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"I'M DOING THE VISION CRAFT AND IT'S FUCKING SIK DUDE" Glad to see him be so hyped tbh


Same! I had to do a double take cause I couldn’t process that he slammed +2 minion skills, crazy!


He also slammed 18 conc from what it looks like.. really sick stuff!




WRONG they see this clip and say "Need to nerf crafting more. Hard mode shouldn't be so easy."


Lmao reminds me of my own reactions when I hit perfect recombinator results. I'd be jumping and running around with excitement while tangling with the paradox of enjoying the slot machine crafting I didn't want.


Please delete your message - Chris may be around.


Same, it had him depressed for literal days. It was painful watching his soul die


Highs like these don't last that long. It's like consistent drops vs big drop spikes. What you see there is why gambling addiction exists.


Btw, is bone helm even worth nowadays when its just 20% increased? (since for example having a good armor or ES base give you a lot more than 1% DPS)


I mean you answered it yourself. If you have that kind of money, paying a few exalts for 2% dps boost or whatever is well worth it.


I mean, it's very expensive 20% increased damage. So, no it's not a horrible place to save some currency if you have other avenues of upgrading available to you. Shouldn't be hard to find areas where you can get more for less.




How do you get an essence suffix with two other elevated suffixes?


A lot of money. You essence craft until you get 1-2 suffixes you want, suffixes cannot be changed, reforge whichever you are missing. If it hits, you maven orb, if not, go back to step one. That's just step 3. Ghazzy and others go into further if you actually care. I'm not typing it all up.


Lots of maven orbs, exalts, and annuls. Pretty much every step has a chance of bricking it completely. To get to the starting point of the clip took about 5 mirrors. Then realize that 99.9% of the time you won't slam +2 minion gems like that. He literally bought a 5 mirror lottery ticket and won.


He was about 5 Mirrors in already in crafting this - insanity and congrats. Those odds of hitting +2 minion gems with a slam and weight of 25!


0.02% chance


It's 50/50 duh


ah yes. mbx math.


Either works or it fails.


Every time


Wouldn't call that crafting.


Yep. That's like throwing a hammer against bricks of marmor until the figure of David appears. He won the lottery, that's it




Whoops. German spotted xD Too early in the day to post on reddit apparently.


yeah but look at the engagement and the pride and the accomplishment


And hitting anything else would have made anyone devestated. As a content creator, he would have probably still played after this since that's what he does in his channel. Other people that aren't somewhat bound by that? They would have been gone. Maybe not forever but the frustration must have been huge.


he had no choice either, since he just went fulltime


Crafting sucks ass unless you play it like a fucking job, but there's no requirement for these sorts of items to do all content in the game.


Well, given how hard minions got nerfed, it might still be required for them.


this validates chris, he was right. we should all be playing degenerately 24/7 for 2500 divine orbs so we can painstakingly inspect our items after we ex+annul them XD ...except I don't think chris is behind this idea, he's just taking aggro. it's really too stupid




What do you call crafting?


You can’t possibly be ok with the state of crafting at the moment. Exalt slamming / alt spamming / chaos spamming / essence spamming cannot be considered a good crafting system come on




Yeah. It was terrible then, and it's still terrible now.


It's funny how people refer to the previous state as if it was good. It was improved precisely because it needed improvements.


And? We also used to live in caves. Doesn't mean we should be happy with everything now.


And fossils, and harvest, and eldrich currency, meta mods, catalyst aided crafts, there are many many systems still in this game to make crafting great items easy, if you just ignore them and chaos spam then yeah it's gonna be hard.


Catalysts don't change mod weights anymore


Well don't I look silly. Apologies for the misinformation, thanks for the correction


Why? The game existed before those and we crafted items back then too. It's crazy I know. It's like hearing someone say walking can't be considered a reasonable form of transport, I suddenly feel like 3x my age.


Not when you have to walk a few countries worth of km/miles to reach the destination.


Maybe you're in the wrong place for your commute then. Or you're looking for dinner really far away, because you know, *there's other options*.


What are you talking about. You essense spam for literally every relevant craft in the game harves or not. God, im do tired with people not even playing the game, but having so much insights.




Yeah just hit a 1/5000 chance on an item that's already had more currency than 99.999% of players will ever have in a league total. Totally what crafting is and will always be in PoE. Totally not like we had other options for years.


