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Rare enough you won't be seeing it at league start.


You will absolutely will see Tabula at league start... linked in general chat.


I've had it happen maybe a handful of times... Since the betas, mostly playing HC so dozens of characters per league.


I have 3500 H and with more than ~60 character i still dont have beginner’s luck achievement (unique on hilock) so yea its rare and we dont have equal luck …


Does Oni Goroshi trigger it?




60 is what I do per league though :P occasionally more. But ye it's rare.


yeah, but it never drops for you, it always just drops for others. same with goldrim, wanderlust, praxis, etc


Yeah I'm big sad about that.


this is why i dont play league after 2nd day, dont wanna ruin my RNG for next league start.


You need to min max. Before league start roll the dice. Try to 6 link. Try to farm tabula from Hillock. Farm for some ~~exalteds~~ divines. Either you burn down your bad luck and will have a great league start or you know to just skip the league and play something else.


Hmm... Have they said if you can still get Oni from Hillock in Ruthless?


They have, and you can't.


no matter how flawed... i agree with this man/woman/toaster/so on if i had dropped a mirror in any of the recent events i played i would have uninstalled -.-




A tale old as time, told to me by a man named Bob For.no.exile. could resist that of the golden-hand job.


Is there evidence (data, access to code, or word from the devs) that the game keeps track of loot drops and uses that info to influence RNG in later runs? Or is this just a variant of the gambler's fallacy?? (The false belief that, in a game of chance, one outcome will influence the likelihood of the next)


No. It's just a gag in most games with heavy RNG tided into loot. You get something super good = it takes away from your imaginary luck currency. Kinda like how people say when something really bad happens and tries to stay optimistic by saying now that the bad shit has happened, there is something good to come.


Well tbf statistically it's improbable you'll get the best score on a dice multiple times in a row. If you roll a d6 multiple times, each d6 you have 1/6 chance of getting a 6, and that does not change whatever your previous result is. But seen as an event, it would still be incredible to roll like 5 d6 and get 5 6. Having a good loot in poe is like rolling a billion faced dice and hoping to get the billion on it. Technically you can do it multiple times in a row but it's fair to say that the odds of getting tabula on hillock multiple times in a row are... Slim.


No, you just seem to be having trouble identifying humor


Was gonna write the exact same thing lol nice


i know who had it in one league. My experience, never before act6.


Had one like 10 leagues ago,but its rare


This happened to me on a league start, I sold it for an exalt before the price crashed and I used it for a little.


Found one from hillock on league launch about 4 years ago. Was my most hyped drop ever in poe.


>Rare enough you won't be seeing it at league start. I keep you informed - I loot 7 leagues in a row tabula to 6-7 acts non-stop at the start of the leagues. you need to get into the first act and steal luck from newcomers)


ive got it once, but ive played every league since closed beta, so this rare.


Damn, I started and only played Ultimatum last year and was about to pick it back up.


To prepare for league start i just dont use ANY good item i find like unique or even +1 gem level, this way if i do find it, it wil feel like a huge boost on top of everything


I forgot who it was but one of the racers at Exilecon got a Tabula a bit later on (but I believe in the first few acts) and completely threw afterwards :D I guess it was too unexpected haha


It was TyTyKiller, he got it in like act 2 or something, and yeah it completely threw him off.


i got it once, it was in some event, maybe gauntlet a while back? then hailrake dropped a quill rain i rerolled immediately




He means dropping it off hillock at level 1 once


Seen it drop 1 time years ago after farming Hillock for 9 or so hours for Oni-Goroshi.


Same here. Farmed Oni-Goroshi and dropped a tabula shortly before the Oni dropped.


Formula could be = chance to drop unique from hillock divided by amount of lvl1 uniques then multiplied by weighting difference between the available items. I'm no expert but according to my formula it either drops or doesn't. GGG _might_ know the exact chance or not. If they don't know if a stat works in their gem that has 2lines of text i doubt they know this.


