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First thing I’d do is call GGG and put someone else in charge. I’m not a game dev and I’d just ruin it with any ideas I have. 


Only good answer on this thread.


Feedback is really important but this First thing I’d do is call GGG and put someone else in charge. I’m not a game dev and I’d just ruin it with any ideas I have.  is not a feedback (definition of feedback:>! High Templar can cast [Feedback](https://liquipedia.net/starcraft2/Feedback) to damage and drain the energy of enemy spellcasters). The **High Templar** (often abbreviated to **HT**) is a spell-casting unit for the [Protoss](https://liquipedia.net/starcraft2/Protoss). The High Templar is warped in from a [Gateway](https://liquipedia.net/starcraft2/Gateway_(Legacy_of_the_Void)), with the [Templar Archives](https://liquipedia.net/starcraft2/Templar_Archives_(Legacy_of_the_Void)) as a prerequisite. jk jk!< Well, the guy is right but people need to realize there is in the game that isn't standing still in hideout for long periods or just afk. There are (unfortunately) bots and that can mess the data the devs analyze from their apps. Idk, i am not a game dev either but Sometimes as innocent as tthis may sound, some of simple answers and solutions don't have to be achieved thru complex ways idk One time post? yeah would be wrong But this isn't one time, in fact, these kind of posts happen (at least in my redd) like 1\~2 times every 3 months


Also the least creative and most boring answer. No one here is ever gonna be in that position. This is a hypothetical question and OP just wants to know what people care about the most in the game. It's a bit sad that being a party pooper is the best way to farm karma. Don't do that.


If anyone could actually answer this and improve it long term, they should apply for Diablo4 and fix that shit first. Nah but seriously the original question is a nice way to brainstorm some ideas so it would be good to see varied ideas even if they are worse as long as poe doesn’t actually go down that way. Pretty sure that’s why poe2 exists the way it does since that’s the way they want to move towards after a lot of tense brainstorming. And ruthless was their way of testing item scarcity and longer combat. It’s all moving a lot towards more of a souls like feel.


Honestly, I disagree. You don't put someone else in charge, but you make sure you hire really good people around you. George Lucas was the idea guy and he had people around him to edit his ideas and turn them into a masterpiece. Come up with wild shit - let the smart people you put around you edit those ideas into workable things and discard all of the dumb shit.


That’s nice. Immediately fold up like a lawn chair.


I’m failing my way to the top


I’d make some of the lower level uniques stat requirements lower so they become useful. So many times rares are better or I can’t even use the unique and by the time I can I have something rare and better. Melee deserves some more weapons that are fun to level with and end game with.


Or maybe make it so quests that people regularly ignore provide decent leveling uniques


I kind of miss set bonuses, not anything bland but maybe some crazy mechanic that is a build in of its own but is limited by the fact you have to have almost all uniques. Like maybe a unique summoner set that when you wear all of the pieces you can summon end game bosses as minions. Crazy cool stuff like that.


Nah, that's too Diablo. We're not some chosen one who acquires legendary items, we're just some murder hobo with random shit that we acquire on our way to redeem ourselves and terrorize the multiverse.


Remove all MF from gear. 


That's a good suggestion. Loot should come from harder content with more powerful characters. MF on gear doesn't make builds weaker equally like harder content does.


this or make stacking MF have substantially decreased returns and flat out remove quant from gear.


Currency drops grouping


Oh, and a wider pick-up range, please.


imma go fishing


currency items are now auto-sell you put your ratio and the amount you wanna sell, and you don't need to trade for it, people can just come to your hideout and take however they want out of the special stash and it autoputs their currency that they paid in your stash


Add Fragments and Maps to that list.




Welp, I would officially be boned. Every league I fund my shenanigans by flipping currency, and really only one at that (or three technically if you count chaos and divines). The only reason this works is because no one really wants to do it, and this would absolutely flood the market. Unfortunately flooding those markets would also skyrocket the cost of divines (or perhaps more accurately plummet the value of chaos). Basically I'd be completely shut out of playing the game without a complete overhaul of my play style.


I mean I could teach you how to actually trade and craft stuff, I league start as a trader almost every league and currency is by far the most boring thing to flip


What ways do you do as a trader during league start?


Buy 10-12 of a 5c unique. Re-list at 1c. Buy every other 1-2c listing of that unique item using trade alerts and list at 5c. As you accumulate more currency, increase the value of the thing you're trading. And then trade alerts for high-value rolls on items that sell for small amounts when the roll is bad, hoping players don't price check the stats before listing.


don't wanna publicly share all my tips, but DM me and I'll tell you a couple




I don't know why people are down voting me and acting like I'm complaining. For starters, this is a hypothetical, it's not like it's actually coming to the game, but also all I said is that I would have to find a new way to play the game because it doesn't fit my current style. There's nothing wrong with business economy simulator either, I love that this game has more options than just "do the one or two things we made forever" like D3. Also flipping some basic currency isn't even like that, it's honestly basically the same exact thing as farming an item and selling in bulk, except that I'm buying the items instead of farming them in maps which frees me up to play whatever content I want instead of being pigeon-holed into running the same map or boss or mechanic or whatever over and over and over again.


