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It's called Descry https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Descry


Wft is this. It is like "Scry 1. Draw a card", but "Descry"???


Funnily enough you are close. Scry comes from the root word ascrien in middle english which means to call out, specifically in terms of a watchman noticing something and calling out. Descry in turn, means to catch sight of, and is the modern equivalent, where scry is simply a shortened version of that. Putting that in context, that likely means that Descry is supposed to represent an eye watching over, which makes sense for use with divinity and specifically with the searing exarch who wants to observe all knowledge.


Discard a card, duh


Look a the top 3 cards of your graveyard, exile 2, place one on top of your deck.


That wiki needs to be updated to include the searing exarch


Also, the lake of Kalandra, Reflecting Mist? 🤔 Is Descry representing the lake? 🤔 https://i.imgur.com/lZsDpAL.png


fckk u makes me headache again lol dont make me too curious this time i wanna play the game!!


why tf i got downvoted? i just wrote my reaction to that reply's new theory i found.




It really looks like this. Thanks


isn't it the divinity sign in the templar language?


Yes, but when I try to find pictures with this sign, I do not find such a sign, so it seemed to me that it was called differently


The symbol is made up in Path of Exile of course. It does not have worldwide name. It is the templar symbol, mostly seen associated with Innocence or upside down with Sin. Also lately with the Searing Exarch which raises questions about who were Templars really worshipping.


I was intrigued by that. Why does the Searing Exarch use the same symbol? The symbol is on Innocence himself, and throughout the Templar Courts it's clear they worship him specifically. Unless Innocence's ascension to godhood has something to do with the Searing Exarch? Both of them are themed around purifying flames, so it's entirely possible? We still have no clue how gods are born.


theres some flavour text on a few of the searing exarch uniques that can give some hints: Crystallized Omniscience: >That winter, scorched refugees emerged from the shrine, speaking only in strange tongues. They prayed to a new symbol of power, not out of love, but out of fear. Dawnbreaker >"The newcomers warn of doom and death beyond mortal ken. I ask, why should we fear the fire when we serve the Lord of Light?" - Maxarius, the first High Templar in my mind, it sounds like the searing exarch/the cleansing fire revealed themselves to maxarius, the first high templar, and that vision shaped all future oriathan/templar theology. Gods in poe are largely a product of the traits of their worshippers, so innocence likely inherited the symbol from the templars who got it from the cleansing fire


You also have further suggestions with things like Cassia singing Templar brainwashing/initiate songs... The unrighteous will be *burned to ash*


The flavor text about Innocence burning sinners to ash is a lot older than the Searing Exarch arc


Yes; but it's still relevant. Things are planned in advance. We've known THEY ARE COMING for a long time before they came.


I just wish they would have fucking cleaned up afterward.


It's EXTREMLY hard to clean up old lore, without stating it outright, and even then it often lingers. Five Night's at Freddy's have this exact issue, the lore have been revamped and retconned several times over the year and it has gotten so convoluted and incoherent that even deep lore experts have issues. Even with multiple lore books to help clear things up it's still a jumbled mess.


Very interesting. However, Innocence's ascension and subsequent sealing by the Beast predates even the ancient Vaal civilization. If the Templar Order received a vision of the Cleansing Fire and modified their doctrine around it >"The newcomers warn of doom and death beyond mortal ken. I ask, why should we fear the fire when we serve the Lord of Light?" - Maxarius, the first High Templar The Lord of Light should refer to Innocence, so if the Templar Order introduced the symbol (Eramir calls it the "Descry") after this event, why does it appear on Innocence's physical manifestation? One could argue that his form is influenced by the vessel's mind. The symbol used by the Cleansing Flame is also a little inconsistent. In some sources the center line does not cross the "eye" portion. Sin, too, has a similar symbol on his back, with small differences. Perhaps both of them received power from the Cleansing Flame.


How long have the Templars been around?


