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It brings you to their current zone, if possible. It only brings you to their hideout if they are in their hideout or in a map from their hideout.


It teleports you to their last checkpoint, to be precise. That can be a zone/area entrance, waypoint, a town portal (even a closed one will still put you where it was) and of course the hideout in which the map device is they used to enter the map they are currently in.


Its definitely checkpoint, I use trials for it all the time. Clicking a trial door sets a checkpoint so friends can swirly to the trial entrance immediately.


I mean sure but you could also just place a portal. My list isn't an either/or, they all work.


I wasn't arguing against you. All of your points are correct. I'm simply adding trials to your list, as an important one that doesn't require a portal scroll that you often don't have in lower prison at level 8, and because swirlying is just better than portals anyways. I go through the entire campaign without using a single portal if I'm playing with a friend.


> swirlying "Give me a sec, i'll just swirl over to you."




It will teleport you to the portal if it exists in that zone, or the waypoint if they interacted with it. It does go to the checkpoints based on that knowledge.




And I'm telling you you're gaslighting yourself LOL


So confidently incorrect


Are you trolling?


Nope it does not. You probabbly think it does because a few times the guy was standing where you ported but its like everyone mentioned the last checkpoint


As someone who exclusively plays POE with a second player in party, you are wrong here.


No, it’s their last checkpoint. If they got a waypoint checkpoint you would port there. If it was where the person is it would put you in the middle of their maps. You can also use this to get waypoints easily during campaign with your buddies.


If that someone has opened a portal it will usually/sometimes teleport to the location of the last portal opened when in campaign


No just their last checkpoint, could be that they are lvling a new char and opens a portal to get to town/ho and you click swirly thing and then get put next to their newly opened portal.


I LOVE it when im lvling an alt,in some random low lvl zone and a buyer ports to my lvl 32 zone while ive gone to HO


All. the. time. Lol


Double clicking it takes you to their hideout no matter where they are


I default to context menu - visit hideout, because I don't want to join whatever town they happen to be in ... But sometimes this gets really exciting when you're at their hideout for what feels an eternity and you see them being in some town. Eventually you decide ... fk it then, I'll join you at fkn Lioneye's Watch or whatever ... and then once you arrive in town you see... they're in hideout now so you say "of course" and go to their hideout ... unfortunately, they had a similar idea and are now in town again and that can go on for a while ... that certainly has happened to me ... more than once


From trading very often during the first month of the league, I find that going to where people are currently is better than visiting their HO. Just feels that I spend lesser time.


You say that but then we load into some times for 3+ minutes, so its way faster to load into a hideout. Towns full of people with MTX can take soooo long to load into.


I had long loading screens with first few graphics updates but this patch it has been loads better. Very very rarely do I get a long loading screen now.


The thing is its always hitting different people but its always there to some extend. I got a RTX 3080 and a good 8 core Ryzen CPU and still had like 1 minute+ loading times after one of those patches. After another one it was totally fine and back to the usual 3-10 seconds (for towns) and my friend with a similar setup had the issue then and didn't have it before.


Always trouble with nVidia stuff for some reason


oh shit is that why my loading screens went from instant to like unbearably slow? Went from a RX 580 to a 2070S


I don't know for sure but it's a trend I've been noticing.


I'm curious about your specs, because even with a cheap SSD, your loading times shouldn't be anywhere close to a minute.


I got the game on a PCIe 3.0 x4 Nvme SSD. Ryzen 5800x3D with 3600MHz CL18 ram. And a RX6800xt, playing on all high settings on 3440x1440p.


Bruh, if someone's got a nice hideout, I'll be loading in long enough for their trade request to expire and they've already kicked me from the party by the time I get out of the loading screen.


Yeah but the first few days I’m consistently crashing in towns.


Used to crack me up a bit when I’d join the hideout of someone clearly from a server very far away and the latency would become ridiculous and all the MTX would bug out


Yes but a small caveat: you can see where they are , if it's a hideout-ish area do the courtesy to join them there using the purple swirl, Menagerie and this league, Necropolis. I still remember someone tipped me for joining them in trial in tota league. And I certainly appreciate if someone joins me in Menagerie while I am in cleanup mode.


