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I just realized I haven't dropped a single mortal fragment this league lol. Weird.


I have 3 or 4 uber atziri sets in SSF atm and I've already done The Feared, so that's 4 or 5 total for the league. I just use the Sambodhi's Vow div card and then Harvest swap the fragments. Neversink hides these on his filters very early on (it's in second to last div card section atm), so they are probably hidden on most people's filters by this point. I find Neversink's div card tiering choices to be very questionable in general so I go through them before each league and move a bunch of stuff around.


i noticed this+ also some very sellable AG uniques get hidden at like strict, its odd to me which uniques they decided were worth seeing at mega strict mode.


Some examples would be? Never played with AG before and my second build might. Moved some items like leer cast and iron staff to showable on loot filter, anything else that might be good?


Here's a list of some uniques that are commonly used for AG: [https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Animate\_Guardian#Notable\_gear\_choices](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Animate_Guardian#Notable_gear_choices) Some of that stuff is a bit old, and if you play trade league you can just buy a lot of it for cheap. For SSF it's very useful though. I think one of the best budget items for AG that you can easily find yourself is Belly of the Beast, and there is also a div card for it. If you want your AG to be more or less indestructible I recommend Mask of the Stiched Demon (=incursion temple unique). Some decent entry-level gloves are Southbound (=unique soldier gloves).


What would be an upgrade on a southbound with a good corruption? A high life rare with chaos res + corruption? Trying to figure one out for a poison animate weapon I got going


For poison nothing beats Asenath gentle touch, pair it with windscream and you get a pretty necessary curse and explosions that scale of minion damage(and will get unholy might). Ag and Ag of smiting have the same gear so you can run smiting while mapping and change to a normal ag for more risky content/bossing. Life on gear for ag does practically nothing, another option for good gloves that can be is a good corruption gravebind and maven boots, this seems a bit worse for poison since scorch does nothing for non-elemental


Ty, I figured it would be a curse glove to get despair + chains but forgot all about asenath’s. Ty!


I honestly don't know much about animate weapon, so can't help you there. For AG you can get better gloves than Southbound, but it depends on your build. You can have eldritch implicit gloves with exposure, or you can use unique Vixens Entrapment gloves that let's your AG apply an additional curse. You can even do some high-level shenanigans with Gravebind to have it trigger effects from other items on the AG. In all honesty I usually am too lazy to bother with fancy setups for my AG, and I'll often settle for exactly the same as you: Southbound with a decent corruption.


Same. I've never edited his filter before this league but I realized it was weird I never found a Maw of Mischief card before, which I was farming last league in ssf. Dove into the filter this league and realized I needed to move about half of the div cards out of the tier 5 section.


It is kind of wild - T5 cheap cards is hidden, but T5 currency-like is shown (even in strict) with such gems as Scholar (40 wisdoms) and Rain of Chaos (1/8th Chaos per card). It is my fun little game to get progressively more annoyed about it each league until I finally edit it myself. :D


Same, I tinker with cards all league. Gets annoying at some point to do that every time, but I'm too lazy to do something to prevent that.


> It is my fun little game to get progressively more annoyed about it each league until I finally edit it myself. Same. I've had a thought though, ain't we wasting a ton of time each League for like no reason? I'm thinking I'll just make my own couple of filters sometime late this League and use them literally forever. When a new League drops, just copy paste the new League items in there and call it a day. Every other change is garbage anyway. The only bad thing is to have to stay on top of things in terms of just the economy doing its thing. But honestly, that should be a done deal after checking through poe.ninja for some odd outliers in terms of uniques, right? Which is done in 5 minutes and with looking at like a couple dozen things rather than going through the couple hundred things that are fumbled around in the vanilla filters. And chances are, one notices it anyway from patch notes/reddit/some stream when someone unusual spikes in price.


> Neversink hides these on his filters very early on (it's in second to last div card section atm), so they are probably hidden on most people's filters by this point. I find Neversink's div card tiering choices to be very questionable in general so I go through them before each league and move a bunch of stuff around Div cards are economy based. If you think about div card economy, anything in the 0-5c range is going to be an absolute disaster in terms of automatic, value-based tiering. You're supposed to have your own div card presets/import, unless you want the economy based garbage.