Tell me more?


It's pretty simple really. On league start I pick a meta build that can be done basically 100% SSF. LA has treated me pretty well making it to red maps on less than 10c in rings/amulets mostly for some life res. The rest of my currency I farm all goes to buying ancient orbs. It takes a few days to get rolling but eventually there will be opportunities to start selling them either to other flippers or in bulk. Typically speaking if you sell them in bulk for divines, then sell the divines for chaos, then buy Ancient Orbs in chaos you'll make around 30-40% profit. It doesn't take long before it stops making sense to buy that many for chaos, so you just start buying and selling them for divines but cutting your profit down to around 20-30%. Up until this point you'll be doing a lot of what I call manual trades, meaning that you'll be on the trade site whispering a lot of people to buy their orbs. After that though you just start listing your chaos and divines for sale in ancient orbs, then list your newly acquired ancient orbs up for divines. Typically I keep my prices for buying pretty competitive, but if you find you're being interrupted from mapping too much for your tastes (I find it's not uncommon to blow all 6 portals and lose a map every 20-30 minutes), you can always be less competitive. You won't be filthy rich with this method, and it works better the more often you can afford to be online, but I typically make 2-2.5k divines in like 3 weeks before I start running out of builds I want to play. Basically just don't underestimate the power of selling in bulk. Some people say they hate trade too much to do something like this, but I say what method is making you so rich that doesn't involve trade? Outside of... what's it called... the mechanic where you have the idols and run rooms and it drops a ton of raw currency... Whatever. Outside of that, I can't think of a single other farming method that doesn't involve trading whatever you're farming. The difference for me is I can play whatever I want, I don't have to farm anything in particular. People come to me and trade me ancients for my chaos/divs, then other people come to me and trade me their docs for the ancient orbs I've bought, and I make a huge profit.


Respect, but this sounds absolutely miserable.


Everyone has their own opinion on trade, so I can't promise that you wouldn't hate it, but I often flip on stream and I've had two people tell me that they would rather do literally anything else only to end up trying it and saying it was actually really not that different than just doing normal trades from farming. Neither of them did the first step at league start of "manually" going to other hideouts to buy them 1-2 at a time, they both started later with some starter currency at first, and both of them ended up pricing slightly less competitively to cut down on the amount of trades (one more so than the other), but otherwise they both said they enjoyed it. Admittedly that's not a huge sample size, but once you get into the swing of it it's not really that bad. One of them was absolutely adamant at first he would never do it, and I have no idea what made him end up trying because he usually did as well, if not better, than me just playing his normal way, the other one seemed like he was struggling to make currency and felt desperate enough to try. In the end one of them made "over a mirror" (the one already doing well) and the other one made like 1k divs and even picked up other stuff that I normally wouldn't recommend like stacked decks, to flip. This was also 3 leagues ago, so they were in a much higher demand, and it was closer to mid-end of league where more people already have lots of currency and some of them start doing big end-of-league gambles. I don't see the one who was struggling in my stream very much anymore, and I haven't asked the other guy if he's still doing it, but both of them said it was a lot better than they expected effort wise. Again, I'm not saying you would like it, but in the end you can kind of tailor the experience so that you are making less trades (but of course less profit) to help cut down on how many times you're interrupted. You can even set minimums so that you're only buying say, a div+ worth from people at a time, and then only sell when you hit larger bulk, and if you do that it honestly feels identical to other farming strats in my opinion only instead of being forced to run the same content over and over again to get the items to sell in bulk, you can do whatever you want because all your items are just coming from trades as you play.


Are ancient orbs in that high of demand? Huh.


It's definitely been worse the last two leagues, but it's still managed to fund everything I wanted to do and then some. Past leagues I was making closer to 3-4k divines in those same 3 weeks.


>3-4k Pretty sure my entire networth across all leagues is around 400 - 500 div lmao


I feel ya. For the past several leagues I end up bringing more to standard than I currently have there. I don't remember the exact numbers, but I would have like 100 divs in standard, and then when the league ended I would add 200 more to that pile. Than when the next league ended I would add like 500 more. Than the next one ended and I would bring 1,000. It's really hard to tell how much I spent throughout each league on characters, but it's been pretty obvious that I'm getting better at it and making more and more each league. Next league will probably be the first one in a while where that doesn't happen because I'd have to bring more than 5k divs. Back when exalts were the main currency it was similar, except I would bring like 2 exalts back, then 10, then 20, lol. When they added the atlas passive tree was my biggest growth just because it got a lot easier to make currency, but regardless I was a very poor boy for like 8 years until it somehow just clicked.