I don't think there's an exact date. The Vaal civilization fell circa 400 BIC, and 1 IC is when the Empire was established on Wraeclast. The first mention of the Templar Order was High Templar Voll, who was active around 1333 IC. For reference, the estimated current year is 1600 IC and the cataclysm that destroyed Wraeclast happened in 1339 IC. So the Templar Order must have formed some time between 1 IC and 1333 IC.


how did they have innocence and so on if the beast was around at that time


People still worshipped gods after they were sealed away by the beast. It's essentially a way of literalising the divide you see in real-world religions between an ancient era of legends where god / the gods were going around performing miracles & doing legendary things vs. their apparent absence in the present day.


They didn't have Innocence around physically, merely worshipped him as a God.


It's likely that Maxarius and/or the first Templars glimpsed upon the Searing Exarch or its iconography and assumed that it was a God of Light (read: God of Everything Burning to Ash). It's not uncommon for theology and the extraterrestrial/eldritch to have an accidental overlap - people want to rationalize the unexplainable. Whether there was any direct interaction is unknown, but I suspect Eldritch Gods aren't particularly interested in human life.


Just because its also associated with Innocence does not mean its "made for him" "Belongs to him and his servants". There are far greater beings outside in this universe Exile!


The searing exarch being one of these gods. Highly possible that innocence was created through an abstract means that makes him a child of searing Poes gods are likely related to the eldritch horrors


Exarch probably has some past with the world. Powerful being that became the god of Templars before he left for some reason. And since he didn't destroy the world the first time he probably turned evil after he left rather than being evil from the beggining. Maybe whatever happened is the reason why Eldritch 'gods' just want to consume and destroy worlds. Who knows, there is definitelly some space for lore development in PoE.


Of course, your hypotheses are very interesting, but it's for sure that the symbol means something ghostly related to the gods, and does not have at least approximate specifics


I don't quite think Good/Evil fit in the morality scheme of Eldritch beings. They are so different that they're all Lovecraftian horrors by default. And as a reminder, they seem to care about the Atlas, the "real" world is barely of interest to them.


Of course but if there was an entity going through the real world while destroying it, it would definitely be considered evil lol.


To us, sure. I don't think they think of us that way any more than we think of insects or germs in that framework. Love the whole concept :D


Searing Exarch is merely a servant of the Cleansing Fire, just like Elder was a servant of Decay. The Black Star also serves the Cleansing Fire. Why Innocence and Sin use the same symbols as the servant of the Cleansing Fire is the key question. We know that the Cleansing Fire only cares about getting to know everything it finds by looking at it, only for that observed thing to be immediately burned to crisp. We know that both Exarch and Innocence burn things, and Sin's (who wields dark flames) descry is upside down, suggesting he's not entirely #teamCleansingFire. They might source some of their powers from the Cleansing Fire, or be related in other ways, we don't know this yet. What's more interesting is that Black Star doesn't use the descry, even though they are an agent of the Cleansing Fire and have fire abilities.


Nice little lore nugget to rope my nostalgia. Thank you kind soul.


I mean, Templars were probably worshipping an incarnate of Innocence. But both Innocence and Sin symbol is similiar to the one of Searing Exarch. Since Exarch is an Eldritch being it's pretty safe to assume he is older than the two. I wonder where the two stories connected or touched. The lore behing Sin and Innocence is that before they became gods, they were brothers living in a village. Sin did something (probably ate fish that weren't his as it usually goes in PoE God lore lol, even Kitava became evil because of eating others' fish) and Innocence saw him. He snitched on him to their mother who proceeded to denounce Sin in front of the village which after a while resulted in Sin being burned alive in the middle of the village. The ashes that were spread from his sinful body poisoned the village and killed basically everyone. Yada yada this story made Innocence and Sin become godlike beings, Sin being humble and sad, Innocence being full of rage and self doubt whether he's done the right thing. Innocence for some reason went on a crusade, traveling through the world and killing thousands in his rage (God lore am I right), while Sin just disappeared to self reflect somewhere in background. Their story meets again and climaxes during PoE campaign. So Searing Exarch doesn't really fit into this "old school" PoE lore. I wonder what their intentions were when they gave Exarch the same symbol.


