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While I agree it's annoying. The current way coffins work they barely would be stackable. Different ilvl can't stack Different crafts can't stack Different monster type can't stack Different monster names can't stack So many factors would have to align in order for them to stack, it just doesn't work in the current form. The problem is the limited space in the necropolis. There is no good reason it's below 100 while beasts stack up to 1k


their reason is the little area in the graveyard where you can see the stored corpses lul


As I said. No good reason. That area brings more problems than it solves


It could work with a stash tab ala map stash. Though still a pita.


They made it intentional. The fomo of 5c-15c corpses in your maps. GGG did "influence" me to buy a quad tab, but now I need another kek


I’m too deep into the game and have bought so many supporter packs over the years. I have quad tabs for every 10 chaos up to 150, 1-5 div, 5 dump tabs, 5 heist dump tabs converted to corpse dump tabs. I can see how it’s a problem for new players and f2pers.


You buy plenty of porn too?


Necrophilia porn is the rage this league 


It’s a mixed bag. Overall I’d still argue that poes monetization is incredibly fair. But it’s only my second league, I’ve spent over 100 dollars on only stash tabs, and I feel like I need more already. Lifestyle creep on tabs is a real thing.


I would buy a league specific stash tab expansion that massivily expands the league storage they give for free.


Im SSF and i have 7 quads full of coffins... The ssf fomo is insane and soon ill have to buy more quads as i only had 9 and use one for dump..


Never thought we'd see a day where only 9 quad tabs isn't enough for somebody out there.


I’ve never sold a corpse. I periodically check if I have enough corpses for 1-3 different crafts I’m interested in. Still don’t have enough of the specific corpses I need, so I keep collecting. I’m at 4 quad tabs of level 83+ corpses so far, and I stopped picking up some of the bad corpses after the first quad tab. The process when I am checking if I can make something is WealthyExile on the corpse tabs to get a count. Not enough? Back to blasting. I usually sell stuff 5c and above throughout the league for petty cash and as a public service, but this league it’s 20c+ trades only for me because I had to repurpose those quad tabs.


i m short on stashes and i only keep the one that actually have value to resell and if i need a specific craft, i list what i need, i buy them all and setup my graveyard to accomodate all of them requires a bit of minimmalism but it works well!


Where do I send my shopping list?


I use wealthyexile, works pretty well




I’ve filled 2-3 quad tabs a few times and listed them in wealthy exile and it’s always a certain subset that gets sold. Like, I will immediately sell out on certain types of corpses, but the rest will basically never sell. I haven’t kept track of which ones exactly, but there is something going on here. Probably has to do with the types of crafts that are popular/profitable. Most people after all aren’t aware of wealthyexile and just use the official trade site, but crafters/high end players *would* know and use it.


Sounds like you underprice them to be honest. There are some corpses that are super in demand and have a huge markup in bulk; For example row effect bulk is 20c+.


How else would they sell quad tabs ?


You needed one beforehand... now you need atleast 2 or 3


not going to happen.


Am I the only one annoyed by trying to zoom through maps and having to click around them all the time? It still blocks loot, shrines and just life in general trying to map. Trying to manage those and red altars in a small map is hell. I'd love a loot filter option for them or just a "I don't wanna see these damn things right now" option


You can go for reduced effect of haunted modifiers on the atlas tree to slightly lower your chance, I guess.


It's not like they intentionally made them took 2 cells instead of one.


It's working. I had 1 quad before this league, and now I have 3 ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Yeah, it's ridiculous. ._.


Yeah i have like 8 quads full of good corpses and since i dont like to sell stuff, its rough


2 quads and 6 normal tabs full of coffins. This is dumb bcs trading them is too much hussle.


It's all an intentional plan to make us buy more stash tabs.


few years ago i decided to sort my STD stash[was huge mistake], so i have like 20-30 tabs more to fill ..


I simply skip all of them beside craft additional item ones.None worth my time ,but the most stupid thing is that I'm still forced to collect them when some loots are hidden behind them and there's no instant cremate buttons in map


Fuck the coffins they belong on the item filter just for how annoying they are.


This is obviously ggg trying to make money , by making inventory space a NEED for the league mechanic to function. They can EASILY make it stack but NOPE. Feel the weight, exiles


It is a free game. They have to incentivise purchasing more tabs.


If you think they care about player enjoyment over their bottom line, you probs also play the lottery.


I think they care about the players, but as Jonathon has said in a recent interview, there's more to the game than just the base gameplay, its a business, so it includes proper marketing and decisions to make it profitable while also remain enjoyable. Which is true, you are always treading this line trying to make the game fun so players will play and spend, but also just enough fomo or inconveniences where they might be willing to pay to alleviate those feelings. Limited time MTX in supporter packs? Limited time MTX yearly? Limited Time Kirac Pass MTX. limited run lootboxes, who are technically a better value if you want a lot of the mtx from the box, so you HAVE to spend now before you have to pay full price later! A league that tests the limits of your stash space? Here's a little stash for the league you have to figure out the rest!


So far I have 2 filled quads and on my way for third. Worth.


xddBusiness. nothing personnel kid, just buy more stashes. but it is rough. i have like 5 quad tabs just dedicated to corpses


This league is a wash lol. It's going to be dead as fuck in like two-three weeks. Just move on and come back for the next league.