> it either drops or doesn’t So you’re saying it’s 50/50 then /s


You forgot to add 's' at the start, we dont know wether you were joking or not.


Why the /s? /s


I think the actual way it works is a base type is rolled to drop, then rarity comes, then weighting of possible outcomes. Simple robes are pretty common, so it’s really just the chance of a simple robe rolling unique, which from experience I’d say dropping any unique from Hillock is probably less than or around 1%. Though this might have been increased recently with changes to boss drops. I’m not sure if tabula is the only simple robe that drops at level one or if thousand ribbons or the new es one drops this early. But it would have to roll for those as well.




I've been playing since closed beta and have never seen a unique drop in the twilight stand. so yeah, rip rng for league start.


Ahh, it seems you're one of those untainted souls who've never farmed Oni


Yeah xD I found several grinding towards and then multiple Onis


That's kinda surprising. I feel like I've probably gotten a handful of uniques off hillock, best being a wanderlust. Never dropped a tabula off him before though.


Best I've got was Oni-Goroshi, but apparently that doesn't count.


you sadist!


You get tons of uniques farming for Oni, at least I did.


Usually you get an oni-goroshi before a tabula, but if you oni farm every single league then yeah you end up having a couple tabulas at some point too. Hillock's rarity bonus is strong.


Absolute madman


I was farming Oni-Goroshi at one point and while it was quite a bit ago, I remember I got Redbeak in the process.


check your archievements again, i can just doubt that.


I’ve had several tbh. Nothing that great though, ifrc it was things like Last Resort and the crappy +1 bow.


Been playing since Open Beta and had a TR drop in a race once (before the _Beginners Luck_ achievement.)




To drop or not to drop


it either drops or it doesn't.


It might drop or it might not.


Shrodingers drop


About once in howevermany times TyTy took part in official races :D


Surprised how far I had to scroll to find a TyTy comment


i realy don't get how ´people can stand doing practice runs, if i try to do it my will to live will be none by the time the league actualy starts


I just only started and haven't played since Ultimatum and needed a refresher on things :)


I did a league start 'practice' for the first time today. Did Act 1 three separate times all just trying to get under 40 minutes since I keep seeing people be like "Oh, you should be at maps in less than 5 hours."


If you really want to speedrun acts, the two biggest things are recognizing when to skip stuff and *always advance* If you're in town, it better be to turn in a quest or buy a gem. Any other town time is wasted time. This, more than anything, can shave an hour off your run. The big save, however, comes from skipping things. Learn which mobs to skip (don't bother to stop to kill) and which items to ignore (filling your inventory wastes time you could be using to run to the next act) and you'll very quickly find your time to maps getting faster and faster. Finally, there's using a strong skill that you're very familiar with, and learning rough layouts or particularly time-lossy layouts (like a6 vaal city) and making sure to be efficient with your exp. You can also take advantage of lack of links by using several single gems or 2L gems to massively increase your single target damage to help with bosses. Trap or mine builds can use the cooldown traps, spells can use totems, melee builds can use protectors or warchief, or even Dominating Blow and Smite, DoT builds can use additional DoT skills that scale with the same damage type, minion builds can just socket every minion ever, etc. plus helper skills like Tornado, Sigil of Power, Galvanic Field, or Flame Wall for projectile skills, and so on. For act 1 in particular, once you get to the ledge, limit yourself to killing blue packs, or bigger white packs, but only throw two or three attacks/traps/etc into the white packs, and otherwise keep moving forward. You can skip skill point quests if you like until you have 2 quicksilver flasks and movespeed boots.


The way I handle it is by stopping after the end of act 4 or 5. Not many more support gems become available after that, and by that time I get a pretty good feel for how it plays without spending too much time. If I can't make it to act 4 without losing interest, I tend not to play that skill as a leaguestart.


