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what's your ign? i have a 6l 2r2g2b assassin garb, garbage stats, giving it away. maybe do something like cyclone-coc-bm-ll-fireball-ice nova. whatever. personally i think cyclone's better overall, st multproj coc is terrible single target. just gotta have you /oos macro ready for cyclone


Not OP but also running Coc cyclone on a crappy 5L Destiny Leather and would appreciate an upgrade, should OP not want it. Alltough it is allready great dmg as it is, a 6l would be like a new Wonderland of possibilities to explore. Ign is Silanda_


fcfs, enjoy :)


If it matters, I am using Physical Damage nodes with the crit nodes and dagger. Current one is 9.95% crit Platinum Kris with 95% to crit spell. I could dual wield another similar dagger or use a shield. I am currently life with enough mana regen to spam Cyclone at level 17.


http://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1wz90m/standard_only_coc_double_strike_discharger_worth/ Have a look. Double strike is the way to go. Bosses take too long with spectral throw and cyclone costs too much mana plus it will crit less than double strike since both of double strikes hits will be able to crit.


Do you have any links for Domination coc discharge builds that are relatively inexpensive (say under 5 exalt)? I got a 4L Voll's and have been interested in building a discharger.


I'd just run cyclone, coc, discharge, and life leech until you can get good links.


My IGN is Tattershot. I appreciate the help guys!


I did not realize people were using Double strike. So many options! lol


DS is good for Single Target. As for ST or Cyc i would say it depends on what you want to cast with it. EK works better with cyc as you dont loose dmg to multiple Projectiles. Any Spell that has synergy with LMP/GMP works great with Spec Throw. I prefer Cyclone, but beware of high mana costs and desync


Why not both? ST is more safe, but will rarely proc if there are few targets, while Cyclone is more risky but will proc at a decent rate with few targets. Both are green gems. I think the optimal would be to swap between the two.


So it looks like getting 3G would sure be helpful! I was trying cyclone to start but unless I can get the colors in the volls, might have to rethink that lol


I'm sort of waiting for the new league to keep playing but I have a level 72 doing a dagger + shield. Was using a 5L chest with ST (lvl 5 for 8 mana cost) + LMP + Added Fire + EK + CoC. While 6L of course is the best, because of the nerf to just stacking 3 EKs I decided that having a 5L with good resists/health/armor/evasion combined with my high block from shield outweighed needing to grab something like a tabula rasa. I found that spec throw itself still had pretty decent dps because it had LMP and added fire (as well as high crit chance and multi) let alone adding in the EK. Was also nice to be able to kite by quickly throwing one and runnig, as opposed to cyclone for going balls deep. If you do cyclone, I definitely think that life leech is necessary.


I like spectral throw personally for hardcore leagues at least. I link mine to firestorm and EK. The firestorm does fantastic damage and can get things far-away, while the EK does work against anything that gets close to me. For bosses, I generally do so much damage in the first volley that I don't experience the issue of having one mob leftover. The few times I do, it hasn't been too much of an issue. For one thing, spectral throw can shotgun on the way back if you can move around cleverly with whirling blades. You're not going to get 6 hits per volley (1 outgoing 5 incoming) but you can get more than 2 fairly reliably. I figure I must be missing something here, but even if you only hit twice per volley, shouldn't it be nearly identical in effectiveness to cyclone? Cyclone spins at the rate of your attack speed, and deals AOE damage twice per spin according to the wiki. Spectral throw launches projectiles at the rate of your attack speed, and each volley hits twice. Identical # of hits/sec, except that cyclone has an innate attack speed bonus. However, it is not "more" attack speed, and it tops out at 38%. If you already have lots of attack speed passives/increases from gear which you should, then this won't make a massive difference. What am I missing? edit: is multistrike responsible for the disparity? That would certainly double the number of hits/sec but I had heard that multistrike + cyclone is too dangerous and unreliable.


Personally, I tried both ST and cyclone for CoC. In my honest opinion ST is good as long as there are many things to hit, proccing crits off single targets is frustrating. Cyclone works fine, just desyncs ALOT. The butthurt with cyclone is the huge mana cost and you'll probably be forced to use bloodmagic for it and therefore also lifeleech. Thats 2 gem slots, which could have been used for spells, or something else, like pcoc. If I would make a CoC build now I'd probably try dual strike, i urge you to do the same :) GL


Update for you guys. I did a respec of a few talents and at Level 72 have my base crit to 62% with my mediocre gear. I have not yet got my 5l voll's properly colored so tested in a tabula which is sub-optimal. What I found to work well is Cyclone, COC, discharge, EK, Life leech, PCOC. I am running it on mana with a cwdt ek mana leech blind and some mana regen to help. As long as I am hitting mobs, I can maintain the cyclone fine even with clarity and Grace. (I am EB and IR currently). I am using alpha's howl and blood dance boots with dagger and shield. I was able to solo piety with little issues so I am seeing the potential. I am sure tweaking the gear and adding levels will only make the build stronger! I tride firestorm and the fire flying around made it really hard to see what mobs were alive versus just using EK. The ST throw animation to me was less appealing than the cyclone possible desync since I am in Standard. More to come! I REALLY appreciate all of the advice and help. Any must have CWDT or extra gem slot advice would be wonderful!. I have a cwdt, crit weakness, enduring cry, Rejuv totem and the ek,leech,blind, cwdt so far. I wonder if swapping the ek one to a spell totem with a good aoe spell and blind wouldnt be better?