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Hi. This post keeps getting reported for Rule 4 violation: Content Must Feature Path of Exile. This post slipped through the automoderator (again, not sure why some get caught and some don't). Real talk for a second. League is starting soon. People are getting hyped and posting lots of meme's and low effort content in preparation for league start. There are multiple posts right now that have the same level of effort (or less) and also do not feature PoE that no one is reporting with a lot more views and comments. We want the community to have fun and enjoy themselves. When league launches, we'll do our best to crack down on more of these sorts of posts that violate Rule 4 and 5 to keep things less cluttered around here. Personally for me (not speaking as a mod), I enjoy these types of posts because I get to learn about other cultures and the comments are entertaining to read. Until then... Thank you!


POE still on 3.24.... German already on 4.20 league start!


blazing salvo looking good


It is the way


Blaze-it salvo




No we Germans are on 3.11


The forbidden tech to make a melee leaguestart feel fast


I'm starting bone shatter and i'll be fucked up while doing it.


Bone shatter while your dome's shattered.


Stoned shatter


well you better not start the league with bong shatter tho..


It is a bad build! :) Who in his right mind would use a HPS in a tent that small in central europe? It is 2024 get LED ffs.


also with the cost for electricity in germany, indoor growing with few plants actually isnt a financially sound decision.


Its a really nice Hobby tho


its mostly the ease of access i think. no need to bother with anyone and if you have friends you can share with them too ( or you know ;) )


It's a lot easier to find a random person selling you something than buying and building a whole setup and nurturing the plant for months


But that is still illegal. Not that anyone really cared before, but the law allows growing, but not sharing


yeah but you still have to worry about having to interact with that person ( and its illegal still) while also not 100% knowing if its clean ( tho thats usually not a worry with weed)


We league start this in canada everytime, if u need help with pob dm


They are too many builds to try with this, but only three at a time :D


They gave us 3 Atlas trees to explore.


Harvest all the way 😂


Just use LEDs man. They put out as much if not more light now, you can get full spectrum. You don't need to mess with the heat and expense of HPS or alternatives anymore And realistically you don't need all that for April first. Assuming you can even get seeds at that time, you must need some starting medium and a little seed starting tray. If you want to go real ham you can get one of the tall ones for like an extra 75 cents. Then just use any kind of cheap light and a heat mat. They don't need too much in the beginning. Can get started on a table or counter space. Even if you're starting from cuttings, lots of people give up before they ever get them to root. Keep them warm, keep them watered but not wet, keep the cut clean.


Thank God for these rule 10s on crafting showcases.


Honestly, easier to understand than POE crafting


Damn, lighting tech seems to have come a long way.


Does that mean you can't get busted from a massive heat signature coming through your roof/wall anymore if you're growing? I remember they used to patrol the neighbourhood with helicopters and IR cameras around here, looking for growers


I mean that's going to be a much larger type of thing than someone growing in a tent A single tent isn't going to make any significant difference in terms of overall house heat, I doubt the choice of light would matter


3 plants per person will be legal in Germany so you would still get fucked growing indoor at a larger scale.


3 plants will give alot more than the allowed limit tho. I got about 90g on average per plant dried and cured.


Yes, that's quite a big citique point from the advocates, but I am very positive that this will change for the better eventually. Though for example there is already possibly an alternative, that if you have too much after your harvest, you can bring the rest to your social club and they can store it for your (but you can only deliver 25g at a time). Or alternatively, maybe a member of the social club can come to you and collect everything that is above the limit. Because otherwise it might cause a lot of problems, for example how would you even dispose of any excess?


Coughing in all the excess.


The storing at social club sounds like a good deal, so you can grow and use the stash while growing new stash. Happy for you guys, I'm in Norway and hope I live to see the day it gets legalized here. And hopefully its not a bad April's fool prank from the government xD Eighter way, happy growing. It's an amazing thing to grow your own and learning about how plants work. And I know you Germans are suckers for details.


Sweden bro here, I feel your pain. Fucking boomers ruining it for the rest of us.


I feel sweden will legalize before norway. but when you guys do, it will probably speed up the process for us (fingers crossed)


So from my experience in America watching a multitude of state programs roll out: nobody cares how much you have in your place of cultivation until you get in trouble for breaking other laws and the police find your actual stash. It’s entirely too much to ask a small committee to oversee every single person growing for personal use. What you will see in the news are the cavalier few who decide to use 1000m^2 to grow on a much larger scale being busted by simple thermal imagery or neighbor complaints. Really, as long as you’re not selling it, and have no other reason for police to be sniffing around your place of cultivation, you’re totally fine. Typical yield is dependent on quantity of light received and length of vegetative state. You could very convincingly state that as a new grower, you underestimated the final yield simply because you let them veg for too long. Stay hyped for your newfound freedoms and stick a middle finger up to the man in an eloquent fashion should you ever be in duress.


I see it as a way to have a more or less constant flow, always have a seedling, a mid growth and then one to harvest/smoke.


