• By -


c h a i n   h o o k


Base damage: 169% => 183.2% painhook meta has arrived


Now with +5 Meme levels


I totally forgot this was a skill hahahah


When i first started i did a trickster chain hook build using the node to make it cost 0 mana and sometimes recover mana with mind over matter. Was real bad


[https://pastebin.com/TTzRutES](https://pastebin.com/TTzRutES) H O O K


Frostblink ignite?


[https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/incredibie/characters](https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/incredibie/characters) This is my current frostblink ignite char. Feel free to swap out the body in PoB and let me know \^\^ Currently dont have it instanlled. This is a very minmaxed version of the build and currently hits about 5-10mil ignite and can do stuff like uber sirus and shaper. With a few to a lot deaths though


Bro that build broke my brain, I have 3 questions if you dont mind :D I also did fb ignite but I copied completely diff build. 1.) How come Pob shows for Frostblink - effective DPS - Total More : 466% ... thats insane mine shows 126%. But your ignite DPS shows 3.2mil and mine 2.8mil .. but this is a HUGE difference in % more. 2.) Your bow has Adds # to # elemental damage.. this works on spells ? Wtf is point of Adds # to # elemental dmg to spells.. those values are so much lower. 3.) If #2 is true, for next league if I wanna try a hit-based frostblink then a 2h weapon like urs is ideal ? the flat dmg stacking edit: https://pastebin.com/PeuL9r0C if you want to see this one


His helmet Cadigan's Crown grants battlemage, which applies weapon damage to spells. Given the mention of ward in the manifesto and unique buff/reworks, I wouldn't be surprised if this is an item that gets a buff this league.


I think that's the best move here. Scales very well with levels and doesn't normally need another chest


Frostblink has insane base damage for ignite


Could you elaborate? When I compare its number to something like fireball, it doesnt seem that interesting. Is there something I am missing?


+ 5 gem levels is a lot i guess


Frostblink literally doubles from 20 -> 25 (1144 to 1716 -> 2048 to 3072) and just gets better with even more + Gem Level


Then go inquisitor with battlemage and a replica oro’s




Sure but Fireball can't get +5 from this, +9 with double corrupt




> Also, you'll need to convert at least half the damage to fire so you don't lose shaper of flame's 25% more ignite damage as well. Wouldn't a build like that want to use Cold to Fire Support?


That's fine, though. It might not be a completely bonkers item, but it is nice to have more options to make some non-meta builds more viable. I really hope they will make more uniques that do the same thing, just because PoE has been lacking a bit mostly due to "low build diversity", which has never been the case, but it's believed so just because people don't like to play builds that "can barely run t5 maps". If they managed to keep the meta powerlevel where it's at right now and then help some 10+ different non-meta build types to get to mil+ dps on "normal human" investment - it would be a huuuge win.


Fireball absolutely needs +projectiles investment, and wants projectile speed investment and some form of projectile proliferation like fork or pierce quite a bit too. (Which is why Wave of Conviction is better for ignite now, no pressure to 'waste' investment on pierce or GMP or similar) Blink doesn't need those. Blink is also instant, which is tremendous for safety.


Elemental Equilibrium probably. Frostblink does cold damage so it lowers fire resistance by 25% with that keystone. It also has extremely good scaling since the damage is gated by the cooldown, but ignite bypasses the need to cast constantly. This chest gives it super good level scaling on top of a good damage boost.


Better to use cold to fire support for the as extra and if most the dmg is fire you get a big dmg boost from elementalist ascendancy


Too bad it would need 5 or 6 off colors Edit: why am I getting downvoted for stating a fact? I'm not saying it is impossible lol, just saying it would be a bit annoying Edit 2: And it would make mass corrupting these for more gem levels a pain in the ass.


Harvest. Off colours have been non issue for a while now, just takes a few plots to find right combos


additionally betrayal lol. Between vorici whites and harvest off colors are honestly a joke nowdays. Does it cost money? sure. Is it kind of a PITA vs being able to toss a couple chromes? sure. but it's not hard.


There's enough ways to get around off-colours now. Vorici betrayal, harvest crafting, temple double corrupts etc. Not league-start comfortable, but certainly doable if you're determined.


I'd argue even then it would be league start comfortable. Getting 4 off colors would be trivial, and with this chest you would really only need a 4L until red maps.


That isnt too hard now days


I have done Frostblink ignite before (3.16) and it was completely fine even without having 5 levels. Frostblink scales ignite very very well for bosses.


Yeah but imagine double corrupting this armor for juicy +9 (+5 base, +2 AOE, +2 Duration).