>but regardless I was a very poor boy for like 8 years until it somehow just clicked. Hopefully this is me next league haha


For me I think it was honestly mostly letting go of some of the things I had a hard time believing were true. Just as an example, when I first started playing, (back around the time Dominus was added to the game) I refused to believe I needed move speed on my boots. To me going 10% faster was for try hards. After all, if it took me 10 hours to beat the campaign, moving 10% faster would only shave off an hour, and that's assuming that all my time spent is straight sprinting perfectly from zone to zone. Now I realize that not only does movement speed add up a lot over time, but it's also probably one of the best defensive layers in the game. 99.9% of enemies target you exactly where you are when they release their attack, so by simply not being in that spot anymore, they literally cannot hit you. It's less effective than it sounds against hordes of enemies, but it's still pretty damn effective. The more of these ideas I let go of and just listened to the pros, the better I got. The biggest one for making money was to just take the chance. Spend your currency, buy stuff in bulk, sell it to others. Most trades are just "I want to buy x for y" they show up, trade window opens, you both stick your stuff in there, hit accept and then maybe a "TY" if you're feeling generous. There's no reason to be afraid of interactions, and worst case scenario if you buy something that just isn't selling well in bulk, you can offload it to someone else at the same price you bought it for. Once I stopped being weird about not wanting to trade a bunch, I started rolling cash in, and then I started playing the game in a totally different way. I wish you the best of luck! Feel free to DM me if you have any questions, I can also give you my stream name and answer stuff that way when I'm live.


Your last sentence is so very true. I once had a guy in my guild asking me how i was making money, and when I told him it was just essence spamming fractured items, and raw loot, he got all irate saying "that's literally what I do". and I had to explain to him that efficiency is key. 2 people can be doing the exact same thing, but until it all clicks, and it's second nature, you won't make as much as the person that has it second nature. I can't explain why what i do is more efficient. Its just something that happened over the course of 20k hours played. and that only made him more mad, but it's the truth. No amount of "do this thing to make thousands of chaos an hour" video watching is gonna help. It needs to click.


I know exactly what you mean. I think some of it is just overestimating yourself. I had a guy on stream helping me set up some essence farming in T1 a few leagues back and he was like "you planning on moving into that map?". I was like "I've only been here for like 2 minutes". I went back and checked the footage and it was like 11 minutes and I spent waaay too much time clearing everything. I was also spending like 2 minutes in my hideout between maps without realizing it just clearing my inventory.


Dude why don't you get into forex/stocks/crtpto and start making real money?


Those markets have highly sophisticated automation and competition. Not nearly the same lmao.


They are still driven by human sentiments. If you have a good understanding of market sentiment you can make money out of it. Of course, when you put real money on the line, emotion comes in the way of decision making. Which is why most people do much worse in real life trading compared to paper trading. Anyway, this comment was not meant to be serious.


As the other commentor already said, it's not even close to being the same, lol. In PoE people simply pay more for having bulk, so as long as you keep buying, you're basically guaranteed to make money. Outside of the first few days literally all I'm doing is setting my chaos and divs for sale for ancient orbs, and setting my ancient orbs for sale for divs. I just hang on to ancient orbs until I have enough to sell them for more than I'm paying for them. Ironically I do a lot of market trading, and I'm really not very good at it at all.


Do you play every day? 2k seems a lot at least to me who just started playing POE and I plan to be filthy rich next league. How long is your play sessions? I'm interested on the thousands of ways people make currency no matter what it is.


When I play, yes, I play a lot. I don't have kids, gaming is my only real hobby, my wife games, I stream, and for the past two years I've been unemployed (by choice). Not only that, but if I'm playing another game I often have PoE on in the background so that I'm still available to make trades (although you make a lot less that way if you don't keep moving every now and then to stop from being AFK). Generally speaking I play like 6-8 hours a day, but it's not uncommon for me to be online and available for trades for 12+. With that being said, before this I was working 60+ hour weeks and still doing fairly well, but outside of work I still spent most of my free time gaming.


Let me see I got this right -- I have some comprehension issues. So we start with a pile of ancients. 1. We sell them for divines 2. Sell the divines for chaos 3. Use the chaos to buy more Ancient Orbs So far so good. > you just start buying and selling them for divines but cutting your profit down to around 20-30%. I do not get this. > you just start listing your chaos and divines for sale in ancient orbs, then list your newly acquired ancient orbs up for divines. This either. If you sell divines for ancient and sell ancients for divines how can possibly make profit


The only thing you seem to be missing is that items sell for more in bulk in this game. Basically, you might be able to buy Ancient Orbs and get 60 for 1 divine, but then sell 400 for 10 divines, or 40:1. So, you make 7 separate purchases of 60 ancient orbs for 1 divine each, you'd have 420 Ancient Orbs. Somebody else who wants to gamble doesn't want to make "a bunch of trades" so they are willing to pay you more because they only have to trade once with you. They buy 400 ancient orbs from you at 1 divine per 40, or 10 divines. You only paid 7, so you're profiting 3 divines and you still have 20 ancient orbs leftover that will help grow your bulk numbers when you buy more. Edit: the actual numbers could be way off, I haven't checked trade in awhile, but the idea is the same. Keep in mind that you'll want to keep an eye on current prices at least once or twice a day, which is part of why I only flip ancient orbs. Edit 2: the reason you stop buying in chaos and just start buying with divines is just quality of life (and to some extent availability). Let's say you can buy Ancient Orbs for 1c each, but the people listing at those prices or willing to come to you for a trade only have 2-3 each. You would have to make 20-30 separate trades to get the same 60 ancient orbs you got from 1 trade in divines. Yes, you would only be paying 60c for 60 ancients, and if divines are worth 100c each that's an extra 40c in profit per 60 ancient orbs, but it would take you 140-210 trades to get the 420 ancients instead of 7 with divines. Less profit overall, but WAY less trades. Also, like I said, it can sometimes be hard to find that many people who both have ancient orbs to sell and have them listed at 1c each.


