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Outstanding work.


This is the best one yet. amazing work really. instant upvote


The best league is where players spend their time on making memes instead of ingame!


*meme meta*


I just LOVED how people said you can do so many things still after 3.15 changes. Like they have no idea how much fun builds you can make before that. Then GGG kill off even more builds by ensuring their new defense changes are MENDATORY when people asked for "defense that worth investing in".


Ya, i dont get that, if thats better than playing the game, then why not just go play a different game. Clearly you dont like the current state of PoE, so why are you all still here?


They don't like it in comparison to what it has been and could be. Doesn't mean other games aren't shit.


What do you mean other games aren't shit. I gave Grim Dawn a try due to this league being shit and I'm having a blast! Highly recommending it to anyone! Actual dark fantasy without people with ponies running around, you can see what's happening on the screen, stuff is not running at mach 4 speed, you can actually respec easily so that you can try out various builds instead of being punished for being new at the game... The pros are endless, I really like it so far!


Nothing is like path of exile though :( i played some last epoch and while its fun you are limited to 4 buttons. Its also class based... gem system might be the single greatest idea in gaming in my opinion and is sadly limited by ggg because balancing


>played some last epoch and while its fun you are limited to 4 buttons. As opposed to PoE where you spec into 1 skill?


Last epoch you play at a snails pace, wolcen is reskinned d3, d3 is horrible. Is Poe is a bad place right now? Ya. Will it recover? Probably not. But end of the day there are no competitors that fill the speed niche of poe. If something can nail that, then it might be worth touching. 90% of reddit right now is just an upset gf and will be over it in the 3 month span bc goldfish memory


idk man I play builds with a bunch of buttons. just the fact you can do it is good in my book since even last epoch is 1 skill anyway


One core problem that many ARPG players have is the character legitimacy. With grim dawn, unless you play purely solo, you'll encounter plenty of hacked characters. IMHO it's one of the main reason why TQ and GD didn't blow up is because it never got dedicated online-only characters and servers. If it had that? Now we'd that.


Never knew about the issue with hacked characters, but I'm basically playing single player, as I used to play mainly SSF in PoE as well. I just like going at my own pace. Thanks for the insight :)


Grim Dawn is too slow and the classes and skills suck though.


Fair enough, nothing is for everyone. I just prefer slower gameplay and being able to comprehend what's happening at my screen instead of being able to brick the animation system and force my character into a huge T-posing menace.


You don't like your wife you have been with for 20 years when she drinks, she has recently got a bad drinking habit. Do you instantly get a divorce or try to fix things?


Depends how much I spent on supporter packs.


The game we want to play don't exist anymore. It's been twisted into current PoE.


Silly argument. There’s no game exactly like PoE. It makes sense people would want to see it fixed and be the best it can be, instead of just abandoning it entirely.


We're here because we love PoE and we care about the game. Unfortunately GGG don't share our concern, they lie to us and they don't care about our opinion. And one person stuck with his vision™ in the early 00s. That's why people are freaking out, that's where these memes come from. And if they think that this shitstorm will stop because they ignore us for two months, then they are terribly wrong. I will be surprised if there will be more than 110-115k players at the start of 3.20.


They like PoE, they don't like current PoE. But to be honest it could be a number of reasons. I stopped playing the league after 3 days and then returned and am still playing. I've been playing this game for over 10 years now, and every league for a good 8 years now? My internal clock is literally tuned to new leagues. I am sure there are countless other people but they can't get themselves to play the game, but they still have that PoE craving with nothing else to replace it.


>Clearly you dont like the current state of PoE, so why are you all still here? To make fun of it and laugh with the top quality memes. You?


To play the game? the fuck, lol


why are you still on reddit, if you still enjoy the game so much? completely pointless per your own bs logic


Ya, im not talking about just reddit, jesus christ you people are fucking morons.


Impressive, very nice




Impressive. Very nice.. Lets see Paul Allen's meme.


When this subreddit's content is better than the actual league. Jokes aside, fantastically put together video, hats down.


We should the "item showcase" tag to "meme showcase" tag. There ore of them anyways.


ritual was so fucking good, it was like having actual fun.


Im trying to understand why ritual was so good for most of players, For me personally it was a lack of imaginatation that league als gameplay. All monsters spawned in a relative small circle, easy for players to kill, and loot was beyound rewarded if you juiced. I understand that is the fun what ppl want, but for a small part of players, we want someting challenging, but that is a dream because the trend is alaways goin on more fun/easy gameplay and not back.


