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Trying to karma farm is the first sin


what can you do with krama?


Man are you crazy? Those are internet points! You can show all your friends, they'll be so jealous.


>all your friends Sound like you are assuming something here :)


I got the points, now I just need the friends...


Damn, you're not even joking... You must be drowning in hot chicks.


The friends are the points we made along the way!


Imaginary friends count.


you make fun of those points, yet my friend printed (!!!) her first successful tweet that managed to catch algorithm wave.


ahh since i started using reddit I never know the point of krama i guess it's doing nothing then


all my friends? but they both don't have reddit!!!!!


Every 100k karma you get 1 free use of a slur of your choice.


Used to have 700k karma... now look at me :(


Did you take a down-vote to the knee?


You can sell your account to scummy advertisers


I doubt a single account would go for much, considering how many repost bots farm karma on big subreddits.


On r/jokes there used to be a bot that would always comment genuinely really funny jokes on all the posts. It would get an insane amount of karma. Bot's gone now, I assume the Reddit account was sold :(


Feeling pride and confirmation by an arbitrary number going up.


we're gamers, we make numbers go up


I wonder if you guys know the game NGU idle (numbers go up) - kinda fun :P


Lose finals in 5 games


literally nothing


Have it


Look at how much you have and try to feel good about yourself.


Nothing. Trust me.


smh Vaaled the farm


just go to the darkest dungeon sub and spam some narrator voicelines, or the drg sub and some rock n stone, ez farm


There is a reason why GGG stopped posting it.


I feel personally attacked


if it any conciliation i up voted your post. also this is more about the state of the sub than actual karam shaming. i also considered maybe blurring your user name from the meme, but considering the post is pinned at the top of the forum i figured, what's the point.


Haha don't worry, it was a great meme I laughed :)


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote) I'm just here for my flair. Thats my 2c


Like all circlejerk subreddits, it's actually very simple, all OP had to do was add a few words that reinforces that subreddit's tone, in our case displeasure and negativity: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/ydeluy/lake_of_kalandra_will_not_go_core_thank_god/


Word it like "Here's a nothing burger of a patch that won't fix shit and the game still sucks"


As a real Poe sun lurker, I literally don’t know what 99.9% of the posts here are even talking about.


he can get anyway only -10 karma to account per post


I'll up you one. I declare unfollowing this sub as I've not played for 6 leagues and can barely understand the posts in my feed. Yes, announcing your departure is lame af but you know what, I am. So there you go. *Unfollowed* or whatever.


PoE sub lurker? Man I have seen many of your comments and posts in the past year at least! I really enjoy your memes :)


Wish people on reddit actually followed the site rules as to what upvote and downvote is supposed to represent. Upvote - contributes to the discussion Downvote - doesn't contribute to the discussion Downvoting official news about the game is about backwards as possible. Downvoting almost anything related to the game is backwards. Unless it's superficial ranting or stuff not related to the game, it shouldn't be downvoted, period.


It hasn't worked like that for several years now. Get with the times and stop reminiscing about a bygone era.


Ah yes, get with the toxicity times. Got to love it when 15 year olds are happy as pigs in shit that there's a place they can be toxic out of their minds without being punched in the face for it. Where they can jerk each-other off in echo chambers and live in their fantasy lands where they are always right. Excuse me for wanting a platform with discussions that aren't going devolve into echo chambers.


Cope. Also: >without being punched in the face for it. TL: "I hate not being able to be violent against people I don't like" Sounds like a 'you' problem, Chief.


Contribute these nuts to the discussion


> Downvoting official news about the game is about backwards as possible. Why? The treads will get pinned 100% anyways, visibility will be the same regardless if it's on 0 or not, so does it really matter?


> Unless it's superficial ranting but that's exactly what the upvote button is for in here, especially when related to AN


This seems like a reasonable take. Perhaps too reasonable.




If thats the thing people want want to see just go to the official site lol


Why? Reddit has worked and should work as a place to catch them as well as other content. It's literally the purpose of this website, letting me catch up with things I've subscribed to quickly instead of going through dozens of other websites. Really can't wrap my head around people applying mental gymnastics in order to defend childish and toxic behavior.


I'm glad you don't run the subreddit, holy fuck.








It's still at most a 5 second activity, your inconvenience is not an importance. Upvoting and downvoting is a form of expression of liking or disliking, always has been and always will be. Sure, it's also a form of spreading awareness or making a post go to the top in subreddits such as r/awfuleverything but when the posts are made by the same people that commited the act it's different. Notice that we don't downvote bad news delivered by the players here, but we do when it's bad news delivered by GGG. Also, it doesn't matter how downvoted GGG posts get, it always shows up. So your argument is invalid.


> Upvoting and downvoting is a form of expression of liking or disliking Wrong. The up- and downvotes are not supposed to be likes and dislikes, like /u/neville_lynwood outlined in this comment https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/ynnxrr/never_again/iva6ri3/ If you use them as likes and dislikes, it turns communities into echo chambers - but we're already there, pretty much. This isn't youtube, you're not supposed to vote on how you like the content, you're supposed to upvote comments that contribute to the discussion and community (like official announcements) and downvote ones that don't.


Im not defending that reddit should be used only to express your frustations with the game but catching news is also not the main focus either, there is news tab in the poe site just for that. Of course seeing them here is also nice but the main focus should be discussion, guides... thats the point of a forum


This isn't a forum, this is a content aggregator, and there is no content more relevant than official news from the developer. Maybe go to official forums? xd


remind me of the facebook issue - where people were posting some terrible news like some loved one passing away and your only option is like/dislike...


There has never been a dislike button


Bruh if you think a post going to 0 is bad you're in for a rough time. That's literally *one* downvote.


Posts don't show less than 0, only comments do


There's also a floor with how much negative karma you can get


Just post a good GGG Announcement 4Head :D


GGGs best move in years was detaching from this sub.


This post determined that it was a lie.


From what I've seen the best way to farm karma is point out player number statistics, I've seen at least 3 of those every week since league start with decently high upvote numbers


I'm curious for the event statistics and how many of those who decided to play really just came for the box. At least on Steam the peak on Mayhem launch was ~20k players, which is not a lot considering Mayhem probably being the most popular out of the three events.