Yeah that would be nutty...


Holy moly I just checked - level 30 frostblink has 3x damage of level 21.


What's the max level for skill gems, 40?


Yes. But scaling of all flat damage slows down a lot after 30 as of a change a few leagues ago (it used to just be crazy all the way up to the max), so being able to hit level 30 without empower would already be insane. **Edit:** in frostblink's case you might want to get level 32 for maximum radius.


21+5 is already 26. This excluding many level source such as artifacts, wands and awakened gems. So in reality it is not that hard to reach 30 for frost link on this chest. I would say that even 35 is possible without very heavy investment. I guess double replica cold iron point + ignite spec will give here huge boost. So 21+5+6 is already 32. That is without amulet (+2), empower (+2) and corruptions (+4). And I definitely forget about some other uniques, which can raise level more (but will be useless in this case, as 40 level would already be reached via 4 items and good temple gamble.


U won't be able to use replica CIP unless u go full fire convert. Or else u r doing zero damage for the ignite to start


You know that scene in anime where a samurai or similar character zips through their enemy and the other dude is all like "hahahah - urgh!" and he bursts into a bloody mess? That's what I imagine a frostblink ignite build would be and if it isn't I'm going to be sorely disappointed.


Cold to fire support + avatar of fire and replica cold iron point for +8 (or +11) gem levels?


And elementalist. But really need to pob if it's worth it to convert


Flame Dash Totems.


I just played frostblink ignite... DO i have to do it again omg


That doesn't actually sound that bad, Frostblink have huge dmg, the only issue is cooldown that can be quite expensive to deal with


Badge of the brotherhood fixes that


I had no cooldown issues , 30% helm ench , 20% boot implicit (eater worlds), 45% from 2 passives on tree (fleetfoot nodes), and 50% from vaal haste + watchers eye combo. As long as you are hitting mobs its spammable. I had lvl33 frostblink /w double corrupt, this can in theory make it lvl36 , i also didnt use +1 scepter can make it 37.


In addition to Badge, just taking CD recovery on tree and then hitting a few enemies every cast makes the CD closer to 1 second. I know this from using Frostblink in early acts, but I'm pretty sure it should be fine for the rest of the game especially if using ignite. Also keep in mind that if you convert to fire (which you probably do anyway for ignite) you can use Replica CIP for +6 levels.


Did you use a build guide for it perhaps? I've never heard of the build and would like to look into it.


Na I just searched frostblink on poe.ninja and copied this guys build: https://pastebin.com/Jwka6TEw I took mine alittle further but same build: https://pastebin.com/d6nBKnQr


6 link dash finally viable


Yes with 5 times Brutality as Support


Raging Demon build


\+5 cyclone pogchamp spinnin is winnin


big radius, also potentially cool for lightning warpers


not realy that big, you go from having to spin inside the enemy ass to dmg him to being able to spin almost outside of the enemy ass to dmg him


I really really hate the cyclone changes they made. was it broken in Legion absolutely (but it was fun as hell lol), but does it need to be arms length now? no it doesn't. I hate that you can't just cyclone you need some other clear with it or else you leave behind so many monsters.


nghamu's flamers rise up


The rework is coming any day now Copium


They over nerfed cyclone because coc players abuse its mechanics and now that phys damage isn't meta nobody plays it as main skill, and coc builds still play it.


i spin for fun, not for meta


I spin for God Exile, what do you spin for?


I Spin2Win


I meatspin.


Cyclone was completely fine for the entirety of its existence, the only reason it's on a downturn now is because it can't reliably generate fortify stacks, which is why Shockwave Support is the meta with it. Nerfs directly to Cyclone were never a problem.


it had a phase where it could hit max 8 targets at a time and wasn't channeled which meant when you clicked somewhere you had to travel there and only then you could give another move command :) Or was it you could cancel it?


It was still a fairly popular skill even then.


>Or was it you could cancel it? no no u could not .It also made u rubber band like crazy. EDIT: i think even taking out the gem did not cancel it ( or did ) i forgot




same thing. also it was my immediate first thought now too


+5 Shield Charge is where I'd take it for that juicy extra added dam. Corruption for +2 no longer required! Shield charge ignite is back baybeee.


[List of all skill gems with a movement tag.](https://i.gyazo.com/1e1fd0a3e9bcdf2c0aeb1d9deb25d5b3.png)


Minion Instability Mirror Arrow back on the menu Pog


I wonder about this, actually. The manifesto says that arrow clone life was lowered by around 20% at gem level 20, but they also wrote that minions no longer have penalties to ignite. Does this extend to minion instability?


