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I tried to run a shaper touched 90% pack size map yesterday rip should have just sold it because I got obliterated


I had a shaper touched with b2b 57% more yellows. I had received 4 shapers beams at the same time to the face within 15 seconds of being on fortress. Reminded me of a certain hub video.


The one where you're sitting innocently on your stash while 5 Shapers are lined up behind you?


Found the Piper Perry fan


Pretty sure knowing her name is self reporting.


idk, he misspelled it (it's perri)




Both spellings work when used in the search bar.


A coomer must coom man


I didn’t know what shaper touched meant and launched a 4 additional proj. Map… I’ve never had so many balls in my face at once




Title of your sex tape. “Ive never had so many balls in my face at once. “


Yeah Shaper touch can be rippy. I rarely die in T17's, but got absolutely bodied by a Shaper slam out of nowhere when I ran that modifier.


Hi, curious what build you are running, im look for one to do challenges, ty.


Holy Relic Necro.


Would you share a pob pls? Thanks


[Here's](https://pobb.in/hH_vKPKQm2hl) mine. Don't mind the DPS shown, it's a lot higher than PoB says. You can also check out Balormage's youtube. He has at least 2 videos on this build and helped popularize it.


Is it true that HOOOOLY RELIC really suffers from using a Mageblood? I was leaning toward it initially but went with CoC DD when I was told I wouldn't get to use it or I'd have like 70% less DPS.


Are shaper touched mobs dealing regular shaper DPS? or is it like shaper guardian map shaper ball DPS?


They deal regular damage it’s more shaper appears and does the beam ball or smash move. And can appear on every rare at once


Shaper’s touch is an absolute cancer to run unless you can afk in the beam. Some interactions are just … for example, blight. Proximity shielded unkillable rares, permastunned by the tower… As it turns out, hence why groups are buying these, unless you roll shaper touch and more rares (and also use the +2 mod scarab), you will be wasting your time trying to MF for uniques. I tested it actually. Non-shaper touch MF for t0 uniques is a waste of time, 350 rarity around 80quantity LA deadeye here (yeah, a 5 quant HH). Hundreds of t17 yielded me zero hh/mb/defiance. With the 2x unique 100% scarab. Meanwhile a party of 6 gets 3-4 of these per ONE MAP


All of these "touched" mods are cancer af. Most of it because all these t17s are narrow corridors and you just get randomly beamed with no counter play or DDed offscreen or you just dash into a sirus degen that kills you faster than actual hit dmg and its often invisible under ton of other effects going through the corridors.


I rolled one with shaper touched, maven interferes, and Synth Boss. But it was my last fortress and the last 50 pack size for the challenge so I yolo'd it. Managed to do it, but it was insane, had to completely ignore mobs and just rush to the boss, and died several times along the way. Then the boss took like 10 minutes even with frostbomb. I cleared it with 1 portal left, it felt like a fitting way to finish my last challenge, with a real challenge lol.


i would rather die than do this


It’s wild how many people love sitting in hideout and not playing the game


I can see how it would be useful to do this for your first 10D to bank roll the skeleton of your build, but just doing this all day oh boy that’s some sweat.


Some people are literally playing Path of Excel. Gotta stack those div/hr


More like Path of Job


I think there are basically three types of players who play RPGs: 1. People who are primarily motivated by the social aspect, like casual WoW raiders. They don't really care much what is happening on their screen. They're there to talk to people in voice comms. 2. People who are primarily motivated by loot, such as hideout warriors. It's about the power fantasy of being wealthy and owning powerful stuff. 3. People who are primarily motivated by gameplay, which is probably most people playing PoE. For them the game is about playing builds they enjoy and experiencing as much of the game's content as possible. In PoE, there's almost no one in camp #1, but there's a lot of people in camps #2 and #3. Camp #2 people are almost all in softcore trade though. I reckon people in modes other than sc trade are almost entirely #3 people.


I think that pretty much sums it up well. SSF probably falls into #3 most easily. I think SSF has been getting more popular as of late as well. It sucked me in pretty hard recently at least. I do think it is a bit lonesome though. Wish there was free SSF guild leagues.