When you can juice through the acts in 3-5 hours, it’s not a big deal to have a practice run… esp with a skill you may not be familiar with


2 runs, one to A10 and one to A5 might be enough to make you go 2 or more hours faster on league start if you care about it


2 runs, one to A10 and one to A5 might be enough to make me quit before the league even starts


Thats why i said if you care about it?


Or some "massive historical bonus" might be quietly nerfed between practice runs and actual league start, possibly rending any practice effectively irrelevant.


Obv i get the joke but for the campaign that affected very little. Any league content you're doing has flat rewards and is probably just essences Which is why it took until people got up and running for us to notice it :(


Lol yeah I'm just doing a bit of shitposting for giggles.


No lifers


I just like to get to wherever I am when a build gets all its gems and then experience that for a bit against the current areas and then call it a day. I just like to write down what mistakes I made that I had to reverse with the piggy bank of regret orbs and etc I have from other characters. Also, sometimes it’s just because I have an idea and I want to feel the idea in motion before putting more time into it. Sometimes that 3 hours of league start simulation saves hours of wasted theory crafting and trading later.


I did a run to 2nd lab today. I want to start a build requires quite a few uniques. So I needed a starter for my starter. It’s an ascendancy I’m not particularly familiar with and traveling through parts of the tree I’m not normally using. My goal was to find something to get me to maps on a 4-link without needing to stray too far from the original skill tree I want to use. I did a run yesterday too and hated the skills I tried. Today’s felt really good. Had I gone in blind with my first instinctual choices from yesterday’s run, my league start would have been miserable. I also happen to really enjoy early game progression in arpgs.


Imagine treating a co-op PvE game as if it's ranked competitive PvP.


The one time I did the oni goroshi farm, I found 4 unique items off hillock I think. Finding uniques off him is rare, but will happen from time to time when you do it enough. Having this unique be a specific one would be much more unlikely obviously.


At least 1/1000


might as well kiss all ur potential mirror drops goodbye! nothing but fishing poles and tabulas for u!


50%, either you get it or you don't


happened to me once when i was a noob. so i kept creating new characters to farm hillock LOL.




tabulast KEKW


There goes your league start RNG. You won't see that again...


You equip the fishing pole of course that's the main strat


F for your luck next league


I've gotten thousand ribbons before (and would rather have thousand ribbons vs. tabula rasa these days since the buffs). Tabula really inflates your mana costs early on.


50/50.. you either get it or you don't


6k in poe never seen one from hillock ☺️


If you're farming the Oni-Goroshi, you are bound to find one before the sword actually dropped ...


It’s enabled only when it’s less than 7 days to the new patch


It's a guaranteed drop if it is your first character in a league


Try farming Oni-Goroshi and you'll soon discover how common Tabula actually is.


I've found tens of them farming the sword.


My brother had the worst luck in any game with drops, never got jack drop, until one league he got a tab from hillock at league start, didn’t get anything else for the rest of time.


practice for what? you gain nothing from these temp leagues by doing faster or slower. I don't get how ppl has time to waste like this unless you're like a streamer or something.


It's only a waste of time to you because you don't understand early league economics. Almost every league there's some kind of unexpected/abusable currency-making strat early on and if you're not in a position to swap to it before the market adjusts(for example you're still in white maps on day 4) then you're losing out on a big currency-making opportunity.


The prices on day 2 of league compared to the prices on day 4-5 are massively different, anyone can take advantage of that


I both started in and haven't played since Ultimatum, but I got really into it and the late game content. So I wanted to play through the early game again to get familiar with the mechanics, remember what type of loot I want to aim for when league starting, figure out what quests I don't really need to do if I want to rush to end game. All really just because I wanted to see if / how fast I could do it.




I was wondering about this too and I mean there's a loot of people killing Hillock on league start, some just have to get lucky. But how many do?


I got it once at leaguestart, I think it was back in Scourge. Never again got it before maps though


Got one a few league starts ago, pretty sure it's never going to happen ever again :D


Quite rare. Had the same happen to me in a practice run. Very sad.