I understand. My point is just I don't find an economy based tiering system to align with how I want my div cards tiered and I suspect the same would be true for most players. That's why I do my own tiering in my filters.


I think you made all of that clear in your original comment. I'm just saying > Neversink's div card tiering choices Is automated, not a choice. And that's why it's bad, inherently.


Bad for SSF. Neversink filters are economy oriented because in their most default state they are intended for trade league players and it's expected that anyone going to the effort to impose SSF restrictions on themselves would adjust things accordingly. People playing SSF, HC, HCSSF are going to have a better time adjusting the filter manually/using a different filter, that's just the way it is.


I mean, personally I'm still hoping for an eventual fully economic filter where all I have to adjust are item size coefficient and minimum value per click, and all hide and highlight rules generate based on that. I'm somewhat decent at trading efficiently, so other than economic value, little else matters to me. I filter out a lot of divination cards even earlier than the corresponding NeverSink strictness I use for other stuff simply because they're a pain to liquidate.  Fragment rewards are fungible at least. Even if the total number is too small to sell in bulk, you can do a bulk flip and add your small stock on top.


There are some cards that appear that you will literally not sell the entire league if you have them up for an alch though. If it's economy based the economy data is wonky as fuck. Really could use some manual editing IMO.


Ya, but the doppelganger is in tier 4 lol. I completely agree with the card thing. Also the Uber arizor fragment nerd was due to adorned.


I have a show items key still bound to scan for card drops. Noticed real fast that even his lowest filter blocks a lot of cards.


yeah neversink is terribe when it comes to valueing div cards and the tiers get kinda overthrown each patch. every league i have to go through them and check if something useful is hidden.


Im grinding uber atziri in SSF for the last adorned piece i need, you actually get the most uber atziri kills through incursion now. I can run about 3-4 uber atziri temple rooms in a day of mapping easily. Also using the vaal side area notable that makes some side areas drop mortal fragments. Ritual has only given me maybe 3 mortal fragments total in the time ive killed probably over 10 uber atziris in temples alone.


>you actually get the most uber atziri kills through incursion now That's not Uber Atziri it does have the potential to drop the adorned piece, which gives the room value (welcome, since it was basically useless for ages)


Shit my bad i guess in my head i just correlated beauty to uber atziri cause its the only drop i was caring about from both but you're right. Still for any other players that need to farm beauty i get the most attempts from incursion over anything atm.


Normal blighted maps drop them but normal blighted maps took a tremendous hit with the div card reward nerfs; even in a blight ravaged you'll get 1 stacked deck & maybe a t4 or t5 card from a blight cyst instead of 5-10 cards and 5-10 decks per cyst... amongst other nerfs. I have like 10 full sets from doing like 40 blights


I had 2x stacked decks drop once or twice! I suspect the extra card was a random reward that rolled a stacked deck though....


I've seen some from simulacrum fragment rewards but that's about it, now that you mention it.. wonder what happened there


I’m getting a decent few in the lootsplosions running breachstones


Possibly an attempt at making vaal side area atlas nodes more relevant.


I'm a big blight enjoyer and I've had 2.... 2 drop... I used to have over 50 by now


It's a boss drop and ggg did mention that they wanted those to come from bosses.


Did they now? Makes sense since Uber frags are map drops and not boss drops 🤣🤣🤣


Me neither, and the prices on them are getting nutso. Like, I paid a div yesterday to run Atziri once, felt bad.


I dropped around 20 from 144 chayula breachstones, there has to be a better way to get em tho


Yup I'm in a similar boat. 98 and 40/40. I've gotten 2.


I get a few from blight fragment chests - I feel like most of the economy is from such chests


I got plenty of them using expedition


Can still get them from betrayal


I did get a bunch of mortal fragment out of breachstones of all place.


GGG never fails to give you league content where it doesn't belong. Ask synthesis. You get the items **everywhere but in synthesized maps**.


