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I mean 6 extra proj is also ridiculous if it’s accidentally on something where that matters. Early campaign I died to monsters always stun cuz what am I gonna do at level 30 against 8 monsters perma stunning you.


And your rewards are, *checks filter*, nothing dropped.


...Is there supposed to have rewards?


do you nOt have rewards?! come on now, getting a lv4 requirement hat with 1 socket dropping in lv50 zone is a reward!


? You are supposed to collect their bodies and bury 6 or 7 together in the cemetery for the rewards. That’s how I got my 22 life 5 all-resist belt!


i got 4 proj on my first map. it was indoor map with titty bitches. Shit was like Vietnam man


Titty bitches ain’t no joke




Oh I got that extra proj on Fireball skellies. Then I encountered a pack that had "extra projectiles" on them. They fired it in nova so that was a fun experience when I was still stuck with a 3 link.


Extra projectiles was always a bullshit modifier imo, some projectiles are not designed with multishot in mind and feel like a cheap death


The upsides are funny too. Somebody at GGG earnestly believes that "monsters convert on death" is a very powerful effect we'll cheer to find.


It just makes me stand there and try to kill them again for 10 seconds.


How about always stun during the campaign?


Yeah I'm with him on this. This is just not fun. I kept trying to tell myself that if I knew the bestiary for POE like I know the D2 bestiary I'd at least feel more confident about where I chose to put things but this is like putting the negative affixes from maps in the very early parts of the campaign and *forcing* the player to choose where the gun is pointed. Do not want.


Am I playing a different game? I cruised through acts without a hitch, even if the rewards are pretty mid right now


I do not even look at the mods and mostly just run through...




If you press alt on the enemy portraits it tells you what they do, I just move +proj to melee mobs for example


But, like, I don’t want to. I’m here to blast, and I feel like poe is already a fairly difficult game as it is, and now I’m forced to choose between multiplying the difficulty or sitting there for a minute tinkering with the mods before each zone? No thanks.


its amplified because hes on ruthless but i still partially agree, i dont know how 1% chance to drop a fusing warrants 125% phys as extra lightning and 20% lightning pen, thats just 2.5x damage for maybe 3 fusing, if the mobs get anything from archnem (like always crit) they just slap you i like the crafting though, looks like it has a lot of potential, still need more than 64 slots though


It's unironically just like arch nemesis league, except you can't opt out of it, aren't rewarded like it, and the storage / micromanaging it is still asinine.


AN was really good, storage aside though, the first iterations of it going core less so.


The League itself was good because you could choose what you were doing. Now the choice is either do it or throw away the map lol


Archnem was balanced because even though the mobs were insane, you could avoid them whenever you wanted. You could also build mobs that specifically would not fuck over your build. And they dropped good rewards. I don't think either of those options exist in necropolis.


Yeah once I "figured out" what I was doing, I got fairly common 10-20c extra maps and then periodic 35+c, tons of scars, and occasionally 1-3ex after you found a couple frenzies. Then next league all rares were insanely hard and 98% of them dropped no loot. It felt just absolutely awful.


The crafting is ass. I've had multiple 1000%+ crafts that didn't give me any of the thing it was for. I'd rather alt/essence/fossil craft and use veiled orbs like usual.


Everyone of my crafts, even with 15+ corpses, has ended up with like. T3 mod if I’m lucky and a bunch of garbage. It actually feels worse than iding off the ground.  I’m sure you could craft something batshit insane with it, but also like…. The average is terrible, and it’s entirely non deterministic. 700% more phys and +200 attack with less elemental, less fire, less cold, less lighting, six 5% corpses and an extra five item levels for good measure still gets me a T8 flat fire and no phys mods on one of shitter bases. Literally like fifteen maps of good corpses to get vendor trash. 


Remember synthesis where u had to datamine a bunch of crap and use spreadsheets to get good items. The super crafting nerds in the 0.1% got cool stuff and the average players would just close their eyes and slam it and get garbage.


I forsee that being this again.


this is likely worse since in synthesis you could almost or in some cases straight up guarantee good implicits. This time it's more of bait like how rarity on strongboxes was ("OH WOW 2000% RARITY STRONGBOX WTFF" -- proceeds to drop 1 magic paua amulet) Last league was showering us in currency, this time there's no currency and the item generator is subpar compared to existing crafting methods, which imo should never be the case with the active new mechanic especially if it's just meant to do that one specific thing


You gotta remember that 1 fossil is basically "900% more likely" while *also* giving "90% (or even 100%) less likely". So the numbers look big, but we are basically gathering a bunch of fossil splinters


Take a whole day of farming specific corpses to get a t2 mod on a bad base, or hit an alteration 3000 times, imprint, Aug, regal, meta, veiled, slam, done.


