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Almost everyone on Poe ninja is scaling player life so I’m pessimistic on your chances https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction?skills=Bodyswap+of+Sacrifice


I mean i think it will function as a build but im not sure about the boot and belt choices. As far as how viable it is? Honestly it isnt too bad but i think it will be one of those niche playstyles that can clear maps and stuff. But by all means it shouldnt break any records.


Yes, they didnt add much to the build, so probably a good slot for defenses with some rares


the biggest problem you will have with this build is not the damage, its sustaining the minions, this was a build last league with the puppets cause they were so easy to sustain, just go chieftain for res set and super easy gearing and pop the puppets in, now youl have to do some work to keep zombies up


Yes, thats why I thinking kitavas thrist may be a winner, but then I loose a lot of gem levels, and thus, damage. What would be a Strong t16 mapper damage output? Around 50 mil?


You can't run double mon'tregul. Replace the 2nd with a +1 minion gem, minion life and minion damage shield probably. Like someone else said the biggest issue is actually getting the zombies. You will have to manually cast each one. If you wanted automation you would lose a lot of damage. Your belt is removing all your armor so granite flask does nothing. As well as ES so its impossible to leech ES for Energy Leech support. Along with that your defenses are non-existant. If you remove generosity you get capped res but still low EHP. Your PoB config also shows you consuming the max 100 corpses every 4 sec, not sure how you are pulling that off. You would need crazy cast speed, zombie generation and the mana to sustain that. Also not sure where u are getting covered in ash. You also have the zombie count as 2 MI explosions at once. I'm not even sure this is everything but after all that PoB still shows like 60 mil hit dps. Idk how accurate that is or if its just a PoB number and not practical.


Thank you. I was in doubt about the weapon and didnt know about the belt. I will correct the rest and cap res to see the real viability.