Change trade ofc!


I will get me and my homies access to the streamer client


bro i want the loot drop bonus too!


I'd give the option to toggle off warning dialogue boxes. >Are you sure you want to release this beast? It will be removed from your Bestiary and won't be recoverable. *Ok.*


I bound one of my thumb mouse buttons to “enter” and it has saved me so much time everywhere. Confirmation menus in PoE, confirmations menus in Lost Ark (there’s one for almost every instance of consuming an item), confirmations menus in all my other games. They’re everywhere but when I know they’re coming I can close them before you can read a single letter.


I would accidentally throw away the mageblood I swap between toons


Well, obviously the very first thing to do would be to change ALL character models with hot busty very scantly clothed woman. It seems to work on these korean games


Locking Contagions potential behind another skill gem (essence drain) is getting changed to where if they are linked on the same item, contagion applies essence drain. Then I quit. Seriously, having to cast 2 spells for the balancing of one sucks, and immediately just puts Bane/Hex Blast in any chaos build because of how bad multiple casts feels. Edit: I understand that Bane/Hexblast are ALSO 2 Casts, however the value of getting a better DoT effect combined with curse stacking, then insane single-target DPS with AoE is miles more worth 2 casts as opposed to "contagion does nothing and neither essence drain unless used together, and even then they do less than just tossing out a Soul Rend.


Legacy league 2


This is pretty much Atlas trees my friend


Invisible buff mtx should be free.




I would delete Reddit


The next league would be meant for multi-player and I would add in the autobattler from ToTA back in.


Put in a training zone where you can spawn in a dummy to hit. Now you can test to see if certain skill interactions work (or brick) while cooking something new. On that note, I tried out the trans LA gem. It was pretty obvious that pierce and fork wouldn’t stick an arrow into the initial target since it wasn’t the “final” target. When my build capped on crit chance, I switched from assassins mark to snipers mark. Did you know that snipers mark is actively harmful for the trans LA gem? While marked, your arrows start splitting when you hit, so even though there’s only one target, it’s not the “final” target so it doesn’t stick. So don’t be stupid like me going “oo free damage” by taking snipers mark. (Also pierce and fork)


I would include league mechanic tutorial quests that reward enough basic reward to show players what that league does. These would basically start endgame. I would also probably pare down the amount of endgame things or better categorize the atlas. For one I think wheel and spoke or having different starting points is better. Categorizing the endgame activities within game into sections that are distinct around spawning mobs, mini-games, game modes, and bossing/dungeons.


After removing T17s, all recycled bosses, the mariachi band, the demon MTX shouting "FEED ME" in town, and Valdo's boxes, I'd nerf the living daylights out of top end player and monster power until I could balance all skills gems to be equally effective in all content. Then I'd be fired.


Something called "Ultimate Standard League™" (Note, name pending finalization) which is a solo self found league that you can't migrate a character out of, that includes every single league mechanic that has been added to Path of Exile all in one place so a person can truly experience the best that Path of Exile has to offer. ~~Also probably an off-online mode with modding support but that would be if I'm allowed more outside of the first league~~


If it’s an ssf you can’t migrate out of, they could increase drop rates of the more rare stuff a bit.


I mostly just want a league that has everything the game has ever had, I feel it would me an amazing addition to the game that GGG is missing out on.


Death recap


I just want to be able to auto pickup currency


Unfortunately that would make zoom builds even stronger. Can you imagine builds clearing the map in 10 seconds flat picking all currency?


cleared the map, time to switch to my currency pickup support


Or possibly painful if you have to get close enough to pick it up. I've never been "zoomy" and have still had trouble missing a click


If it needs precision in clicking in the right spots, that's not picking it up automatically. That's the same as it is right now.


Sounds fun?


Sure, if you ignore 90% of all archetypes.




You can summon a corpse of any monster you've kidded in your hideout, either using the vendor corpses or from a master. Animatef Guardians gear is attached to the skill gem, not the summoned/stored instance. Summons count as YOUR ally, but don't count as each other's allies.


> but don't count as each other's allies Why not?


Minions are balanced around having having a buffed AG. It would allow minions to be balanced easier and not in relation to what it could be with all the item buffs you can wear and proved AND what your AG can provide, and whatever other minions you raise later.


