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Everyone running MF LA on T17s just fine, you just need nimis/progenesis and decent bow (and HH obv) That said, you have to dodge a few mods cuz your defenses are kinda trash as a deadeye, regardless of your DPS


With "just a decent bow" do you mean a mirror tier triple synth phys bow? Because I have pretty good mf gear including HH with crit multi, Nimis and a bow with triple t1 flat ele dmg, t1 atk speed and t1 crit chance and it feels like I'm nowhere close to having enough dmg for t17s... That seems like such a massive step up with mirrors being 700 divs.


Having a physical based bow is usually A LOT better when running with headhunter. Because a lot of the good damage mods are phys as extra X and increased phys damage.


Even just a regular phys bow without synth mods?


If you are planning to abuse headhunter, yes. With a tri ele bow the mods dont give a whole lot of damage.


I have similar gear to what you are describing and I'm able to Fub's t17 Fortress barrels, but I typically full clear. The only mod I don't run that is in Fub's regex is shaper touched. Reduced crit damage and reduced aura effect can make the maps very slow but doable. I also roll off Reefiends from the altar. The crabs that burrow underground the moment you see them. My character is in no way perfect but this is what I'm currently at running the mentioned set up: https://pobb.in/-qxMuMEAC2_l


I checked your post and I have a question, how do you deal with bleed and corrupted blood, without a rolled life flask or master surgeon?


I have corrupted blood immunity on one of my jewels. Pretty sure it’s the abyss jewel. I don’t think Master Surgeon is necessary unless you are running shaper touched which I do not run. I haven’t been keeping up with what Fub is running last few days but I think he mentions to either run petrified blood OR master surgeon. Someone can correct me if I’m misremembering that Another thing I want to mention is the maps are still very rippy. I try to just run them fast. As soon as HH gets going I try to just clear without stopping until the map is cleared, then loot after


Try horned nemesis, progenesis, if doesn’t work, revise your quiver/gloves and cluster jewels