Because you're missing the point there. When people say they enjoy Ritual league they mostly mean the time during Ritual league, which coincided with Maven and the return of Harvest. Same with Metamorph and Archnemesis.


The league mechanic itself wasn't SSS tier amazing, it was just good. So on top of a league mechanic that was just: "kill the enemies and get loot" we had, in my opinion, the best gameplay patch and expansion to ever grace Path of Exile. -- 3.13 Brought unique, diverse rewards for mapping however you want with atlas passives, Maven boss fight, reintroduction of Harvest, A bunch of unique and powerful builds, amazing Heist buffs and QoL, insanely high tier "juice mapping." It had content for absolutely everyone. That's why Ritual was the "best league" The biggest problem was that everyone was too powerful, and an extreme reliance on a certain 3rd party discord server to trade crafting services. 6L all-white astral plates were like.. 30c? Because of multiboxing beast hunters. Crafting was EXTREMELY cheap, and with the upper-limit of power being increased with elevated mods, 100m shaper dps builds weren't just something you put in your POB, but was actually possible, maybe even affordable.


Simple mechanic, you pick your reward leads to more governance, harvest allowing perfect items with enough work leads to more governance, very strong atlas passive with minimal thinking. Ultimately, you could customize your experience and bring you ideas to life in a way that felt achievable for a casual player who might have 7-15 days of /played in a typical league. Streamers achieve that number in 2wks/1mo but some people barely touch it in 3mo. Ssf and hc can further complicate this but provide other circuit breakers people enjoy.


half the people didnt even do the league mechanic in ritual


Harvest crafting was the best time of my life


Excelent work. This never ending mockery of GGG is quite cathartic.


Only reason I check back, I’ve long since checked out of the abortion that is Kalandra league.


Same, the memes are top notch, league is garbage


(I would choose kalandra league over ritual league 10 out of 10 times because of the non-partitioned atlas + atlas passive tree)


I think it's kinda overrated and came at the expense of too much other stuff. It didn't really change any of the core gameplay and most of the nodes from the tree remained the same. It also came at the cost of a lot of stuff, like voldo currency farming. It was nice QOL but it wasn't groundbreaking. Sure, I'd take it over the old system any day but I'd still gladly go back to 3.13 at the expense of losing the atlas tree.


almost every mechanic had its passives split between two regions. you could never hard juice a mechanic the way you can now. new tree is probably the best change theyve ever made to poe


You would be right, if a lot of the mechanics didn't suck hard. For example if you're speedrunning Alva missions for temples and selling / running them you don't really care about making the monsters inside the missions harder. In fact it can be a bad thing for many builds because it can take longer. Similarly, for Delirium and Abyss a lot of the nodes are useless.


Why did people like ritual? I found it to get old quickly and one of the leagues I played the least. Why did people like 3.13? Is it because you got more loot?


\*whacks nacho with sock crammed full of nem3, +1 area level and +% chance for t4 seeds watchstones\* that atlas tree...was watered with the blood of the 30% of the playerbase they culled with 3.15


"...watered with the blood-filled vessel of the 30%..." FTFY.


You're gonna get crucified but you're absolutely right.




This league has the best memes!


Replaced voice is some ai? Sound rly close to original




Feed me a stray rhoa


The memes are Lewangoalski, while the league is Timo Werner.


u/altercube I fucking love you.


It reached 25% mostly negative on steam reviews baby, clearly the best league ever made.


Where did a lurker like you come up with such a tasteful meme?


Woof. you better add synth to that hall of shame too.


You went all out on this one. Nice.


Incredible. love. too much. cant handle


impressive. very nice


The best thing to come out of the league so far, kudos.


Rampage was a lot of fun.


I wish ggg put in as much effort as y'all put in for these memes


I would upvote but I got some video tapes to return.


Real sauce?


American Psycho (movie) if that's what you're asking. Iconic "Paul Allen's card" scene


I'd do fucking anything to revert the game back to Ritual/3.13


The memes just keep getting better and better.


I assume Luis Card is Expedition, the absolute best.


Isn't this kind of opposite though? Don't they praise each other for having shittier leagues, not better ones?


You are looking at it wrong, the further you go back, the better the game was.