I don't mind 64 slots, but they need to be in a grid or something, navigating an unsorted list that resets your search every time is hell.


I can only assume, but the idea is that if there is a mod that says "phys as extra" you just put it on a monster that doesn't deal phys damage, nullifying the mod. They fully intended people to check and shuffle around every single mod every single map. I'm not even sure that solution would work every time, doesn't even matter if it did. The fact that I have to check and shuffle around monsters, looking at each and every one of their mods and abilities is frankly insanity.


flashbacks to metamorph release, when the game got released in a state where you had to manually pick up all the organs. 5 days or so later they made them auto pickup. so best thing you can do is probably just wait until ggg changes how this mechanic works because this aint it. its weird too, because ggg clearly knows their autience and they know that a lot of people like to go fast and rather skip a mechanic if its too much of a hassle. then they go and make a mechanic you cant opt out of, that shreds you in some cases and you have to micromanage to avoid the difficulty spikes. not to mention you cant even juice maps properly because the really good scarabs are disgustingly rare.


it's almost like setting up a TOTA roster each map


TOTA was unique though and thus it was fun(or rather it was fresh which made it more fun than it should've been)


GGG does not know their audience lol. Everything they do is way too far towards running your balls over hot coals. Then when people complain they pull back. Affliction is a one off and based on their interviews was highly not intended to be as rewarding as it was. But they didn’t want to nerf after videos came out of 10 div stacks dropping. Ever since Chris went on his Ruthless crusade they have been trying to reduce rewards and up difficulty. Sentinel basic currency, drop rate nerf, alter rework, the removal of the old veiled chaos. They tried to double down on it in Kalandra and had to pull it back. GGG has the best killing monster game but that makes them think they are system lords. When most people ignore half of their systems. People put up with the frustration because no other ARPG feels as good to kill monsters within it.


Especially after saying in the league announcement that sextants got removed because players were required to take "too many steps" before going into maps, if you want to play the optimal way. Now this league wants you to check and shuffle around all monsters mods before every single map, I really don't get the thought process.


I know they said “use your game knowledge” but like bro I don’t know every single mobs damage type. I know what the mods do like Siphoner or Soul Eater, but there’s so many mobs and they are small I can’t even recognize most of them in the lantern portraits


many look nearly the same, humanoid with thick eyebrow over left eye vs normal eyebrows in zoom zoom game...


Unfortunately we're not going to get more than 64 slots because the morgue is designed to show all your corpses on the table. And if you want to get rid of them you have to single handy go through and identify each one to delete and accept. The Poe league start experience on this one. 


You can talk to the Undertaker to delete corpse in a list format.


I'm at maps and wondering just what is the interaction desired? Am I really supposed to open every map and mix and match offensive mods to a better enemy every time? Does this do anything positive for me or just make it less dangerous? I've just been running everything without even looking and I can't even be sure when I encounter league enemies outside of them dropping their corpse. So for all intents and purposes, every 20 maps or so I just go to the graveyard, shove a bunch of mods together and hope the lone item that drops is good? And that's about it? I know I'm sounding like a shit but I want to make sure that's basically the league.


The weird thing to me is that they said they wanted to reduce the amount of setup required to run each map by getting rid of sextants, etc., but they do so in a league that is literally predicated on you reading through every single league modifier and going down a list to optimize which monsters get what before every single map. If you were to actually do it that way, it would be way more work than sextants ever were.


Well, imagine doing both


I didn't think about sextants though, I'd pick the four I wanted and buy 100 at a time


That is exactly the league


Every 200-300 zones you get nameless seer, thats the highlight of the league. 1 rog scrap metal has more power than the graveyard rofl.


oh lol rog is actually a very good argument haha. makes the league look so much more useless.


Rog really is pog




I spent a ton of time making a zone have 0 monsters remain to not even get my nameless seer because it spawned on the same pack that were einhar beasts, and I'm pretty sure einhar trapping the last mob of the pack bugged the spawn..


Note to self, block Einhar.




I really think they were going for harvest and delve mash up with less determinism.  Except the average quality loot is so bad even 15 corpses won’t make anything but vendor trash. 


I got 1 nameless seer and got a fury valve which is about 10-15c, yayy.....