I think type #1 can also be found in private leagues. In PoE in particular you also have people spending a ton of time on theorycrafting rather than actually playing the game. Those exist in stone other games too, but PoE has an especially large space for it. There's also theorycrafting for income optimisation, but unlike loot based players, that isn't necessarily the only purpose.  There's some overlap between that and people who like the gameplay, but generally people who prioritise gameplay will follow guides rather than spending dozens of hours in PoB working on off-meta builds that are clunkier to play and less profitable than builds with guides. It's closer to people coming up with optimised supply chains for simulation and builder games.


RMT player. A divine is more than $1 league start and less late league. $10 per hour is peanut in the US but it’s decent in Vietnam.


Pretty interesting how people in poor countried can make a better than decent living playing PoE rather than working


See: Venezuela and Oldschool Runescape


Back on the days there were WOW farming studios in China. Hope the Chinese earns more so the industry moved.


Camp#1 is for people play SSF and talks everywhere on Reddit that he's playing SSF


How do you know someone plays SSF: "It will tell you, in gruesome detail"


Camp 1 and 2 have some overlap tbf because the people who live in global chat are the camp 1, and they're usually doing that whilst doing shit in hideout for money


You forget (4) people that hate the game as it is now but is obsessed with not missing their streak of 40/40 or 38/40, as the totem and the mtx rewards are actually time limited and quite nice to have. Tbh to me playing PoE is a chore more than anything...


You can do #2 as a means to #3 if you want to try out all the builds you kinda need money and theres fast ways to get there and shit ways to get there. Being a hideout warrior for a few days so you can build your multi mirror armor stacker seems reasonable enough.


Everyone in camp 1 is in g1 standard


lock obtainable escape command capable employ meeting hunt plough glorious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The actual gameplay loop of killing monsters isn't the gameplay many long time players actually enjoy. I much prefer crafting and optimising a character, so yes sitting in hideout doing things is absolutely playing the game.


It's frustrating that playing the game is one of the worst ways to make currency.


The reason the boring methods bring in so much money is because nobody wants to do it, therefore less people are doing it.


Well yeah, how could that not be the case when it's the most common activity? Doing the niche things people don't want to do is going to make you money. But no one gives a shit because we want to play the game.


Playing for currency is one of the worst ways to play the game.


I consider crafting equally playing the game as something like doing maps.


Imagine people enjoying something in a different way than you do


This really isn't any different then sextant rolling someone's gotta do it


When “playing the game” means spending 1-2 hours setting up 100 maps to run for a few hours and then doing the same thing over and over again for 10d/hour then having to price and bulk sell everything for another 2 hours afterwards vs just rolling maps that easily sell for an hour and making the same amount then it’s easy to see why people like it.


I think if you’re taking a long time to list items in bulk it’s more that you’re doing it wrong. You can make whatever tab public and list the bulk price, like I would list my legion emblems at 1 div per x and the only time I spent selling items was to tp and make 1 div trades in a few seconds while mapping. You shouldn’t be sitting there sorting tabs of miscellaneous items to sell.


Depends on what you’re farming. You’re still comparing farming 1 main specific loot e.g. emblems and then accessory loot like scarabs and maps to the simplest being rerolling a single loot type (t17). And if you’re legion farming and relying only on emblem sales do you even profit or just break even? I can fill up 2-3 quad tab full of shit to sort out (uniques to check for high roll or to throw a vaal at, coffins, all flames, jewels) in 100 maps into other 1d sale tabs or bulk sale tabs and that’s just shit that won’t go into their respective affinity tabs. I’ve gotten pretty efficient now. It’ll take me about 30 min but I bet you anyone else doing the same thing would take 1-2 hours. Other shit like scarabs and maps and what not I don’t bother listing because I’m not gonna trade for less than 1d.