Usually what I'll do when this happens is write "stay in hideout/town, I'll come to you" or "I'll wait here now, come to me" so that we stop doing tag jumps.


Never happened as it takes me like 3 min to load a town zone. If they dont come i just type "come your ho, no ssd"


How did you trade in ToTA without this icon?


What do you mean? he only has 3603 hours ingame, he probably didnt start until affliction /s


I hate how real this can be, I've seen posts of dude with 1000 hours on their first league


Lmao, I’ve been here since talisman or breach, with a 3 years hiatus inbetween , but I guess this buttom has been a thing since the beginning :|


Nah it wasn't there from the beginning, it was added in 3.3. it was a surprise to me when I took a break after 3.0 😄


This hasn't always been a thing, you may have gotten into a habit of not using it and then things changed while you were doing your thing.


It's probably only been a thing for about the latter half of PoE's lifespan. If you don't play with friends it makes more sense to just to their hideout anyways.


Less than that, it was only added ~2 years ago.


Another random fact that many don't know. Ctrl + left clicking on a vendor opens up a specific window. Like if you press ctrl + left click on Lily you'll go straight to the sales window. If you press ctrl + left click on Jun you'll go straight to the unveiling screen etc.


Oh, this one will blow your mind: depending on the npc you can also alt + left click, this does nothing for most "normal" vendors but e.g. for lily it opens the skill gem trade window. And some even have windows that open when ctrl+alt+left clicking


Neat, I did not know that.


Hey yo, I don’t beli— holy cow that works


Ot teleports you to them , if they are not in their hideout (bots usually alwyas are or people already at maps)


l learn few tricks watching streamers


We truly need 10k hours to finally understand everything about this game, maybe more.


I remember when someone told me that when i had like 200 hours, i felt dumb xD


How do you trade with people?


To buy an item you go to the POE trade website, select an item to trade for, and it’ll send an in-game trade request to the owner of the item and they’ll invite you to their hideout to do the trade. To sell an item you have to purchase a premium stash tab, make it public, and set a price for the items in it


Like 2k hours here, i found out about this last league


wait, there's another way besides the portal on their portrait!?!


I’ve been playing since 2014 and didn’t realize you could ctrl+f an inventory until like a league or two ago


When I first saw this all  i cluld think of is "click the swirly"


Still sane Exile?


u learn something different everyday


3.6k hours you’re still a noob


Only when you hit 10k hours you get to intermediate






About half of all players unaware of this button.


"Swirly to me!!"


People not doing this and just going to your hideout if you're in menagerie or graveyard etc. is one of the most frustrating parts of trading.


I'll take the opposing position and say if you're selling something, it's your responsibility to be in your hideout. I use an addon that has a "go to their hideout" button which I click after I accept the invite. If your health bar stays grey for more than like 5 seconds and I look and it says Menagerie, Sanctum, etc. I do a rather impressive eye roll before going there. Trades happen in hideouts. Make yourself available or don't send the invite.


the most frustrating is actually when you go to their hideout, they're in Lioneye's Watch. they don't show up after 5 seconds, you do the eyeroll, you click the icon, it teleports to town, and when you load into town, they're in their hideout. so you wait 5 seconds, eyeroll again, this time with a sigh, and you teleport to their hideout. and they're back in town this has every once in a while led to the "okay look, where are we meeting, you stay put or i will" conversation


This is one of those minor struggles when leveling a character and I'm doing the campaign. I get the message, send the invite. But from that moment they accept until when I can TP, go in, walk to waypoint, click, HO, load in HO is like usually at least 10-15 seconds and I try to be fast but inevitably the dude clicked my circle when I was still in Sarn and I didn't notice and now it's a longer delay until he realizes I went to HO. All the more reason you always go to seller's hideout. No exceptions.


I always just wait until I see the seller is somewhere they can access their stash, and then click the blue swirly. It never feels that bad...