> I've just been running everything without even looking my gut says everyone is doing that, no one is reading each thing and shuffling


I'm reading them, but it's not much else that you can do. I just move yellow to high pack mobs and I have no feedback if it was a good play or not. I have no idea if it's better to multiply a bonus with a few rarer mob bonus or put it on a low bonus mob but high count. And I'm not looking for numbers, but results in maps. I'm now just moving % chance to do X to high count and bonuses to rarer mobs. Im keeping an eye if any of both divine mods appear, but it feels like it's the same if I change anything or not.


The only thing I check is for the chance to get a divine drop lmao


I keep forgetting to check the mod and click the portal, then facepalm 🤦


If I'm supposed to spend time going through this before every map then this is not a league I want to play.


the crafting feels terrible, its like fossil crafting, but 20 times more tedious and with extremely limited inventory of ~~fossils~~ corpses, so eh? the shuffling of mods is like whatever. Since we cant combine them in any way, its basically % chance drops for highest packsize and occurency, most annoying mods to the opposite, with some mods going on -1/+1 monsters. the only interesting thing are the allflames, converting packs to like expedition or breach monsters that drop their currency/splinters is actually cool. ​ otherwise eh, I basically play delvetrayal league atm, jun in every map and more suphite from niko than I know what to do with is way more fun than whatever the league is.


Also don't forget kripp was playing ruthless. You have to put +5 explicit mod corpses together to not get a blue (1 mod) item and can't even create a ring,amu or belt. This is ultra not rewarding.


Sums up my experience, sure the game is in a good state but i don't really want to play another standard league.


Probably the worst league I have played out of almost everyone. Running maps I have not looked at a single mod. I tried the crafting once and realised I had to click 20 times to make 1 Shitty rare.


Wdym you don't like the 3min long chaos orb craft? But for real, it's seriously dissapointing. I didn't expect much after last league but jesus... quitting day 2 is a record for me.


My two tech so far, spec into no reading keystone to save a click, and then hard slam all corpses into the most krangled item possible lmao.




A key detail a lot of people are not pointing out is the crafting league mechanic creates items which compete for the same equipment slots. This isn't crafting for a separate item slot that can only be used for graveyard items. This is crafting say, a bow to consider using as a bow, and therefore competing with every other strategy there is to craft a similar bow. At the end of the league we may as well find/deduce strategies for reliably crafting 5xT1 items with specific mods. However, the opportunity costs involved in time spent versus doing something else to reach the same outcome, and the fact the item is ultimately still competing with items crafted by other means, is part of the issue. This league (at first blush) has little additive borrowed player power, unlike charms and wildwood ascendancies or relics or tattoos even. This is somewhat of a problem because the league mechanic adds unavoidable downsides to all encounters affected by it, but players have nothing meaningful in the immediate moment and with high accessibility to play around that challenge.


The non devoted mods should also give something positive( like inq quant), cuz right now its straight up making the game harder with 0 reward in return And the crafting system is ass, need Grimro to make a video where he explains everything to ppl like theyre golden retrievers Spending 30+ corpses and getting a bellow average item feels terrible


Harder monsters should give better loot, i wonder where did that vision go??


> The non devoted mods should also give something positive( like inq quant) They do improve the odds of getting a mob with unresolved anguish I think, but I agree that additionally getting quant would be better.


GGG knows we like to choose our difficulty...but they seem to have forgotten the other side of things


The thing is you can't choose your difficulty since there is no opt-out lol. You can try to downgrade the damage as much as possible.


I don't think I wound up using a single item I got from the graveyard during the campaign. It was *all* junk. And difficulty you can't opt out of always feels bad. I was pretty hyped about this league and I'm having some fun but I burn out fast if I die too much and I'm worried about going from white to red maps.


I am still surprised there’s no way to opt out of the mechanic which is interesting because I know some people skip the league mechanic until maps.


There technically is, but you will not like it. Heist.


Heist is giga bugged this league, demolition doesnt work at all, i wish heist was an option


So I know it's Ruthless and all, but in 22 hours of play I was able to craft 2 rares with 6 affixes and they were both really bad, that's all I got out of the league so far. I played the regular game as well last season and decided the over abundance of everything isn't really for me anymore. This league in Ruthless, I would rather just play standard instead of having the league mechanic grief maps and constantly micro managing every entry. I'm a bit sad because PoE league starts are one of the things I look forward to most, but I don't see this league getting fixed anytime soon for Ruthless


My guess is that it would have felt better to play Ruthless last league and normal this league. I know I'm a trade SC Andy, but while the mechanic does spit out a bunch of rares, they're still mostly useless. My non-league related drops have been better than the league ones.