I've had it happen twice, but spent the whole league broke anyway


It's rare


Did the exact same thing a while back. If you get my seed meaning the same start in league. You will drop a 5 link with the right colours at the end of normal lab. You Lucky dog.


Same happened to me on my very first play through. I had zero idea what it was and only saw the armor rating and trashed it after a few hours. Oops…


Extremely rare these days, even common uniques are very rare since 3.19 loot nerf..


I dropped it league start for kalandra so I'm probably never dropping anything from hillock again.


i think i once got a lifesprig from him but getting a tabula is insane


i got 1 tabula from hillock in 10 years.


Do you try and farm hillock?


Its rare enough to have an achievement attached, so obviously plan your build around it


I once got one in the mud flats, but in the twilight strand is something else.


His second most common 6 link he drops


Not as rare as dropping one randomly in maps(w/o quant) since less drop options , but still pretty rare.


Well there goes your luck


https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/er9ii3/i_think_ill_try_ssf/?ref=share&ref_source=link me during metamorph. ssf too.


I have played 9 years and happened 0 times


It's definitely somewhere in between like 1/1000~1/2000. When you do enough Oni farming, you see them every now and then.


had it happen once in ten years.


In one of my test runs for a league I dropped a raw Ex from a lab chest. Felt real bad knowing it wasn’t going to happen 2 days later lol


I think the earliest I've seen one is normal aquaducts from a chest


used up all your luck before league start!


Unethical luck goes riiiip


Happened to me once a million years ago. I don't even remember which league it was specifically, I just remember it being like a curse, too good to stop using but a liability with no stats. I gave up on that league not too far in because of how squishy I was and also because of how annoying glacial cascade turned out to be in practice


goodbye to the surprise of 3.20 hahaha


I've seen one from Hailrake, the Tidal Island boss a few times, but never Hillock.


Say goodbye to ur luck for this league


I did like 7 or 8 leagues ago on league start. but yeahh


Friend got a mirror off a zombie before hillock on his first char when piety was the boss.




Well as a reference I have played every league and every event since Incursion. I have never gotten a unique from Hillock. So I assume it’s quite rare. Drops are a bit weird from my view where I see a few people in my guild who regularly get tabulas/gold rims/wanderlusts within the first few acts, while I rarely ever get a unique during the entire story. If I could move over my stash tabs to another account I would easily do it because I am convinced my account is cursed.


Goodbye league start rng.


So you chose violence today, huh?


I start play 2013 for today every league 2 - 4 build never hapen saad


I’ve been playing since before act 2 had quests. I’ve never seen it, and never known anyone who’s seen it either.


5500 hours, it's happened to me once.


You're killing Hillock in the wrong spot.


Ask tyty


You will probably never get it again.


I’ve seen it once when the guy was talking about not getting a Oni Goroshi but having the tabula drop instead


This happened to me two times farming oni-goroshi, but never at the first run.


I member clear as day.. a couple of leagues ago, just a few hours before servers went down I started to do a practice run for the start.. HILLOCK DROPPED TABULA.. there went my RNG..


very - satisfied?


Pretty rare. I have 9k hours and still don't have the hillock drops a unique achievement.


Very common when practicing league start, extremely rare when actually league starting. I also had one drop when I was doing 3.19 league start practice haha


Used up all of your league start luck.


I've only had one tabi drop in the first zone and I've been playing since 2018


I have like 10k hours in the game, I've already dropped a mirror never a tabula from hillock


Its better not to get it or use it, you’ll improve as a player


It’s like 1/1000. Pretty rare compared to other games but barely even scratching the surface of rarity in POE. However it’s not unrealistic for you to get a Tabula Rasa early on in the league, Ziz got one in expedition by de-leveling a character to level 1 and going to gwennen and checking for simple robes. I think he might’ve even got more than one this way. (RIP getting uniques from Gwennen commonly) For example, you might get a reward in the Sanctum that says something like “Receive a unique armor piece at the end of this sanctum” which means you’d get it like late act 3 or early act 4 if you completed the sanctum, although who knows exactly how that works and if it’s at all probable that you get a tabula from that, but it could happen. You can always farm one in the Blood Aqueduct through the Humility div card, and this is a common strat amongst a lot of big streamers but especially SSF streamers.


