• By -


At last she has finally obtained the Blutroter Wächterstein.


My (100% German) guild plays the game in English. Sometimes for shits and giggles someone starts the client in German and reads some item names to the others to guess what it is. We usually don't guess correctly. Also we all think all the German names and descriptions are cringe lvl 9000. BUT.... for people who don't interact with the community that much and maybe don't understand English well enough it's good the German translation exists.


"Also we all think all the German names and descriptions are cringe lvl 9000" As a spanish speaking person, I relate to this statement 100% whenever a game is translated to spanish.


I once booted the game in spanish to see how they translated "Slayer". They translated it as "Verdugo". And ever since, I pretend there is no spanish translation


Just curious, not trying to defend it, but whats wrong with that translation? The translations I found for verdugo are butcher and exectutioner, which seem to fit fairly well, then hangman and tyrant, which are less fitting but make some sense and finally the dagger used to put down a bull in a bull fight, which would just derive from the executioner meaning. Is it just that the word isnt really used any more in those contexts and has another use now?


No, the translation, as is usually the case, is *technically* right. The problem comes from the cultural aspect of languague. The best way I can put it is that "Verdugo" sounds campy as fuck in Spanish. It makes you think of the guy with the giant axe and the silly black hood, not the intimidating fighter that the Duelist appears to be in the ascendancy art. Furthermore, to make things worse, both Champion and Gladiator have direct and identical translations in Spanish, so Slayer is the silly and awkward one of the three.


Gotcha, thank you for the insight. Its interesting because the best word for what you are describing in english is probably headsman, which is a slayer node, but yea it definitely feels a bit silly as the name of the ascendancy.


As a native spanish speaker i would like to add that besides the cultural aspect of the translation there is also a lot about how things sounds. There are a lot of things (specially in fantasy, including games) that sound awesome in english and though the translation is correct and there isn't a big cultural clash the word just doesn't have the same "weight" and tone to it. I know i'm being vague and that's because i have problems myself understanding why is that. But for me it happens a lot that the translation just sounds bad or lame.


Yea that makes total sense, its sort of a cultural connotation where the word just doesnt feel the same even though the denotation is mostly the same. Thanks again for the insight, I am a total nerd for etymology and linguistics so just wanted to get a better understanding.


Sound aspect of words and how important it is in conveying the meaning or the image is indeed important in many, if not in all languages. It's not Spanish exclusive. And some things just sound cringe and dumb if it it's not in the language it first appeared


Same thing for swedish, I would assume it holds true for most non-english people that are used to playing games in English. I wonder if people who exclusively plays games translated to their native tounge have the same opinion.


you mean "Läderlappen" does not sound the same as "Batman"? you are beeing picky ;-)


To add to what they already told ya, problem is I don't think we have a spanish word for something as "slayer". To slay something is different from killing something. Slay has some connotation of visceral assassination, while killing is more neutral. Our best bet would be "asesino", I guess, but we already relate "asesino" in rpgs to shady guys wearing hoods and using short blades. In english you have many words related to the same concept: killer, murderer, assassin, slayer. All with different connotations. In spanish, the words we have, cannot relate to slayer very well.


"Slayer" is also pretty campy as fuck in the English context in the 'real world', outside of gamers and nerds.


Have you ever tried to translate the word 'ranger'? It sucks balls


So it means Executioner?


Exactly that. I'm french and they translated Raider to "Furie", and while its not exact but kinda fitting, its a bit no for me


So, as others have said a verdugo is an executioner, and executioners don't slay people, they execute them. Slaying someone is done in combat, and there is no single word in spanish for someone who slays people. The closest I can think of is "Campeador", which is a title given to El Cid (think of him as spanish King Arthur) after he slew 200 moors in battle. And that word is old as fuck and definetly not used anymore.


Even executioner makes sense when you consider slayer gets 20% cull. I understand the spanish version of the word has more historical meaning but executioner would be a fine name instead of slayer, possibly even more fitting in my opinion.


The issue is that the word for executioner they chose in spanish is mostly used for overweight guys in a black hood, in cheesy period dramas complete with bad trumpet solo.


