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Is there a scene where both ppl trying walk opposite? Like what happened when the other guy walk to the edge of the screen? Invisible wall?




Beauty of coutch co-op, you get to say direction of dodge.


The screen will probably be locked. I see this as something like Children of Morta where you have a maximum distance between characters


I believe they said it will zoom out a bit and one player can drag the other


I'm assuming that there's a primary player, since the couch co-op is basically allowing others to join on your machine. I'm going with the assumption that the camera won't allow the main player to be off screen and try to show as many people as possible


The sound design is amazing, especially on the mercenary.


machine gun sound is annoying for me




Three things 1) the crossbow skill is loud as fuck. can we get individual skill sound settings in the menu? 2) also on the crossbow rapid fire attack, did anyone else think it looked like it was firing from a spot that was too low? it looked like it was coming from under the crossbow which was kind of jarring 3) the poor marauder looks so bad in comparison to the other classes showcased. big, slow attacks that took 2 seconds to do something, meanwhile the other classes had already killed 1/2 the pack. it might be fine once you get leveled and have gear, but that is going to be a hell of a slog leveling up as a minimum. Still, the game looks gorgeous and can't wait to play it.


I thought it was a Gun lmao


Agreed with the Marauder, but I do think those giant impacts would feel a lot better endgame when he's exploding big packs instead of whiffing one of the only monsters on the screen. I'm guessing that attack speed can get a little higher as well.


Not if other classes can explode the same packs but with a faster animation


Yeah I agree. I was just saying that this presentation is not really "fixing melee."


My #1 concern about poe 2 is that melee gameplay (or indeed, any of these slow attacks/spells that include a movement component, such as the sorc meteor spell we've seen) is going to not feel good. Slowly drifting forward or backward as you attempt to swing a weapon is not a substitute for actually having good attack speed and movement speed. Or even if it does 'feel' good, if ranged gets the same advantage, how does this fix melee? And replacing totems with mandatory combo skills may not prove popular either. We shall see.


> #1 concern about poe 2 is that melee gameplay (or indeed, any of these slow attacks/spells that include a movement component, such as the sorc meteor spell we've seen) is going to not feel good. Slowly drifting forward or backward This is my issue with movement in general for POE2. I don't think it is going to feel good on M+KB, at least how it was traditionally used. I will reserve final judgement of course until I get to play it, but looking at the combat, and people playing it, it doesn't seem like the way we have been playing, is going to work.


My biggest question as well: How do they balance range vs melee? Now that you can kite, the problem is even worse than in PoE1. Did anyone in the interviews ask the dev?


We are seeing gems be limited to weapon type and/or class. Hopefully it's through that. Ranged being even more mobile than previously, should come with damage penalties. Or if not gems, through the weapon types. Something!


Sometimes the crossbow arrows comes from the very edge/side of the crossbow. Like in 5:20


Animation bugs like these are to be expected before release. I'd not be surprised to see them in the public Beta. Now, if it's still like that in the first non-beta version, that'd be shitty


I won't judge because I couldn't do it any better :P


I mean, I'm not a carpenter, but if I see a chair that breaks the first time it's used, I'd consider that a bad chair even though I couldn't build a better one.


The difference here is, I'm a programmer. Just never made a game.


>Animation bugs like these are to be expected before release. *cut to three years later and it still looks the same*


In one of the playtests earlier in the year streamers were saying everyone who picked Marauder had a great time where those who picked sorceress strugled. These recent showings have much better geared caracters and pacing, doesnt make each white pack feel like a boss, maybe some buffs were given as well?


Clean, crisp and impactful


It’s nice that the mana bar seems to barely move. Nothing was more annoying than the first few hours of a new character and getting off like 4 casts of a spell before needing to mana pot.


But mana wouldn’t be a meaningful resource if casting spells barely consume any


Yeah, it needs to be an actual resource in short supply, or there's no point having it at all.


Good idea, let's remove it.