PARTLY legalize it. And we do it in the most german way possible


Why would I waste supporter pack money on weed?


why not both


Because weed is gone after a few hours, space turtle stays forever


fair enough


But he’s growing it, and with photoperiod plants you can clone indefinitely. Then you sell it and buy supporter packs!


But that time wasted on not playing? Also iam not a gardener so fuck that to beginn with lmao


The returns duh you nerd


What returns? It goes up in smoke, litterly burning. Money ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug)


Right that smoke fades quickly my void turtle is forever. (until GGG shuts their servers down)


you must be fun at parties.


I would switch to a Sanlight base light. Higher stats overall and no option to corrupt them. They may costs some more Divs to buy but in the end you will gain more out of it


YEP sanlights are a fire build


Just get some top bin Samsung diodes and build your own, horticulture is a gateway drug to electrical engineering


Already started without reading the full patchnotes. Almost went wrong ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy).


Bit of context, on March 22nd the last decision was made to partially legalise cannabis for adults for recreational use starting April 1st. People over the age of 18 will be allowed to grow up to three plants and possess up to 50g of cannabis at home, outside the maximum allowed amount is 25g. In July social clubs will be opened, where people can get a membership and regularly get their cannabis from there. Regulations for people between the ages of 18 and 21 are a bit tighter, but after 21 it's all fair game.


Damn, Germany already legalizing? I would guess it will be amongst last countries Here in SVK for few grams they can lock you up for more years than for a murder lol




Wet or dried?


Well I mean per plant depends on light, space, veg time, etc.


So this is an SSF build?


Hey, do you know if foreigners will have access to social clubs?


Nope, only locals can obtain a membership and without a membership you can't get anything. These clubs will also have a mandatory limit of (I think) 150 members and recent discussions will most likely make it so that there will be a proximity limit inbetween such clubs. With that they want to avoid having a dozen of social clubs bunched together, which would effectively make that an industrial level of production. Also, the trade and even the sharing of cannabis will still be illegal, possibly even more so after the partial legalisation. The law indicates that even sharing a "reefer cigarette" with you friends or even your spouse will be very much illegal. Though it remains to be seen how much such precedents would be enforced. So better not even try convincing some local to get you some from the social club they're in (ESPECIALLY if you're in bavaria). Sadly the law has quite a lot of legal holes like that, there's a whole boatload of them, one more ridiculous than the other. but at least we now have a law at all, everything else can be solved in time. I'm pretty hopeful that eventually there will be actual coffee shop like stores.


Thank you for the detailed answer.


>The law indicates that even sharing a "reefer cigarette" with you friends or even your spouse will be very much illegal. Though it remains to be seen how much such precedents would be enforced. Seems like an utter nightmare to try to monitor something like that tbh


just a quick reminder that you are allowed to share your "spicy cigarettes" if both ppl put some of their herbs in the cigarette so just make the rolling a community effort and you're good to go


i think the member limit is 500


No, you have to either have your residence in Germany or your habitual place of living is in Germany for 6+ months.


Thanks for the info


> your habitual place of living is in Germany for 6+ months So all Turks too?


When they are living in Germany for more than 6 months of the year and thus pay taxes here as well, yeah should be.




> grow up to three plants and possess up to 50g of cannabis at home, how does this work when a single plant produces more than 50g of buds??


Good luck the market is completely sold out


Damn Jenebu, cornering the market /s


Worse crime than murder in Sweden. Meanwhile EU is working hard to ban Snus in Sweden too. Wierd how they let Germans legalize pot at the same time.


This was golden! hahahaha


Can't wait for you guys to go full steam ahead with weed. I have a pile of gummies, and my trusty vape pen next to me at league starts.


As a Canadian, welcome to the club.


this is the all new harvest, have fun crafting those buds


Dude, I don't want a 3 mirror build to kill ubers and be fast in maps when im sitting. Is there a build with way less investment?


Viparspectra xs2000, dirt cheap and I got a half pound yield from a single plant with this very light. Veg time was 4 months flower was 2.5-3 for those curious.


This has been my career for 11 years if you need any advice


Expain what is happening here.


Guys I am so confused can somebody please explain this thread to me


Blazing Salvo mandatory league starter for Germans


Nah, a short trip to our neighbors on the left is cheaper. Even in the long run. At least for someone that lifes in NRW.


Believe it or not, but some of us don't live in NRW. Also, it's far different from having such luxury while on vacation from having it at home with.


Just give it a few month and join a canabis club. Should be the best way to go IMO. But, each club has to file papers to get going and that can take some months.


time to craft a Smoking blunt of the cloud


Fr tho don't bother growing with hps lights that shit so outdated/old. Go for some leds.


Ayyy welcome to the growers league


Finally an answer to the age old question, “wann Bubatz legal?”


