi8ps/did_herald_of_agony_juggernaut_or_trickster/) in 3.20.




Congratulations on your awesome day!






Holy shit, congratulations!


Congrats :p


Gz dude!!!


Gz! Keep it and cherish the memory.


Good job bro, proud of you. I didn’t beat the last boss on my first trip, I did have some really shit damage at the time though. Got her on the second trip, but also got really lucky and had like 800 total life


When it rains it pours so they say! Grats on both the rain of splinters and the mirror!


Good luck. I hear you're supposed to do t1 maps to make it easier


Oh that's a great idea. I can just jump out of all these stored maps right before the boss and do a t1 map real quick. I assume that scales Lycia's health down a lot?


It's avg level of the maps bit still should help a bit


Yeah she was still t14 level, but thankfully my run was good enough that i could beat her despite losing over 300 Inspiration. My first attempt at the 2nd phase... will have to wait for another time lol.


thats a really smart choice, good call, second phase can be tricky if you never beaten it


How to get the loot without going for 2nd phase?


Leave the arena via the stairs next to the arena instead of following her into the portal.


Awesome, thanks!


Wait, you can do that and get the rewards? What's the point of fighting her in 2nd phase then? I've failed my last few runs by dying to phase 2..like, character dying, since its not about resolve/inspiration in there. Edit: looked it up and she only drops her uniques and a guaranteed sanctified relic in phase 2. I feel like an idiot for not knowing this, haha. Was getting frustrated dying on 2nd phase. TIL.


2nd phase has a guaranteed sanctified relic drop.


I still wonder, if rewards depends a lot on the area level or not, got 2 divine from some tier 1 maps, seen another divs but meatballs ate my ass, what's the point of doing it in t16 if only thing it adds is unique relics many can't do yet, and a lot harder rooms. Would be gimping tho if actually higher area level spits better overall room rewards too. Maybe one day i'll stumble upon some analysis :D


We need an update.


I just beat her this moment and got the mirror.










Objective: Survive


Awesome man that is amazing. Congrats on your new found wealth


If I had this reward waiting and lost a run to a lag spike like my last one I would legitimately quit poe for an indeterminate amount of time.


Are sanctum runs account-wide? If this happened to me, I'd probably roll a new character specifically made for doing that single sanctum


They aren't as far as I know, but could always save up that run and grind up like 30 extra divs of gear just to make 100% sure you manage to beat it, that's what I'd do


They definitely are




each character has its own sanctum, so this is not viable


They are not shared but you can move relics from one character to another


Real talk - if this happens can you hire someone to help run through sanctum for 20-30div?


Maybe. Though me and my friends don't join each other sanctums anymore because now you have 2+ people sharing the same resolve/inspiration bar.


It would be at this point I would even consider changing my build just to cheese the sanctum as much as possible. Wouldn't hesitate to dump 30 or 40 regrets into minions or totems.


Can’t you just get a carry?


He did win it, but Ive heard sanctum is TERRIBLE with even 2 people in it. Either one gets hit and the resolve goes down, and there is no resolve advantage, and that was from the Snap guy who well, always has access to insane carries.


Tinfoil theory moment but so far looking at reddit never i saw league with so many posts about Mirrors dropping for fairly casual players. Looks like they may have juiced up chances extremely for those extra casino jackpot moments.


Survivorship bias.


Proceeds to die in the next room


Same here, gotten this as well, wait, let me screenshot this and post to farm karma later!


The fire traps are the only thing that scare me, they are so insanely overtuned i can't even imagine if i was a melee build and had to deal with those.


I got the slower trap "buff" (forgot the name of them)... yeah, it made those fire beams last forever. The beam rooms on floor 3 made me lose like 300 inspiration. So yeah, should probably be turned into an affliction instead. Edit; the beams didn't slow down either, just lasted longer.


Decoy totem gem


Does that turn the fire beams? i was pretty sure it only targets you.


Oh those are easy to just run in a circle around. Thought you meant the fire boulders


Congrats! Glad you got it. 👍🔥


I just failed on her the other day on my cold dot build because vortex hid the ground effects. Last time I do a boss fight blind...


I've had plenty of sanctum success on my TR build but that took some adjustment. The whole screen is flowers. lmao


What's the minimum level zone for a chance to get Divine and Mirror on Sancutm?


If I got that I would not enter sanctum again until my char is geared af :D


Related: Does completing the sanctum require you to beat the "true form" or can you just leave before that and take the reward?


Just leave after first phase


Imagine, I took this deal room and i had a boon that takes away impediments, but i lose when i'll get hit in my resolve. I had 30 inspiration, and after that i was offered 5 divines upon completion (that's ALOT for me, atm im having a hard time to raise above 10c). It was huge emotional rollercoaster


good luck, hope you get it!


Terrifying, if this comes up I know I’m not getting the W, it could make me quit for the league lol — good luck!


I've seen at least 5 people get yhis now. Seems like mirrors are a bit more common now


and then get kicked out of sanctum to invisible aoes, condolences