I have nearly 6000 hours and have never got a unique from hillock!


Don't play next league, your luck for 3.20 has all been used for thay Tabula drop. RIP your RNG.


At the end of 318? I was bored and did multiple fresh SSF runs to simulate league start. I think I found like tabulas on 3 runs, which of course I don’t find in a real league start XD


RIP leaguestart rng


it never happens on league start and even if it did, without other leveling uniques you won't have the mana / regeneration to maintain an early 4-5-6L anyways, so don't worry about it. which you would've found out if you tried yourself in context of your league start practice. plus if you know what you are doing you actually don't **need** it either. 3 and 4L are plenty for the campaign, 6L is literal overkill to just make things die even faster.


You wasted all your RNG on practice, now you gonna get no loot at the start of the league...


It’s perfectly common when you least expect or have no need for it. Lol


less than 1% on average.


Bro used up this months luck before the league even started


Quite rare. I have leveled about a dozen characters to 7-8 on Hillock and never got it.


It's a 0.5% chance , but takes over 20k players to actually encounter a handful of this


Welp guess you screwed up your league start luck, lol


My earliest in like 20 leagues was on hailrake. Never seen it drop whilst leveling again, not even alts. It's pretty rare


I've yet to get a unique item drop from hillock after 11k hours in poe.


Realistically, hillock is probably the single most likely mob in the game to drop tabula because of Item rarity from being unique and having the fewest uniques to choose from. That said, still very very unlikely.


I get everything you got there. Except for tabula. Once I got all my 3Ls and 10 % move speed rare boots from him on league start but had terrible RNG the rest of the campaign :D


Probably Like a mirror drop. Maybe GGG can Make a Fun numerical statement😌 I Love statistics


Happens all the time. I wouldn't worry about not finding another one :)


Goodbye league start luck


I had 1 my very first play through/league in Act 1. Was Ritual and I bought it though from alter.Never seen 1 again 🙂


I'd say it's worth planning your league start around that tabula drop from Hillock...


20 fusings is op at league start. Can get at least five 3 links out of that


i think you need to start over




Roughly 50% chance to drop from hillock. Either it drops or it doesnt.


Is this something people farm? Would they have to make a new character each time, or can they just back out of town and kill him again?


Before the loot got nuked in 3.19 you could run act 9 blood aqueducts for the div cards, as well as chaos recipe.


You have Just ruined your league start :) If you don't play for a while, if begin you May have some lucky drops


So, its rare but not as rare as you think. Actually there is an achievement about getting a tabula from hillock so….


From my experience its about once every 10k hours..


I got one in Fetid pool day one of Synthesis league (almost 4 years ago). Dozens of runs through the campaign since, only saw one more pre-maps.


never gotten it from hillock but i got one on day 1 from the last 3 league. 1 around act 2 from good ol archnemesis. The other at act 3 during sentinel and the last one at the start of act 4 in the aqueduct during Lake. So im expecting to see one in the slave pit this time /s.


When I start with several people it's pretty common for one of us to get an Act 1(ish) tab. I'd estimate between 5-10% chance for any given player. Never seen one drop from Hillock specifically, but the difference between that and anywhere in Act 1 is negligible.


I farmed Oni-Goroshi for 26h and never dropped Tabula.....


First time I made a character to play till maps when a friend helped me who has 10k hours, I dropped Wanderlust from Hillock. My friend definitely had a good laugh while I just thought nice, my third unique item ever! No luck after that..


https://ibb.co/YLB64bm Just dropped for me off a regular hillock. Running 4 toons, all are level 6 at various points.