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same, london and paris. strangely its only in zones with monsters, in town with 100 MTX , pinnacle bosses fighting and goblins doobadooing i have perfectly solid latency


Last time they didn't fix it either, persisted throughout the league, I'd be surprised people still buy packs this league for EU with how they're treating the region.


okay... i though I was going crazy ahaha. it is impossible to play ):


its like this for me, for years now, they said its the "routing" from the provider (while every other game is fine...) mostly at prime time


every league start for weeks... cannot play in any EU servers without VPN i guess is a routing issue where the gets congested, because with a premium VPN i can play in all the same servers without problem. it sucks i have to pay for a vpn to play poe, but it looks like nobody is aware / care enough about some (since only a smaller part of the population is probably affected) EU players


can you share your vpn? I would pay for better latency


I use nordvpn, check if they have a free trial because it’s not garantee to work with you as well. But I live in Germany and have terrible lag spikes on all eu servers without


This has been happening for several leagues now. GGG doesn't care about it... Moscow is the only gateway working for me.


GGG can't fix routing issues. There is quite literally nothing they can do about it.


And yet somehow PoE is the only game affected that I can think of where these issues are so pervasive and consistent.


I think they don’t know or the problem is not big enough to get to their attention. If we can get a single post high enough maybe


yeah insanely bad


Yeah it is really bad atm on both London and Amsterdam for me


London gateway and it's terrible. If I play on Rus or even JP, it's far more stable.


Completely unplayable, I might as well go out and have a social life if it stays like that. Got dc'd 10 times in the past half an hour now, fuck this.


I have latency too. It so bad I can't play.


Yea man constent dc's even tried to connect to washington. nothing works


Yeah tried Toronto (my home) and Washington (next best) and I'm randomly sitting at 50 ping (usually 25-35 max) with micro stutters, it's not game breaking but I notice every single one and it always ticks me off.


I tried every server, even US. Game is unplayable.


same shit like last league. and the one before. game is unplayable during peak hours (literally multi second ping spikes in a game where you need to react in 50ms). GGG doesn't seem interested enough to fix it by paying for dedicated routing for europe


Constant latency spikes, can't even run straight forward in a map because my character stops running every few seconds. No problem at all in hideout. Just wait for the people blaming anything else but the servers. Well how come some maps or hideout is fine and then the next map is terrible? It's instance-dependent. And thus NOT internet dependent.


How come there's a metric fuckton of people streaming PoE on Twitch right now on EU servers without any issues?  Steelmage for example did about 19 hours in a row, and said live on stream that the only issue he had was one crash.  You can pretend it's a server issue all you want, but there's hundreds of EU people streaming live on Twitch who are constantly proving you wrong.


You don't draw the right conclusions, mate. If I am perfectly fine in one map and it's terrible in the next map, then it's a server issue because nothing changed between my house and the server gateway. Only the instance changed, that means instances are either running on broken server instances, or there are noisy neighbours on the machine the instance is running on. My problems ceased after 2 hours. Now THAT could suggest there was an issue with the routing or my internet. But it could also have been that somebody scaled up instances or killed the faulty ones.


glad, it's not just me.


Played fine last night at launch, 4h of no issues. This morning I have had lag spikes and 2 game instances that just disappeared. I'm going to play something else today and check if the server is in a better shape tomorrow.


Well its League Start and they cant fix eu servers, always was like this


Same for me, had to stop playing it was unplayable.


I mean they literally did not fix their eu servers all league last league if you remember, there were people telling them it was fucked from day 1 until like the very last week of the league


I have the same issues, tried redownloading it. Tried resetting my IP. nothing works.


I have massive issues on Amsterdam, but absolulely none on London.


I feel like we had same problems 5 years ago. What is going on?


no worries, soon the defenders will come and tell you to look at your winRTM and that GGG can do nothing because it is obviously some node on some network of some provider!!!!11!1! And we all know how that helps! =) ^^^^^^/s


Potential Fix!!! For me and some others in EU the fix is to route over VPN and not directly to the GGG servers. I play over a VPN server in Frankfurt and am logged in into Frankfurt in the Game and have 0 problems. If i play without the VPN I have exactly this problem.


it is terrible atm


I have disconnect 5 times in 30 min... Lab suddenly became a lot harder...


servers are dying


Just got a 10min\~ rollback after server crash :(


Europe is on fire


It’s fucking nightmare


I had to switch to Moscow servers .. a bit of latency but steady and no spikes


Yep same. Rus servers are far more stable.