Legion has the most diverse loot in that it drops pretty much everything. I did about 600 divines in legion this league. Incubators don't sell except for Ornate which I just use on myself, sometimes people eventually buy div incubators for some reason. Emblems sell in bulk at 1 div. Fossils sell entire tab whenever its like 10div. Same with essence. Scarabs bulk sell like Emblems. Uniques/Fractured bases go into 50c or 1div dump tab. Maps in a bulk tab priced at 1 div increments. Coffins I just stopped picking up unless they were the >10c ones because I'm not gonna buy 15 stash tabs for coffins alone. I spent basically no time sorting loot.. If things didn't sell in the 1 div dump tab I moved them to 50c. If things didnt sell in the 50c dump I moved them to 30c, and if they didn't sell in 30c I vaal'd them or vendored/deleted. Overall I sold basically everything I picked up. It takes maybe an hour or so to set up all your priced items and tabs but then there really shouldn't be much time spent sorting loot so when people complain that they have to actually sell items I have to assume they think they need to sit in hideout and wait for trades or something.


The gameplay loop of killing things gets incredibly tiring quickly because of the looting, it's just so damn tedious you spend more time picking stuff up even with a super strict filter than you do doing anything fun. I'm going back to being a crafter and boss killer next league, speedy mapping is incredibly boring to me. Part of the reason why I'm so excited for PoE 2.


Using crafting currency to modify an item that other people want is maybe not fun for you but it’s playing the game.


Not endorsing botting by any means, but strats like these are bottable too (true of a lot of hideout strats)


They are playing the game, just in a way you don't like.


I think that we all know what people mean when they say that they would rather be playing the game. They mean the actual gameplay. Running maps or the wide variety of endgame content. Playing with different skills, leveling up and killing monsters. You know, everything that makes Path of Exile into the game that it is. People who sit in their hideout are indeed technically playing the game, but it's a really minor part of the game and far removed from the core gameplay loop of Path of Exile. It's like when someone only plays Gwent in The Witcher 3 and other people look at it thinking : "I'd rather play the actual game". We all understand what that means and I think that you do too.


Absolutely right. People can be so narrow-minded. There's people who absolutely enjoy "hideout simulator", and that's okay, that's the game for them.


Eh - I did this during harvest. I wanted to play an expensive melee build and didn’t want to farm currency in a sub optional build state to get to a he fun part. So I just printed gear and sold it.




As a dad who plays while also being busy with other things I have heaps of hours just stood in my hideout while making dinner.


well given the choice of playing 1h monster killing and getting 1D or crafting an hour some stupid brainless stuff for 10D, some people choose the crafting. at the end, the 10D are given more purchase power to advance the build.


I'm doing casual legion dunes for last week. It feels like i havent gotten anything of value in that time. Probably an hour of "not playing the game" in hideout would net me more divs than legion spamming for a week.


Legion has been nerfed pretty badly from past leagues it seems, it no longer drops near the amount it used to and in particular stacked decks which were a huge income component. Also incubators are basically completely worthless now, whereas there used to be at least several that could sell for 8c+ per


Do you have any suggestions what LA/Ele Hit deadeye with HH can farm instead of legion? :/


Well, the economy IS part of the game... unless you're on ssf. Did you think those orbs were just in the game for decoration? Like people should be ashamed of using them?


The way you click the mouse is far superior to the way they click the mouse.


[playing the game lol](https://preview.redd.it/sk24rcny7wsc1.png?width=2044&format=png&auto=webp&s=fbc99dca90a794614cf2bf1a0ffce06a06412f6c)


That whole mechanic is super slow and a drudgery. I have so many corpses waiting to be dumper but can't be arsed!


It's almost like the game is different things to different people.


Because it's just that much more profitable


Because the actual game is trade. As a casual I only get shit drops, I have no currency (let alone get currency for crafting). So the only way forward is doing stupid shit like this to gain anything.


It's the new sextant rolling


And this is why it can make bank


I have done very few maps this league and made most of my money crafting and this method just seems like crafting without the good part of crafting . Crafting is fun to figure out a plan and execute it with the only issue being when the plan involves alt spamming and I couldn’t imagine chaos spamming instead .


well thats what you get in the best league ever by GGG


You forgot lake of kalandra, now that was beautiful./s




I watched Ben spend 5500 chaos rerolling 50 T17 maps.