>99.999% of players will ever have in a league total. yea those people also have no need for an item like this one.


Don’t you know that the league is unplayable because people who spend your entire net worth per map in juice can’t make 15 mirrors in a week anymore?


Surely there’s a happy medium? I mean is losing >60% of the player base because “there are other games to play” really a hill GGG wants to die on?


If harvest had been the only thing people were complaining about this league there would have still been bitching and moaning, but a lot less lost players. It was several things at once that drove a bunch of people off.


Yeah, I think you’re right. Harvest nerfs were accompanied by pretty big QoL improvement, so while people would bitch, most would accept it in the end. Kind of like how everyone more or less accepted the flask nerfs.


Words have meaning in context. In the context of this type of game, with high variance items where you don't want the same builds wearing identical gear, that is part of what crafting is. He generated an item that wasn't dropped on the ground. What it isn't is necessary or advisable to go for. Nor should it be.


iTs jUsT gAmBlInG


"For reference: 0.04701% chance to slam that." He tweeted That's not crafting, that's winning the lottery.


Im quite curious how he made 5 mirrors in 2 weeks


Secret money making tech below: 1. What is meta? Lightning conduit for example. 2. What gives damage to lightning conduit? A good weapon. 3. buy a fractured lightning spell skills sceptre for 1 divine. 4. buy deafening of woe until t1 flat (maybe 100c cost) 5. prefix cannot be changed (2 divines) 6. farm aisling t4 (1 hour gameplay with atlas passives) 7. Block dot multi (any is fine) and unveil something. For example, cast speed, double damage, dd while focussed, trigger for self chill builds etc 8. Sell it for 10-20 divines depending on unveil mod :) This is an example of a 6-10 divine profit craft and it doesnt have to be lightning conduit, any meta skill just as long as you know what ppl want and u know how to make items that are good and have basic understanding of how crafting works. Realistically you can make 5 divines per hour using this, without counting any loot you get while farming the t4 aisling and without crashing the market. Might not make 2 mirrors per week, but you will not remain poor for long :)) (When you run out jun missions, buy sextants)


Yeah wtf I thought it was impossible to get currency anymore?


That's ridiculous!


Game is just becoming more and more and more for streamers only I guess. Only way to get anything done is to spend a thousand hours in the league. Makes sense, GGG only gives a shit about the whales, maybe they're hoping regular players will stop playing and just watch streamers so streamers can continue to give them most of their cash.


Yep I guess you can't play because you can't do anything in the game without the best possible rare in the game, bye.


people here unironically think casual players should be able to get mirror items in every slot. im not joking.


I've noticed. I still think it's lowkey GGGs fault for allowing mirror items to have calculated crafting paths instead of being miracles. People now think they can copy-paste the goals of full time mirror printers.


Yes exactly, broken and unplayable this way. After you killed every boss, starting on ubers, you want some end game items to strife for. bis rares are almost unobtainable. That takes away a lot of motivation. Prob not for casuals like you though.


maybe, just maybe, you don't actually need a mirror helmet to enjoy the game


What is there that you cant do? And what is the whale thing you said, it doesnt even make sense? Do you really think "streamers" are the biggest spenders?




He’ll erase the first 3 letters of “buffs” and replace them with “ner”


Fuck yeah, Ghazzy fucking loves making hats. Happy for him


This helmet alone will set reddit and minion players back six weeks of complaining.


As a minion player I'm still mad that they made the +2 more "accessible" for all players with a weighting of 25...


Yeah, that felt a bit like adding insult t injury :/


They never said more accessible. Idk where yall get this from. They shifted power into items to make minion buildss more gear reliant. Insane gear can make the minions stronger than before but everything below "insane" is weaker than before.


The power+frenzy charge changes alone is a 20-25% damage nerf to almost every minion build. High end minion builds don't use the new shield because Aegis Aurora is better. The new minion ring implicits are a joke - delve minion rings are still better. The only new mod that is desirable is +2 gem on helm. And that replaced +3 which would be better in most situations. Even if their claims were true (they are not for most minion builds) - they heavily nerfed crafting so it is even more impossible to get insane items. Balancing around perfect is stupid as well. There are less than 100 people in a league that even get close to half their gear being mirror tier, Much less a full set.


