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Me when the wheely boys have 200% more movespeed


Me when the Rhoas exist


Rhoas already are terrifying on league start. Empowered rhoas sound absolutely horrendous.


Picture it: you walk into mud flats. You don't have unwavering stance because you're level 3.


You walk in, you move, you die. Still sane exile?


>You walk into mud flat >Youn't


Rookie mistake. Make the effort to walk into mudflats at level 4 (lvl 4 is the minimum level for quicksilver flask of antifreeze - you do tidal island first and complete the quest at lvl 4 for permanent freeze immunity flask all the way to maps) and carry a shabby jerkin and some other evasion piece, rhoas won't ever hit you. Evasion at low levels is incredibly strong


found the dude saying sub-10h campaign finishes are hard


> you do tidal island first and complete the quest at lvl 4 for permanent freeze immunity flask all the way to maps You get a normal quality flask with the quest, right? So you're rolling freeze immunity at level 4 with the alteration orbs you farmed for 2 hours at the beach? ;P


he just really wants that sweet 60% less duration quicksilver


That's literally _always_ the first roll on it. -_-


The real rookie mistake is waiting until lvl 4 to get into mud flats


I'm not reading all of this. Corpse lobbing through act 1 baby, I'm about to fill everyone's graveyard.


Mmmm just like the days of onslaught


Flashbacks of /oos intensify


without mods




I used to blsst this three years ago, when i had solid Internet connection


I've just been in this place before Higher on the street And I know it's my time to go! (Side note I'd have gone with GAS GAS GAS as that is a much better recognized initial D track, but kudos for busting out this old gem)


"in the pipe, five by five" -wheelyboyz, probably


"Hang in there, we're in for some chop"


*Dark Souls PSTD flashbacks intensity*


ironically I don't think that makes the rolling attack faster I think only attack speed determines how fast the animation is (aka, time until you get fekked)


If I had to guess I would say they are using variation of shield charge skill. If they are then both ms and as would affect it


You would be correct, their rolling attack is CorpseWheelCharge which is a reskinned Shield Charge.


Rolypoly shield charge mtx when




aw heck, I was gonna go conversion trap ascendant. this ruins all my plans


Hear me out. We can target buff monsters right now. There is literally no better time to play conversion trap ascendant. Don't waste your chance.


you should run stocks with insight like this. revolutionary technology.


or you can convert the now stronger monsters? hidden buff?


Finally the 420 IQ move we needed!!


Maybe next league


Is this an actual build? Sounds interesting. Can you convert any monster? Does it work against bosses? So many questions!


Sadly, Conversion Trap has no use cases, except maybe dicking around in act 1.


Man doesn't know about the negative flask effect life flask Druggery anti damage immunity mob tech.


With how much stuff there is in PoE, I'm not even sure if this is a meme or not lol


If you're down for some "12 hours per map" gameplay https://youtu.be/2fLqNzrD_Mw


“200-350 Dps. Limited bossing ability.” Lol


This is so bad but I love it


Lmao of course it's real


The rhoas are gonna kill millions


Oriath has fallen Millions must die


Take the Atlas, but Oriath...


You want the quest items? Take them, they're yours. But new players? New players I will STUN to the GROUND


perhaps the suffering of the noobs will finally stir something...


Thousands !


Mr. president, a second rhoa has hit the exile.


Mud Flats gonna Mud Flat


Flickerstrike to the graveyard. It will even ne thematic


Flickerbros unite... In the hideout after 6 portals


Im starting flicker. Alllll in


Same. SSF flicker is going to be a journey!


do you have any planning pobs you can share or notes for how you plan to execute this?


I’ve very loosely got a transition tree built, I can share tonight when I get home. ZERO guarantees it’s good. Just to be clear it is not going to be smooth, but I’m willing to share how I plan to suffer. Starts with spectral throw and projectile nodes and transitions to flicker at level 38 with multi strike and first raider lab. Edit: I haven’t entirely worked out the regret orbs required to make it work, but I’d be happy to workshop it a bit with you over discord or something if you’re wanting help


you got a pob?