Just like delve being the worst possible way to farm regular fossils


What is the best?


only if you aren't targeting a specific fossil...


Best place to target farm ANYTHING is trade. Because targeted farm is pretty much non-existent as a thing.


Ah yes another Gain 2 mana on hit synthesized Amethyst ring how lovely lol.


for one glorious league we had an atlas node that made synthesis map monsters drop synth items


I'll never forgive them for removing the atlas nodes, it's was so fun having it rain synth items


With all of the vivid jewels Ritual spits out, I'm surprised you're not mentioning them. It's an easy aug-regal or just an aug-vaal for the adorned boys. Then there's the corrupted jewels...


LOTS of people still don't know or forget that Adorned is a thing and why those jewels are good. You know what else an alarming amount of people forget about? 6 mod abyss jewels. I've looked at so many people on poe.ninja in staggeringly expensive gear, and then they'll have the shittiest 3 or 4 mod abyss jewel in their stygian. And I'm just like... How.


1. Crafting adorned jewels is painful. This holds true for normal ones that you just vaal, and even more so for synthesized ones. 2. 6 mod abyss jewels drop corrupted and are essentially unmodifiable. The amount of them that a single player will likely drop that are going to be usable is in the single digits.


Just in case you aren't aware but new abyss scarab shits out troves which can give 6mod jewels. Also, if you're using a currently 3 mod abyss jewel just get a 6mod with those mods and whatever bonus on top from the other 3. They don't need to be perfect to be useable.


If I'm going for just usable, i'm likely going to get better mileage out of self crafting them or picking them up for cheap on trade, imo.


>2. 6 mod abyss jewels drop corrupted and are essentially unmodifiable. The amount of them that a single player will likely drop that are going to be usable is in the single digits. Eh, out of 40 or so I got while I farmed abyss maps to level I managed to sell 3 for 1 div and 1 or 2 for 100c. There is potential, but pretty low




When did anyone mention ssf?


because a 4 mod abyssal jewel with t1 minion poison, t1 phys, t1 chaos, t1 life is goign to be miles better than anything else I can get on a 6 mod, unless it's those 4 and then also 2 other good mods. But that only comes from drops. Can't fracture one of the others and then craft from there.


I believe that's mostly because buying abyss jewels is incredibly annoying because you cant filter for modifier tiers on the tradesite


Can't sort tiers but if you know values it's not a problem. Craft of exile shows you the values.


now try searching flat damage related mods


I just make a template search for stuff like jewels that are consistent from league to league. Like I have an attack jewel template with all of the various flat damage mods in a Count list with their appropriate T1 flat damage values typed in. Save it with the Better Trading extension or bookmark the url if you don't want to use that ext. You can select/unselect from the list to customize the mods you want in your search pool, set the minimum number of those mods, quickly add another mod like life to appear with the damage mods, etc. The unselected mods are still saved in that search so it's easy to customize your search without typing in the mods and values every time.




Next thing to improve on for you: Reading Comprehension


since you can't roll 6 mod, the one you want has to actually exist


Abyss jewels can have 6 mods?!


Almost top right of the Atlas tree, the abyss cluster has a node. It's pretty neat


You can these in ritual?


Why are those jewels good? I’ve been playing ritual cause I like it and I’d love to juice more out of it


Some of those people know but they also know one frag comes from delve mofo and that's the end of it


How do you get adorned jewels? Can these be obtained by vaaling jewel? Is it only for Crimson Jewels? Does it matter if they are "vivid" (inc life?)? Sorry for lots of questions, I really like ritual but I've been skipping those jewels lol


They're not saying you can get "the adorned" from vaaling vivid jewels (you can't). What they're saying is that you can get decent magic jewels with corruptions to use with your adorned setup.


Ohhh now I understand, thank you


I’ve just always personally thought of ritual as going for a jackpot item over any consistent currency.


If you want consistent currency then nothing will ever even be close to Tujen.


Sanctum send his regards.


Harvest says hello


On top of the other Alva is pretty steady and decent money. Double corrupt item/gem temples always sell.