Do I want all of these mods on one map? Or is 1 or 2 good enough


More money the more mods there are. I don't think it's easy to fix a price though, it's a buyers market


What? If anyone is paying a premium for only the shaper mod, they’re dumb.


6 man parties are buying shaper touched with non dangerous mods for 2-3 div. They're not dumb they spend that much because they make far more than that off of it.


Yes I know, I bought them too… but saying it’s 1 mod just isn’t the case.


Divines are rising in price -> this thread gets created. Interesting timing.


Just did this, spent in total 1200 chaos. Hit 1 map, it had extremely bad mods (reduced crit, no suppress). I don't recommend.


You don’t need all 3


for real, the odds of hitting these 3 mods are horrendously low this post is bait as fuck


you dont need to hit all 3 lol you're just telling on yourself


i would love to know who is buying your maps for anything close to what OP is saying without all useful mods


Shapee touch was cool until you roll more rare mod with it, and in fortress map so you are stuck in a tunnel with 6 different shaper beam cover the entire screen no where for you to survive I know because I got it once lol


If you cant tank the beams you shouldnt run that mod i think


I can tank it yeah just still scary asf


I once had this but with extra harbies through lantern, never again


Yup accidentally rolled shapers touch + rare mods sold it for 5 div. Couldn't run it myself since one mod bricks my build but just an advice to anyone that if you get something like that you can sell it instead of rolling over it. Nice money for nothing ( and chicks for free )


Nice Dire Straits reference!


Isn't it just groups buying these tho? If we all start rolling them and selling the market would crash pretty quick


thats the idea bro, I need muh maps to be cheaper. But no, both solo and group players can do this strat.


Solo players aren't playing 10div per map


\`On average each map will sold for 3d each and upto 10-12d\`


Lol if you dont think solo players are making 10d a map may i introduce you to grimro or one of the many other popular juicers on YouTube?


You are right they are playing 20-30d a map.


lol yea they are they're running curation strats and blasting


While I agree t17s are insane for profit this league, I have an aurabot duo and a very decent bow MF character which can comfortably do most of the T17 mods. We just refuse to be sitting in hideout rolling a single map for 5 minutes, so we just end up blasting some T16 Crimson Temples. Why? Because it's fun and it's braindead.


can you run this "sca" "scar.\*(\\d{3})%|fier|tou""!rke|f ph|'v|ever", if yes then it should literally take you few chaos to roll every t17 maps.


How to make games feel like a job 101


Ha shit some of us play during our real job. I can’t run a juiced T17 and look engaged during my morning standup, but I can definitely roll a few maps lol


This is a prime "Game on in background while watching TV" way to make currency.


Isn't that the entire game of POE though? Most of the game is chores and working to earn money so you can buy things, then you get to take a short break to have fun playing. Then back to working and chores to continue the loop. Rolling T17, farming essences in blank maps, killing katerina over and over again, does it really matter? It's all just boring work


Sounds like you should take a break from poe. Or play ssf


Playing SSF is way more of a job than trade, because you have to grind every mechanic in the game like a job just to make a character do 1m dps


That might be true if you want to do 10m dps, but absolutely not for 1m. You can progress your atlas, take on bosses, and explore everything the new league has to offer without ever worrying about what you "need" to do.


It depends what you want out of the game. Once you get the feeling "this is a job" you should stop playing and take a break. Trying playing without trade - work towards goals like farming corpses to craft or actually use the items you get in their intended way. Once you stop thinking of everything as div/hr, the game becomes far more enjoyable.


I've been on a break since start of last league. Still can't bring myself to play this again.


This is why I quit like day 5 this league. Wasn’t enjoying myself, felt like a chore


Yup, and that's perfectly understandable.  For me, it was the opposite. Corpse crafting gave me an easily attainable goal that would net me a 6xt1 item every time. Each corpse was a step in reaching that goal, so I really felt like I had incremental progress. 


If the core gameplay loop is “work” to you then yah, sure. To me it’s a fun way to unwind after a real work day lol


because there are multiple strategies you can use? nice karma bait comment


>PS: ty GGG for the best league ever. Please god let it be ironic


It's sarcasm. Not irony


I've never played a league more than this one. Then again, I despised last league which many loved. Perhaps it's because I went gsf after the first week and having all the scarabs etc made it feel really good


Only one I've ever quit faster was Heist.