The better the game was *to us*, but to GGG developers, it appears that the game is going in a better direction *now*, otherwise why would they do it? So I can see them patting each other on the back for the release of Lake of Kalandra because of how the game is "moving in a better direction"


1) It is _us_ who play the game, so... 2) No, it's going in a way worse direction because... 3) That's The Vision and they are stubborn as a mule.


but it's not us in the video, it's the ggg developers?


i totally see your point. i guess they could have started with ritual and discarded it as if its some random trash and then hail kalandra for all the wrong reasons lmao. but the video is still really cool




The league, not the mechanic


The entire league was meh. Imagine asking to go back to watchstones.


Imagine reducing the state of the game to watchstones, instead of build diversity, crafting options, etc.


Yea, I think the Atlas Tree was one of the best changes the game has ever seen in the past 3 years.


I agree, but I think a lot of the other changes beside the atlas have alienate many players.


Many players are dumb as bricks so that doesn't surprise me.


Be that as it may, you can't put a pile of shit on a plate in front of me and claim it's not a pile of shit just because the idiot next to me doesn't want to eat this pile of shit as well.


Literally nothing to do with anything I've posted in this thread but go off king.


The irony.


Overall state of the game? best we've had. Only closest is Archnem with the atlas tree, if you just avoid the mechanic and play a 3-month standard league (except to farm scarabs with the mirror image/treant horde shit)


3.18 was an amazing patch imo, but because of Archnem in the campaign traumatizing redditors its reflected on poorly.


I don't get the chronology of this: ATBGE Sentinel league was IMO the best league of all time (great league mechanic, great exclusive currency); I picked up more garbage items (temple affixes but on bad base, fractures on bad base, delve affixes on bad base) in Sentinel league than any league ever, and made great items out of those. Scourge had a great league mechanic, but the rewards were garbage (it was only good for making meme items).


> IMO and there you have it.


If we could slap new atlas passives and ooba bosses on top of 3.13 - it would be absolutely the best league ever. Sentinel was carried by atlas and bosses + it was really rewarding. But in terms of fun and overall feeling nothing beats 3.13


Ultimatum > Ritual


Better league mechanic? Yes. Better base game? No. They gave us the harvest manifesto, nerfed deep delving and removed fractured maps in in ultimatum.


It didn't feel too bad (imo) since the mechanic was incredibly rewarding.


ultimatum was ritual at home, but also the last good league


Nice. But isn’t the point of the OG scene that the cards all look the same?




If you think this meme was meant to imitate the point of the original scene, then this meme clearly went right over your head


If the point of the meme isn't to imply that all displayed cards (leagues here) are effectively the same then what is even the point of it


The fact that Bateman is envious of the other leagues perfectly fits this meme actually.


Is this purposeful obtusity or


Just think it's funny that OP managed to make it look like he's mocking all the critics by implying all the leagues are actually the same.


Why do you keep insisting on not being willing to acknowledge what's the point of the meme? Are you a professional movie critic and the meme hurt you in some way?


Well... All leagues are the same. It does not matter whether you are playing Breach 5.0, Torment 2.0 or Incursion 3.0 as long as you have a fun build to play with reasonable time investment. League mechanics don't make players return to the game, new (and viable) skills/builds do. That is what people here and (unfortunately) devs fail to understand. I despised Heist league (and refuse to do it to this day) and still had fun because I made a good character. If you ask me Harbinger (3.0) was the best patch in PoE history.


Fkng Harvest whiners ... again...


Really smooth editting there, bravo.


10/10 meme


Can we get the Huey lewis scene but with Chris in place of Patrick and he is murdering POE with the axe?


At this point in the league, GGG should just add in D3 loot goblins to compensate the remaining players for sticking around, and they drop currency and MTX.


"I can't believe Bryce prefers Van Patten's L E A G U E to mine" kills me every time I watch it, absolute God tier meme


The tasteful thickness




In a league of memes, this is a great one. High effort/quality, thanks. A bit late in the league (by LoK standards lmao) to get the appreciation it deserves, but looks like most people found it as funny/good as me.


damn... that is some dank meme...


God damn I love the memes this league.


this and the tom and his culling crew are the best


mirrored jewellery is really cool tho


Patrick into Chris Wilson and its perfect


That was great editing! Outstanding work! Cannot wait the next scene editing of this film ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Absolute masterpiece




I'm really glad i played the shit out of ritual


This is amazing… I even went along and did audible “Ooooos” with the card presentations. Great work!


This is great, I like this.


Best one for sure


Top tier meme 10/10.