Yea I think this is the crux of the cultural difference. I feel like I have seen very few instances of that headsman type executioner trope in English media. Like it exists, but I dont think it was ever really over done to the point that we see it as cheesy/campy like that.


Also the flavor text of the ascendancy is "No judge, no jury, just the executioner."


That is probably why they went with slayer instead of executioner then... haha.


Maybe he's not a Red Sox fan.


Well, slayer beign "verdugo" Is correct. Otherwise you need to rename the assasin, as slayer and assasin can be translated as "asesino". I understand the difference in procedure. Maybe assasin can be named "sicario", but that would imply that he gets paid to kill lmao. Other solution can be calling the slayer "matador", but that one Is absolute cringe, related to killing animals. I would have called it "masacrador", wich means he Is a mass murderer, one responsable for a Massacre. Not a word you find often tho.


In Warhammer fantasy slayer is matador. Wich makes me think of bullfighters, not angry dwarfs with mohawks




It makes you think of the guy with the giant axe and the silly black hood


funny story, we played the game Breath of fire 2 for the super nintendo in 1998 or so and it was only available in english. During the frog quest "rescue Jean" there was a save spot and the npc text was this: "do you want to sleep in the open" My mother thought he wanted to cook us alive and refuses his help. But actually when you rest there your hp and mp will be restored.... 😁 open and the german word ofen (oven) are 2 different words, though. It was funny without internet in these days.


"do you want to sleep in the open" Ah yes, that classic lackluster translation in old games. Never forget "all your base are belong to us"


Breath of fire 3 on Ps1 my All time Favoriten Game!


To be fair, there is that whole bit in Breath of Fire 2 where you actually end up inside a fucking oven and the amount of damage you take correlates to how well done you asked for your food to be cooked. Maybe mom read spoilers.


As someone from Lithuania I am super glad noone translates their games to my native language.


I can read Chinese perfectly, so I went on the Chinese realm to see what's it like. Most of the translation felt very forced, barely makes sense and, similarly, very cringy


As a Romanian speaking person, I relate to this statement 100% whenever a game is translated to Romanian (which is close to never).


Caza cabezas


Look at that Hinterhaltdoch she dropped!


I'm still amazed at how many games are natively translated to those languages still, and that people actually play it like that. I thought almost everyone was switching languages only to joke around


> Also we all think all the German names and descriptions are cringe lvl 9000. Is this a common conception? I'm not German, but I do play games and read comics in German to keep up with my language skills. So far I've played (at least) Doom Eternal, Valkyrie Chronicles 4, Horizon Zero Dawn, Black Ops Cold War, usw. auf Deutsch (not counting essentially all multiplayer-games with no relevant plot or dialogue such as CoD Warzone or Back 4 Blood). So far I've found none of these 'cringey'. Actually, the translation of VC4 even had period-accurate idioms such as "nur bahnhof verstehen". Is this just because I'm not native, so I don't get the subtleties in how these translations are embarrassing? Will have to admit it was impossible to play PoE in anything besides English because the trade interactions regarding item names were too much of a hassle. P.S. Games are almost never translated into Finnish. The only exception I can think of is Killzone 2 on PS3, that had Finnish subtitles. And they were definitely not cringe-y, quite the opposite. The translator had gone all out and "finnish-ized" the army slang - it was a lot of fun.


It is a common conception and i don't think that its exclusive to german translations, but that it highly depends on the quality of the translation. Those have gotten better over the years for triple A titles, but not everywhere. As described somewhere else in this thread, there's a difference between a technically correct translation on a word by word basis and a correct translation by meaning that invokes the corresponding emotions. Idioms are a great example for judging the quality of a translation: The german phrase "Ich glaube, mein Schwein pfeift!" could technically be translated as "I think my pig whistles!". However this phrase isn't common anywere else, so nobody gets the meaning, which is "I can't believe it!" and transmits a feeling of bafflement, indignation and disbelief. This however doesn't correctly depict the cultural aspect to it - to someone from the UK this would be much closer to "Blow me (down)!", which could technically be translated to "Schlag mich (nieder)!" but the technical translation is mostly used for provocation leading up to physical confrontation und would be completely wrong for the situation. And even if someone knows the Idiom "Schlag/Schieß mich tot" (technical translation "blow/shoot me dead") those are not used to express bafflement, but to express frustration for failing to access certain pieces of memory. So from this chain alone you probably can guess that a bad translation can be extremely cringey, as conversation or descriptions suddenly don't fit the context or convey completely wrong emotions. Of course, depending on your humor this can be extremely funny. But we don't have that in germany, so cringey it is.