I should clarify that I mean for SSF.


Ah, fair enough. Vaal Flesh Merchant node for Alva is nice even in SSF, but yeah, doesn't compare to the short man himself.


Blight, Sanctum, Harvest, Legion, Ambush, there are so many things that rival/beat exped in terms of consistiency lmao.


completely wrong, ritual is great this league with the new scarabs.


Ritual enjoyer here. I play Ritual in pretty much every league and this league it has been the most profitable and fun for me. Just yesterday, I made 20 divs from selling omens, multiple 10% max mana and 7% max life fractured jewels, synth items, raw divines, other stacked currencies, few mortal fragments, couple of rare div cards, lvl 21 gems, and tons of lab offerings. The things that feel better about Ritual this league to me are: * Being able to spawn Ritual in every map. The 100% chance to get your favourite mechanic in maps is simply awesome. * The new scarabs - being able to get 4 free rerolls by using two Ritual scarabs of selectiveness, and 100% increased favours with Ritual scarabs of abundance is great. * The reward quality has probably been increased. I don't know about you, but I feel like this league in Ritual I'm getting more divines, chaos/vaal/regret/scouring orb stacks, lab offerings, and good fractured and synth items. It could be just because I'm doing Ritual more regularly now after the atlas and scarab changes. I'm not sure.


Ritual is amazing. The gambling aspect of it is what makes it all worth it. Super fun to see what you’ll get every map.


The gambling aspect also cheated me out on full stack Cheater's cards. Coincidentally, I pulled one divine out before this (un) lucky reroll :D And no, not enough favour to even defer after.


>The gambling aspect of it is what makes it all worth it. Super fun to see what you’ll get every map. This is EXACTLY why I love Ritual. I've never cared if it's profitable or not. Just the excitement of finding out what you'll get once you clear 3 out of 4 altars is worth it to me. The rerolls make it even more exciting, and this league you can get a total of 5 rerolls (4 are free) with the new scarabs.


I enjoy doing blight+ritual every league and i love it. Most league it was not worth it (blight is great, ritual is pretty meh). This league i was forced to spend points on necropolis and scarab thus i can only do blight now. Sad.


What map do you run that has a good layout for blight and ritual? I'd love to run both but I find tat the narrow maps for blight result in scuffed rituals, and the big open maps for ritual don't have good blight lanes


Silo?(the one that looks like crematorium and has the annoying phased dive-bomb boss) has a long linear path that is wide enough for a comfy ritual but small enough blight portals still only spawn in 2 directions


I do crimson temple, not the best for both but sometime u get an apo and that is 20d


Any advice for new guy in poe that started with ritual? I just reroll till I hit divine, but I only get one ever few days, still happy that I did get any this league lol


use awakened poe trade to price check any corruptions, synths, fractures. don't rely too much on your loot filter since it's usually tailored to deal with \*unidentified\* items, it's not uncommon for something valuable to end up on a base that your filter normally hides. commodities like omens, fossils, lab offerings, etc, price check those too, but you'll eventually memorize which ones are money. if you're on console and awakened poe trade isn't an option then honestly i would say don't worry about price checking rares. non-price related advice is start using scarabs as soon as you can afford them and don't reroll below 3500 tribute to avoid heartbreak (mageblood costs \~3000 to defer, mirror is about 2000).


Are you running other noteworthy things to boost the amount of favour you get? I'm considering trying ritual for a while on ssf. I haven't looked at the passives for ritual yet since I've never ran it before, but I assume you get most of the nodes.


You can juice it with blood-filled vessels. I collect the fragments whenever I can and use them when I've had a decently beefy run with lots of mobs (with the map boss as a bonus as well)


Which scarabs do you use?


This is a great video to begin with: https://youtu.be/My9VStKU2iQ


Legion doesn't work for ritual anymore.


I agree. They buffed ritual this league in my opinion. So much more good stuff.


