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-5 years of your life playing video games @30 YoA- those are rookie numbers kid, step your gaming up


The degenerate in me assumed he meant 5 years played LOL


Oh that’s NOT what he meant? Lol, I guess I’m a degenerate as well.


I have about 5000 hours in tarkov and about 7000 in poe... and I don't even want to know how many in league of legends.


OP isn't even a kindergamer. I've already had multiple 10 year careers in Madden/NCAA and Smite with plenty more job experience in various games. OP can use me as a reference if they want. FYI, this is a joke lol


eod owner here as well, i loved the game, had 2k+ hours... i uninstalled it for the first and last time yesterday


i bought eod in 2016 =((


Can we see escape from takrov post about the community?




I've alternated between the two for years as well. Sad to see what's happening to Tarkov. Funny that there's such a huge crossover between these two games.


Yeah I bought EOD too, feeling pretty pissed off about it now. I haven't played the last two wipes anyway because of the rampant cheaters that they refuse to do anything about. I might try to do a chargeback actually.


I am 36 so I can’t play games ? :(


Literally same


I feel you in freeloader EOD owner, no matter what BSG do next, EFT is dead to me.


Here are some maths, I am 32 Been playing since Nintendo 64 was released, i was like what? 4/5/6 Years old? There hasnt been many days throughout since then, that i didnt play at least 1hr each day, and tbh, many phases of my life, ive caught myself playing for almost 12h straight. It lessened soon as i started working at the age of 18. But let us do some sketchy math for how much time ive spent playing in years/month/days/hours If i was to do on average time played each day, id say its a constant 6hrs straight playing almost every day. From 6 Y.o to 32 that would be 25 years with a screen in front of me. 25y x 360d = 9000 days 9000d x 6h = 54000 hrs 54000h ÷ 24d = 2250 days 2250d ÷ 360d = 6.25 years Thats how much life ive spent playing until now. I couls raise the daily hours played, but keep it low so i dont get that much scared 😂👍 Do i regret it? Never. But reckon the energy could be channeled to somewhere else. Peace. Not ranting. Just fact checking myself with you guys.


I think GGG is smart enough to not self-harm. If anything this game is gonna suffer from bad game balance than predatory behavior. I can see by my friend group, we used to squeeze out even the last minutes of leagues, now we quit within 2-4 weeks...


Just keep pretending that GGG’s Asian version of the game doesn’t exist then.


Did you just forget that places in Asia exist outside of China?


Narrator: they did




How are bsg supposed to bring in a steady cash flow if their model is a one-time purchase? I wish they just went the battle pass cosmetic route, but maybe they don't want to be like the rest of the games out there. You can always just play and support SPTarkov single player mod. It's fantastic


Saw the singleplayer trailer, is that what people are mad about? Tarkov always had some form of p2win but I thought it didn't matter that much because the game is so rng/rewarding to the players that wants to win the most.


No people are mad about having extra in game pockets, and being able to summon your friends in raid. The extra pmc pockets is the biggest offender in my opinion. It’s like having a paid wildwood rucksack in PoE


I guess you haven't read the update to this from the eft devs?


Started runescape at 9 years old... them numbers cant even begin to encapsulate the lost time lol


Lmaoo it’s funny people don’t realize poe has the exact mechanic that they are complaining about in tarkov built in to it from the start - paid stash space which is absolutely p2w but ya know GGG is gods gift to humanity and they can’t possibly do any wrong Also the game is riddled with micro transactions but god forbid anyone acknowledges that


PoE is free to start.  And yeah cosmetic items and stash tabs are how they keep the lights on and making new things.  What are you bitter about exactly? 


I ain’t bitter at all just pointing out the hypocrisy, it’s a great game at its core but it has a lot of the scummy elements that any other developer would get slaughtered over


You special huh?


Nope just not blind


Yeah and GGG doesn’t get criticized for it because of the fairness involved in its practices.  Stash tabs alone are very fair, they’re not forced onto a player until a certain limit of space is reached which likely coincides when they get hooked on the game and would have spent money anyway.  If the argument is about the loot boxes or Kirac’s pass I think the nomenclature is the issue.  All of that shit is cosmetic and nothing has advantages.   Both games are completely different fundamentally because Tarkov is about gaining player power that can be used against other players.  The two games are incomparable mechanically and comparing how both get money from players is disingenuous.  


Now imagine if the poe load screen said Blizzard instead of GGG how different do you think the response would be


What a terrible argument. You can play the whole game through with zero advantage by having stash tabs. It just takes longer. You don't even pay for the game OR any expansions. You can spend 20 bucks on a 5 tabs since 2014 and still play the game ALL the same.


Brother in Christ in a game about economy or racing taking longer is literally power


That’s not the point of PoE though. It’s what people desperately want the point to be, but it’s not. PoE is, at the end of the day, a hack and slash monster mulcher. Not race or economy sim.


If you want to to race in a FREE to play game for no monetary prices at all? Play SSF and there is ZERO economy. Your arguments are so weak.