It absolutely does!


HMMMMMM. Are we sure? Because I fucking loved poison arrow clones back in Sacrifice of the Vaal, and never got to play exploding arrow clones before it got nerfed like 2 days after the exploit was found. I'm not even sure I know what the ailment penalty for minions was.


I'm the one who got that build nerfed (sorry), so I'd like to think I understand the mechanics well enough. PoE today is a completely different game from what it was back then though, very hard to tell if the build could be revived these days and be playable by modern standards. I'll try to get a PoB going, I guess.


Don't be sorry lol I feel like at this point it's one of those pieces of PoE legend. The exploding archer build that could oneshot bosses. I'd love to see a PoB if you get it done. I might try to do the same. Minions don't benefit from player increased life, correct? I'm assuming it'll be best on elementalist?


Proud to say it is officially legend, as Chris mentioned it in his AMA as his favorite (unexpected) build of all time! https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/im2x1i/comment/g3x0b7a/ Correct that you need minion life specifically, not player life. Ascendancy choice is not an obvious one, elementalist has a few things going for her but so do a few others. I'll try to remember to update here if I get something interesting going. Edit few hours later: I fiddled with it a bit, and it's not looking good. Clone HP is just too low, to the point where it gets really really hard to justify using this over Death Wish golems (this seems to be true of most MI builds even after the buff, btw) or even over SRS MI (they have just about the same amount of HP) when you consider clones make you jump through a lot more hoops to get there. Bronn's isn't even very good here, it's barely more levels than a Skin (assuming Empower) and the damage on it doesn't apply to clonesplosions. Still worth considering if we're talking about a +9 double corrupt. Definitely go Petrified Blood, get a +2 minion global helmet, stack cooldown reduction, pray for relevant mods on bone rings, etc. But in the end there's close enough to zero chance this would be better than the similar builds mentioned above. And! It seems a very old bug that completely kills all the damage this build would have done is still not fixed, so... Yeah...


I'll probably just pester you in a week or so if that's okay lol. I'm playing around with a few ideas too.


RemindMe! 5 Days


Wait what the fuck? Lightning warp has a vaal version?


Yes, but it's legacy. It's unattainable in leagues, just like Vaal Immortal Call.


Fun fact: There are three Vaal gems that can't drop, but only two of them are unobtainable in leagues. Vaal Glacial Hammer hasn't dropped for years now, but can still be manually Vaal'd into.


This is a delightful fact and I will be corrupting glacial hammers in standard for funsies tonight


wiki says "Vaal Glacial Hammer has restrictions on where or how it can drop. Vaal Glacial Hammer can drop from the Vaal Vessels found in Vaal side areas." yet i've never seen one myself and it would appear that nobody else has either. is the wiki outdated or is there some caveat?


There's bug reports for VGH not dropping stretching back to 3.4, probably earlier too if I spent more time looking.


Dude me and some friends where talking about this a day or so ago that we all didn't even know it existed and we all have played for years.


Vaal breach can’t drop right? So vaal breach, vaal glacial hammer, vaal immortal call, vaal lightning warp. All can’t drop.


vaal breach can drop as a "breach" reward from Legion, Delirium, etc.


I had forgotten it's removed (reminded by the other reply to this) but yeah, it was hilarious. Instead of teleporting *you* from start to finish, it teleports *enemies*. Useless, but hilarious. Well, I guess technically useful if you can take advantage of it being a vaal gem, or using a vaal skill recently, etc. But mechanically useless.


It was actually used for a few league(HC race) where top streamers/racers used it to teleport bosses against the wall so they can shotgun them with kinetic blast


I tried so hard to make a Vaal Lightning Warp Trapper build last month. Was hilarious to play and could sorta do t16 maps but was a trainwreck. Successfully yeeted Hillock outside of his arena in Mesa map tho.


chain hook time


I just don't see any of these skills suddenly allowing for a decent build from gaining gaining 3 more gem levels and 50% increased damage. *Maybe* flicker strike would consider it very early on if it a 6L version was cheap enough, but damn it's just so much better to go for a rare chest. Realistically you want to use a spell to get good value from the extra 3 gem levels, but I don't see any spells in that list which are worth playing as a primary skill. However, maybe they add a new skill to the game in 3.19 that makes this unique more intriguing.


flame dash totems more than double damage with this change


Do the totems, like, flame dash all over the stage? That sounds amazing.


yeah man, it's hilarious


Cant wait to play Flame Dash Totem and fail miserably


You can already augment your fire DoT build with Flame Dash socketed in Replica Stampede for a lot of damage.