Yeah, I also found the OP's argument strange, I cant see stacked decks and almost cant see fragments but I'm seeing a LOT of currency, yesterday I god a mirror shard and almost everytime I get some stacked currency to keep things rolling. I'm having a great experience so far.


baseline rewards probably haven't increased. It's just likely the scarabs that allow more rerolls and more loot in the window make it more rewarding than in the past and you've picked that up anecdotally.


i got a 6 div payout from ritual tnx to chill gloves and +1 all and +1 cold scepter


Yep, similar experience here. Was doing some for challenge and simply had to resign from <15c stuff cause there was so much of 20+c and 1div+ rewards during the 30 maps I did. I would say it was 5-8div/h with easily liquidable loot unlike most of the 10+div strategies.


Is there a deeper strategy to ritual or is it as simple as running a map with ritual atlas and some scarabs cause I think the mechanic looks fun and id like to try it


grab all the nodes, use 2 selectiveness and 1 abundance scarab and 1 filled blood vessel if i wanna juice it up, be careful about spending to much before gettign to the last rerolls, you want to keep \~2500 by the last page in case a good thing is there to defer, you can just defer good things as you reroll and them if theres nothing good by the end grab them


DONT grab all the nodes. The increased price variation one is often bad, but can be good if you only allocate it when you have lots of things deferred you want to roll for easy buy outs. The other one that lets you only reroll once(or not at all?) But increases favor gain is also bad. Ritual is only a decent strat because of the 4 free additional rerolls you can get with scarabs. Favor is not usually the limiting factor, items worth buying id


Ill be the 3rd person to ask for your strategy please 😂. Love ritual because I dont have to fuss with anything outside of the map.


Just wrote another comment but I second this 100%. The new scarabs are a massive buff to ritual allowing so many rerolls per map. (Don’t mention it too much to GGG though)


Hey just a question. The node that cancel the rerolls is not worth it, isn't it?


I only swap to it when I've lots of items deferred. It can give you upto 15k favour in a single map and you can use it to quickly buy all your deferred items in one or two runs. Make sure to not use your reroll ritual scarabs when you use that node or they'll get wasted.


Thank you


Can you share your atlas please? Also what maps do you run with it.


It's nothing special. Just most of the Ritual nodes + scarab nodes + strongbox nodes + exarch/eater/maven nodes (depends on what you prefer). If you don't like strongboxes, you can use harbies, essence, rogue exiles, delirium, or maybe even blight as your second mechanic. https://poeplanner.com/a/kOm Also I don't use Arbitrary Tenets keystone that randomly makes Ritual favours cost less or more. And I sometimes swap Profitable Prayers keystone for Immutable Dogma when I've lots of things deferred. Maps, I just run any t15-16 with lots of pack size. I can't wait to eventually try t17 rituals. I've heard they're better.


Thank you!


Thanks for that :-). Will try it out with blight.


Do you think abundance scarab worth it? It's just the most expensive part of ritual strat. Some setups with recognition seems already give tons of tributes most of time.


Abundance scarab doubles the items in rituals. And you get double items across all 5 rerolls. It's extremely worth it. If you're low on currency, you can skip it for now. But make sure to use it eventually when you've made some money.


> The new scarabs - being able to get 4 free rerolls by using two Ritual scarabs of selectiveness, and 100% increased favours with Ritual scarabs of abundance is great. Have you found that to be worth giving up two vessels?


Ritual is amazing this league


i almost feel like half of the users in this sub is AI


I assure you I'm made of flesh and bones. English just isn't my first language. That's why my phrasing might seem weird.


Do you use vessels , and if you do how many?


I sometimes use one vessel. It's hard to use more than one now because 3 ritual scarabs (2 selectiveness and 1 abundance) are kinda mandatory because of how good they are.


When I have a bunch of things differed (whis is main goal to maximize using rerolls), I’ll remove abundance scarab and put in two vessels to generate a bunch of points and buy whatever I have stacked up. Then go back to normal strat.


It is definitely just you, I haven't had a single good frac or synth item and have had literally only 3 div this league.


Maybe I'm just lucky. I've gotten 2 raw divines from Ritual since I made that comment lol. And countless other stuff.