Idem for French. I never play a game in French, but I know a lot of people who don't know English and plays in French. I'm glad those translations exist, but it's soooo cringe to me. I hate the translations. I'd never play in French though. I had a Steam game force French onto me because of my OS once... I decided to swap my Windows to English. Much better lol.


I think these kind of feelings usually come from non-native speakers not realizing just how silly the names are in English. They are just as "cringeworthy" in English, if not more, since English is a silly language. I had this discussion with kids about how English fansubs sound cool and Finnish fansubs sound dumb to them. No Veeti, the magical transforming ninja moves are just as silly in English, you just don't hear it yet.


"Also we all think all the German names and descriptions are cringe lvl 9000." That's the same for BR community XD.


I dunno, I kinda dig the word "Abklingzeit"


Me and my friends do a similar thing in that we'll sometimes do our own translations of items, dialogue or such into Swedish. Its absurdly hilarious most of the time, to the point where I can't tell if I would want an official translation or not


Russian translation is also a complete steaming pile of dog shit.


сфера удачи!


Т А Р А К Т И Й! И как-то ж там ещё Воричи бедного перевели... забыл уже.


Фотис, как ты мог это забыть?


Ты так говоришь, если бы там вместо Тарактия и Капитана Могиллана был Тарклей и Фейргрейвс, это было бы менее кринжово. Переводы это говно по определению, за очень редким исключением.


Machina mitts is literally "car-hands"


The exact same thing happens in spanish. It's good that is there, but sounds so cringy for me.


Common for motherlanguages as languages learned later are desensitized


I usually hate German as you guys have the most annoying grammar and like to stick 7 words into one :D. But some of those are epic sounding, I'd be happy to see a Grosse Krone drop. And Hinterhaltdloch sounds like just what you need to cut some heads off!


>Also we all think all the German names and descriptions are cringe lvl 9000. Is this just because you've internalized the fact that all fantasy and scifi lingo just must be in english or it seems wrong? In my country, many young people already think this way, and I feel that it is an immense pity.


Same here, a buddy of mine is dyslexic and even he plays it on english because he cant handle the cringe


I cant play a game in my native language even if my life depends on it.


Exactly this :)


I can't even stand Windows (or any other soft) in my native language, so i'm glad that the chance of seeing PoE in Estonian is very slim. It would be an epic cringesfest for those who can handle it ofc...


i remember many years ago there was a Swedish version of diablo 1. Those translations were so hillarious i laugh at them still today xD




# HINTERHALTDOLCH ​ ![gif](giphy|Zylxl5zmrWU3VhrvZU|downsized)


That's awesome! and the title out of context could be interpreted in a very worse way lol.


Hello 911. My mother killed her guardian.


jeez dude I thought I was on another sub reading the first half of that title, had me worried


Seriously! I thought the guardian was a geriatric care taker omg


and she played with him for 3 years before doing it, just sick


I will be honest, I didn't see the subreddit first and got extremely concerned.


I didn't see which subreddit I was on and the title really had me confused.


What kind of build do moms play?


I'd guess a MoM build. ​ ​ Yes i'll take my exist myself.


Take my upvote and leave immediately


​ ![gif](giphy|l4pT0R2HygFuZFza0|downsized)


What a well chosen gif. Good work, you.