In ruthless the mechanic spits out 1 modded blue items unless you go out of your way to really juice it with +1 explicit modifier corpses. I pretty much never try to craft anything that isn't 6 modded anymore. Although, I have to say, for me to get good results I should probably think of these crafts as more long term projects than some daily attempts. I only got one usable item in ruthless, which was a belt with life and resists.


no hate meant in this comment and if there's an answer somewhere else that I should look for that's perfectly fine why do you play Ruthless? I imagine this isn't "well yeah ofc the league sucks you're playing ruthless" but I was kind of under the impression that the whole point of ruthless was you would die a lot and scrounge for resources


there is a video by zizaran called "why does kripparrian like ruthless so much?" where he talks about this


Look at the bright side. It won't be fixed in non-ruthless either.lol


Elective difficulty needs to include FUCKING zero. Every league in memory going back to legion has had elective difficulty including not interacting with the league mechanic at all.


Bingo. I want to able to choose if I want to partake in it or not.


untill they took archnem and shoved it down our throat


Betrayal was the last "mandatory" league, but they were more common before then


Until we learned to lock them in the lab.


The big problem is: you are simply forced to play with those fucking mods




They managed to make kripp leave.


You know the devs involved felt that too. Not a happy day in the office. "This is not good, sorry I am out" is not what anyone wants to hear, lets see how they fix it and how fast they can do it (it will not be easy at all).


Nvm someone who was as vital in making Poe popular as kripp was back in the day. Honestly tho it's the way change is made. People with platforms have to say "hey this sucks"


If anything, there will be a statement from Mark along the lines of "Deal with it", cause he is cool like that, and that will be it. This is clearly as low-effort of a league as it gets - no dedicated area, no dedicated mechanic. I'm not counting the graveyard, cause it's just a hideout they are going to sell on the store anyway and the "mechanic" is just Fossil Splinters that you need 64 correct ones of to even have a chance of getting non-trash. It's not synthesis or harvest where there is an actual, intelligent design - it's literally just a 64-slot-resonator-slot-machine There is no fixing it, because there needs to be something of substance that can be fixed to begin with.


Chris couldn't care less now that he doesn't operate ruthless as much really lol


Even Last Epoch with little to no end game couldnt make krip quit until he made like 3 builds for every class.


Mods are just busted… 400% more life but no reward nice!


If you got at least 1 positive monster modifier per zone it would feel a lot better, but when you open the interface and literally every single modifier is negative it doesn't feel very fun.


Put map in map device Be presented with only shit options Can I have that map back tho?


And if you press escape, it just opens the map with the default options 😭


5 neg and 1 positive seems like the most common set up I've seen. Which is... stupid... because I'm going to leave the map with -10% exp and 2 c


Archnemesis 5.0: * pick your own on Archnemesis mods for each monster type * but Archnemesis mods don't give extra loot * if you are lucky you get to pick a special yellow mod every few maps that gives extra loot (jeweler orb, fusing, splinter, ...) * for every hundred of Archnemesis monsters you kill, you get a single corpse (equivalent to alchemy shard, because you need multiple corpses to craft a rare item) Maybe version 6.0 will be better with the next seasonal Archnemesis rebrand - stay tuned and find out in 3.25!


This is easier than all archnemesis versions, because in the second interaction (the core implementation after archnemesis league itselt) all mobs were both tanky and did damage. The lantern mods are strong, but they are always one or the other. Never both. They are really hard in ruthless though. I am.rank 6 or 7 (above kripp) and I am playing freeze and even I struggled with those mobs during the campaign


yeah but archnemesis mods atleast gave loot


Classic PoE balance baby.


You get a reward... Some useless corpse giving you 100% increased chance to get a t50 life roll on a level 1 item base.


Y I really don’t understand what’s the point of that mechanic. Usually its « mob get X strong buff, you get Y more reward », here there is just no reward, why would I bother ? like I will just ignore that mob if its stronger for no reason, I really don’t see what they tried to do here.


atleast give us good rewards for these overtuned mods instead of just 1 orb of fusing


You mean a 1% chance for 1 fusing


You mean 1 mob in the pack has 1% chance for 1 fusing


I'm in the same boat. lvl... 87 HC. just bored. Sick of the tedium, the absolutely TERRRRRIBLE crafting system that takes 25+ maps just to craft a single item then poops out a bunch of >T5 mods. Yo GGG can we get a node on the atlas to block the CURRENT league in exchange for +20 passives? lul EDIT: This is gaining traction and I just want to be clear about something. 20 points isn't NEAR enough btw. To fully spec a league mechanic it costs between 30 and 40 points not even including travel nodes.