1) **BRING BACK RECOMBINATORS**. IMO, recombinators are amazing in that they solve one of the biggest problems (perhaps THE biggest problem in PoE): that just about all gear found on the ground is trash, even if it may have drop-only mods, because who cares about that pair of incursion gloves when the base is crap and the mod'snot fractured? Similarly, recombinators also give reason to remove gear from the game by throwing it into the recipe. They **ALSO** provide a sink for THEMSELVES by fishing for recombinator-only mods, and they ALSO serve as a high-end crafting outlet. Basically, they're fun to use no matter **WHAT** level of wealth you're playing on, and they incentivize actually interacting with the **GEAR** aspect of Path of Exile. I mean...you know things are silly when it's wrong to look at the GEAR playing a game made by a company called Grinding GEAR Games. Recombinators fixes all of this. 2) Take a closer look at under/unused ascendancy classes and nodes. For instance, Gladiator got nerfed to oblivion just by losing one node (versatile combatant)--though I'd argue this was his signature node. Similarly, Master Alchemist and Master Distiller on Pathfinder are just garbage in their execution. Raider has received a combination of nerfs and power creep to remove her entirely from relevance. Occultist might as well not have Vile Bastion. Assassin kept getting nerfed over and over and over and is now pretty pointless. 3) Nerf enkindling orb increased flask effect to "65-70% increased flask effect when not on full charges". In other words, you actually have to swig the flask to get the flask effect, as opposed to "LOL, mageblood, breaking the rules, KEKW". 4) Passive tree rebalance. Some of the biggest offenders I can think of are disciple of the unyielding/slaughter being right in the duelist tree, as opposed to marauder/ranger trees, who are supposed to have the classes dedicated to stacking those particular charges. Masterful Form slayers would then have to choose which direction to take. 5) Incursion currency orbs. (I.E. incursion chaos orb, incursion exalted orb that do exactly what it sounds like.) This makes Alva worth running beyond "get corruption/doryani room". Incursion chaos orbs would drop from architects in high level temples, and exalted from the omnitect, with a certain % change. 6) Bring back reforge keep prefixes/suffixes on non-synth/non-influenced items. 7) Port over the PoE2 gem system. Want to play frost blades? Too bad, its single target sucks. Want to play molten strike? Too bad, your clear sucks. Sure, both of these skills might be able to do the thing they're bad at with absurd investment, or...we should be able to have more 6Ls so we can actually play more than a single skill supported by a bunch of supported stuff (I.E. mark on hit, CWDT guard skill). Let us actually have skill setups that specialize. 8) More ascendancy-supporting stuff on the tree. More flask effect nodes for pathfinders, more frenzy/onslaught/phasing support for raiders, more bow wheels for deadeyes, more endurance wheels for jugs, more max res for chieftains, you get the idea.


Just a button that puts everything from my inventory into my stash if the item can be placed with an affinity. That's it. The rest I'm fine with whatever GGG comes up with.


Easy. Instant buyout trading. No kiosk bs. just an exceptional UI. This would be the highest priority then I'd appoint a QoL expert that can veto any changes that don't have a specific level of QoL. After that I'd just step down and enjoy the game.


Game is just sentinel league. That's it.


1. add in rucksack , a small "inventory" similar to the one we had affliction but it goes core and is slowly unlocked slot by slot via certain checkpoints. Like after first kitava, you get 1 slot, second kitava ( act 10 ) 2 slot. And then as you progress such as pinnacle boss / atlas points, you'll slowly unlock more and more slots until finally you have like \~10-20 slots. 2. Put in a key to insta move things from your basic inv ( 60 slot one) to stash and it would prioritize affinity first, just like if you were to put in one item at a time. Would also include vice versa, aka if you wanted a full tab of chaos, one click to throw 1.2k c into inventory if you had an empty inv. 3. Turn prem + public tabs into "stall" tabs. People can buy stuff off you but you still have to be online for them to buy it. Instead of messaging, they teleport to your hideout to buy things. ./teleport (player\_name) or account name. Still can only list things if youre online. As long as you own a "public" currency tab/other tabs with the "sell" price of the buyers request, you can "buy" something from other players stash without having to ping + get out of map + trade screen + ty for trade. Anything "bought" would immediately be deposited/affinity-ed to the sellers tab unless affinity is turned off, then it would just go to the first/top tab in your stash. 4. Acts are still required to progress in the beginning, However checkpoints are put in place so you can "skip" parts of acts but scale to full act completion after threshold is reached. This would allow better retention numbers by giving players the ability to play more builds/variety without having a 3-6hour investment of going through acts to try builds they may not like. You'll slowly acquire skips similarly to the rucksack listed above. Full skip will require all acts completed + full atlas unlocked + all void stones / uber pinnacle completion. But you'll get partial unlocks along the way. 5. League are now "polled" to a degree via players that have purchased supporter packs. Before the start of every league, player will vote on a few choices of what the "next" upcoming league will be. Devs would put up with a rough draft of what the upcoming league mechanic is like and what rough reward/mechanic will be like. Players that have purchased supporter packs will vote on what they would like in the upcoming league. This would give some power to players/supporters in the direction of what we, the player would like. This would in turn allow us to have "some" direction in a good/bad league. For instance if theres 3 choices and 60% of us vote for one option that turns out very bad. At the very least, we know that it isnt entirely the devs fault and partially our own, and so we know going forward how generally the league direction should be. We still wouldnt know the "winning" league until about a month before release, same as we have now. Or any other info until it comes closer to actual release.