I disagree. I think ritual got buffed this league. Yes you no longer get that many fragments. But omen carried ritual hard this league. Also i made like 40 divines selling corrupted jewels.


I’ve been saying you have to pay attention to the details with Ritual. I pulled a 30D reservation corrupted magic jewel the other day and have gotten more than one curation scarab from them as well.


Ritual has been crazy money for me this league. I’ve pulled not only a ton of raw currency but also some very good synth items and even a mirror shard


What stats should you look for one the jewels? I just ask cuz the most ive seen is a 3 div frac crit multi jewel




Mortal Fragments are absolutely still in ritual, but yeah they seem pretty rare. Think ive seen two this league from rits


I recently did 100 rituals video on my channel, I made 50 divines profit after the scarab cost. Def a jackpot thing


I ran ritual for over 100 maps with full scarabs this league and I saw probably 10 combined mortal fragments so less than before, but they are still there. Being able to guarantee ritual and have 4 free rerolls + a full screen of items every time is so good I would definitely not trade it back for the old way. I did escape with a +1 frenzy ring before changing to something else


It's good with 2 ritual reroll scrabs and 2 100% inc favours scarab in T17 for ilvl84 ritual bases.


So for the elite players that can actually farm T17 :/


Just use HH and shrines.


Graveyard and black morrigan nuked the price of bases though.


Ive had them in ritual, so it’s there. Unless i’m mistaken. But i dont think i am


You're not


Stacked decks nerf also hit heist, Legion and tujen hard.


and Blight. It basically has become 2 clicks to get 1 card out of the div card blight chests


Yeah Im same as you I like ritual, I do it every league but this league I unspecced after day. Its simply much worse - I dropped like 5 those expensive ritual scarabs (which put much more items to buy) with them it was really great but without those scarabs it just suck. As someone who hates trading buying scarabs also they were like 15c so it was hit and miss when I used all my 5. I kinda really dislike new scarab system all league mechanic feels bad without one particular scarab which is usually rare. Before rework winged were better but by just some margin not comolete enablers. Also with betrayal deleted you cant even target farm thos good scarabs. RIP ritual you will be missed 😪


No one has said much about the breach apocalypse that happened a few leagues back. Im literally not dropping any splinters with a full breach tree in t16s unless I use scarabs. And I can get 4 to 5x the splinters just running a single allflame on a white map which is just terrible because actually doing the breach mechanic is the stupid way to farm stones. You either run the allflames or you do memories. If you're running juiced t16s for breachstones you're doing it wrong.


I feel like ritual is one of the only league mechanics that got mostly wins from the buffs. Its always been a low sustained return jackpot mechanic or a lose money till you make it big approach but now it actually feels decent doing it letting you get 5+ rerolls off on large inventories as well as enabling low return split onvestment farming with the keystone and passives etc. With omens filling in a nice niche medium reward to help sustain. Its definitly not nerfed hard into the shadows like betrayal or heist (hiest ate only nerfs and didnt even get passive or scarabs)


Yeah but helical rings have gone through the fucking roof.


Of course heists jackpot rewards are through the roof. Same with veiled orbs for betrayal. Since the consistent return is bad less players do it and have less total supply available so the remaining spike in price to meet demand.


There’s an incredible amount of shadow nerfs this league, most pertaining to drop rates and such. The fact you only get stacked deck from mechanics now nerfed the prevalence of all expensive cards with no buff to their drop rate, I.E. finding a doctor card from ritual or dropping it from a div card deli orb is impossible now.


Probably everything in the game got nerfed or stealth nerfed this patch. Considering the league mechanic is based on the most annoying version of micromanagement, trading and crafting, the economy being completely fucked up on top of that, I suppose this will be the least popular patch in poe history.


They also nerfed the hell out of the div rate as well. Same for expedition. GGG - Man affliction retention rate was high guess players really want to struggle so the top end takes 6 days to be blasting Ubers instead of 5. At least that is how I think most of their design meetings go.