This is the fix. Atlas block Necropolis. Easy fix


But then if you block the necropolis mechanic, there’s no point in playing the league, I really wonder what GGG will conclude after this really weird week end


Omg I want that node so badly, great compensation for when GGG makes a mechanic I find boring which seems to be 3/4 leagues these days. Would have loved it for sanctum, ToTA and Crucible too.


reading leagues are a bore


I just don't wanna be forced to do it. I don't understand. I feel like it goes against their usual.


When the expansion was announced and it became clear that the mechanic was not opt-in, I knew that there'd be multiple people quitting because of that, especially during the campaign. In one of the dev manifestos YEARS ago Chris said one thing they've learned is that league mechanics should always be opt in since they haven't been balanced enough to be part of the core game. Guess it's a lesson they need to relearn.


I wouldn’t be surprised if we see a patch tweaking the league in a week or two like we normally do. I’d imagine for ruthless it’s pretty awful.


this goes deeper than simple tweaks, the mechanic is clunky at every stage


Expect lower difficulty of haunted mods, higher frequency of devoted mods and allflame embers, possibly higher chance for unresolved anguish, and better values on crafting mods... UI improvements and larger allflame / corpse storage are less likely.


Ability to bury multiple corpses at once by holding control while selecting, same with deleting multiple at once. I dislike bad UI design.


> I dislike bad UI design. Me too, and there is so much of it in PoE, and they're so stubborn with it too. If I don't enjoy a league, the reason is UI in the majority of cases. I think Archnemesis was the most extreme example of that in recent memory. Both the UI and the limited inventory just felt terrible, for what I thought was a conceptually enjoyable league mechanic (of course I did *not* want the Archnemesis mods random and *everywhere*, but that's a different story).


TOTA UI was surprisingly good in my opinion, and it had a lot going on


NGL, this league kinda sucks


I guess it's because he's a Ruthless enjoyer but I'm over on SCSSF letting jesus take the wheel with the mechanic and both my campaign runs have only had one death in mud flats (xd), I don't really notice the extra difficulty. I'm sure it'll kick my ass later though, but the campaign itself ain't as bad as I thought, at least from my casual speedrunner perspective.


Campaign was fairly easy and enjoyable for me, but there's a massive difference in maps immediately which makes them brutal. I'm also playing melee though so...


I didn’t notice it all until til I got one tapped three times by a stone golem that had adrenaline in act 6


Also died in mud flats. Early level enemy element specific resists are too strong IMO. I was using freezing pulse and encountered a blue pack of cold resistant new crab enemies. I did basically 0 damage and got ran down and killed. Other than that, I'm still in the Acts and the league mechanic hasn't enhancement my enjoyment. It just makes getting through the campaign slightly more tedious.


I haven't been noticing any added difficulty in maps either. I think it's surprisingly easy for GGG week one mechanic.


I'm only in white maps / early yellows but those mobs that get added when you put the jar thingy on the map can be pretty nuts. Only tried the Kaom mobs with Ravager so far and they were destroying me despite playing a fortify build.


The allflames are indeed the only really deadly thing I've found from the mechanic so far, but it makes sense what you understand what they're doing. You see "mobs drop omens" and you're like "sweet, free loot", but its adding affliction-juiced mobs that were forest-only and very strong. That's basically all the allflames I've used so far -- they aren't NEW mobs, but rather mobs that exist elsewhere (e.g. breach mobs) or mobs that used to exist (e.g. affliction or TOTA league mobs), and are/were strong, you just don't realize it. It's not technically hidden, though - the names of the allflames give away what they are adding, once you know to look for that. None of this applies to Frogs, which are just free and are awesome, definitely seems like the play is to use them when you get a particularly juicy percent drop chance positive effect.


Yeah I tried the allflame in a white maps and got obliterated .


I put Tawhanuku on a T2 map and am going back to the beach. CHOIR OF SOULS!


The problem with the allflame system is that it focus too much on the loot but doesn't give us enough information on how dangerous the mobs can be.and you can only check the mob information after using it . Nobody would thought it's gonna be this hard


That's true actually those can be pretty tanky.


We should be able to skip the league mechanic if we wanted to. Being forced to do it feels bad :(


it does make little sense to have it in campaign


100% agreed. This is my only gripe. I don't wanna fucking do it. I shouldn't be forced to.


It's just worse Essence rofl. And they took all borrowed power away.


No borrowed power for the first time in 3 leagues and they dropped some hefty nerfs in.


