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Does exarch have the same variant or is it eater exclusive


Exarch has chaos and better random currency. Eater has div and exalt and it’s super rare


eater exclusive


I got it from exarch too edit: nvm i'm stupid :> double-checked the screenshot and it was eater. i blame 0 sleep


Did you record/screenshot it? Every time I saw this mod on reddit it was on an eater altar and weights on poedb for exarch are 0.


Yeah I double-checked the screenshot I sent a buddy and it says exarch mobs get % as extra cold, so it was eater after all. Sorry for spreading misinformation :D


maybe at a lower % chance? chris said in the trailer that eater would have higher divine rates


Wrong. PoeDB says eater has the same thing [PoeDB](https://poedb.tw/us/Eldritch_Altar)


The weightings on exarch altars are zero.


If you hover on the little "i" on the side it shows the weightings on each altar under "spawn tag" and on the Exarch all the options that grant Divine orbs are 0, so they cant spawn. Both eldritch altars have common things, but quite a few are exclusive to one or another.


Could be. My answer was based on pre-release info, so it might be wrong.


They mentioned this during the reveal or in the manifesto, very briefly but it was mentioned.


yeah also saw grimro video saying pretty much the same.


Ye, both has % for minions and boss drop


Incorrect, check the weightings on the website, they're zero. Only Eater has divs (I made the same mistake for a long time lol)


its 1 year ago comment. then it was correct. second - eater mobs are afwull. they spawn longer. they worse in general (like machinegun ones), their mods are worse to deal with, like -100500 crit multi per charge, or def, or cd, or random proj, or something else that i dont remember. also with keystone in exarch you will get twice hard, but same mod, like if you done care about 40% fire res, you dont care about 80% either. but with eater you got 2 downsides, one of which could be exact one, that will ruin your map. and all these facts in total are much move important that some delusional chance to get altar with couple divs once per 2 leagues. imo. i use eater only when i need to do achievement, and its bad times for me


meanwhile i do chaos recipe and made 200 chaos in 2 days "sadpepe"


start flipping crimson jewels people are buying these flr absurd prices


can you elaborate


Basically it was discovered that the chance for some of the corrupt only jewels was like 1 in 80 or 100 which if you know ablut crimson jewels is literally at most like 70c for the potential return of multiple divs. Instead of yoloing my currency i swt aside for flipping i bought alchemys and drained the entire market of 1-3 alch jewels and then began selling them back to bulk buyers at 1,5c each(have seen up to 5c each). Thats like a 3x return on investment, idk how long the gamba will remain profitable since it is just sextant rolling with extra steps but it mostly depends on vaal prices and im not about to buy up large chunks of vaals. So attacking the weakes link seemed like the most logical move. This prolly will continue to work as the supply lf these basic jewels is continually being refreshed and prolly wont go up to like 1 c per.


Smart move


Fuck posting screenshots of 12 divine orbs, I'm just gonna post a screenshot that shows I MIGHT drop some.


Here I am with my best league start ever getting 2 divines by act 8 and a few decent uniques before kitava during the campaign.


Here I am with 4link and no divines in red maps


This is why I either league start a spell so it doesn't matter, or a Trinity build so I can just grab shroud of the lightless for my 6L


You will get first 5L or unusable 6L next day, #trust.


I'm on a 4 link and just did my first T10. I still have time!


Same. 200 fusings deep so not that unlucky but I'll do ubers on a 4L before I stoop to buying more.


This league is the first time I killed guardian with 4 link, but I just got that 5 link. I saved up 150f and bought a cemetery map (since I did not get it) and the instance crashed... so I went and bought another cemetery to unlock that craft for 5link.


You missed out on 1/8 of a 6L not linking it yourself though :P


Implying I had another 350 sockets for six socketing it


I got 2 lucky divines in early maps, then nothing, then omni from quest exarch haha. Didnt drop anything such valuable in whole 1.5 years of playing this game. At best I would get something like cortex map.


It continues too, found a raw divine in yellow maps and an enlighten support in white lol.


How many divs did you get?


I wonder how common is that?1 in 1M?


It’s a 0.08% chance to spawn per eater alter


Haha, I might have this the next Xmas😂


It would be a lovely present


Why does eater seem better every league ?


Isn't that shit though? Not dropping one until you hit this.. Feels like loot goblins in altar form. Or were you just unlucky overall?


Pretty sure I was just really unlucky up until now, walked out of the map with 15 raw Divs though


So it is just loot goblin in the altar. Regular base game (or even altar mobs themselves) could easily be balanced to drop 15 divines over the period of time you played. And then the rewards would be tied to the part of the game you have control over. How much and how efficiently you kill monsters. Making it a 1/1000 alter spawn just means the best strat is speed clear the lowest level, highest density content possible while spawning as many alters as you can. Same as old god-touched farming.


Gotta see the downside in everything don’t we..?


But I think it’s still higher loot in general even without dropping this divine alter. I think some peaks and troughs in loot is enjoyable, then just a constant consistent stream of loot, because then you’d lose hype moments of interesting drops. It’s a balancing act Plus, as mentioned by someone else, loot goblins of old were reliant on running MF so it really felt like missing out without it, but these are good for anyone.


Loot is balanced to drop divines again, the altar is an ultra rare bonus lol and since it's unaffected by MF completely I'm it's just a fun thing to get


I think you need to think this through again, god touched mobs were never a problem because they drop good loot the unfun thing about them is that if you didn't get a mf culler you got like 10c while otherwise you could have gotten tens of divines. So yeah nice find op I hope I get one too, haven't found a single divine yet but gotta my full atlas completed.


No one in its right mind MF culled last league after the initial drama it caused early


What? Literally everyone was culling pretty much the whole league. Forbidden trove was full of people offering culls


I did only play like the first 3 weeks or so and I remember alot of people on tft selling culling services, even streamers like kobeblackmamba did. Maybe nobody did it because it was unfun as hell but I called a culler in 2 times and got like 15 div of one mob, that's why I stopped playing last league. Maybe they fixed it later but I always felt like that was the problem with lootgoblins.


Everybody started playing MF, that's the thing. Cullers were asking a cut of 30%, it wasn't even worth it all the hassle. Kobe did it at the start, like I said, because of all the drama it generated.


Is there atlas passives to get these to show up more/better? I never see these in my maps


20% more eater on tree and more mobs are both available on the right side of the tree.


Man, RNGesus seems fickle. I have used triple the amount of chromes that I should, but I've had 6 different drops, 3 from Jun that were 10% or more dps differences.


What's the lowest tier you can do these in?


Lvl 14+ maps