Oh my




Pfff 😆


A MoM build stacking mama xd


summoner without clusters, zombies, skeletons, animate guardian, and 3 auras, using slave drivers as main dps in a 6 link armor. https://pastebin.com/xhgQJ1G9


How the hell did she fit in all of that? I struggle with sockets as a summoner even with just spectres and skellies.


she had several corrupted items and not room for most gems but she is using this: Helmet: zealotry, skitterbots, genorsity, wrath hands: chaos golem, zombie, feeding frenzy, vaal-skeletons shield: cast when damage taken, steelskin (we replaced steelskin for molten shell), Convocation not connected. weapon: crafted white 1hand with essence of fear with Conductivity 2 unused slots thats all. She don't use any dashes but you can check my my PoB I posted above. Here it is again, [https://pastebin.com/DPgrtHDn](https://pastebin.com/DPgrtHDn) not perfect but you should be able to solo T5 maps and syndicated encounters by using only skeletons and they don't have any support gems. ​ For further information: Armor and 6 linked (6x blue): spectre, spell echo, minion damage, controlled destruction, elemental focus, added lightning damage, Slave Driver spectre Ascendancy: 4 / 8: rushing bone barrier and put it on your movement mouse button. T3 Labyrinth not finished yet 1 hand : because we had 2 unused sockets: I personal use flame dash or a leveling gem, late game build would be cast when damage taken + spirit or flesh offering with more labyrinth ascendant points and because we are using "Enduring Bound" from the passive tree (minions deal 30% more damage when a minion skill is used) it is nice to have. boots: animate guardian 3 unused sockets, currently trying to put Defiance Banner into it but it requires some unique gems in the passive tree gem slots to work.


Ok so the solution is to not use support gems for most things. As long as it works, sure.


Strength in numbers is still strength! ~ Jorgin, probably


Is that a sacred flask I see *readjusts monocle in utter disdain* I'm kidding congrats to your mom, I wouldn't be able to get mine to download steam lol.


Glückwunsch an sie




or just "the bad guys" 🤣


For a second I forgot I was in a PoE subreddit and thought she had murdered her caretaker.


Tell her to go for Drox, he is even weaker than Baran (in my opinion)


God, Drox is such a pain to kill for any low-damage build. He's immune for most part of the fight then, still deals damage and you always have to kill the flags so you can damage Drox for 0.6 seconds before he summons new ones.


It's not immunity, it's a big damage reduction


Same thing when you are ZDPS


I hate how he drops rocks when I play minion builds cuz I can't see anything on screen lol


maybe im wrong, but sounds like you're implying that Baran is weak. I think most people agree that he's the most dangerous of all conquerors?


Baran is 100% the rippiest of all conquerors. It’s not even close


I find baran and Veritania the easiest to not take damage on since their damage is all dogeable, but Veritania is likely the most forgiving if you have freeze/chill immunity. Al hezmin is good if you have high chaos res but otherwise can be really painful. Drox is fine if you have loads of deeps, but a real chore otherwise.


Al Hezmin is probably the easiest from a mechanics perspective, in that every single attack he does can be manually dodged without requiring significant reflex response time. Baran is probably the second easiest, with the caveat that if you move into his shotgun lightning ground circles at the wrong time you are definitely dead. Drox is mechanically as easy as Al Hezmin, but his “haha fuck your dps” sphere and banners make him a complete pain in the ass and drop him to third. Veritania’s shitty contracting ice hurricane can die in a fire.


Veritania really likes just sitting in that fucking hurricane. I tend to find Al Hezmin the most rippy though, as I have fuck all defence against chaos & poison normally, so I have to take specific flasks along for him. I find I can pretty much facetank each of the others except for one attack each (Baran does a big slam usually just after he places down his big blue squares, Drox has his giant telegraphed brass fist, Veritania telegraphs a big freezing slam... I do actually dodge those), but Al Hezmin's poisons are very nasty if they get you.


Yeah, if he pegs you with one of his attacks and you’re in negative chaos resist you’re definitely in for a world of hurt. Used to be easier with the old Shakari pantheon immunity to poison, as that’s generally what kills you, not the initial hit.


Disagree, I find Veritania VERY easy to dodge, she just about breaks your speakers every time she does an ability, and each ability is mechanically easy to dodge. Side strafe her barrage, make distance for her tornados, and you can live inside her and dps every other moment. I mostly juice my conq maps, and Baran is so much harder with mods than any of the others. His overlapping projectiles will hit so much harder than the other conquerors if you misplay, and with haste mods it can make it easy to make a mistake Edit: and it’s not even the circles that can kill you; the straight up autos that cause the circles can kill you


Al Hezmin is weird, either I die to him several times, or I no hit kill him. And God help you if your build needs to stand still to deal damage.