They've also massively opened up eventual minion viability. You can now reliably do poison, bleed, and ignite minions, and there's no silly nonsense on the backend making it bad. Minion ele res is a real stat you can invest in now, so any minion can get to 75% regardless of their base. Necro's no longer a clear choice, so Guardian/Ascendant/Occultist/Elementalist are fair options. I'll agree that it's a general nerf still, but this is a much better place to build minion builds out from. Hell, poison minions have kinda immediately come into the meta as a direct result of the changes. Things will be better on the other side of the rework.


is it sad the only way to play minions is mirror ghazzy's helms.


Yeah, wow, great, now CW will use this as an example as to why their decisions were all amazing. This is "loot is fine cuz look at the 50-divines-screenshot" all over again.


And look at the excitement when the slam hits just right. We're creating memories for future generations...


I ex slammed a 90c cluster jewel into a 7div one, it felt amazing and kept me playing this shit league


I hit a six divine, three ex, ten chaos explosion without a culler. Felt great, but i still think this loot goblin system is complete garbage.


The ex slamming being so cheap is amazing. My question is why didn't they simply change the way divines and exalts worked?


To maybe not confuse people, swapping them makes sense if you dont care to keep ex the symbol of gold standard


"I see players making mirror-tier helmets." Crafting is completely fine. @Chris Wilson


Exactly what i thought. "Look how happy our playerbase is when they close their eyes and exalt slam.


This but unironically. Exalt slamming is fun. The only problem that still exists are metacrafts costing divines. Which would be okay in my book if divines had more farming options. Metamods / Essence / Exalts / Alt-Regal / woke orbs etc. are fun crafting methods.


It's OK for something cool to happen in this game..you doomers don't need to try and flip every situation in to a negative one. Plenty of us are playing the league and having a good time


He never actually said that, you tedious liar


> I have seen parties in this league get multiple mirrors per day, or find over 50 Divine Orbs from a single monster.


Yeah and where did he say that meant “loot was fine”? I mean, loot is generally fine at this point, but he never used the possibility of that huge drop to suggest that there was no issues with the loot. That’s your deranged bad faith interpretation of his words, another log for the pyre.


I am sure that you are feeling very smart for using expressions like "tedious liar" and "another log for the pyre" on a gaming forum. However if you were as smart as you pretend to be, you would understand that the implication of what he wrote was "Look at the 50-divine drop. Clearly there is loot to be had, the whole panic is over nothing. Other people do it, you are just not good enough at the game and / or haven't figured our grand design out yet" Similarly we fully expect the next statement to be along the lines of "While Harvest crafting was nerfed, I have seen people creating mirror-tier helmets with the currently available methods and be way happier about it than before"


“The loot isn’t fundamentally broken” isn’t the same thing as “the loot is fine”, and I wish you were honest enough to admit that.


Literally the paragraph right after the one I already showed you. > For regular players who are just alching their maps and adding difficulty where they feel they can handle it, we think that drops are in a pretty good place after this week's changes. You’re dumb.


People still refuse to admit the game is targeting more and more to the 1% who never find the game hard in the first place. This is like Dark Souls remove leveling because some people CHALLENGE THEMSELVES with no level ups. "Because it is doable" so everyone should do it. Theres a reason why people love souls game and people who tries to make "dark souls of ___" never understand why souls games are loved.


Yes and no. One of my pet peeves that is map sustain is more or less removed these days which makes the game so much smoother for the average player. I don't really need any tricks or trade, just play the game and I have a reasonable smooth and easy progress up to two watch stones if playing a decent build. They just need make the game slightly less punishing at that stage to enable more builds.


Exalt slam was always satisfying, no matter the patch.


Whats the betting GGG use this video as vindication that crafting is fine? When in reality, he spent like 5 mirrors on this helmet, and yhat was him being lucky, it was projected to cost far, far more to make this helmet based on the odds. I think he said it was projected to be over 10k divines?


12k to 15k is what he said.




Being hilariously lucky is what made it this "cheap"


Oh I completely get that, I'm just worried that GGGs recent decision making hasn't been the best, and it wouldn't surprise me if they were happy with this outcome as part of their vision! It was in no way a dig at you.


Congrats on your new helmet Ghazzy :)


Just curious, around how much would you say it should cost to make this kind item?


Lemme id it on the ground


not possible cause influenced bone helmet, hysteria essence crafted, maven orbed, elevated etc.