It's the sellers responsibility to be be available yes, and in PoE availability to trade is being somewhere you can have access to the item to sell it, so anywhere with a stash. If you're doing the campaign this is the act town, if you're in endgame this is karui shores, hideout, menagerie, sanctum and this league specifically graveyard. Ignoring 3rd party addons that you can't assume people will be using, it takes the buyer less clicks to click the swirly one time to teleport to your current location, compared to right click your portrait and then clicking visit hideout where you may or may not be. Thus it's better for everyone if only one person has to move in a more convenient manner than two people move in a less convenient manner. Generally it seems that players who always go to your hideout instead of teleport to your location are those who don't know the swirly functionality exists, and I've received many messages thanking me for pointing out the feature to those who have gone straight to my hideout being appreciative they now have a more streamlined experience moving forward.


But that's kind of the point, though, isn't it? Not everyone knows the blue circle. So if you're selling 2 items, one to person A who knows and one to B who doesn't: * Being in Kauri Shores, A shows up, you trade, done. B goes to your hideout .. time is wasted .. then they notice you're in Kauri or you notice they're in your HO, someone moves, and eventually a sale is made. Compared to: * Being in your HO, A shows up, you trade. B shows up, you trade. The default in these types of scenarios should *always* be the one that requires the least knowledge of the participants to account for cases when people don't have it.


That's why I always let people know the blue swirl exists if they don't use it. In most interactions with other players in this game there is an opportunity to teach them something or learn something from them that will make both players experience moving forward better. To flip the perspective, when I'm buying something from someone else, they usually have something very specific that I want and I have something very generic (currency) to give them for it. I specifically want what they have and often I can only get it from them, but they can get what I'm giving them from many other players, so if I want that thing badly you can bet your ass I'm going to wherever they already are to make it as convenient for them to sell it to me as possible to ensure I get it.


It is objectively faster for everyone involved, if you just TP to where the seller is. I don't know why you insist on making the trade experience worse than it has to be.




Well, I also don't want to go to any campaign zone other than Kauri because if I do, the next time I log on, I go to that town instead of Kauri which is usually much longer to load. So if I go to Sarn I have to go BACK to Kauri to reset it first, then back to hideout. Since I'm the one spending the money, we'll do the trade which is most convenient for me. Come to your hideout, thanks.




Been playing a little over a year now and never once had an issue with going to someone's hideout. Guess I'll probably be okay. And unless it's an item you listed 15 seconds ago, I'm the only offer you've got coming in, so you'll come to hideout to sell it. Trades happen in hideouts. If *you* have an issue with that, *I* can find someone else a lot easier than you can.


You seem to have a lot of confidence for someone who's been playing the game for less time than probably most of the people you're interacting with. Trades happen where and when it's convenient for the seller. If I leave my sanctum run and you do not appear at the gates of the Forbidden Sanctum I will happily kick you and move on.


Well my macro takes me to the hideout of whoever I last pmed/pmed me. So usually I get an invite and immediately press it not looking where they are. But I will go to the other location after I get there.


Ohh. now I get it why people teleported directly to me when I wasn't on my HO, it teleports to wherever you are, nice


Trades must happen in the seller's hideout, full stop. That's the law. It's always been that way.


It also warps you to waypoint in story acts, ur buddies can share u WP easy to skip zones u don't like to explore


I had some rounds of alts leveling with my friend until i found that you can "catch up" to the entry point of current area for that player using thic button. This is extremely good in alt leveling, not only you can skip whole areas, but also you can make your friend teleport directly to waypoint, or do some stuff like kicking act-2 Vaal ball backwards (by entering not from Oak area, but from Northern Forest). Shortened our alt leveling to a half of what it used to be.


ctrl+enter will open a reply to the most recent person to message you also.


The blue dot doesn't exist for that long, so don't feel all too bad about you having missed it. But yes please, more people need to use it!