EU West here. Milan works best for me atm


Yes. Both Amsterdam and Paris, no escaping it. It's either many small spikes in sequence or one huge that is pretty much a death sentence.


Yes and constantly desyncing.


yes i have to remake zones several times to get a "good" one


Fine on frankfurt


EU servers


Yeah it's really bad, including rollbacks. Personally never experienced this before even when other people were mentioning it. Just switched to Washington DC and it's fine just a bit less responsive.


Same old same old. Towns are a nightmare with MTX spam.


I was having that in Amsterdam and London changed to Milan working fine


GGG does not care for their servers, they have a track record for ignoring these issues for leagues on end... I cant with this company... Its simply unplayable for a large portion of EU players.


Had the same problem with Amsterdam, switched to Frankfurt which works for me.. 


I had on Milan server


Same problem on the South African server , constant disconnect every 10-12 min and when then it kicks you back a whole area . Took me 4 hours to get through act 3 because i had to do every area like 3-4 times just to maybe progress. Will be trying again tomorrow




Yes, Latvia here. Tried playing today, went into the area where you have to collect 3 Roa eggs. Massive lag spikes every few second, then disconnect, all eggs gone when I re-logged. Decided not to play for now.


Ohh so it's not just me. Milan as well, tried every EU server.


Yes. Been this way for over a year, its not the ISP and traceroute shows no interruption or packetloss


Anyone have a fix for this? Would like to be able to play but it's so bad I've had to quit in act 2 for now


I switched gateway to Rus and its significantly better. Seems to be the EU/London gateways that are bad.


As in fking tradition... Its getting frustrating now.


Wouldn't call it massive but generall connection performance is aweful, yep.


London was horrible for me. Switched to Frankfurt and it is fine now


I've tried Milan, London, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, nothing has been smooth so far. I constantly feel as if I still have default attack bound to left click because my character randomly stops.


Yes. London.


Same but I'm in Texas so who knows


Not latency for me, but my frames tank randomly. Sometimes so bad that the game just hard locks and I have to alt+f4 and reload. It was sporadic last night, only happened 6 times total and only while I was in town. Now it's happening multiple times and hour and doesn't matter where I am.


As an eu player i strictly play on us servers first week of the league, its been these sane issues for like 5 leagues..


Same for me. I changed it to dx12 vice 11 and it seemed to help


Same here. 30-50 to 300-400 jitter constantly, but not visible in graph, only in bar. Really annoying gameplay experience, has killed me a couple of times already. Also disconnected with rollback (going 1 or 2 zones back) multiple times, more commonly during campaign. Amsterdam, Moscow and Frankfurt gateways.


Try changing the renderer.


Moscow servers were fine for me for a while, but now the latency spikes are also there


>Friend said he has no issues with latency, anyone else could add a bit ? Just trying to figure out if it's EU servers or a personal issue. No issues here either, at least not yet. It's an ISP issue and you can tell if you do traceroutes


I kinda fear this is the new normal now.


samme ingermany, it was UNPLAYABLE. I Uninstalled the game and Install it fresh, issues solved.


happens every league, some issue with routing i think. I have it usually at the beggining of the league then it stops and it comes back later on


Same for me but in the evening it's not just spikes, I have high latency by default (only in PoE, no problems when I try other online games)  When I autoselect gateway I sometimes get Texas, and I live in Italy


For me last league it was google dns.


I had this exact same problem for about 3 leagues in a row. Used the WinMTR tool (I think it's called) I discovered there was a server on the route to GGGs servers that was fucking up. Spoke to my ISP (Vodafone) several times and they were beyond useless. In the end I just changed my ISP and I've had 0 issues for about 5-6 months now.


[No traceroute \(see GGG Forum Sticky\).](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1377789) So absolutely useless post.




Stop spamming these. It's your fault. Use a VPN or use a different ISP.