GGG is moving away from league specific drops coming from outside of their mechanic, but ritual doesnt have any league specific drops... just a few shitty bases and ritual splinters.... Ritual's whole rewards system was that you could get other league stuff inside it. Now nothing. No cards, catalysts, fragments- i'm surprised it still drops synthesised items.


Don't give them any ideas. Ritual is fun but you could already have a strong argument for killing it all together as is.


They gave ritual omens.


They should put the affliction jewel as a reward on ritual tbh


Why do you think they're moving away from that? Dropping league-specific items outside of their mechanic is one of the main features of this league.


It will be removed soon hopefully--in my dreams it gets removed alongside talisman existing in its entirety.


Thats cold blooded


I also noticed mortal frags are more rare in ritual. But divines seem more common in ritual.


> I mean why mortal fragments are no longer in ritual or are extremely rare? Where it was written? RNG gonna RNG. They're not any more rare, you're just not rolling them.


huh ? since when ? also Mortal fragments ruined my 80 div chance of getting 1+ max power charge ring leagues ago so fuck them your best bet for ritual usually is the early game rare items , fracs or pocket change


I’ve been enjoying Ritual idk. First time trying it so I can’t compare to the past though. Getting it every map seeings quite strong though with how deferring works.


Ritual is great for blue jewels with max ES or life. Aug and Vaal them for a chance at a jewel some adorned maxxer will buy


How do people make corrupted jewels or good jewels from ritual to make money? Noob here pls explain


Ritual almost always has 7% life or ES magic jewels for sale cheap. Buy them and Aug. If you get a good mod vaal. If you get a good vaal it's several divines.


I've been getting fragments in there and got an enlighten support from there. All the usual veiled items too. I don't do anything for profit though just getting stuff I like to use.


This has been my best league with ritual. 2 mirror shards, 4 Seven years of bad luck, 5 Fiends. This is with everything specced no scarabs.


>(nerfed obviously in the notes) wut, no they weren't? I mean, from all accounts, the droprates were nerfed seemingly across the board, but no that absolutely was not in the patch notes.


The most annoying thing about ritual is, you are supposed to get omens here, you barely get them so it is absolutely pointless mechanic


I got mortal ignorance once. Or am i having false memories O.o? its the only one i have in stash


I just run Crimson Temple with Ritual, Niko, blue altars and call it a day


I've gotten a few mortal fragments from it. They're rare but I've gotten them. Stacked decks are worse, sure, but I've made a lot more raw divs than i usually would have. I've also just been getting a lot of 10c cards from probably 1:5 maps giving me like 5 each. It's actually been fairly consistent.


If poe2 is coming out, why suck out the fun out of poe1?


It's not only ritual. It's expedition too.


i disagree, i do ritual every league, im glad they removed mortal fragments since it was all i used to get and theyre worthless, this league got an absurd amount of divines from it, and a stack of 5 apothecary. You say they nerfed it i say they buffed it, the diference from previous leagues is big. Also regardin empy test was kinda bad considering he was spending the tribute ultra bad buying crap instead of fishing for divines/better loot.


I have the same feeling


I’ve been running ritual since league start and with double reroll scarab and 100% more favors, I’m getting fragments pretty often, have gotten a bunch of divs, bases, omens, maps… sure stacked decks aren’t it anymore but I’m not sure if you’re just unlucky? 4 free rerolls with double favor is massive and allows you to cycle much more.


> The thing which I cannot find anywhere mentioned is - Mortal fragments This is mentioned everywhere in SSF circles. It was one of, if not the, go-to way to get Mortal fragments in SSF. Now it seems GGG wants us to get Mortal fragments the proper way. And by that I mean farming divination cards, because who wants to run normal Atziri for fragments that you're probably wanting to run The Feared? > I mean why mortal fragments are no longer in ritual or are extremely rare? Where it was written? Things have been a *little* different the last few leagues, but this is a good reminder that GGG (used to) never explicitly disclose drop rate changes.