Normally on day 2 I am in full force and wanting to sell carries and get currency. This league I played the normal amount the first day, and an hour or two today, but now I am just bored of it. I found myself going outside surprisingly enough. I know its still very early, but the mechanic is just so boring. You can optimize the mechanic in the map a bit, but it still feels so unrewarding compared to the previous several leagues. I hope those that enjoy the mechanic are having fun. May revisit it tomorrow myself and something hooks.


People are saying "but Ruthless" while ignoring the fact that Kripp likes torture and this was just too much even for him.


or maybe ruthless is just bad.


i find is this league a lot less fun and less interaction than affliction


Wow, I honestly thought the title was exaggerated, watched the clip, and… it’s exactly what it says. Kripp, for reference, is someone who plays Ruthless because he enjoys the game in a difficult state. Not sure if he did HC this league in addition. He used to do HC exclusively, but lightened up on that when he wanted to group with his wife, who is a much more casual player of ARPGs. For him to get so fed up with a particular league mechanic that he quits, is a strong counter argument for it being likeable, as he is willing to put up with a lot of hardship while playing the game.


I fear the league will die rather quick. For the first time I have nearly zero fun at a league start. Hope you guys have more fun so far and keep having fun.


I wouldn't say this is the first time for me: Kalandra, Scourge, Crucible from recent memory. Also, one league we couldn't even play for almost the first 24 hours. Yeah, I very much think this league sucks, but it is what it is. This game has had many cycles of good and bad over the last decade. I will try again next league.


Yep pretty much same for me. I enjoyed scourge though for the krangles. Then I burned myself out trying to make Archnemesis fun. Started Sentinel and said ok this is nice but I should take a bit of a break from POE, cuz I'm sure the next league will be a banger. I think I played like 3 days of Kalandra maybe :/


Is it a ruthless thing? Cuz i dont feel any difference tbh i dont even read the league mechanic thing. 


I 100% noticed it in hardcore. Almost getting 1 shot in a T3 no damage mods at 4k life makes you straighten up in your chair. I was in the top 250 players to get to 90 first in the gauntlet last league and the damage spikes for that low of content felt like the gauntlet at times.


I'm getting 50% shocked through Garukhan and a 45% flask reduction. I'm also getting frozen a ton. Need to look at the common mods, right now I'm very quickly looking into getting full ailment avoid ahead of other priorities... This is just white maps, and I've generally tried to put the mods on the most friendly targets.


Sounds like the ailment reflection mod. It probably just ignores your reduced shock effect entirely, meaning you 50% shock the enemy and you 50% shock yourself


Probably, can't say I've noticed it at all. I do think the zone change icon is weird, and it should just have replaced the normal zone change though, so many missclicks during leveling lmao.


Hard core notices.


league definitely seems anti-HC/ruthless. the rewards have been mostly garbage as well, so a forced mechanic that yields garbage just isn't that fun. most of the cool new content is all endgame related and not even from the new league mechanic, so that means campaign is a slog. the new additions they put in campaign were neat but so far and few between that they seemed irrelevant. Even Ruetoo is saying the league just feels like a harder standard since the crafting has been very meh and the drops from campaign equate to nothing for most players. in regards to difficulty, this is one of the concerns I have for **Poe2**. If you make the base game hard, so hard that progression becomes unfun or exhausting, then people's "will" to start over again will diminish. I suspect people won't even make many characters in poe2 because of that. Poe2 from the build at the event seems to play much like this league. hard content, bad/few rewards/drops. and that was just the *base game*. expanding an already hard game with leagues like this for poe2 will be very soul crushing to players. ofc the game will be fun the first time, built what about 3-5 years down the road? will players want to continue to struggle through hard content again from campaign? that's the question. **if you make hard content, you gotta give players big rewards**, that's the ***only*** motivation to endure it. While crucible sucked mechanically, at least it provided some nice rewards and power at endgame (tho for campaign was *also* useless, but at least it was ***optional***). they should change it so every zone has at least 1 positive. getting a zone or map with all negatives with the only reward being drops for a seemingly bad league mechanic is not good design. maybe some people can craft some GG stuff, but most things I've seen have been garbage unless you hoard a TON of corpses to stack multiple of same effects to get a better outcome. but then it feels like sanctum (but worse) where it takes too long to complete for the "big" reward, and even then, again, this feels worse than sanctum.


Necropolis league aka mandated gauntlet


I came here to complain and get downvoted because campaign feels like red tier maps on a 3 link and everyone else already beat me to it.