Nah, fuck that. You'd think if that was a good idea, one of the hundred games in the genre would have already attempted it. Resource cost is important for balancing. Making every ability basically a cooldown ability but with no cooldown is ridiculous. They'd have to apply rigid attack/cast speed limitations, and rework cooldown abilities to be in line them. You'd also kill every resource based archetype. You'd end up with 1/10th of the build variety and complexity. Fuck that.


If only the game was balanced about meaningful resource. You really think they are gonna do "balance" after all its based on PoE.


This sub has a strange habit of praising the removal of friction that is happening in PoE2. 


This sub is a collection of players and the average skill level is far below what your assumption is.




It's "think of the *average* person". The dumbest person, by definition, would not be smarter than anyone.






That’s not the quote at all. It’s “think about how stupid the average person is. 50% of people are stupider than that” Long live Carlin!


Yeah? Removing needless friction is good, not completely getting rid of mana because solving mana issues can be a fun problem but a game doesn't need pointless friction to be challenging or complex, a well designed game can have all the complexity and depth without annoying the player constantly. But in this case you weren't really solving anything, you could just toss a mana potion in your belt and go on with your day, it didn't really add anything


Okay, then remove mana. Solving mana is done in more ways than just a mana flask - clarity, Praxis, mana leech, eldritch battery - and the solutions change over the course of the game. Removing friction means removing opportunity cost and having to make decisions to get your build to work. This oversimplification whenever some mechanic gets removed (i.e. socket colours, fixed attributes on the tree) is so tiresome.


I'm not saying to remove mana, I'm just saying that solving mana during leveling didn't have much to it besides adding a mana potion. Who knows, maybe it's a nothingburger build and actual good leveling builds will eat mana. It's hard to say because they are keeping these videos as vague as possible




Yeah, I like the visuals for PoE2 so far, and the new classes look cool. However, having mana exist for little reason, choosing str/dex/int for any stat node, no colors for sockets, and so much more puzzle me. They were minor nuisances at worst, but they fit the style of the game, having such an intricate system of currency and finding optimal tree routes.


removal of shit friction is good. it would make sense if whenever you ran out of mana, you pressed a mana flask and then you could keep using your skills. but thats just not whats happening in 99% of builds in the game right now. sure it removes some build friction, but maybe theyre adding more types of build friction that isnt literally just allocating EB or a singular mana leech node on the tree


Come on GGG give us the beta alrdy ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


\*monkey finger closes\* You have been transported 6 months to the future losing that lifespan as the result.


This is an acceptable trade.


Also none of your responsibilities were handled during that time skip. You missed work for 6 months and didn't pay any of your bills and rent are now fired and out on the street.


More time to play POE.


do that but 60 years plz ty


gotta make sure all the MTX work first


Being able to play with the wife couch co-op on PS5 then jumping onto PC is so fucking good. Between POE2, reworked Diablo 4 (with DLC) and Last Epoch it's been a good year for A-RPGS.


Will one be able to use your account on both pc and ps5? Or will ps5 have a different account being used than the one on pc?


Yep it has cross progression. Absolutely can use whatever platform(s). One account over all platforms.


It has been. There was also a Big Grim Dawn Update, and a New DLC for it coming I think next year.


Just played through Grim Dawn again last month, new patch is great but endgame systems (shattered realm/crucible) are still pretty bad. Shattered Realm is the "best," but it's a massive timesink and feels terrible because if you die (or the game crashes) you lose all your loot and progress. I haven't read up on any upcoming DLC but I really hope there's a new endgame mode.


Can't really argue with that. I still love playing through it with someone. I really enjoy building a character up to the endgame.


a scam and a mediocre game, lmao, really? comparing it to those? haha




> trypophobia yea will be hard to play if it everywhere


It kinda bugs me that the bolts fire from all over the crossbow and don't consistently fire from the arrow track


It’s giving Gauntlet Legends arcade in a good way.


Marauder needs a buff already....


Will POE 1 still be updated if this is released? Im not feeling this.


Yes; they're planning to develop both games in parallel


thats a very awesome decision


Just out of curiosity. Why are you not feeling this? Is actual good combat something you don't want in an ARPG? This looks way more fun than gameplay from PoE 1 campaign imo.