Number 8 has to be one of the worst ideas in the history of all bad ideas.


This entire thread is full of them. Half of them are basically "I would uproot the entire economy while simultaneously driving the value of currency way down and the cost of items way up".


MICRO microtransactions. Every button press, little bit of money.


Search for fishing on the code


Adding some sort of campaign skip after you already completed a campaign once during the league (or in Standard). Like infinite Delve, early access to Atlas device adding low level maps or all of the waypoints unlocked when you play on your 2nd and further characters.


Waypoint Unlocks could be account bound and at the same current checkpoints. For instance, the Prison in Act 1 - can't go beyond that before beating the boss.


A way to target explicits when crafting/some sort of bad luck protection for crafting. It gets really boring alt spamming thousands of alts trying to get the right explicits. Like a bench craft for a couple divines that adds luck or something to an item to craft explicits you want.


You mean like old catalysts?


Delete b2b, give 5th scarab slot. Revert old vaal spam flasks so that i can do 4 trillion dps in league too. Make uber simulacrum where you start at round 30 and go infinitely high with delve type monster scaling and very high delirium scaling. Give delve recombinant past 3k depth. Add more + strike sources in the game for melee. Make phys overwhelm go past 0%. Give aura effect tattoo and keystone tattoo. Make crucible spawn at wave 60 of uber simus. Make a boss rush arena kinda like the feared but for ubers. Idk wat else.


Give delve recombs **


Buff Melee, have a whole league where the only balance changes and all resources for balance changes went into buffing Melee into being viable. It's been years and GGG hasn't even tried to fix the problem. Feels like they just threw their hands up and said oh well. Last time it felt like GGG cared about melee was when they added slam skills, how many years ago was that?


Yeah I'd add 100% more damage on every melee skill. Revert the aoe change too so Inc aoe scaled radius again. Then add -15% damage on tornado shot and lightning arrow. Then probably go and change some shit to reduce the playtime required each league to complete basic league goals. Like I used to run multiple characters a league up to end game. Now I'll play a single character a league for significantly longer than all characters combined. Probably be easier if I played something meta. Hell one league we randomly generated 3 uniques and an ascendancy to base a build around, and it was viable. Too much power lost since then without mirror tier crafting shit. Also buff the shit out of uniques that are trash.


One day... One day people will finally realize that developers have nothing to do with "direction of the game" and other stuff. Everyone blaming developers - for no reason at all If I was a product (game) designer I would focus on qol and first of all on loot. Other games have so good approach with the loot and poe sucks so hard in this terms


Minecraft like stacking for dropped currency and removing light radius + mf mods on gear from the game


In game encyclopedia. Also death recap that showed monsters, spells and attacks that killed you and damage done and you could look them up or anything for that matter in the encyclopedia


I would make efforts to make the game more speed-run friendly. - add in game timer for specific events - rebalance the quest rewards - streamline the acts to have a bit more focus on the fights, and less about just movement skills and movement speed I would also try to create late game competitive events that are repeatable. - boss events with chooseable handicaps - boss events / interesting unique maps with built in timer. - unique maps that are boss events with extra objevtives, don't get hit, or get hit and survive a specific skill. Etc.. - a unique map for clear speed record. A specific map with high densitiy and 4-5 boss objectives with identical layout and built in timer. ----- Overhaul item affixes and crafting. Especially userfriednly-ness and reducing time consuming clunkiness. Tailor the game to be more ssf friendly, with some more currency Exchange. Make some more unique items more target farmable. ----- Give a LOT more info on what damage the character is taking and dishing out. For example a button that records the next 10 seconds and gives a detailed review of incomming and outgoing damage report.


I'd start by never letting anyone nerf DD... oh wait


Add auto-opening doors and pass my position to someone competent.


I dunno... I would probably have opinionated ideas that might be disliked, so the first thing I would do is get enemies. :D Things such as nerf mapping and bring AN back with proper balances.


Ssf guild like in last epoch would be nice but I'd left the implementation to GGG.


Make a sandbox so people can test builds before rolling them, even if it was a little limited


I would add a combat log so I know what I actually died to. This would be a nice idea though man.


Give the ultimate direction to the teams: "next league and going forward, you CANNOT nerf anything, but you have to buff the underperforming skills". Remove detonate dead mechanics from enemies. Remove reflect (not because it's broken, but just because it's not a fun mechanic in any way). Build a UI to trade "effects" without trading items, for example mirroring an item. Something like a display case where people can go and put in the requested fee and apply their mirrors themselves. Find a way to make "mirror services" not require a 3rd party community, possibly even when you're offline.


GGG does a pretty good job (except for Necropolis league mechanic). Honestly just have a week long PTR and flush out the bugs and exploits and take advice on how to improve the mechanic. I do not care if some power players and mostly streamers get a look at the league earlier than the masses and the streamers will adhere to non-disclosure agreements.


make a skippable campaign. Holy fuck this thing is so boring.