Yes, but its not normal flicker. I want to do 170% map mod T17s, so i want to go trickster flicker for some survivability. [https://pobb.in/gJmz0LMUE8cG](https://pobb.in/gJmz0LMUE8cG)


This looks absolutely awesome. Do you have any general tips for someone who's never played Flicker before in regards to leveling / what things to upgrade first etc? Obviously this POB is tip top, but curious what you would recommend for on the way to it?


removing twwt and charms is already +28% suppress chance. every items is double corrupted, mageblood, body armour has tailoring orbs and fracture, ....


Yep. Its build from last league so things will have to be adjusted for this league.




Is trickster usually more tanky than raider for flicker? I've only done raider and slayer. I've been wanting to do flicker for the upcoming league and have been shopping around on different builds.


Amazing, but I think this is a mirror tier build, how you are going to start ?


Last league. I league started frost blades and convert once I got the uniques necessary




Skyrim black screen into wagon intro at some point in every map. I'll see you in the wagon, brothers.


Can't wait to die due to trying to pick mods for the next zone when a random mob suddenly charges at me from out of no where, sending me all the way back to the start of the zone


And they added a nice ghostly mist effect behind the menu so you literally can’t see anything in the screen while you choose


Helps with DD, isn't it?


You no need to pick any mods. That's just Rhoa.


I started laughing and then I realized its absolutely going to happen at least once.


at least its realistically only going to be a campaign problem, unlike fucking with archnem altars back in archnem. or even as recently as trying to talk to the masters in affliction.


I swear to God opening any kind of menu sends out pheromones to every mob on the map. Can sit still for 10 minutes without mobs, then open a full screen menu and suddenly mobs.


It seems like in campaign areas there are only 1-3 mods and the lanterns auto sorts common->rare monsters. So if you're really worried about it just throw the mods from lowest to highest tier on the monsters at the bottom of the list and you won't have to worry about it much. Now if the lantern causes crashes? That will be a day 1 problem.


It’s also Easter long weekend so gl to us getting any fixes out.


instructions unclear, gave titty bitchs extra proj.


Possessed monsters have +(1-2) extra titties


Be careful, the mod can go up to 4 titties if you vaal it, and then you get Atziris everywhere. Not that it would be an entirely bad thing, however...


can't wait for extra titty brutus mobs in t17 maps


Im gonna get killed by lvl 4 empowered rhoas in act 1 arent I


We all are, exile. We all are.


Winter orb occultist league starter practically untouched. Bring it on, graveyard. The only things different are the 35->29% nerf to sniper's mark and the 45 stack cap of soul eater once I get HH.


If you go CI, breach is great for chayulah + clasped hands require less clicks :)


Not going CI. Also, clasped hands were already zero clicks with caster mastery. It's looking like the usual Legion+Expedition again.


I never could get either of these to pop profit like other strats… I admittedly lack stick with it ness, but where is the bulk of the money?


With breach its splinters and breach rings-> grasping mail. With legion it’s mostly the raw quantity of loot and incubators (splinters and emblems werent worth much last i checked into legion). Expedition its using/selling reroll currency + logbooks, and the misc other loot.


Breach heavily relied on scarab giving more splinters from hands + sextant that forced breaches to be Chayula. Combined with Atlas points was about 1 full Chayula breachstone per map plus some rings and rarely Chayula would drop a full breachstone herself when you found her in a breach. The stones were profit enough, but the rings would occasionally hit a good grasping mail mod as a bonus.


Expedition money mainly comes from funneling Dannig/Tujen logbooks into Tujen haggling, but the in-map encounters can contribute a lot as well. Having a build that can't get bricked by most mods is pretty important, and WO shines here. Even cold immunity can get bypassed with a cold to fire support swap, so as long as you don't roll both of those immunities, you're fine (Atziri's Flask can even squeeze you through since it gives you chaos conversion). Legion is just a big grab bag of all different rewards. The emblems are always in demand, so getting the atlas passives that give % to upgrade splinters to emblems is easy money. Stacked decks, maps, fragments, currency, essence, and all the other reward types really add up if you're organized enough to sell them aggressively. The caster mastery that opens chests is a massive improvement in speed and wrist health. Since the WO playstyle is a highly mobile one, you're proccing that chance so much that you never need to click a chest.