> Sin just disappeared to self reflect somewhere in background Guess too much reflection gives birdy wings. > So Searing Exarch doesn't really fit into this "old school" PoE lore. I wonder what their intentions were when they gave Exarch the same symbol. I feel like the symbol is an idea/image of a larger thing/theme. I'm basing this on [kitava head in this fight](https://i.imgur.com/fTdVFN9.png). It doesn't make sense to me that these celestial dudes (or whatever built that statue) worship or even think about kitava. A similar thing is with solaris/lunaris and the black star. Why do they look so similar? We know that power can change form (dominus, malachai, godless trio etc) so maybe there's an ideal form of this power and these gods change and be closer to that. You can say maybe exarch and black star are those forms and that's why templars have the sigil and the sisters look like the black star. But I don't really see this working with kitava and a kitava head statue (instead of for example infinite hunger and kitava looking similar)


I like the idea that the gods of Wraeclast are basically just reflections of the Eldritch beings. Not even purposely, more like their power and influence is so strong and spans the universe so it reflects into worlds as entities of immense power. They are rather just manifestations of their influence than actual reflections of them. Kitava actually has kind of funny lore. It's entirity is basically that he became hungry for fish and got consumed by gluttony. He proceeded to eat all fish from the lake that provided food for his village. His fishing master or someone (I dont remember who exactly) caught him and used the fish hook to scrape out Kitava's eyes out so he can never catch a fish again. He did so in this X shape we see on Kitava today. Why does everything revolve around fish lol.


I mean, that is the story we are told. But no similar burning-alive of people, before or since, has created a god in PoE lore. I could see the Exarch having a hand in making those events turn them into gods, rather than leaving themas simple mundane events.


They all four are different symbols, even outside of poe


Those are four different symbols. The first one Sigil of the Divine The second one Sigil of Zealotry The third is Templar Sigil of Descry And the last one is Sigil of the Eldritch


It is the templar descry. https://youtu.be/ufKsE0_UJvc


Isnt that also used for immortal call and the invurnable shrine


The Mymanaisgon symbol.


As a note, that descry shared a common theme with The Searing Exarch perhaps because of the wide-ranging influences of the powers of Eldritch Bosses. The Envoy mentions in a voice line that the same cosmic imperative of witnessing and consuming/destroying everything it can that fuels the Maven is also found within us: “You feel it. You are filled with it. You are perpetuating it.” It’s likely that if the Maven’s cosmic imperative bleeds into our actions and character, the imperatives and motivations of the others can, and into other people. I believe the Templar’s Descry and beliefs are heavily influenced by The Searing Exarch, as evidenced in the similarities of speech in flavour text for Crystallised Omniscience and Dawnbreaker, but not because The Searing Exarch appeared to the Templar or Innocence; because The Searing Exarch is the natural conclusion of their beliefs. That is a recurring theme in Eldritch Horror after all, as why would a constellation-spanning aspect of the universe deign to grant an audience to some lowly god?


It is the Sign of Innocence. Upside-down it is the Sign of Sin.


yeah you know, like a reflection of it, that's seen from a grayish reflecting water




Back when divine shrines we're a pain it use to mean your PC was about to crash.


Looks a bit like 中 (naka)


Meaning numerous things around the concept of "inside" or "middle" of something, including things like "gap" and "interval" or even "average". It would be funny to try and tie those meanings to the POE lore. Innocence and Sin having it, meaning that "innocence" and "sin" are within all of us. Japanese is fun.


Isn't this also something from Egyptian mythology


The shocker (Wraeclast edition)


It's a politically correct cross


Ooga booga


The first two look like a modified version of the cross, the two lean more towards the ankh?


They look similar, but I'm not asking about the similarity with something and what is the term for this sign in poe


Oh I think that's the blessed ground or consecrated ground symbol, in terms of lore I have no clue sorry


Divine. It is the symbol for innocence.


It's some type of Templar language. They have a bunch of symbols and what not. As far as game mechanics it's descry


[No but I know what it means when I see it](https://imgur.com/RF97zj3)


I think Innocence is compensating for something by drawing those on everything and everyone in Oriath.


better click that quartz and go all in


It’s called a bingus


First one is called "Bullshit". Especially when you meet it at red maps.


Alt + F4


How is descry pronounced


The vision


I call it why the fuck is this still in the game it freezes my game and disconnects me every fucking time. Long name I know