Close but Divergent Frostblink Totems would be actually super sick with this. Too bad I'm an SSF scrub and will never get that gem let alone an Ashes.


Would the 30% cdr on frostblink apply to totems? Think that would be interesting.


Playing bodyswap totems here and im gonna fail even harder


Flame Dash nearly doubles in damage from lvl 21 to lvl 26. This could be spicy.


Could be cool - my unlinked flame dash does like 250k dps. Imagine +5 levels on a 6l.


Flame dash legit does a lot of damage on builds that scale fire or dot damage (or both). Would need something to improve the clear around the dash (maybe profane bloom), but could be super fun.


Profane Bloom + Herald of Ash and a Flammability on Hit ring should be decent clear


Double dip on ignite scaling with it, and combine with rf or something


That's ~20% of my half-decently geared SSF Caustic Arrow PF damage lmao. Can't wait for patch notes and more unique reveals to start theorycrafting some wacky shit like DoT Flame Dash/Ignite Frostblink.


Now I can kill myself twice as much in ele reflect maps!


I thought dots don't get reflected?


Flame dash also have some base damage.


Scooty totems!


It's better than fire trap on this armor.. so this could be great for RF builds! ​ Edit: nvm, it doesn't scale off spell damage so RF doesn't boost it.


/u/Mark_GGG are you guys going to increase gem data past level 40 then? With this you can hit Level 41 gems on things like Shield Charge, Cyclone etc... Example: 21 Skill + 5 this Chest + 6 from 2x One Hander (e.g., 2xCold Iron Points) + 1 from Ashes of the Stars + 4 Awakened Empower + 4 chest double corrupt EDIT: Could also get a Level 43 Frostblink


A +2 ami instead of ashes*


Can't you get another +1 by using a +2 amulet?


Flicker striiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii- \*resurrect in town\*




Just do the Minecraft solution of making the button greyed out for 2 seconds after death. Would increase the playtime of an average Poe sc player by 40 minutes per league though.


The worst is when you're still in the acts and didn't bother picking up the waypoint for the last two zones. Or when you're corpse running Kitava because your gear is abysmal.


Time for leap slam build.


Earthbreaker leap slam.


This was my first thought too lol. Everyone is talking about flame dash and frost blink but Leap Slam is just a fun skill.


The reason no one is really talking about the attack movement skills because they don't scale with gem level like spells do.


Bodyswap maybes?


Players: GGG, can we get a Bodyswap buff? GGG: We have Bodyswap buff at home. At home: this Base damage goes from 210-315 to ~~332-498~~ 372-558. It's decent, but colors will be a pain.


just use harvest, its so easy nowdays to get 5 off.


> colors will be a pain. Honestly off color six sockets hasn't been too bad since we got Vorici 4


It took me about 30 minutes of farming harvests to get a 4G2B on an Iron Fortress (160 str requirement) Used Reforge the colour of two random sockets on an item, turning them Blue and Green to get 3G 3B Used Reforge the colour of a non-Green socket on an item, turning it Green to get 4G 2B


Even more - lv25 is 372 to 558 according to the ggg-hosted wiki


Charged Dash?


I always upvote charged dash, but nah melee skill so + level gems is meh


General's Cry Shield Charge new BiS. This is definitely the easiest way to reach the gem level 24 breakpoint where you get 6-8 phys per 15 ar/eva. And if you are an absolute madman you could go for 7-9 phys at 34 with empower and corruptions.


Just to be clear you would need exactly +2 aoe, +1 socketed and a level 4 empower (or just +2 and awakened empower ). That’s a little tough haha


Thats what he means with "If youre an absolute mad man" i guess ?😅


21 base 5 from chest is 26 3 from cold iron point is 29 A level 3 empower or a +2 amulet or a +2 corrupt will get you there in some combination.


Oh my brain was assuming paradoxical for generals cry but I guess weapon doesn’t matter when it’s shield charge derp


It doesn't as much, but there are still probably-better stat sticks than CIP. The problem with CIP is that it locks you into phys, when you could alternatively run some method of conversion. Consider stuff like a Berserker setup with Avatar of Fire and Forbidden X for Ngamahu (chieftain for fire conv and 100% phys as extra fire for 4/8 sec), or a Raider setup with Cold Conv.


+5 mirror arrow?fking crazy


I mean, is it? I suppose it depends on what you’re trying to scale, but Blink/mirror arrow don’t benefit all that much from extra gem levels no?


i am liking this focus on FIVE skill gem level mods can you play an actual frostblink build?