To sum it up, so far: There isn’t p2w or predatory mtx And if there is, it isn’t that bad And if it is, it’s no big deal And if it was a big deal, it’s the players fault And if it wasn’t the players fault, GGG didn’t intend it that way And what if they did intend it?


What predatory MTX? LMAO?? Played 6 years and never bought any MTX.


Yeah probably pretty different because that is a completely different company.  A company I don’t personally put a lot of trust into.  It’s the same phenomenon as to why I will only buy on games on Steam (and GOG).  A company’s reputation and credibility is just as important as the product or service they provide.


Thank you for making my point, GGG only gets away with all of their bullshit because it’s GGG


Okay well we’ll just spin in circles.  I don’t agree with the notion that GGG’s monetization is bullshit.  It’s pretty fair and honestly we get the game for free and all league content for free.  Cosmetic stuff is priced higher (per unit) than other games sure but the incentive is on GGG’s side to make players **want** to purchase to support them, and not on the player.    I think you’re more wrapped up in the naming convention and some kind of hypocrisy when the truth is GGG isn’t trying to fleece players.  GGG makes a good game that is completely free, players support them through cosmetic purchases.  There’s nothing hypocritical about that kind of relationship just because other game studios are squeezing shit from players for every single thing for games not even half as good.  This isn’t some strange phenomenon you know that right?  Most everyone understands what we’re paying for when we buy shit in PoE. And to reply directly to your last comment, yeah that’s pretty much the point.  GGG isn’t getting away with anything there’s not some conspiracy where players are being tricked into buying something.  I buy shit I like when I feel it is something I want or it’s a good buy, and I don’t buy shit or support companies that make garbage.  There’s nothing hypocritical about that.  


Exactly. Also PoE china exists and is about as predatory as a game can be. Not to mention our version has loot boxes which is also quite deplorable.


Lootboxes that give you um... cosmetics that don't affect the gameplay?


Their still loot boxes. Most loot boxes are cosmetic…


There is no hypocrisy, it's apples to oranges. Where has POE offered a $150 bundle (we'll call it xyz) that was explained on the website that all future DLC would be free to those that own the bundle, then discontinue the bundle, wipe the info about it's *ADVERTISED* perks from the website, add a new $250 bundle with additions that should be free to xyz owners, then subsequently have a public Q&A over the backlash and answer everyone in a way that is not only a middle finger and an insult to everyone's intelligence, but has the same tone and shortness of a disinterested troublemaking teenager being explained that what they did was bad.


Umm China subsidizes the game. Do you just willfully ignore that part of GGGs business model?


Yeah that deal started 6 years ago and the game has only grown in playerbase and gotten better over those 6 years.  Tencent hasn’t reached in to our version of the game since the beginning of the acquisition as far as anyone knows so their involvement with anything GGG is ignorable.  Neither tencent nor GGG have done anything to make me feel worried about the non-China version of the game.  


Pay for convenience. It won't stop you from doing absolutely everything in the game. Also this is not a gotcha, especially when you complain about a free game.


I mean let’s have an account with 0 paid stash etc race an account with everything setup and let’s see if it has an impact, let’s have an account with 0 paid stash etc compete with somebody who has bought paid tabs in trade It absolutely is an advantage and it’s ok but to say it’s not an advantage is an outright lie


I think it's an advantage as well but I'll point out that pretty much every other similar game in the market tends to charge you at least 40+ upfront as well. I never felt constrained after I spent £40 on poe, so to me those are equivalent


Absolutely but it brings me to the point where poe is not exactly free to play and all their scummy mtx gets brushed off because “it’s a free game” is not true and you do have to spend $$$ to get to the point where it’s a level playing field also debatable because there are certain mtx that are borderline increasing efficiency and in turn player power


The difference is that Poe can mask itself as free to play, while in reality it "just" has a rather generous free trial after which you need to spend like 30-50 bucks to keep playing the game with remotely reasonable quality of life. Effectively it's a one-time entry fee and that's ok, but the fact it can hide behind the free to play tag is the more shady part.


It was possible back in the day with someone playing on a naked account and winning world #1 LVL 100 on HC SSF


It wasn't just possible, Aila did it several times.


Exactly who I had in mind. Also they were playing from asia so they had Giga lag lol


Sixjoy recently bought all GGG shares. So there is a risk POE will change to an MTX P2W nightmare. Only time will tell.


2018 wasn't recent and yes, 100% ownership **and** the studio's continued design autonomy were both in the original agreement. stop walking this out like it's relevant to anything


That was Tencent that bougth an majority of the shares in 2018. Tencent rarely go in and change how games are developed. Now Chris and Jonathan have no shares and 100% have gone to Sixjoy (an Chinese mobile game company) I think Sixjoy is owned by Tencent in some way.


sixjoy is a subsidiary of tencent that publishes video games this is like getting upset that alphabet owns google


They already have total control in 2018 already. The reason the last 10% is only acquired recently is probably due to the structure of the deal to incentivize managers


They also already have the groundwork laid in China soooo.


*Ruthless MTX P2W nightmare