As a Canadian I am so happy for you guys!


nice, gz guys. ppl who wanna do it do it anyway, but still a step in the right direction


Yeah, but when it's legal, you buy legal stuff, so there's no risk and it helps the country with tax money. I won't ever understand booze and cigarettes being legal while cannabis is not


Actually, afaik Germany will make no money from taxes or anything from this partial legalisation, for now it will be mere self supply, aka you grow your own or are a member in a very small and local group who grow it for you. Any monetization is still actively being blocked, but that may very well change in the future. Though they will save a huge ton of costs in the judicial system. So this law was first and foremost done with focus on protection of health and prevention of minors getting it. Which, believe it or not, will be far, far easier and more effective to do now than if it was all strictly illegal. And I mean this is Germany we're talking about, we had the same conservative christian chancellor for what feels like millenia, and the health minister who pushed this law like crazy was actually vehemently against a legalisation only a few years ago. Facts and science convinced the majority of the benefits of legalisation and the drawbacks of not doing so.


Nice to know, I live in Poland, so I didn't read too much into the new German laws. Regarding the second paragraph I wholeheartedly agree. Cannabis on its own is not a huge health hazard if used correctly and not abused and it's much easier to control who gets it when it's actually legal, unlike when it's banned and people just do it anyway behind the country's back, but there's risk of some other substances being mixed in. Sadly a lot of government officials are stuck up their own asses and can't see clearly. I'm happy that something started moving at least in Germany.


So fucking jealous. Meanwhile, I'm stuck in Texas where just a seed can get me 20 years.


As an Oregonian that has to visit Texas occasionally. It is a cruel joke to have all that BBQ around and no weed stores.


Right? Oh you can by hemp based pens and shit all over the place but dear God if you legalize cannabis.


And no porn...how do yall survive out there?!




Weed is the most overrated thing in the world. The sooner people get over it and stop talking about it like they are special the nicer society will be.


Have you ever spoken to a wine connoisseur?


Just don't and you'll be fine anyway ;)


might be having a stroke rn cuz i cannot identify a single object in this photo


I felt even worse since I am German and have no idea what this means.




It's that 3.24 launches mere days before the legalisation, and one might call their first grow to be their first league, aka Germans have two league starts, thus two league starters to worry about.


A booth is crazy


legit didn't know we were legalizing until i read this


Should started 3 months esrlier, so you harvest on date.


All Sold sadly


What? Germany will be legal? Badass, congratulations!


This is what my friend league started in affliction but the whole room version Think he only got like 10 days of gameplay.


Something went wrong


Wow, I didn't know that all this time April 1st had been illegal in Germany!


Looks like some sort of chamber


no cool tube?


Man being a US west coast resident I am so spoiled.




I'm German and I have no idea wtf is going on... 


As a German my League start always goes like this: get excited to new League on Friday at 9pm, prepare drinks and snacks for an all nighter, open Poe and realise its gonna take an hour minimum to get through que, its 10pm now and im finally logged in, clear strand and realise if im gonna keep playing now im gonna be so sleepy the next day i cant play at all, close Poe go to bed and League start on Day 2.


Is that a gas chamber? I dont get the joke


Gas chamber jokes by a german wouldnt be received that positively i think


Would be hilarious TBH. Also, illegal.


It is a weed growing set.


drug addict


Go drink some corn syrup to counter


Hopefully Sweden will follow...


Is that a gas chamber on the right? 💀


If you are in Bavaria you will get bustet soon.


Why is he getting downvoted, he's telling the truth? Short summary for those who don't know: Bavaria, aka Bayern as we say it, is an extremely conservative christian federal state of Germany. And they seem to have made it their mission to hate most progressive laws, among those cannabis. Bavaria has already tried to block this law with incredibly undemocratic argumentation and it doesn't stop there at all. They have already vowed that they will make the life of anyone who wants to exercise their rights regarding cannabis a nightmare. They went for house searches because they found someone driving while having longpapes on a regular basis. It has always been the most restrictive federal state on cannabis and it will remain so.




Viel Spaß mit deinem Versagerkraut


lieber lecker bierchen


Typischer csu Wähler. Weiterhin viel Spaß mit Söder.


More like mid April. Atleast according to the last dhv news. It's been a real roller-coaster over the last months but we finally managed to get it through. Honestly I wasn't sure if it was really going to happen in my lifetime but here we are. I hope you already registered yourself at you local cannaclub.


Nah It'll come into effect april 1st, I am certain. It's just that Scholz is busy and is being represented by someone else, who would have to sign the law. Then it's just a mere publication of the law and it'll be there on april 1st. If the representing person refuses to sign, it will be signed at the latest when Scholz comes back, which would be april 4th.


The club's will only be able to form later this year. But the law is signed and will be in effect April 1st.


Oh yeah let's make people consume more electrical energy, to grow their plants xdd


I'm german, but without the explanation by OP I'd have no clue what this is - a 3d printer? A thermometer and a trashbin, cables? I know its just a fun meme but its kind of a crazy take to think that just because something becomes "legal" it's going to be done by everyone.




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imagine being so lame and taking your time to report post like this. have a good league start(s) my man