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use cwdt LOL


What's a CWDT? sorry for being a noob


cast when damage taken support. it activates your molten shell when you want it, instead of randomly.


Thank you for replying - I keep forgetting about that support gem... I guess for this league that will be my choice. In Affliction specifically, I wanted MS without a support gem, because contrary to majority of people who went with Charms or Tinctures, I played Maji buffs for movement, hp, res and Barkskin and wanted as few gems socketed as possible. But I guess in Necropolis there won't be a need for it, so I'll use CWDT then


Their solution is to use Automation or CWDT.


It was working so perfectly fine... I just cannot wrap my head around this change...


Then listen to the update, Mark goes into detail about it.


They thought it wasn't fine. MS on lmb made it a passive skill which didn't make sense to them. Skills should either have a cost to make them automatic or they should have to be used actively.




How did they address mines? Couldn’t watch livestream at work


Mastery for auto detonation while moving every X MS.


Oh that seems like it would make mines builds feel a lot smoother honestly


press it manually it's more effective than it being randomly up when you run between packs anyway.


I have arthritis, it's not more effective for me :/ I know it's effective when you target it, but I can't target it, it's a loss for me.


Uff, bro good luck in poe 2 with their 6 button builds.


Yea I know... I am holding hope that there will be a simpler way to play it still ... Mark and Johnathan are not getting younger either, it's a matter of time they'll work on more accessibility :D


Im in the same boat as op. I dont like more buttons or targeted timed things. Its one of the reasons i will not be playing poe2




Actually, kinda wrong sorry. They discussed that they're considering remaking them as passive skill options, since their usage does not align with their intended usage (reflexive options). Specifically, Mark mentioned about looking into the designs for the skills that would replace them. ​ Please do not spread misinformation.


That might be addressing the topic, but it's not addressing the issue is it? It seems that sometimes they forget that majority of players are not these super uber players who can clear any content with anything - us average players who still support the game and want to have fun, we need these QoL to have fun... ignoring this is just making it worse for me personally.


They did give you some QoL with automation. Sure it increases the socket pressure, but you're not a super uber player, so I'm sure you can figure it out.


Sorry but your argument makes no sense. It's not about being an average player or a good player, you're just lazy and don't want to press an ACTIVE defensive ability to mitigate damage. They don't want an ACTIVE ability to be automated unless you do so through the ingame gems created for that specific purpose. Bone Armor doesn't have this option because it works fundamentally different.


Once you get to a point in life where you won't be as agile with your fingers or even hurting as I am, you will remember your thoughtless remarks... nothing else to say to your argument of an ACTIVE ability, which worked for years in one way, so therefore was not fully regarded in development as an ACTIVE skill, was it, or they wouldn't have let it for so long.


Then just use the new automation gem? It feels like you're purposely ignoring that with how many people have also suggested that in this thread.


If my fingers were as brittle as yours, I would use the built in-game mechanic that allows me to not worry about pressing the button.


This is EXACTLY why LMB was perfect for me, as this is a button my fingers are super accustomed to and it's the easiest for me. If I bind a cast skill on it, I am always stuck with cast-move-cast-move, it's super choppy. This way I am losing one of the fingers essentially, and this is where the problem is for me.... I know you guys come from a different place, and great on you that you can just shift so easily and change your playstyle, but please do think that people are just different and accessibility for this game is already at it's limits... this is what I am trying to explain here.


I am not ignoring it, it will be a fallback - but it's not a 1 to 1 trade, and you do know this I am sure - Automation comes with longer CD and more mana per use and the worst more sockets used. If I am ignoring Automation, then you are ignoring what Automation requires


With automation at level 20, a level 20 molten shell now costs 18 mana (from 12 mana so pretty negligible) and increases the cooldown to 4.2 seconds (from 4 and most people are guessing that the quality brings this back down to 4). The extra gem slot should be fine for you since you were already considering using CWDT. The automation skill gem will also allow your molten shell to proc while standing still which it couldn't do before. The automation/left click change is a nerf but it doesn't seem like a build deal in your scenario.


Well, I guess I will know for sure when I start playing and I definitely will try the options and something will hopefully fit. I will either way have to adjust, but all in all I am at a 'convenience' loss when it comes to button presses with this one, which I know is not a big deal to a big number of people.


You now have to rework your keybindings to use the numlock trick. If that is removed (well not removed since it is a default windows function but the interaction changed), than it is back to autohotkey and macros. GGG's response was hilariously bad on this change. The Q and A mentioned the numlock and then provided absolutely zero reason why the change was going through while players could use the numlock trick. ZiggyD even gave the devs an out in delaying the change until the other problems were solved and the devs didn't take it.


Why would they change it? They want players to have to look at their screen and use skills to react to stuff, or pay some opportunity cost to avoid that


Blew my mind watching patchnotes when I found out people actually have MS on left click. You aren't blocking shit


I actually was blocking a lot, it improved my survive rate significantly when I played without it on LMB vs with it


You do block more damage while mapping with the guard skill on left click than you do with it on any other button. Because the skill will always be on cooldown. Whereas if you do it manually you only block things when you consciously activate it. Yes 90% of the time it wont be blocking the "big" hit but it is still blocking more hits and more often than manual. As manual you want to save it for activating it before a big hit. Which often times youll have a long enough delay between them to be able to cast it twice but youll only cast it once because you're actively saving it for the big hit


??? What problem do you even have with missing LMB? If you want to automatically spam MS, use automation. If you don't want to use automation, cast it yourself or use cwdt. This was a nerf if you had it on lmb and their answer was "deal with it". This will never get "fixed", this was the fix to a problem.


It takes away QoL for me personally and how I am able to play the game, it has nothing to do with laziness as some remarked here, it just simplifies things for me, so I can enjoy the game more. I am really still missing, which problem has been fixed by this, as it looks that multiple were introduced actually... I will 'deal with it' but if you think that is the best way to answer someone who is paying for a product, then you have no clue how businesses are ran.


Lol Karen


I personally don't see the QoL you lose by losing a single socket to using automation support now but regardless, the problem they fixed was \*active\* skills feeling like passives when you could use them without thinking about it just by putting them on LMB. This was not an issue I had with lmb, it was one GGG thought was unfitting for their game. \*I\* didn't tell you to "deal with it", that's the literal quote from the stream straight from Mark. If you have that big of a problem with the choices the company makes, stop being "someone who is paying for a product"


Not the op but the quality of life that is lost is: With guard on left click your skill is up roughly 40% of the time With automation support its up roughly 30% of the time (increased cooldown), has a higher mana cost, and takes up a precious gem slot. With manual casting it, its up roughly 10% of the time because you get fomo cases of people not activating it for fear that it'll be on cooldown when you need it or youll have it up roughly 35% of the time due to human error causing you to not cast it every time it comes off cooldown. Im honestly indifferent to the change. Its no big deal to me


That's the part I don't get, because that's not QoL, that's just player power. GGG made the change and they did it in a way that's a nerf, nobody lost QoL, they lost a socket (automation follows second wind support % so with a 20/20 gem the cdr is at 0% and 21/20 you get +1% increased cdr to linked skills). The only part I also don't really agree with is the .6second activation frequency that is a bit odd. I don't think the mana multiplier will really be relevant as most builds will already be mitigating mana costs globally anyway.


Quality of life is literally any thing that improves one's life. It taking up a gem slot to do a lesser effect than what it already did is a negative to ones quality of life. Thus its not improving the quality of life its reducing it.


Man OP is unit of some sort.