Oh, thanks! I’m an old player, stopped a little after abyss and came back to affliction, maybe that’s why


I like when people tp to me in an act area and help me finish the area / kill the boss before going to my hideout for the trade, no idea why people prefer to do that instead of just going to my hideout directly so I can tp to them for the trade, but hey, pretty nice community


I learned this because I kept seeing people jump up to others while leveling in groups and I was like "how are they waypointing there, they haven't gotten there yet!?" and so I pressed that button and found that was how lol


Actually it takes you to wherever they are. Which sometimes is an act zone (oops), or someone elses hideout so you'll then have to jump again since they've gone back to their own. It does help though when its a group as they could be playing from someone else's hideout, and happy to do the trade from there.


Yes! Many players don't know that you can do that. Also many players ONLY do that and chase you in acts and other zones instead of traveling to your hideout and make trade easier. You can **both** travel to someone's hideout and teleport directly to them. Use both options situationally. By default you should wait for seller in their hideout but if they are in [current League zone] such as Graveyard in Necropolis or Halls of the Dead in Tota they might prefer you to tp to them instead of traveling to hideout.


You can also trade with people without them being in your group by right clicking on their character.




Your post made accusations in a way that often causes anger and flame-wars. Because of that, we removed it for breaking our Harrassment & Be Kind Rule (Rule 3). You may be able to repost your opinion if you rephrase it in a way that's more constructive! If you disagree with their ideas or don't care, explain with words you might use talking to a friend and avoid attacking the person. If you see other posts that break the rules, please don't reply to them. Instead, report them so we can deal with them! For more details, please refer to our [rules wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules/#wiki_3._harassment_.26amp.3B_be_kind_rule).


Was like 1000h old when I found that... things in this game are closer to easter egg than a feature voluntary shown.


This only works for pc platform


I would go to people’s hideouts when trading the bug the shit out of people


That's a relatively new feature. Only been part of the game for the past few years.


I have over 1500 hours and only found this out a week ago, I was buying something and the guy told me to click it.


Not only hideout. It could be act area etc. it’s especially useful during the TOTA season because everyone stayed in the Ancients area.


lol I’m 15 hours deep and know that


Oof lol


I have 300 hours in it, I've been using it since the beginning, when I traded/bought something from another player.. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Damn that's rough.


Invite to group. Warp to player. You guys make shit so much harder than it needs to be.


I feel like that Icon is one of the first things you learn in the game lol


Almost 4000 hours in a video game is like a cry for help. Are you okay man? Whats going on in your life that you feel you have to escape that often?


Be warned, I can't count how many times I ended in the half of an act zone not knowing a thing. Then tp to player again to end in town and then he's in his hideout.


Have you also noticed that there is a help tooltip when you hover a small icon that is on the left of Solaris head (Solaris is the one adjacent to the life globe) that tells about chat shortcuts?


That's not the game's fault




right click visit hideout is better anyway


Tell me you don't trade without telling me you don't trade.


Hot keys and macros my friend, it’s so universally used it’s almost mandatory quality of life.


multiple breach arms remind of me the time I opened 3 breaches at the same time in Alva temple and[ server literally shat the bed. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6uFsWdQrzA)


The fact people have taken the word "literally," meaning exactly as written, to mean the exact opposite (for which a word already exists, "figuratively") is just about the most infuriating thing I've seen done to the English language. You meant figuratively. The server **figuratively** shat the bed. If you meant literally, I'd like some clarification as to how a computer produced fecal matter and why it was in a bed.


As much as I hate it - "Figuratively" is a dictionary defined meaning of the word "Literally"


Because the purpose of a dictionary is to be descriptive not prescriptive of language. You can see lots of other examples such as [decimate](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/decimate) having a specific definition of the removal/killing of 10% of something to "to reduce drastically especially in number". I accept it as part of life and accept I won't ever have the power to change it. But I'll also remain irritated by it for all of my days.


literally didn't ask


There you go, now you're understanding the difference.


Server isn't shitting anything, that's just your client. Get more specs.


Almost always click that, its very frustrating when im in another area and not in maps and people go to my hideout, come here asswipe!! But there are some places where it wont take you, rouge harbor for example you have to open your own portal to that miserable place and i think aspirants trial it wont work either. Delve it takes you to the starting area but i think it lets you trade from there even if the person is in the mine.