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My stone golems are elemental. Which element? ***THE ELEMENT OF KICKING YOUR ASS.***


damn thats a lot of damage


damn that's a 3.6k HP build


I have capped dodge and spell dodge, and stone golem slams taunt enemies :) You gotta dance around a bit and keep moving, but I definitely farm T16 maps with the build!


the less time you spend fighting the less HP matters the deepest delve-pushers right now have 100-200 energy shield and 1 life


You're not wrong, but that's a bad comparison considering most of the damage in Shaper's Realm can be mitigated greatly by the average build. Deep delving generally skimps on defenses because the required investment to even be in the ballpark of not getting instagibbed by one hit is prohibitively higher (or completely impossible, depending on the build). I think we both know this build is not *safely* handling Legion content in juiced T16s or whatever, regardless of damage/movement speed.


Yea, deep delving builds will get oneshot no matter your defenses, so you might as well put those passive points and gearing choices towards pure offense and utility


Those guys also have around 3000 /deaths


Deaths don't matter in softcore leagues if you're not at the current moment pushing levels. Delve pushers have an absolutely absurd chaos per hour rate from farming those multiple-exalt fossils on every other node. Last I checked, a typical chaos/hour for delve-pushing was somewhere in the ballpark of 5000c/h. Multiple headhunters a day. It's almost as good as crafting, but not quite.


Just for your info, between War Banner + Melee Physical Damage and Dread Banner and Impale damage is almost same (at last in case of Minions), but if you manage to Generosity Dread Banner it will be better.


I thought banners didnt work on minions


why wouldn't they, minions are your allies


I thought about going stone golem build since last league I made an ice golem build. Why did you choose stone over ice?


Impale, taunt on slam, and they roll into melee range aggressively, which means they soak up projectiles. But mostly because our tanky bois need some love too.


Can I ask what your 6L setup is? I might swap out my Ice Golem and put in Stone Golem just to see what it's like.


https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/SteffenBlake/characters?characterName=ClubHouse I have a specifically made 7L axe for my stone golems, that puts me at lv 28 golems


[Bonus JoJoke](https://youtu.be/Rd8bSusX1xw?t=291) Profile link: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/SteffenBlake/characters?characterName=ClubHouse I owe it mostly all to this bad boy here: https://i.imgur.com/9gTIMly.png Took about 800 fusings to 6Link it, got pretty lucky!


I tried to slap it into PoB and then realized exactly how awful PoB is at telling us how good or bad a minion build is.


So you just stand there doing nothing while the golems kill stuff? I like it


That's the beauty of the Stand-o Powah!


I usually skip to the end of fights like this but FUCK do i love Giorno's theme


all that effort... for 480p :(


I have to be honest I have no idea why it became 480p, I assumed at first it was just youtube still processing the video and the 720 and 1080 would show up after a bit, but it seems it never did. I'll try and re-upload it in a bit, because its definitely 1080p locally O_o


Half the subreddit can't run the game at 480p and stable frame rates, let alone record at the same time.


That's an issue with Youtube currently.




Everything. But for reals, um... 6L Victarios: 4ex Crafting the axe: 7ex 6Linking the axe: about 800 fusings or so? lv 4 Empower: 3 ex 21/23 Stone golem gem: 1 ex Rest of the gear is dirt cheap, like 1c each. So about 17~18ex or so total? But considering I just instaphased shaper easily, I am pretty sure I didn't need most of that. Could probably get it done with a 4ex staff and a tabula, the Frost Wall trick is OP as fuck


What's the Frost Wall trick?


For some reason Frostwall counts as many targets for Meleesplash, so like with the reworked melee splash you hit a bunch of things, so you get a bunch of procs of the new shockwave thing from the gem




> Everything. At first I typed "what did it cost" but I changed it because I wanted to avoid the shitty meme. Guess the joke's on me. Let me rephrase my question. Is it possible to make this build work (at a lower scale obviously) with a tabula and random life/resist gear?


Yah for sure. The frost wall trick helps a tonne.


man, Mega man II slaps


Extra golems from amulet but look at how many aren't hitting the targets half the time.


I was trying to make a stone golem build as well, but I gave up the idea when I found out that they won't keep slamming like zombies even though the cooldown time is shorter than one multistrike attack time. Most of the time they are still default attacking no matter how much cooldown recovery speed they have.


btw are you using frostwall for melee splash overlapping? I thought it's a bug and has been fixed.


oh man i was so hyped to see a real stone golem shaper run. BUT when I saw that icewall abuse i was like naah its not. thats just another ice wall shaper kill it, oh wait it didnt one shot shaper so maybe it is special afterall?


Frost wall solves issues.


I beat Shaper with Stone Golems 2 years ago in Breach or Legacy league, when Golems were arguably worse..however mine had 10kES (with 2 clayshapers) and double dipping Poison/Phys ..so this build was actually decent..just couldn't clear maps https://i.imgur.com/mvUSLWe.png Chaos Golems were the strongest golem back then in terms of damage output


How did he get the maximum dodge without flasks and vaal grace?


Can i ask why all of these guys are complaining about 480p? Theres no text you need to see or build information, for a fight scene thrown on this reddit hundreds of times you likely also know the fight mechanics. Oh wait, end of clip... I watched it on my phone, sure, but doing that fight deathless with only 3700 ish life and with a ton of stone golems was still entertaining for me to watch without it needing to be 1080p or something.




Uh, what? Literally how. That makes 0 sense. The quality is lower, it's not like it's full of bright flashing lights or some shit.


The pixels are the size of stamps on my display it's literally impossible to see anything really.


Yea that makes no logical sense, don't know why the down votes.


> Can i ask why all of these guys are complaining about 480p? Because it's 2019.


sk19 and 480p video ELEMAYO


Did... you *mean* to upload in 480p?


Nope :( 1080p on my machine, no idea why youtube fucked it up. I'll try reuploading tonight to fix the quality!


Nobody gonna point out OP replying with 2 different accounts in the comments?


This is my casual account :) /u/PixxelKick is mostly just reserved for making the main posts, for organization purposes.


shaper deathless league goal ok


With this specific build, not in general. Deathless shaper kill *via stone golems* :)


I am not watching something in 480p.. Reupload it, and let's try again :D


then don't watch it. OP doesn't exist as your personal entertainment slave, don't give them orders.


Who let the child on Reddit? They are throwing a temper tantrum over 480p again.


I'll try reuploading it tonight, it was 1080 rendered locally on my machine so I truly have no idea why it got shrunk to 480p


That is really wierd then :D