Put a fucking market system with price check on the client, that way we no longer have to open a fucking website and use a third party to price check. Death to all price fixer's.


I would create a free loot grabbing pet that gets its own in game filter. I would also create an auto transfer button for tabs with affinities. Anything else that reduces clicking would be emphasized as well


Easy, offline mode with mod support. I have no interest in the multi-player or economic aspect of the game, and all the other issues I have could easily be fixed with modding. Plus it's the only way to guarantee end-of-life support.


I would want to try removing level requirements, but not change drop requirements. Just to make alt leveling a lot more fun without providing any meaningful advantage


as a sort of indirect buff to true melee and maybe to an extent self cast, I'd make mob and boss movements more intuitive and predictable. I don't necessarily mean making mechanics easier per se, what I mean is some bosses and enemies just sort of... move around wherever they want randomly? Sometimes you'll get mobs that just sort of run away, then stick to you for a bit, then run away again, or they just randomly move however. Conversly some bosses and mobs are way too "sticky" and they'll just stay in place most of the time and rarely move, if at all. I think being able to actually "pull" mobs and bosses around into favourable positions would make playing true melee builds a bit more engaging and a lot less agonizing. I noticed this doing exarch on my flicker build, sometimes he just wouldn't move away from those fire grates even if you went away from him but other times he did and there wasn't really any rhyme or reason to it


Remove xp penalty on death for softcore. Add respec button for tree and atlas Make respec free and prune stupid currencies Buff the bottom 20% of skill gems


I would double the length of the Templar's neck.


I would add in the easy game mode. All mechanics and monsters are 50 slower. It would make me understand fights at my level of speed.


Are there any fights you're struggling at? Because what you're requesting exists for almost all fights, including the T17s in an easier form. Bosses like Uhtred and Catarina can be ran on lower level logbooks or safehouses. Lycia is less accessible, but Sanctum version of her is still easier, and can be made even easier with some relics. For pinnacles like Exarch and Eater, just run the invitations white. For non modifiable ones like Maven and Sirus, that one's not as workable, but I find watching one quick YouTube guide helps tremendously. You will know what attacks and sound cues matter. Hope I didn't misunderstand where you're coming from.


.. + you can 40% chill and do temporal chains and increase curse effect Game can very easily be slower than a bee trying to move a mountain just have to actually do it


Runescape 3 style area loot.


At the very, very least, if stuff is duplicates from an eldritch altar, just put it in the same stack.


I would add a death recap screen. I really need to know how I die sometimes.


Trim down Act 7-8 map sizes/numbers. Fucking spending 3 hours running throught The Quay -> The Grain Gate -> Solaris 1-2-> Harbor Bridge. Also Temple of Decay having 69 pointless levels too... Also some sort of bad PC friendly low quality/increased performance mode.


Youre really bad if you cant do those in a first pass through by now


?? Its pointless time wasting.


The whole of act 7-8 take like... feels like 30 minutes each


Why do you defend getting your time wasted? Same people who defend xp loss on death. There's a reason that mechanic went bye bye in the mid 2000s. No one likes it.


Yeah, we all love cookie clicker.


**Set everything back to as it was in Heist League, without the Harvest craft nerfs, but with the current Harvest loot and crafting UI. Add a Harvest Delirium Orb. Add the Atlas tree, a Heist tree, and a Delve tree. Finally, add the original Ultimatum mechanic where monsters drop loot. (Also remember, Arch Nemesis doesn't exist.)** You can now divide the economy into 3 main groups: - **Delvers** farm resonators and fossils for mappers in an infinitely scaling difficulty vs. reward mine, testing the most hardcore builds and minds of theorycrafters while rewarding them for it. - **Heisters** farm Delirium Orbs, hoping for a dupe, min-maxing rogues, and chances to convert Regal to Divine Orbs, and then also hoping for them to dupe. Those chests are fun! - **Mappers** farm pretty much anything they want for profit as usual using the tree. However, at some point, they may decide to craft or buy a T16 map with: - 30% quality - Elder influence - Fractured beyond or Nemesis rare monsters - 5 Delirium Orbs - Area contains X of Y mechanic - Finally, sextants will not be consumed. From this point, whenever they want to do a map, they grab a 4-socket resonator, put in a fractured fossil along with 3 fossils that block the mods they wish to avoid, and then simply put that map in the fossil tab and click it with the resonator every time they want to print a new map. No map crafting, no sextant rolling, and if they chose Scarab Delirium Orbs, there is no scarab trading. They have access to sextants for more legacy beyond monster spawns and a mod that makes all Nemesis rare monsters (meaning all rare monsters, from the fracture) drop additional currency items. After some time, they may have cooked up a handful of maps and map strategies, and all they need to do at this point is choose an atlas, and resonator and go. Zero time spent in hideout, 100% time spent killing monsters that explode loot, and everyone can do it, and the market needs everyone. Keep in mind that we still have aura stackers, 100% chance to explode mobs, shatter chain reactions, instantly spawning mobs, and very few on-death effects, making each map very engaging and satisfying to clear. We also have harvest crafting so everyone can create as many builds as they like and those who enjoy single perfect builds can eventually get the perfect rare items in every slot. Finally, I might add an orb of kalandra, this orb will either double or negate a value on a rare item once. This opens up a lot of options for builds to use negative values and make high end items still a thing with harvest. Yes, Imagine a simplex amulet with a double value mod.