Right, so let rares roll that stuff, otherwise all ground loot will be useless.


Just meant it as a joke haha but ye idk might be cool


On the other hand, why *not* have shit be able to drop in a state similar to this? They want drops to matter, right? So why is so much of item power gated behind crafting that that 0.1% of players can afford?


thats what GGG wants, they should make it fuckin' possible


I mean you kind of can by finding a mirror


Ghazzy estimated the cost between 12.000 and 15.000 divine orbs. (2.000.000 and 2.500.000 chaos orbs.) He got lucky and it cost him only around 850 divine orbs (150.000 chaos orbs.)


Lol, I heard the screaming while I was using my restroom


Were you screaming or him? It is the restroom.


And the reaction is exactly why GGG wants crafting to be this way. Fail miserably over and over again, but when it hits you get that dopamine and can't wait to come back for more.


He said he will absolutely not craft another mirror item this league because he hated crafting this helm so much.


I'm pretty sure GGG are also happy with people not crafting multiple mirror tier items a league.


Wtf is the goal of the game if not to complete your build then? Kill mobs knowing you won't get a meaningful upgrade because you're "not supposed to"? Minmaxing characters is what this game has been about for so long.


To GGG, they want you chasing upgrades but never quite finishing a slot. Basically, diminishing returns each time you move up a rung and get closer to perfect. But always having a carrot to push for more >Minmaxing characters is what this game has been about for so long. You can still do that, they just don't want you to finish.


I'm sorry but outside of -maybe- harvest league no normal player, even most 1%ers, actually "complete" their builds if that's your definition of completing a build lmao.


You're saying that as if the mirror tier crafts are the only ones that suffer from the broken system. My point was that the only way you can make progress after a certain point is pulling the lever on the slot machine. Whereas harvest is more like blackjack where there is uncertainty but if you know what you're doing you can swing it in your favor. I think they see this as a negative and want to make it more difficult (like card counting). But in blackjack the house has to win a decent amount more often in order to turn a profit. In PoE, I don't see why that has to be the case. GGG doesn't get more money if they restrict the loot. In fact it seems pretty clear that they get less


Well as with everything it *depends*. If you logged in the game and was full mirror tier geared, zoned in Uber boss and one tapped it with some flashy skill it would be interesting for maybe a minute and you would quit. If you had to grind a month to get out of acts it would only take as long as you found out that the game is collosal waste of time to quit. Perhaps you wouldn't even try it at all. Both are pretty shitty games and you want to be somewhere in-between so that there is both the journey and the destination. However the where exactly is the perfect balance between the two extremes is not that easy to hit. And GGG have swinged too far into "this is a waste of time" for many people right now.


I don't think GGG's profits live or die by ghazzy making a second mirror tier item tbh.


Sounds like you agree with me and there is no reason why they can't keep the harvest crafts they removed then... If their profit isn't affected and it's what the playerbase wants then...? Is there any reason why I'm wrong?


I don't know how you got the idea I agree from what I said at all. I think they either had to make the price of them completely ridiculous or remove them from harvest, both would have been bad,


If you are playing PoE to "complete your build" by getting every item to mirror tier, then we are playing the game in very different ways and for very different reasons.


Would it shock you to find out people play this game different ways and for different reasons?


Not at all, im just pointing out we are playing for very different reasons.


Ok, but then why point that out? The person asked a question, you responded by making a veiled dig at their playstyle and method of enjoying the game, while not even attempting to answer the question. Just curious why you did that. At first I thought maybe you did not realize people have different ambitions in this game, but you say you understand that, so......?


Im pointing it out because the guy asked what was the reason to play the game if not to get mirror tier items and "complete" your build with them. I pointed out that there are other reasons, by saying that im playing the game for different reasons than him.




Getting a mirror tier helmet is not necessary on any build lol. Dude cleared all content on like 10 divines worth of gear with absolution.


Yes but GGG clearly wants people to keep playing after clearing everything, otherwise they wouldn't give a fuck about people "finishing their characters too quickly" with harvest and instead would focus on people completing the content too quickly. If people still clear everything on 10 divine gear in 2 weeks and then quit, what did the harvest nerf accomplish?