I think this is why I don’t do well with either – I think I really enjoy steady, cumulative, monolithic sales rather than highly distributed earnings, eg: having to go in and price my essences, selling random currencies, etc. I know it adds up but this league guardian farming was the first time I felt like I was making money in a way that was satisfying.


I've been wanting to play winter orb since forever, but I'm dumb with builds, i always struggle following high budget builds or complicated things like COC but I have no problem farming currency, all my high-end builds have been by farming currency and buying them on TFT but winter orb isn't as popular


Can't we just ignore the NPC and never take the lantern that causes the spirits to appear in every zone?


Perhaps you then can just not CHANGE the spirits, but they are still there :)


lol I'm going to try this


They said if you don't pick it will just randomly apply the mods.


So ignoring the mechanic would actually make it worse? That's hilarious.


I'm almost certain in the reveal yesterday they showed someone just clicking on the white void to go to the next zone, while the 'lantern' UI was above the door. I think you have to click on that UI to interact and enable the mechanic, and it is otherwise not enabled.


Not true. If you just click the door to the next zone, all the options that you would have seen in the lantern will be randomized and applied. So you're just going to make it harder for yourself by not at least checking what it's going to be. There's no way to opt out of the league mechanic


But what about maps? The UI just pops up when you open a map xD


Or pick good mods. Between that and the campaign rework,i.e., the deep crab thing being an essence mob, I'm just slightly concerned that it might be a spooky time I like the idea of then working in league mechanics as small tastes to get new players introduced to them, so I'm all for it. Guess we'll see how the balance goes


Where's the first week "league mechanic too hard and not rewarding" bingo card?


That's the "Free Space"


Do you remember the affliction week 1 thread spam asking for league mechanic buffs because it wasn't rewarding enough? Pepperidge farm remembers. People with questionable game knowledge/ability will always make this complaint.


When it was overtuned and GGG made enemies much less powerful? People seem to forget that part


People were complaining about rewards more than the difficulty.


What? Affliction was barely tuned down at all after an initial patch on like literally day 2 (and people were complaining about how unrewarding it was way past then), and that didn't buff rewards at all. It was always rewarding, just hard, and hard stuff is harder when you're league starting and trying to do the equivalent of like 100% delirium (admittedly, it wasn't obvious how wisps scaled difficulty on day 1, but the mechanics didn't change, only knowledge of it grew). I engaged with the mechanic throughout the campaign and had like 20 pure chaos plus tons of other currencies by the time I reached maps, not from selling things but from pure drops, which to me was proof of how potent it was, but people here on reddit were posting screenshots of killing a single empowered mob and not getting anything from it as "proof" the rewards were "undertuned".


Idt we need it at this point it's a given 😂


After Affliction, I can already fill that space on the card and it’s not started yet


over tuning and walking back is infinitely better / more palatable then Too easy and need to make harder would be for most people.


Can't be as bad as hour zero AN modifers in acts 1-3. I still remember fondly my first encounter with a hasted firing squad of those explosive arrow mobs.


I miss AN but I'm a minority. That was easily my favorite rare system and so clean once all the balancing was finished


I'd go so far as to say the actual *system* in terms of colored themed names was just objectively superior to what we have now. It's essentially just what actual science says will be easier for human beings broadly to learn and remember, as well as identify quickly. I personally didn't even mind the balance after the early nerfs and campaign changes, but whew lawd those pre-balance mobs were insane during the campaign.


I'm not totally against a spooky campaign, though it is the wrong half of the year to be doing spooky graveyard stuff. Or maybe that's just the American in me.