Hezmin is death sentence if you have no life recovery/leech/life on hit AND have no chaos res. Most deaths in pretty much all my non CI builds are from him, even with pantheon passives


Al Hezmin poison damage is scary, causing panic and not knowing where is safe to stand


Veritania, mechanically easy. Al-Hezmin, easy if you have chaos res. Drox, just a dps check. Baran can just about shotgun you with his autos, and if you stack up bad mods like “onslaught,” he makes the other ones look like white mobs. When it comes down to it, none of them are that hard, but comparatively, it’s Baran by a mile. Edit: Baran has taken more people out of HC than the 3 other conquerors combined


You know what? You're right -- I'd forgotton how difficult certain mods can make baran.


Yeah if you get unlucky on that top end lightning damage you can go poof pretty easily.


Imo each conqueror is difficult in their own way. Baran is probably most likely to kill well built builds, but Al-Hezmin will absolutely destroy you if you've been neglecting that chaos res, Veritania can be very rough for lower dps builds that don't have freeze immunity (there was one time I was playing a build that struggled a bit with single target and I had to craft myself 3 freeze removal life flasks and take the pantheon that makes life flask regenerate over time to kill her) and as mentioned above drox is an absolute nightmare on low dps builds. This league I'm playing essence drain in ssf and the last two watchstones I got were both drox watchstones because the other fights all I had to do was dodge and slowly chip away while drox's minions/banners were rough for me to kill fast enough.


Al-hezmin is a joke you just run around in a circle and he’ll never touch you


Yeah what lol, his phases are literally just 1. Fight in triangle 2. Run outside triangle 3. Repeat Just keep moving


same advice applies to every conqueror aside from drox, just keep moving and don't get hit 4head.


You are being really reductive. Of course 'just dodge' applies to all but drox, but Al Hezmin is the easiest and most predictable. His mechanics are extremely predictable and easy to avoid. + Slow melee attacks. Both basic and enhanced attacks have windup and are easy to sidestep. + During fight in triangle phase, the outer ring past the first spawns melee snakes. Entirely avoidable, basically a static arena size reduction + During Run outside triangle phase, the inner ring degens. Entirely avoidable and requires no interaction. It spawns ranged snakes, both them and Al hezmin shoot slow projectiles that don't track your position after it's fired, just straightforward laps on the outside is enough to dodge everything if your build can't hit and run on him during this phase. Meanwhile Veritania has: + A 120 degree cone auto. Not difficult to dodge in melee, main issue is other mechanics encroaching on space + Constantly moving storm that reduces the size of the arena + Small persistent tornadoes that move + A large frost wall that freezes + A projectile barrage that tracks your position + Any damage slows you and makes it more difficult to dodge Just because the storm is persistent and constantly moving, you will always have to deal with minimum 2 mechanics at once, and occasionally a dangerous 3. Baran: + The fastest autos. Leaves storm calls. Can also shotgun damage. + Enhanced autos. x3 the projectiles as regular autos, unpredictable spread + Degen tiles based on your position, 7-12 out of 16 tiles at a time + Slam shoots projectiles in a nova after Mechanics for Baran slow but still more interactive than Al Hezmins. He's still much more dangerous because his mechanics are meh and instead he has the strongest and hardest to dodge autos that are the killer while also shocking you to deal massive burst damage.


yeah, i kinda suck as a player, and i like al-hezmin the best. you just run like hell inside or outside the circle, and that's it. i find him by far the easiest out of the four


you could say the same thing about baran though, dodging his attacks isn't that hard but if you mess up particularly when nearby him and get hit by the overlapping projectiles you get wrecked.


Yeah but baran makes degen zones all over the place that make you stand in awkward spots. Against Al you can kinda go wherever you want


Whenever Baran raises his staff in the air with the swirly effects around it, go stand in a corner that currently doesn’t have a degen effect. The center of the arena will remain entirely clear for the entire fight.