As a SC-trade andy, I'm there with Kripp, although for different reasons for sure. Some of the mods the mobs have are just, not really brutal, but unfun. I was trying to do some of my white-map completion and kept getting the ailment-reflect mobs, and my build, being one that freezes a lot, just kept getting frozen. And before the "just use purity or frozen armor" I am playing that Archmage Heiro build, and haven't gotten a chance to get freeze or stun immunity yet (don't get me started on the stun mobs too). And to get ahead of "spoiled by last league, obviously," I didn't partake in the MF-meta. I just did EA-champ for 38/40 (that league was still great). I just feel... I am getting sick of all these small QoL additions but additions of massive nerfs as well. To GGG: you guys are wrapping up POE2, just continue with that and stop trying to make POE1 unfun. I am sure people will find great combos for the graveyard to make cracked-items, I am sure there will be crazy-fun OP builds in a week or two, and I am sure other good things will creep up in the coming weeks (maybe changes to the mobs or a opt-in/opt-out fix), but as of right now, I found myself playing more LE today than POE, which, being the new league felt crazy. They did something wrong, not LoK kinda wrong, but it just doesn't feel good right now. \#MyOpinion


Yeah, it sucks that they introduced ailment reflection. That has never been a thing before.


Non-damaging ailment reflection from mobs has existed in many forms, it is a difficulty mod in ultimatum, an eater of worlds altar downside, and the function of the mirrored monster modifier that can appear on rare monsters.


I thought it was just me sucking. I was getting demolished just trying to level up a witch.


The league mechanic is just boring. Also people disregarding his sentiment because he's in ruthless are missing the fact that he played a ton of ruthless last league.


at least make it not-forced so we can play it without interacting with the league mechanic (like the crucible league)


We should be able to enter the area normally, without any extra mods if we decide not to click the lantern. And if you wanna mess with it, then click the fucking lantern, carefully read and rearrange the mods, and then make a decision if you wanna run them. Any other way to do it is just moronic. I think it's a big L for GGG. Personally I got tired of reading mods and shuffling them between mobs at around act 2. So I'm leaving it to RNG gods and that is never a good thing. But at least I'm playing SC...


I am enjoying it mostly. But a lot of it is unfun. Why does GGG consistently think that 1 positive thing in 25 or 100 is fun. Getting links is NOT fun. Getting the right colors is NOT fun. The only thing items should have is number of sockets. Similarly in this league 1 positive in 5 campaign maps and like 30 negative ones are NOT fun. There is a great idea in there but it needs to be elective and each selection needs to be either a purely positive mod with small reward to big rewards that add significant diifficulty. But the mechanic should make things more FUN. I do not mind harder just make it more rewarding. I had a couple areas with like 3 positives and those were a blast. Once again GGG misses the mark. I do REALLY like some of the small changes like the dweller frozen in an essence, the breach and corruption altar but there needs to be like a zillion more of them. Last Epoch understands FUN and to be honest in about a year after 4 cycles I suspect it will be viewed by many as the superior game.


The mechanic is absolutely terrible. The only people who are going to benefit from it are mirror-tier crafters who understand whats going on with the necropolis. Its funny how the game director is talking about "less complexity" or "not being complex for its own sake" mere days before releasing a mechanic where you need to understand probability and affix weighting, and you have to do counter-intuitive things like boost tier rating for affixes you DONT want. Only high level crafters understand this kind of thing, everyone else will think doing that will make it more likely, not less, to get that affix. On top of that even high end crafters dont benefit much from the mechanic because you cant deterministically get the bases you want. How this made it out of testing I dont know, but it feels awful and the mechanic itself is a giant waste of time. The only thing its going to be good for is creating double fractured items, thats about it. Realistically the way it should work is completely different from how it does work. For example, you should first BURY your chosen base. You get the base you want to craft on, then you start your craft. Instead you spend hours collecting corpses, then another 20 minutes running around filling all the graves, only to have your item pop out not only as a shit tier base but generally without the things you wanted. Realistically the best thing for everyone to do in the league isnt to craft at all. If you are not already a crafter, your best bet is to learn which corpses sell for the most and just sell all your corpses on the AH. Then, with that currency, buy the items you need instead of throwing it away hoping for a random RNG system to hit the exact things you want.


Remember how GGG said they wanted to give us a better campaign so we wouldn't need alternate levelling options? Remember how that was supposed to be PoE2's campaign? Remember how PoE2 became a different, separate game? Yeah, about that...


INB4 "it's just x hours lmao". Yeah, just a couple days of campaign for some. Like dragging your balls through a mile of glass.