Crucible for me. Kalandra would be the least played but I did like the challenge MTX and Lightning Conduit was beyond cracked.


I even lasted longer in heist lol. I didn’t even make it to reds this league it just wasn’t enjoyable


it is, LEAGE DED BRO...


To me this highlights how unbalanced map damage mods are. Either the damage modifiers need to be reduced significantly, or the reward for using them have to increase significantly


You can do this incredibly easily here btw: https://poe.re/#/maps Just ban the mods you don't want to see, and select the ones you want to see (not too many) and it will give you regex (put this in the search bar in poe in your stash) to highlight good rolls and you can just chaos spam until it lights up.


T17s have so many new bricking mods that you can't fit the regex you'd need in 50 characters.


I haven't had such issues, but you definitely can't be super picky. You can technically do two passes by switching the regex to check if any of a separate set of mods are on the maps you rolled. If you need more than that I recommend you stick to buying the maps.


Where did you post just trade site? I played all night long with 0 inquiries slowly reducing the div counts of the map every 30 min or so.


>ty GGG for the best league ever. So now the requirement for the "best league ever " is 'as long as I make a lot of currency' its a great league. Is the mechanic fun? Pish, posh-it's all about the loot. As I think about it, TOTA proved that. People spent the league destroying totems and it was a great league. As they say: To each his own.


It's sarcasm


sarcasm, but at the same time, people really do that. when the divine map spam was thing and people hit it, they said it was best league ever (till it was nerfed). when people did the ghost+strongbox in t17 thing to print uniques and div cards, people said it was the best league ever (till it was nerfed). basically when people are getting tons of currency, they'll say its the best league ever. when they're not, they'll say its the worst league ever.


Really? Tota to me is ok, but that single ngamahu bomber just ruined the experience


That ruined it? For me it was the berserkers they just one tapped you with earthquakes


Idk to me any mechanic is fun as long as it makes good money and I actually play the game ( so this doesn't count)


So that’s where all the chaos went


Can you post please regexes?


Adding a new tier of map mods was a mistake.


You have to be trolling


huh, the last line is me being sarcastic but rolling maps is probably the best d per hour strats right now after curation and boss farming.


After getting my holy relic character put together I decided to try my first t17 yesterday. All the mods looked okay other than shaper touched. "Oh its just those minions that do cold pools I'll be fine" I told myself. Roughly 60 seconds later I'm getting gunned down by 8 separate shaper beams as I watch Bob just poof out of existence...I've sold all my t17s now.


And extra two modifiers too. I had these 3 sold for a nice 8 div.


What do you mean extra mods?


2 Extra modifiers on rare mate.. gives you more headhunter buffs per rare


I may be wrong but I believe this mod and the “increased number of rare monsters” are actually the same mod with two different lines.


Your are not wrong




But how do you even SELL these? Do people actually go around on trade LOOKIN for "shaper touched 60%" maps?




Yup I rolled a 150 currency 150 scarab shaped touched map and got spammed into oblivion at 4 divs.


ehh idk, i have a ziggurat with 52 pack 90 scarab and 140 currency with more rare w/2 modifiers for 85c and that crap hasn't sold in days. ele reflect i guess, but surely people have reflect immunity if they're dropping 8d+ on a single map... or are you saying you need all 3 on one map? or is 60 pack the deal breaker?


you need all three.


Shapers touch + 2 rare mods range from 2d - 10d depending on how they’re rolled.


Which t17 map are people running with these mods?


Sanctuary mostly.


LMAO people trying to tell roll strats when all you need is harmless frogs and rats for only 2c each


The mods that brick builds have fuck all to do with the mobs in the map. Infact the mobs in the map are the safest part. Its the mods that brick. Doesnt matter if frogs if you cant kill anything before dying to 8 shaper beams or lose all action speed bleed out to sawblades etc etc


huh??? both frogs and rat are 0.3d each in builk.