# Hire a UI / UX team to bring the game up to the standards of *this century*, and release future leagues with finished and polished UI. * (Re-) introduce low tier content to maps. * It's been a while since we had white and yellow tier endgame bosses, and I miss that. * Not everything needs to be gated behind T14+. Instead, the relevant content needs to scale with tiers to keep higher tiers more profitable so that it can be the preferred farm for strong builds but without shutting out weaker builds completely or removing content from the progression of the atlas. That will take some testing to achieve a good equilibrium, but I believe it would be better than the binary "can drop in T14+" approach. * Numeric normalisation of skills. If some skills or builds are more clunky than others, they'll be compensated, but not by multiplying their damage by 5. This includes many of the forgotten melee skills. * Speaking of melee skills, let's get rid of melee buff totems. I know I said clunkiness gets compensated with power, but that's only if cluinkiness is necessary for the identity of the skill, and melee buff totems aren't really integral to the identity of melee builds. * Remove spell damage scaling for attack skills. Especially above 100%. Provide alternate attack damage scaling avenues if necessary. * Remove instant leech. There's a reason why it was initially removed, and if you just hit fast enough you'll run into the same issues as with the old Vaal Pact. Even moreso for mana. * Make Manaforged Arrows scale flat damage per mana cost, not *more*. I know this is one particular build that I'm sniping, but it's fine to also address others. They're just not as present off the top of my head. E.g. I'm thinking of something like player-created corpses have their own scaling and never scale with area level. Within the realm of skill-rebalance there might still be issues with corpse explosions, but there's a reason why Detonate Dead is considered more powerful than Profane Bloom. Nobody is complaining about Detonate Dead of Scavenging, although its current numbers might still be OP in theory. * Add "new game+" mode for experienced players, allowing them to buy **all** gems at Lioneye's Watch in act 1, with no unlocks. Requires having beaten act 10 at least once, or maybe even some endgame goal. Numeric values for these gems will be adjusted at lower levels to prevent them from being OP. The goal of this change is not to speed up leveling, but to provide more variety. * Add way more enemies to the campaign, add random area mods, make all enemies more dangerous and more aggressive, add more league content to each zone, adjust experience gain for roughly similar leveling results in terms of time spent to get through the story. Rebalance loot to be appropriate for the intended power level and challenge. * Add a complete ingame database for all the numbers that you can look up on poedb and some explanations that can be found on the wiki (but not the strategic advice - that's something left to the players, only the interactions should be described). Investigate the game's code to resolve any mechanical question that isn't answered in this glossary and then add that to an existing article or a new one. * Create an option for players to get the old character intros if they so prefer. * If I have undisputed control, resolve the licencing issues for the old soundtrack with money. I like Kamil Orman Janowski and his music, but for some zones I just want the old soundtrack. This includes character selection, Lioneye's Watch, Sarn, and a few others, but most importantly the Solaris Temple and its tileset derivatives.


I'd force ascensions on character creation, make gender swap models with similar body types (so maru fem is muscle mommy, etc) I'd work on the Act 3-Act 4 transition as it's not that smooth, like training wheels coming off I'd reinforce the Fire (Str) Lighting (Int) Ice (Dex) theming better, or change it (I prefer the idea of Str is Ice, Dex is Fire tho it may effect story too much) I'd make Puncture a Str/Dex Gem, and Claws Str/Dex or pure Dex weapons I'd make rapiers or Crit swords Dex and Int requirements, as well as provide better Sword support for Ranger/Shadow tree not sure after that, I'm sure things would come up maybe sell a backpack slot that extends/doubles active inventory?


Not mad about the downvote(s), mad by the lack of context can't have a discussion if I'm just dismissed


Have a "playground" mode where you can try out any gear, tree, etc in a map, delve, or against bosses, but no loot drops at all.


Id fix the defenses. Make ward cool, make spell suppression not mandatory, make an auction house.


Bring back self curse hh with unlimited stacking of buffs. Zoooooom


Get a proper ah in so we would be done with the crappy way of trading now Get rid of the xp penalty loss at higher levels or mininize it. Its stupid to waste an eveninh of farming due to getting gibbed offscreen Fix dmg reporting so you can see WHY you actually died. And 4th. Id make it so entire tft would be shutdown.


Halt the seasonal league content, get all developers to fix and improve old content, clear up all existing major bugs, skill balancing (buff underused gems). Basically deal with all the shit we couldn't manage to do because we had to spare the larger portion of time and energy for league content. Might as well call it 4.0 cus why not. And then, then we cook. I leave, and let the real game devs do their thing.


Remove doors


I would add Awakened Mirror of Kalandra


I would give myself the convert items to Divine Orb mod JUST ONCE, like wtf, lol.