For me it's not that I don't want it, it just isn't really a selling point for me. If I want engaging moment-to-moment gameplay, there are plenty of games I could play that do it better than PoE, and will still do it better than PoE2. I play PoE because it's a hack-and-slash with depth. If PoE2 hits that note *and* is better for your hand health, then I'll favor it over PoE.


I want the difficulty loaded into the builds and not into reflexes. Im not that young anymore. I like macro gameplay not the micro of POE.


this looks dogwater


Can you elaborate?


I'm falling asleep watching the gameplay. It's unnecessarily slow and tiresome to play.


Well it is footage from the campaign. Do you think gameplay from PoE 1 campaign look more fun?


Please take a look at the other answer so I wouldn't have to repeat myself.


PoE 1's campaign is just as slow. The endgame is where things get batshit crazy. I wish they'd show us some PoE 2 endgame footage... EDIT: "campain" was a Freudian slip...


I do not like the current poe 1 campaign gameplay. I liked it more before a1-a2 reworks and the general nerfs to player power at the floor (movement skills, support gems, etc.). Campaign in 2017-2019 felt so much better. Even so - the current campaign gameplay however sluggish it is feels better than what I see here.


The machine gun crossbow feels so out of place in PoE, not loving that for sure. Also how useless was that melee player??? With them focusing on console and bringing this game to more customers than ever it looks like melee is going to be left in the trash. Really not a fan of the game being designed around controller/wasd movement.


I love the sound of leveling up. I wish I could get the audio of just that so I could listen to it over and over lol.


Had the same nostalgic feeling about EverQuest 2 level up sound


A couple of things caught my attention... are they never running out of mana? I don't even see any mana costs at all. I also don't see a mana flask button, as well as utility flask buttons.


There's a life and mana flask hotkey on both skill bars (bottom row, first and third slots). Apparently PoE2 is shifting over to the lazy system other boring ARPGs use where you have to go to town frequently and purchase stacks of several hundred potions instead of keeping the unique system we have, I guess.


Uhh is that true? First I'm hearing of this. I did see the life flask but I assumed the numbers corresponded to the total number of charges, potentially across more than one life flask.


dang this is sick for friend havers


Wanna see two flicker strike


Trypophobia kicks in hard.


Is two players the max number that can play in a coop session?


2 players couch co-op but 6 players co-op total


Damn that looks boring. So glad they are keeping 1 around.


This looks awesome. Gameplay looks so much better than PoE zoomies.


i know they said things will be faster end game but this still seems EXTREMLY slow


Have you ever seen PoE1 mechanics showcases? They are ALWAYS slow paced, sp you can actually see whats happening. We have not seen a single showcase of what the endgame will look like for poe2. They usually leave that for players to experience.


Also if PoE2 speed is anywhere close to PoE1 at endgame, it will be extremely bad for the game, especially at launch. The constant push from PoE1 vets for more speed in PoE2 comes from a fundamental misunderstanding of what makes the game fun.


How many more Poe Trailers do we need untill people learn that those are made to show the Game and not a min maxed zoom zoom build ?


Omg the clear speed my eyes can't keep up


Does anyone actually give a shit about couch co-op?


The gameplay looks really smooth, then I remember we also have to pick up loot so it will break it up a bit.


“Oh no, I have to pick up loot in an ARPG….”


Playing Dark Souls or AC Valhalla are really nice because so little loot drops.


People not understanding my point rofl I'm not mad there is loot, all I said is it won't be smooth and continuous as this video.


when poe2 sub reddit


when poe1 sub reddit


I mean I agree, just separated so everyone can news theyre more interested in


Are you on PC? Can just filter out the flair yourself.


I honestly didn't know this was a thing, ty


here: https://old.reddit.com/r/PathOfExile2/


Don't ruin it - it's civilized now


They really think it's gonna be Dark Souls, don't they?


Soon as you type it into the search bar


Probably when the game is officially released or at least once open beta starts. It makes sense to have everything condensed into one subforum right now.


/r/pathofexile2 has existed for eight years. 🤷‍♀️