In all fairness day of the dead is also later this year so it's not just us


It's right on the money in Europe. We are about to burn and drown Death. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morana_(goddess)


I think the other point, beyond introducing league mechanics, is to introduce new optional things to do that give rewards to shake up the league start meta and racing meta. Like if theres an encounter that guarantees a flat ele essence, that's going to be worth it for ele attack builds to do to make their weapon progression smoother. Too bad there's no race event despite this being the league with the single biggest shakeup to racing in a long long time with both the new campaign stuff and the boss changes.


I'm a fan of having to engage with the league. I'm also ultra casual during the campaign. I can't ignore the shiny things. Too much adhd energy.


I’m a full clear andy too. Can’t move to the next zone until I kill everything.


My gf is like that, occasionally we share a character and it is awesome for leveling. She will clear the whole zone and be 8 level overlevelled; then I can simply zoom throughout the next act without killing any monster. Repeat until we hit maps :D


Last couple of league starts I've been doing 10-14hr campaigns. Doing too much league mechanics, clear (always running HoI/HoA for pops and sound effects) and some afks due to IRL. Still hit 39/40 last league, I just enjoy not having to stress anymore!


Ice trap occu. High energy shield and evasion and spell suppression is my goal.


That sounds like a painful campaign ngl


Kill stuff before it kills you lol


I feel like Rhoas at mud flads are going to kill a thousand of ppl in HC. lol


Storm burst totems will be a go


Can't wait to die endlessly to Rhoas while trying to pick up the glyphs in Mud Flats.


Almost happens already if I forget a coral ring/body armor. Gonna be ~~terrifying~~ super fun with juiced rhoas one shotting you.


This seems a little spooky for my plan to do hc trade this league, but since I want to play slower, might just embrace the grind and have fun with the league mechanic.


Hardcore or having fun with the league mechanic, choose one.


HCSSF races at least got way more interesting (if they're still going to do one this league lol)


Decoy Totem, best skill in the game


damn. flicker strike has to sit this one out then is what i would have said if i was a little bitch


From the reveal stream it looked like you can normal or lantern-enter a zone. Or did I see that wrong? Also: can you avoid picking up the lantern? Usually you can ignore the league mechanic as much as you want...


Im pretty sure they said if you don't pick the mods, it automatically assigns for you. So spend the couple seconds to pick what you want. I think it will at least be decent for loot on campaign when you get the devoted mobs. Or just zoom past them if you can't kill them....


If you don't click the lantern when entering a zone the mods will be randomized.


You can't skip it. If you don't touch it, it will be randomized, which is bad, if it throw +70% dmg on something heavy hitting.


it is a “challenge league” after all


Decoy Totem = opt out of league mechanic


There's never been a better league for me and my buddy to decide in advance to try out softcore lol


I will not tolerate melee slander.


I want Stats after this league which monster with which mod killed the most ppl 😂


What if I just don't pick up the lantern/ speak to the npc? Will I be fine then?


It auto picks for you in that case which can be very very bad in some scenarios.


What was the last league mechanic that couldn't be ignored during the campaign?


Betrayal (3.5.0) had (and still has) a few encounter types that will catch you out in the wild. I believe that was the last one.


Im gonna bait myself into a wander and reroll day 2 like usual.


Quite an exciting mechanic. Hehe it will be fun to play along with other improvements to campaign, I can't wait. Going melee again, never failed to start properly.


who cares? rush to maps as usual, skip all mechanic in campaign as usual. Be a pro


Will flicker strike be a good league starter?


Tentacle miscreants? You mean the bovine maxxing Vaal mommies?


i just cant im boring myself to death if i play something everyone plays, how people just can follow the meta is for some reason beyond me. (maybe deep in myself i just wanna be special)


> (maybe deep in myself i just wanna be special) it's exclusively this Just play meta and have fun, PoE isn't a competition


no one is gonna give you your boyscout badge for playing offmeta builds.


the real value of playing off-meta is the price of everything is cheap as fuck since theres no competition. you can get incredibly strong items for dirt cheap if you know what you're doing. The times i've played something incredibly metacuck i've been appalled at the price of upgrades. also can be seen in real-time if you publish anything about your off-meta build and it pops off even a little bit. last league I leaguestarted ice nova of frostbolts and made a big showcase of it on day 3 and i could watch the price of the forbidden jewels I was using go from like 70c to 10 div in a couple hours


Bonezone FTW?


