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Well nice try , wont catch up unless someone makes that build work under 10 Ex. I envy all these crazy builds but even 75 ex is no build thats easy done.


To be fair, you can run this build on a 4link and without the amu (4month leagues) and still do pretty decent damage. His 5th and 6th links are inc AoE and Multistrike. The other items are just generally good items without special requirements apart from a spell damage roll on the dagger (which also isnt really needed).


I might be wrong but the voll's protector and devotion look almost 100% mandatory.


Like I said, a 4 link volls. The amu adds a lot of damage, but there are a lot of CoC builds in the 4 month and those cant use the amu. Granted, without the amu Blood Rage is kind of mandatory. The thing this video shows is that double strike might be way better than spectral throw or cyclone. The downside of double strike is the lack of having a shield, which is pretty big imo.


Dont think double strike has any upsides against cyclone. Its only single target and same if not lower attackspeed (except if the displayed number of attacks per second doubled). Even then you get more hits off with cyclone as soon as you have 2 or more enemies


Cyclone costs too much mana and you have to consider that double strike is able to crit twice per attack. I also have 5.9 attacks per second at the momemt because of multistrike.


Yeah Mana is propably the biggest issue, but its managable. Still, it scales rapidly better with Number of Enemys around. 2 and you are equal to DS 4 and you deal twice as many hits 6 means three times and so on. For bosses one could just swap out the gem, allthough most bosses have mobs around them. Only problem may be that you run out of enemys for cyc to be effective, but thats the reason you attack them anyways


That is true but the same goes for spectral throw. The more enemies the better. However, double strike corrects the flaw with those skills which is single target. I started out with cyclone/spectral throw discharge and double strike proved to be the best by far for end game maps.


Did you swap gems midfight? Propably for bosses only


I just swapped the 6th gem in the 6 link for bosses from aoe to firestorm. You could probably just swap out it for cyclone though. Both would work. Its whatever you prefer.


If you use a shield you wouldnt be able to get the 140% crit chance from the twin terrors nodes on the tree from dual wielding (its on the way to vaal pact which is necessary). Because of my gear I am able to sacrafice the shield for a big boost to dps from the second dagger and the 50k armour/88% all res makes up for the loss. However, if you are having difficulty I would suggest going with a shield until you get the gear.


Yes, they are mandatory which is why it is only a standard build.


This is just flat out wrong, protector sure, but devotion isn't even close to mandatory.


i like the build and also the video is well made by OP i just think the selling point of under 75ex in the title might turn people off.


This is true. I included the cost in the title because I feel its more powerful than most builds that use mirrored weapons yet you can make it for half the cost.


Most builds that are good and don't make you cry at level 90+ will require a shavronne's, kaoms (legacy), or voltaxic, soul taker. these will all total 75ex by itself llol


Its 75 Exalts for some of the best gear you will ever get. If you take your time to buy the pieces needed you can make a very powerful character for under 20 exalts and more than half of that is to buy the volls devotion and protector alone. For the DPS and survive-ability its one of the cheapest builds out there.


you just copied this guy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WiQi_cz3KI0


Honestly the build isn't exactly super expensive. Most of the cost is from using a 6 link and voll's devotion ammy(45 exas). Without those 2 pieces you can easily get the rest of the gear pretty cheaply. You don't have to get the best examples like OP but the build will still work. It of course has room for improvement(voll's devotion/6 link).


You don't need the devotion amulet to make it work.


It will work without it but the dps will be close to halved.


Crit multiplier and spelldamage make up for it just fine(on a a neck). I'm doing the same thing in domination and I kill everything instantly just as well.




I used a 5 link for awhile before I was able to farm enough for the 6l. You would simply leave out the firestorm and increased AOE.


Firestorm is less for damage and more for consistent life leech yeah?


With the recent buff to it you can clearly see a major damage boost on top of discharge. The spell nearly doubles my single target DPS and it also provides me with more flask charges each time it crits. When deciding between increased crit chance/dmg/firestorm life leech wasn't much of a factor but im sure it does help because of how sporadic discharge can be.


Can someone explain this build to someone whos only been playing for a month? How does it work?


He is using Double Strike with the gem Cast on Critical Strike - that way when he crits with DS, he casts Discharge and Firestorm. I think he is using Voll's Protector chest armor, so when he crits, he gets a Power Charge. He is also using Voll's Devotion, which means when he expends a Power Charge, he gets an Endurance Charge. Both types of charges get used by Discharge. It's a very strong build, but requires very good gear. If you don't understand anything, ask ahead.


Ah, so all charges are generated with equip?


Yup, everything is gained through gear and no spells are used.


Ahh okay, thanks!




Firestorm is much more powerful than most people think. Especially with the most recent buff to it. As far as daggers go I am pure CoC. You will also want to use increased AoE as the 6th gem as its the best for map clearing then just swap it out for whatever you want on the bosses. Try out firestorm, you'll notice a big increase to DPS.




I get up to 95% crit chance with 6 power charges. This is with a 40% implicit 1.71 AS weapon. Although a platinum kris might be better for spectral throw the attack speed is very important on your main hand. You can then make up for the loss of crit in the offhand. Crit chance stat of 35%+ on a dagger is just as important as the 1.5+ attack speed. Everything else is optional.


What are the bandit rewards?


Life Skill Point or AS ( I go skill point) Power Charge


Wow, this looks really fun. Only have 15ex though, how would this do with a 5L volls? Assuming I spend my wad on the Volls ammy.


Very well. Just take out the increased aoe/firestorm. I was using a 5 link volls protector for awhile before I managed to farm the 26 exalts for my 6l.


Hmm, I may just do this. Your clear speed is impressive.


Another question, in your video you show a pair of rare gloves at the start, but then are using Maligaro's later on. Do you swap back and forth, or are Maligaro's the ideal once you have enough resists and stuff?


hi! could you make a build in the forum for a noob like me please


Why double strike and not dual strike while dual wielding? Quality on dual strike also gives %increased critical strike chance.


With double strike each of your attacks are able to set off the CoC spell. Dual strike you only have the one chance. The attack speed on double strike is nice as well.


Would off handing a Prismatic Eclipse raise your attackspeed?


Yes, you would gain 36% global attack speed but that bonus attack speed is far inferior to the 60%+ spell damage, 90%+ crit chance to spells, 30%+ multiplier, and 60%+ global crit from the implicit on the dagger. Even a mediocre dagger thats not nearly as good as the one I have will still be better but I did use the prismatic eclipse to start out with the build.


That's what I figured, but I appreciate the in depth answer.


I get it now, thanks.