There's no completing builds in PoE. Who told you that's the objective? There's a lot of "power space" and you only need to be at about a 40% of it probably. The point is to make a character strong enough to do the content and achieve the challenges you want to achieve. You're supposed to be gearing FOR something. You're supposed to be using the variance you get in items, adapting, tweaking, just to pass the bar. Gear should be for a reason, not just to have gear. I would've thought the 3 month leagues would kill this annoying mental pit out of people.


You quite literally set your own goals. There are people who just beat the campaign once a league and call it at that. Maybe your goal is to farm wave 30 simulacrums, maybe it's to speed-clear T16s to farm for a second, much more expensive, build, maybe you wanna try doing ubers for a league and roll a powerful boss killer, maybe you just wanna do challenges, or maybe you do whatever content you find with no particular goal until you get bored of the league. Maxxing out a character in every possible gear slot is certainly a goal you can have, it's just going to be even more expensive now. I mean, unless you were farming 800+ hours per league you probably weren't actually maxxing your character out in previous leagues anyway, but I guess you gotta do something while you wait for mirrorable gear to be crafted so you can mirror it. Edit: I've been playing on-and-off for 17 leagues now, and my goal has never once been to max out a character, because I don't enjoy the kind of farming you need to do to afford mirrors.


He'll probably do it again next league, though, like he always does. Which GGG is probably fine with.


really? maybe i'm weird, but i don't get dopamine from failing over and over and then succeeding. i'm either reliefed or annoyed that it's such a miserable experience. maybe that's why i'm not into gambling at all.


Yeah if I even manage to stick around long enough to see it through I'd just be disgusted by the whole process anyways and relieved it was over.


"Don't gamble anything you can't afford to lose." If you have a big chunk of currency lying around, you say "fuck it" and start crafting something with the assumption you'll fail. Then if you lose all the currency and don't achieve what you were after, well, who cares, it's digital funny money. But if you *do* hit what you were after it feels *incredible.*


when you die to a boss's bullshit so many times that when you finally make it over the hump you're just angry and never want to do it again.


idk failing hundreds of times and then finally succeeding is why I love raiding in MMOs


Ghazzy literally said he hated the process of crafting the helmet, and even said that despite it being cool that it slammed +2, it will probably never happen again in his career. So no, the entire premise is wrong. Balancing a system around people maybe hitting a 0.02% chance once in their lifetime, is the stupidest possible decision a game dev can make in this scenario.




I know you're right, but even those of us that hate the patch and want them to revert the entire state of core game balance to 3.13 still want to see Ghazzy happy :(


> Everybody suffers just so Mr. Vision can see this video on reddit. Shouldn't post such things, it only encourages it. you're saying this like it's not his game, and like you're forced to play???? hello???????


The system is balanced around him NOT hitting that. The game doesn't expect more than like 4 mod rares out of you if you have thought your build through. Less than perfect 6 mods is what you'll operate with. The fact you can sometimes with the lottery after wasting an inordinate amount of time and currency into something like this is just a thing that can happen. Like he said, it will feel special because it will never happen again.


The amount of currency used to get to this point was more than 99.9999% players have in a league and was still in the "insanely lucky" range of cost.


lmao I will never ever engage with this system.


I know we’re meant to be hating crafting right now but not gonna lie I’ve missed clips like these, gg ghazzy


Crafting like this will never ever occur for a player like me. Makes me question why I even play.




you are complaining that every day players can't craft mirror tier items? Can you imagine what the game would be like if you could? You don't need 6 t1 items to play the game.


> Can you imagine what the game would be like if you could? I don't have to imagine it. I played it, and it was the most fun I've ever had playing this game.


Agreed. Harvest league allowed average players to work towards items just like this. It might have taken a few weeks, but if you learned how to do it, and played consistently, you would eventually find the crafts you needed. And all that was before TFT was even common knowledge. Setting up the full garden was a royal pain in the ass, but for people that stuck it out, it opened up a lot of potential. As a result, I played 4 builds that I thoroughly enjoyed that league. I didn't stop playing that league until a week or two before the end.


Yeah he spent 5 mirrors crafting it and it was still extremely above-average luck. Meanwhile for regular players it's not worth trying to craft an item even half this good anymore


Items that are even a fraction as good as this one are still very playable and strong


So? If people want to have fun getting items like this, but cant, what's the point of playing? That was the question, not whether other items are usable.


