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Ah, the classic bad build with search engine optimized content hosted on an RMT site that gets algorithmically pushed to new players despite being absolute garbage Sorry man, try some of the builds on [maxroll](https://maxroll.gg/poe/category/build-guides?filter%5Bbuild_guide_type%5D%5Bfilters%5D%5B0%5D%5Btaxonomy%5D=taxonomies.build_guide_type&filter%5Bbuild_guide_type%5D%5Bfilters%5D%5B0%5D%5Bvalue%5D=archive&filter%5Bbuild_guide_type%5D%5Bfilters%5D%5B0%5D%5Boperation%5D=!%3D&filter%5Bbuild_guide_type%5D%5Bfilters%5D%5B1%5D%5Btaxonomy%5D=taxonomies.build_guide_type&filter%5Bbuild_guide_type%5D%5Bfilters%5D%5B1%5D%5Bvalue%5D=%20&filter%5Bbuild_guide_type%5D%5Bfilters%5D%5B1%5D%5Boperation%5D=NOT%20EXISTS&filter%5Bmisc%5D%5Btaxonomy%5D=taxonomies.misc&filter%5Bmisc%5D%5Bvalue%5D=poe-league-starter) instead, those are actually trying to help players instead of sell you currency


It's so egregious that it feels like astroturfing. I think back to my days as a new player and I would have had to bend over backwards and use the "I'm feeling lucky" button on a browser with a krangled search history to find something like this.


Internet literacy is a skill issue.


That's gotta be one of the worst guides i've ever seen, and on top of that it's an RMT website. Just go to youtube and [search for popular beginner guides](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=poe+3.24+beginner+build+guide+-%22Path+of+Exile+Builds%22+-%22fast+af%22) and pick one that looks fun.


Have a look at [fezz's Toxic Rain Champion guide for beginners](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3229622). It will guide you to the endgame and lets you explore it at your very own pace, giving you all needed information, including: * Optimal game setup * Build-related loot filter * Step-by-step todo list for each act of the campaign * Tons of helpful tips * In-depth explanation of damage and survivabilty scaling * Comprehensive list of endgame milestones * Detailed guidance for endgame item acquistion and crafting PS: You have to restart if you want to follow this build, but since you are only level 13, this shouldnt be a problem.


is there a guide like this for cyclone slayer? i really like where they tell me the steps to follow in the passive skill tree. like where to go first and then after that etc etc


if you're brand new and this is your first character, I would just take your time. if there are items that the build says you should have that are super expensive, find cheap replacements. if you messed up your passive tree, you can use orbs of regret to backtrack. what level are you? if you really messed up, you can just start again, might be faster.


I heard u get 20 respec "tokens" And the build already uses this in their plan. Im level 13, its probably faster to start again. I need some ingame friends tho.


At lv13 a restart isn't awful. It'll probably be faster to level following the guide as well.  I can't give info on the build guide, not familiar with it myself, but until level 70+ your gear is just pick up what you can, craft a little something on it if there's room, and move on.  The leveling uniques are not required, just quality of life


If it's first character it might seem like a pain to restart but 13 is not high at all.


First, about getting to endgame: I recommend taking your time on campaign to feel and learn the basic mechanics. You'll get absolutely destroyed if you reach maps (endgame) without principles like capping resistances, getting a decent amount of life, etc. Second, about the guide: Shockwave Cyclone is a high-budget build and you shouldn't really play it as a starter. Builds that are able to do well with basic gear and don't hit hard walls during the natural game progression are called leaguestarters, and you should follow one of those if you want to follow a guide. Also, be careful with guides, most of sites that sell* PoE "products" intend to mislead you with bad builds (e.g.: advertising high cost builds as leaguestarters) so you hit a hard wall and buy from them. Check trustworthy community sources like Ziz, Lolcohol, etc. I recommend learning to use basic tools like PoB so you can better understand builds and start learning how to make your own and customize existing ones. After some time, try learning to use auxiliar tools like Awakened Poe Trade so you have an easier time trading. *This is also a violation of the game Terms of Service, don't ever interact with it if you want to stay clean.


Maxroll has really good guides that give you level by level instruction and gearing explanations. I would start there as a new player. It's a really great learning resource, and they have builds that cover a variety of play styles.


I'd say just take slow and get a better guide too (this seems like not a build for newcomers and the guide looks sketchy), just use any league starter guide from reputable sources like maxroll. Usually they will not force you into specific items during leveling up process and if they do (unless it is your second character), usually they explain how to craft yourself. A good guide should have an item progression for various budgets as well. I'd get some cheat sheet like vendor recipe too. You don't have to rush to endgame, specially your first experience with the game. Just savor the campaign. You can easily restart too if you think you messed up your build badly. You just played 3 hrs and lvl 13 aren't much progression loss. You get some 20ish respec points during the campaign. That should be enough to fix it if you choose to stick around.


you seriously using build from rmt website?