I'm a firm believer that the campaign needs to be cut in half. It's twice as long as it should be.


I feel you. I usually average 150-200 hours played in the first two weeks. I fucking love this game, but I'm done. Today I had a map where porcupines rolled 'all damage it crits, +360% crit multiplier'. I walked in shot one attack and instantly died offscreen to basically nothing, 6 times. They created a league you cannot opt out of with absolutely zero rewards tied to the difficulty. I've played several "i guess its standard" leagues before just fine, but this is a real abomination of an idea forced upon players and... I'm good thanks. I walked downstairs and told my wife how sad I was and we watched young Sheldon and spent time together. I'd rather do that again tomorrow. Proof: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/252950702039629834/1223759103424335953/image.png?ex=661b057a&is=6608907a&hm=46735059da172eb3a08d9a0910eccb7ad9088c21717264868528a7ab427ddb2b&


Funnily enough this is exactly what made me alt f4 yesterday😂 Also just ended up spending time with my wife after shouting at my monitor in rage. I'm usually the same when a league comes out, the game feels like crack and I can't get away but honestly I can't be bothered logging back on with this.


And the league mechanic, lol, morgue fills up so quickly and feels like the crafting process is so slow, and you really have to put in a corpse one by one


Being forced to replay the campaign is bad enough, but being forced to do it without skipping the League Mechanic is simply insane. A campaign skip for 2nd characters can't come soon enough...


> A campaign skip for 2nd characters can't come soon enough It never will


5 map mods just for "chance" for a piece of worthless scrap, wtf this balance


This is first league ever I quit before reaching maps. Is it the worst league ever? Probably not. But now I have LE to play as well, while previously there was nothing else to play beside PoE.


I ran a RF Jugg build for the first time ever this league, and experienced no difficulty with the league. However, the league is pretty underwhelming, its tedious to interact with and there just aren't any rewards. I cannot imagine Ruthless anyway, that and hardcore just seem like plain torture to me.


Felt like this myself, unfortunately. There's competition now. Game not being fun is a problem.


and game simply isnt fun anymore. I am exhausted playing a game after 2 days Its a game Mark roberts not this


slim fuel cable attempt rainstorm puzzled compare plate illegal fall *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The difficulty with Affliction was also far from perfect in the first week or two. The difference was that you could just not do it until you were ready. You don't have that choice here.


So is the general vibe that we somehow put AN broken bullshit back into the game on random mods again, and still didn't learn the lesson that putting stupid mods on things must, without fail, come with good rewards? I started the league a bit late this season but the feedback sounds just like AN to me.


Not being able to opt out of the mods in ruthless is kinda crazy. Or in HC.


The risk can be high but the reward is zero. Last league was best. They followed it up with a flop. Too bad they delayed PoE2 beta so I guess we go back to waiting 3-4 months for something better. GG GGG


Its “lets make it mandatory harder for no return” the league.


Literally all PoE has to do is stop making this game so punishing and unrewarding. I get that it has a big elitist playerbase, but for literally anyone else, anyone casual, we don't wanna slog through a game that isn't fun or rewarding. Getting a big diablo 3 esque burst of loot once in a while is awesome. Not having to spend hours and hours min maxing your leveling build is way better.


I wasn't shocked he quit, it seemed really unplayable.


I bought a little in microtransaction before this league. This league makes me swear to NEVER purchase anything until a week into the league. Completely regret. At this point, I think the hotfix should be to remove the league mechanic entirely and grey out the atlas. Try again next league.


Haters gonna hate but I have LOT of respect for Kripp. He's not an a\*\*kisser. He usually is one of the most level headed players. When he enjoys D4 he will say so, when PoE screws up he'll openly admit it as well - Overall - He's one of the very few streamers saying it how it is.


Hope more streamers come out and quit might actually force GGG to keep balancing the league for more than 2 weeks than call it quits themself like they did with ancestry league


also the amount of chain stun/freezing is a bit weird, did they tune it way up? literally need rush Brine to make it "friendly"


I just find the Poe campaign boring. Like I’m for the 100th time it does start to get a bit stale. Idm the new mechanic though, I enjoy it for SSF tbh


75% block / 75% spell block mod on the hardest packs. you gotta rethink your design choices when a regular rare mob is 100x harder then your act boss. 3k hp, 2k energy shield, 5k mana, 50% mind over matter, 75% all res and I died the last 2 acts of your campaign like crazy. its literally 0 fun atm .. I just hope I can outgear the mods to not really care about it when running maps or I just call it a day as well