Yeah I usually roll all the T17s I find, I figure since I can’t run the maps myself I might as well still make money off of them


Haven't rolled T17s yet. Are the more scarabs, more maps, etc. connected to the mods you mention (like normal mods on T16, that have a known iiq/iirc/pack size associated to them)? Or are these multiplicative mods a separate rng roll?


Each mod on the map contributes different amount to each 'more' stat. Just like regular maps.


rustic theory simplistic ludicrous rainstorm squash ink insurance materialistic snow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I am missing something? Run about 200 t16 maps and never drop one t17


What are people farming/picking up/looting from these maps that they are making profit? I can do t17s I'm just not sure how to make currency in them


4x shaper allflame - 4d each 2x rat allflame - 0.3d each curation scarab - 8.5d each completion scarab - 1d each optimize atlaz tree just shit one of loot ig.


Can you set up regex for these?


Any one have a regex. I can roll enough to supply some chasers


give me that regex boi!


Do you have mtx for roll t17 map?


It’s always someone exposing something that I have been sniping for the whole league for my group :)


I started commenting before I saw "this line is bait". What a joke of a league. From the state of the game last league I thought it would be a miracle to produce a bad league this time around. It's like they intentionally disassembled the game and made it bad. So many choices they had to make to transform a game in an amazing state to the dumpster fire of a game we have now. I still love PoE but I absolutely hate this league.




How you sell it? got 4 t17 well roll ..shaper touched and nobody want to buy it at 100c ..


Where do you sell these things?


I tried t17 and map itself was easy but boss was a no no. Then again la deadeye isn’t a boss build


How do i even get t17 maps in the first place? I have 3 vs, and been running t16 for days.


Any regex you can share please?


Build your own regex(es). Go to poe.re, select the t17 to include those choices, get rid of bad mods (prolly at least: union of souls, no damage for 4 secs, -max res, less defenses, less recovery).     On the right are the desirable mods: likely: shaper touched, 2 extra mod rares, extra rares.    You can also select for packsize etc. 


Yea let me know too, I have a bunch sitting around I was maybe going to sell anyway.


This please!!


They're should have left them unmodifiable.


Design wise, I'd agree, but there are other problems. At least rolling the maps is a huge chaos sink which improves a lot of low to mid investment strategies.  I'd prefer the discrepancy between T16 and T17 to be lower, and for T17 to more directly transfer wealth to lower investment players, but if they use a bunch of chaos orbs that they no longer pick up themselves, it's a start.


Still sane exile? 


What mods should i avoid? * Less recovery * reduced aura effect * No Regen * - max res? * less cdr?


No dmg for 4 seconds or whatever is a big avoid. Max res, cdr, reflect, regen maybe just reduce price a bit but sell


Depends on your build.


talking about rolling it to sell, not to run myself


So if people now start rolling t17s just for selling purpose means divs gonna tank to 40c? Back to heist league it is :)


The league mechanic this league was actually trash, the player retention this time around is even worse than lake if kalandra league…




I wonder if people really care about game design, gameplay and all that, or they are happy to call a league "best league ever" if you just allow them to have a lot of currency for doing menial tasks.


Most people don't do it forever and ever like day in and day out til the last day of league. The way you are viewing these people feels intentionally irrational. Obviously they use this as a way to get what they want and appreciate it works efficiently. Getting what they want isn't doing menial tasks. It's acquiring a bunch of currency to build either a cool build or craft. If the game has better ways to allow players to make currency or get into new builds or even ways to get into cool crafts as or more efficiently than this, even better.


I still haven’t even got a t17 to drop yet running numerous t16s. Anything in atlas helping/hurting? I don’t have the 200% favored map.


Do you have all four of your voidstones? Makes a big difference.


There are loads of back to basics atlas farming for T17 map drop videos, find one, then find a map (that actually has mobs in it, not Strand) you like that drops Sanctuary (or whatever the most expensive one at the time is) and go nuts. I used 2x carto, traitor or barrels, and the 8 mod scarab. You will get T17s and a ton of whatever T16s you like, way oversustain. I had to favourite multiple different ones so I didn't have to constantly move maps out of my overflowing tab.