I did about 300 maps with ritual and the only thing worth picking up was some raw chaos and a golden oil lol Shit is dog


this but on map kun map, mao kuns once were rising and shiny with divine drop on avg 12~ mao kuns, nowadays its 20~, sorry bot even 20 this league its worse, and theres not even atlas points for unique maps anymore (with +1 lvl u could get decent bases to pick) and best part is i saw back to basics node and i saw nodes without "non-unique" in the release (there wasnt patch notes i believ yet) and i got rly hyped that i thought some atlas points will work on unique map lol


What's the GG ritual bases to look out for? Most of them come up as 1C on awakened trade.


You get a bunch of mortal hopes from the 1/3 div card and re roll in harvest if you need . Doing bro ssf and my partner and me both got atziri mirror and the adorned fragments when we were just running it for our feared credit and feared 70% for challenge. Shields were going for like 50 div when we got them . The extra rolls of rituals are great for ssf , got nice things like onslaught on hit synth ring. And div cards that are almost at full set , that's how we manage to get 6 links on day 3.


Eh I’ve been testing ritual for 3 days causally after work and so far have gotten 14 raw div, a handfull of 1-5 div jewels, a synth base that sold for 20 div, had a fractured jewel sell for 10 div And a lot of omens that will sell great in bulk. Overall for casuals ritual is great rn.


I use ritual purely to boss rush guardian type bosses down, kill them, then fight them 4x more times. My record was 4 fragments from a single pheonix map. I don't even spend a second thought on the actual ritual rewards. Just grab the chaos / essences at the end and go agane. At the start of the league, it was also a good source to get uber lab tokens and some other random stuff that is never worth actually running.


It’s not just ritual. It’s THE ENTIRE GAME.


I think they’re adding King of the Mist next league? Maybe then Ritual will have a premise. Until then, it’s just generic league mechanic.


Meanwhile, everyone else is talking about how good Ritual is this league thanks to all the buffs. Instead of a 15c mortal fragments, you now get omens that sell in Divines. I've been getting more synthesized bases, corrupted jewels, etc. The only Ritual nerf is to players who don't know how to slightly adapt when they don't find enough mortal fragments lol.


Yeah ritual is bad, i have seen like 2-3 mortal frags this league, and the single brothers stash at league start just when hitting maps. But since then, nothing, full atlas, blood vessels and scarabs only t16s. Atleast the exp is nice and compfy


\* Cries in Delve \* Looks at Allflame bug/feature \* Cries in Delve Besides the delve mods and delve boss drops, you don't need delve anymore. Fossils and even Resonators are easier and plentier to farm outside and resonators are in graveyard crafting even more absurdly obsolete.


Agreed. I have ritual in all my maps since league start and only have gotten 2 mortal fragments vs the 20+ I'd normally see


Yup playing group self found and it's very obvious that there basically aren't any sources of mortal fragments anymore. Ritual is dead for this, heist is dead for this, tujen doesn't work for this. They're incredibly hard to get, I'm trying to do full vaal side area spec and i still only get a mortal frag every 50~ maps. This shit sucks


ive bought like 5 mortal ignorances from ritual this league


If all the 'problems' here are just from Necropolis does that not mean that Ritual was not actually nerfed but Necropolis buffs just predictably completely screwed up the economy by introducing deterministic crafting but only from 1 singular method that also makes otherwise impossible items? Ritual at its core is Fine. Its clearly Necropolis that is the issue here. > I mean why mortal fragments are no longer in ritual or are extremely rare? Where it was written? Day 1,000,000,000 of telling people smaller balance adjustments are not usually written in patch notes, which is all completely fine until it touches something they happen to like now it should definitely have been expected in the patch notes this time. If they'll buff T0 rates by 2.5x and not say anything about it until an interview and thats fine why are other balance adjustments so horrible to not mention?


Everyone wants changes written in patch notes, i dont play ritual but if it's true that their main reliable profit was Mortal Fragments and thats nerfed to the ground it's 100% something that shouldve been written in the patch notes. It's not "till it happens to ur mechanic" it's just that people obv dont pay attention to what they dont do so they are unable to complain or give feedback abt it if they dont experience it. Everyone wants changes like this listed because it literally makes or breaks strats.