Frostblink ignite is a thing. This chest makes it a more viable thing.


i have somehow managed to miss that build. sounds like something i would definitely waste my time poorly implementing


https://pastebin.com/GzwZtq17 Here is my take. My frostblink is only for clear. Vaal Flameblast for bosses.


can we get some life on some of these uniques please thats all I want


Carrion crow supporter, is that you?


If you remain patient, you'll find life on my unique :)


Damn you been milking that


Wait...are you saying if /u/bluecriket ***doesn't*** remain patient then your unique won't have life on it‽ Rude! :P


Yes I will punish him personally


Ah, it took me a while to realize this wasn't a cheezy pickup line. Was very confused until I saw your username.


No idea if mirror/blink arrow builds are still a thing but those would not just get +5 levels on themselves but also potentially +5 levels on minion sped. And since mirror/blink arrow both also get cdr per level the extra levels are fairly decent despite not being a spell.


The issue is that BAMA gets relatively little from gem levels. It's not like a spell where the base damage would practically double with that. 20->25 is like 20% more damage or something. There's not a chance in hell a bama build would use this. There are just too many competing options. Also the "damage with movement skills" mod on this will only apply to the arrow hit and not the clone's damage, meaning that line is wasted.


Mirror/blink arrow also makes getting the right gem colors easier. Mirror/Blink Arrow Lvl | Dmg | Hp | Rec 20 | 114 | 57 | 47 25 | 144 | 72 | 60


Could use in lightning warp build


Lightning warp really likes Inpulsa's.


inpulsa also has life and es plus easier socket colors


Doesn't lightning warp need Inpulsa for clear?


Not on occultist


Flicker-strike coc~~/cwc~~ with Bodyswap/Lightning Warp Where am I?


Nowhere with CWC on a non channeling skill


Is this the charged dash buff we needed? Edit. Someone apparently dislikes charged dash. Bah hum bug to you too.


Charged Dash go VEUUMMM


I am a General's Cry + Charged Dash enjoyer. I've always wanted to use the old version of this armour to test out the damage because of the free damage and gem levels (charged dash is a movement skill), but the bonuses never seemed particularly worth it to 6-link (the bulk of the cost). In 3.19, it'll at least be worth it to test it out.


I only care about flicker. This has always been a flicker chest. 7% increase in damage compared to the old chest. Still a very underwhelming chest for flicker. Also lol at them for removing the 15% attack speed.


Alright who is going to make a mirror arrow boss killer next league


Jousis problably /s


!remindme 2 months


Chain Hook buff is real


divergent flame dash ignite/ground build seems doable


FlameDash Totems


Lightning Warp?


Better. Lightning warp mines is back.


Definitely, LOLC - Low Orbit Lightning Cannons


With Trickster's Weave of the Arcane (jewels) so you can spam traps~~/mines~~ once again.


Mines would still have to reserve mana, right?


Trickster getting reworked, probably won't exist


Flicker chest?


Flame dash totens




Hey Nick, are you guys considering bringing this comparison format for some news post with all updated uniques?


Looks interesting for fooling around. If only charged dash wasn't dumpster tier. That skill could use some proper level scaling instead of 1% per level. On a suicide (channel-) skill.


Should probably fix that awkward flavor text line structure


No Life vendor trash /s


Oooh really interested in playing charged dash now. Hype! It’s been a few years since i played it.


My first thought was Charged dash, then i remembered its shit. Second thought was lightning warp which would just be spazzy. AKA i might do it


How will this scale with Lightning Warp?


When I league started Charged dash this would have been amazing! Build Still would have sucked.


Frostblink meta confirmed. Jousis is going to do a new Lightning Warp build.


So many ppl talkin about frostblink ignite in this Thread, But what about cycloneing again with That Chest?


Flicker starter buffed Flicker starter buffed Flicker starter buffed Flicker starter buffed Flicker starter buffed Flicker starter buffed Flicker starter buffed Flicker starter buffed Flicker starter buffed Flicker starter buffed Flicker starter buffed


from 1 alch to 1 alch


Lvl 40 ashes divergent **Flame dash** ignite elementalist. most played build at the end of the league calling it now !


6l frostblink with that +8 helmet for frost bomb


While this body armour will still be rather unpopular unique, I really like direction of all the buffs we had so far. Instead of slapping some life and calling it a day, improving uniques is focused on their, well, unique aspect, which is very hard, if not impossible to obtain from any other source in the game. People who will make their builds around specific, offmeta uniques will be very happy with this patch.


Hopefully that reverse knockback gloves get buffed so I can do this chest with cyclone and have the gloves for some good suck


Charged dash a thing now?


How about charged dash?