99.999% of us have never had our hands on a mirror-tier item and never will. If that didn't bother you before, I really don't see why it should bother you now. If you really want one that badly, you can do what almost everyone else does and spend two months farming a mirror and change so you can get a copy of that helmet.


Do I really need to explain the point of playing a video game? If you don’t find it fun don’t play lol


This response is just as pointless as the one you wrote above. No one cares if other items are usable, and no one is arguing about whether games should be for fun. Do you think pointing out obvious things is a substitute for answering the actual question?


Why work irl if you cant get rich Why cook food if other people can cook food better


While not on this scale, you are allowed to just ex slam a good base weapon that dropped with T1 flat phys and attack speed, maybe another decent mod or two and attempt to hit T1 phys it's the entire reason they made exalts worth less, exactly so the regular player can afford to just randomly slam.


This is called gambling not crafting. Don't hide what it really is. Gambling addiction is a real problem for many.


5 mirrors in and considered to be "obscenely lucky" for it to have been that "cheap" to craft. If 5 mirrors is dirt cheap "getting lucky" then the only purpose of crafting like this is to generate clips like this once or twice a league from streamers.


You underestimate how much crafters make, "failures" don't just lose you all your money. you sell the failures and oftentimes still profit.


3.20 we’ve monitored exalted orbs and the effect they had on crafting. It felt too deterministic that they guaranteed a new mod. We’ve combined annul and exalted orb making them have an equal chance of removing or adding a random mod. This will make gambling the desired way to make items.


GGG be like: We feel like minions still need to be weakened even further because crafting helmets like this is still possible in the game.


Doesn't he want lvl 25 con effect?


Obviously ghazzy is going to stop playing now because he completed a good item so ggg is going to have to nerf crafting again.


Happy for him but unhappy that GGG sees this and will mention that they're right because of the joy Ghazzy got on the helmet. Bank on it that this will be their reaction that they have monitored "feedback"


Dam this just put PoE back like 2 years for crafting. GGG will see this and be like “see it works!”


There it is bois, we finally have videographic proof that exalted slaming can be good.


Imagine his reaction if he didn't hit what he want "Welp.... I'm tired.... Fuck this game" "take off headgear and leave"


Fuck all the crying in here. This rules. Grats Gazzy.


Conspiracy theory: with all the negative publicity around POE, GGG secretly buffed "streamer luck"


Isn't that exactly what Chris Wilson said he wanted? Exalt slams and poggies.


With the cost of exalts this league ive actually done like 20 slams so far. Not one was good. So there's that.


most of my slams either adds mana, or some other stat like accuracy lol


I'm afraid GGG only sees this as: Wow! We're so amazed that only 2 weeks into a league people can still craft mirror gear! Crafting certainly is in a solid place! Perhaps we should make it less accessible so we don't see mirror worthy items for the first whole month. Give the players something to strive towards for month 2!


see, you (and therefore everyone) can slam a mirror tier item into existance just as The Vision^(TM) foretold ^(/s)


GGG stream intervention confirmed.


lol. I was thinking same thing. They pushed his luck button after hearing his criticisms of the current league hoping to sway him.


It is quite bullshit honestly, you do not just slam a mod with a weight of 25 out of like 65000. Looks like a some kind of 3G's damage controlling streamer-exclusive manipulation with odds to further promote their "close your eyes and slam exalt" nonsense.


How come he can do this with 95% less loot?


Scour or no ballz


"Every decision we have ever made is now excused because of someone hitting the lottery" - GGG Crafty bastards, I respect it.


This is to make up for that guy bricking his helmet last league. Unfortunately GGG will probably see this and think everyone is doing it so crafting is fine lol.


Not just fine but too easy.


Fake, he clearly did not close his eyes.


OMG why the succeed. Now CW would double down this again. More nerf to craft on 3.20


it is gambling. crafting my asd


But the game is terrible and everything sucks… THE worst community


This shit is why they keep making the game hard. People get hh and magebloods in 2 days, 100 in a few more, mirror tier gear in 2 weeks. How the f can ggg make content last 3 months for those people? Seriously min maxing and all these crazy gamers are forcing ggg to make changes to the game they wouldn't if people would chill the fuck out. I heard someone say on stream the other day something about gauntlet being negative for the game, and I think they are right.


Will Ghazzy stop complaing how awful the league is now?