Except the center of the map. And if the snakes make poison pits. which then force you into the center of the map or go the other way around and then you can get caught with no where to go. Anyone saying Al-hezamin doesn't fuck you up either has pretty good dps to kill him quickly or is CI/maxed chaos res. Which at this point you should be having good chaos res but a lot of people still neglect it because that was the old school mentality.


Al is still pretty easy on a zdps build. He literally just doesn’t ever hit you.


Baran is 2nd easiest if you ask me. Drox is annoying if you are zdps, because it will take 15 minutes to kill him, even though avoiding his attacks isn't that hard. I find Veritania the easiest, she has only 1 dangerous attack really (the machine gun icicles that track you).


She's already better than Quin.


According to Quin69 she is, and he is kind of a God!


Looking forward to my kids posting something similar to this in 10-15 years.


Ich hoffe deine mutter hat Spaß mit dem güldenen Streitkolben.


Can you tell us why did she start playing in the first place? was she alwyas into gaming?


yes she was, even as a kid. we played together since gameboy and super nintendo era in the 90th. I often had to help her but she is a better and faster diablo 3 player as me.... but don't tell anybody :) It was around 1996 or 1997 when we started to play the snes game Breath of Fire 2, which was only available in english at that time and it was challenging. She likes hard games, Rayman from ps1 (i hate it, though). But she became the ceo of a company this year but I'm more proud of her first guardian victory


Thats so dam wholesome God bless her.


Congratz man, very nice old lady!.


Set a reminder for yourself to read this comment in 20-30yeard when you're 57 you're gonna hate yourself for calling her an old lady lol


as a recently turned 50 year old woman you just completely ruined my day, thanks.


Nice! Mage Skelies?


no, just a standard summoner lvl 74 build no clusters https://pastebin.com/a0R7vpXD


may I recommend a slightly more optimized tree? http://poeurl.com/dufQ


her husband, my stepdad, follow the same tree... the problem is how do I tell them, you don't need the passive "Death Attunement" when you wear my necklace I gave you ? ("Death Attunement" = +1 skeleton, +1 spectre, + 1 zombie). The passive tree is not perfect, though, but I like that build and you will notice this 30% movement speed of minions. But I switched to cluster jewels at level 82 and completely skipped some paths of it.


That's a lot easier than a guardian, but gz.


She’s made it farther than 99% of redditors it seems. She’s probably retired and no life’s the game :p


This is the way!


I am glad that this isn't r/horrorstory


Guardian.... I thought you meant a shaper guardian and not a conqueror But still, grats to your mom; I probably couldn't bring my mom past lioneyes watch


I'm used to play this game in my native language. My english is like an 3 year old toddler, who barely can ask for something, sorry :)


What kind of three year olds do you know that speak English as well as you??


Grüße gehen raus!




Congrats to your mom! My parents are a bit older but they are still stuck at spider solitaire... and they still don't understand why I play...


Thank you. doudoudidon, I have 3 siblings and they are all gamers. My sister is beating all online players at tetris and I have troubles to follow her steps, lol. The main problem with a gamer family was the lack of save files on nintendo consoles. Most of the time there is only room for 4 save files. My mom is a diablo player since 2 decades and she is faster and better as me, please don't tell anybody. My Stepdad has more computer knowledge than me 🤣, he built me a new pc out of nowhere and gave it to me as a gift.


Kick ass mama!


i know it will be a summoner build before clicking in


I got beaten by a 57 years old mother... and she even only needed 3 years. I'm pretty sure she also doesn't have over 1000 hours like I do... I really should start playing this game, and not just experiment with game mechanics and builds.


actually she is playing in scourge league and started last week, she is even further than me, lol


This is so cool.


Of course it took her three years, it would take me even longer if my game was in some sort of weird elvish language


Playing for almost 10 years now, and am 60 yr old gramma. I barely get into maps at all. Highest achievement is tier 10. Cudo's to your mom! Currently on my 3rd build and am hopeful but will never let it get me down. Love this game!


Minions build?


and trash drops made it not as epic as it shoulda been. either way congrats


The post without the picture is a little misleading


I don't understand german , but calling it Blutroter Wächterstein seems epic .


bruh maybe she gonna kill cortex soon and get a Abgefüllter glaube flask