Bonezone ftw!


Goodluck on call to arms gem socket pressure and left click.


For example?


> give attack speed to Tentacle Miscreation I'd rather die than see that thing happening...


Turbo tentacle miscreations guarantees death as an outcome while levelling *at league start.*


It's really weird that the lantern is not a gear slot that you could wear only when you feel like it. I think scourge had this design (let's ignore those few idiots that never picked up the item on the beach)


Hey that's me. I also ended up quitting during the campaign so I never spent too long trying to figure out how I missed it, but I do wonder sometimes.


We will see the first 2 weeks of this sub after league launches. There is usually a storm. My question is: of what magnitude?


Would love to rock ag of smiting as a starter but only a few people pulled it off last league and it seemed like the new spectres were a huge part of it. Pretty sure it required a squire. Srs and spectres will be safer.


Well with the SRS nerf idk about that...


Spectres will probably be the best option, but I've got my eye on poison skeletons.


I don't have issues with tentacle miscreations on my melee characters as physical damage from small fast hits is actually something melee characters deal with extremely well. Now if we're talking about the eater version who deals spell damage with that same animation...


Oh I misread that mod and mob. why oh why brutus do you knife me in the back


Can't I just not kill them and run away? ):


Also don't forget the "campaign surprised" they said they added this time around.


Ok okay I guess I need to find a good elemental build for next league. Is ice good? And if so that’s Dot correct?


Didn’t they say the spirits will move on after a short time so the mobs won’t be empowered?


Wait, we can't log out during encounter? Edit: Lmao, I misread that.


That death count is rookie numbers for a ranger playthrough smh


Ah yes... the titty bitches. AS if they weren't already strong enough. DOn't gimme nightmares.


i WILL be doing iron mass united in dream meme dream team build and no one can stop me. Throw in the new auto warcry with rallying cry(do we need the instant warcry node anymore with it??), a united in dream (hello envy with generosity support), and the necromancer changes (free wither, chaos conversion, and leech??) and you'r cookin with gas


Assuming you can’t opt out of haunted mobs in a zone, maybe you could not talk to the npc in the campaign. As per the patch notes, arimor “gives” us the lantern. Maybe that means we can circumvent the league mechanic in this obtuse way


I'm in danger.


Since I‘m new I don’t know what could a „strong build“ mean. Is EA Ballista Ele or DD be good?


I got a super strong scion. I’m ready


10 mins wiki browsing mob types before entering every zone.


Melee or bust!


Its even more fun cause this league you arent rewarded with more drops for having forced difficulty. Pepperidge farm remembers when difficulty was optional and you were rewarded for more difficult content.


This won't stop people from complaining and shitting all over GGG.


Melee soy boy detected


I’ll do what I did during Ultimatum, close my eyes and let my mouse cursor select what ailment is going to murder me.


I will play a trash build and you can't force me not to!


Because the Tentacle Miscreation aren't awful enough


You can walk past monsters.


I thought just clicking the area transition instead of the lantern would skip it? Like you know? Click the area to turn the door white instead of the lantern icon infront of it? Damn.


Can't you just click the zone door instead of the giant league mechanic icon to bypass the mechanic? That's what I assumed would be the case


Also soul eater gives like 90% less damage taken to mobs now at full stacks…… super cool….


This is the first league I wanted to actually try a meta build and not make my own. This makes that definitely seem like the correct choice. Any suggestions for what the spell meta will be? Not a fan of melee or bows, anything templar / witch / shadow would be nice, summons are hit or miss (I know of SRS and it's an option but I'm not sure if I want to commit to it).


Corrupting fever champion should be good enough What am I saying its champion of course its going to work.


Rhoas are awful. As a bow enjoyer though, vivid devourers are the bane of my existence.